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With the support of Natureparif, Veolia environnement, Groupe Carrefour, GSM, LVMH,

Nature et Découvertes, Séché environnement, Savin Martinet Associés, CDC - Société

Forestière and Yves Rocher.

In1979, René Passet published a of water and air, the supply of goods,
medicines, food, fibres and other materials,
groundbreaking work on environmental
as well as religious and cultural aspects of
economics, “L’économique et le vivant”, in
our relationship with living systems. The
which he represented the world as composed
ensuing challenge is to take them into
of three concentric spheres: the ecosphere or
account towards sustainable development.
economic sphere, the sociosphere or social
A conference at the Elysée Palace in
sphere and the biosphere or living world,
February 2007, arranged by President
which encompasses the other two. These
Jacques Chirac, assigned the same degree of
spheres, says Passet, are not autonomous:
priority to biodiversity and climate change on
matter, energy and information are
the international political agenda and
exchanged between them. This representation
envisaged the need for reform of the ways in
of the world, though schematic, is extremely
which economic activity worldwide is
interesting as an illustration of the
regulated. A proposal was made to create a
interdependence of the economy and society
global ecological organisation for this
with the biosphere. Passet’s conception has
purpose, which would co-ordinate all UN
the additional merit of presenting the
agencies’ policies.
biosphere as a whole, which fits with the
The Stern Report, published in 2006,
current scientific understanding of
assessed the economic consequences of
inaction with respect to climate change by
Up until 2005, the year of the Paris
the year 2050 and created quite a stir.
Conference on “Biodiversity, Science and
In 2008, the European Commission,
Governance”, it was common to hear people
building upon the MEA, undertook a similar
say that biodiversity was too complicated an
project to assess the costs of inaction if the
issue for businesses to get involved with,
2010 target of halting the erosion of
except perhaps as sponsors of some
biodiversity is not met (which we know it will
environmental initiatives lead by non-
not be...). The group in charge of this project
governmental organisations. It was different
has released an interim report with
from the issue of climate change, for which
instructive preliminary results for businesses.
an accounting unit was available, the tonne
Its initial results, although expected to
of carbon. Biodiversity was seen as an
evolve, are fraught with significance: the
exogenous constraint, to be addressed by
degradation of ecological services may
helping preserve some charismatic species,
represent as much as 7% of world GDP in
which would in return be beneficial to the
2050 or 13,938 billion Euros a year.
company’s reputation.
Accordingly, reconciling economic
A lot has changed since 2005!
activity with biodiversity calls for a twofold
The Millennium ecosystem
initiative: encouraging businesses to take
assessment (MEA), published in May 2005,
action and developing new tools for them
has had a considerable impact, especially in
to do so. “Integrating biodiversity into
proposing a shared logical framework for
business strategies” is designed to meet this
analysing ecosystems and developing a
dual need.
typology of “ecosystem services”, those
services humans derive free of charge from
the functioning of ecosystems: the regulation

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 2


The “Business and Biodiversity In late 2005, the Institut français de

la biodiversité (IFB) and Orée –
Initiative”, supported by the European
Entreprises, Territoires et Environnement
Commission, was launched in 2005 by the
began to discuss the possibility of creating
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological
a Working Group on biodiversity which
Diversity (CBD). This initiative
would bring together businesses and
organises regular meetings on this theme
scientists as well as non-profit
and calls for adopting best practices so as
organisations and local governments. It
to minimise ecological damages and
was soon agreed that the Group could
conserve biodiversity. Decision IX/26,
undertake a two-stage project:
taken in Bonn at the Conference of the
Stage 1: identifying and evaluating
Parties 9 of the CBD in 2008, has
the dependence of businesses on living
emphasised the importance of engaging
systems. How much of their raw materials
business in achieving the aims of the
comes from living systems? How much of
the technology they use? Beyond that, is it
Risk analysis with respect to the
possible to estimate the percentage of sales
loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services
due to biodiversity? If so, how should we
(BES) has lead to the development of
evaluate the contribution of biodiversity in
various tools, notably the methodologies
terms of a business’s revenues and
proposed by the MEA (2005) and the
World resources institute in its ESR report
Stage 2: how can we integrate
(2008). Variability and uncertainty
biodiversity into business strategies? If
associated with BES are both sources of
stage one confirmed the vital importance
risks and opportunities, for instance in
of biodiversity for businesses, their profits
terms of supply of raw materials,
and their future, then an exclusive focus on
reputation, access to / cost of capital, and
reducing the impacts of business on
regulations. So as to ensure the viability of
biodiversity should be discarded in favour
businesses, these methodologies help rank
of an innovative approach in which
issues for decision-making and action,
biodiversity becomes an integral part of
towards better impact management; with
business strategy.
the underlying aim of integrating
The challenge, largely sketched out
biodiversity into the economy, by putting
but not yet fully realised at this stage, is to
an appropriate price on it.
build a Biodiversity Accountability
The Working Group behind this
Framework, which would be the
book belongs within the context of the
biodiversity equivalent of the “Bilan
“Business and Biodiversity Initiative”, but
Carbone" (methodology for greenhouse
has its own particular point of view: the
gas accounting). Financial accounting is
ambition is that its work will go beyond
not designed to assess and monitor
the search for a compromise between
relations between business and
biodiversity conservation and economic
biodiversity: this requires the kind of
growth to incorporate biodiversity fully
innovation outlined here, to be developed
into business strategies, using the
more fully in Joël Houdet’s PhD thesis, co-
language of business itself, that of costs
financed by CREED - Veolia
and profits. Ways must be found through
Environnement and ANRT.
which biodiversity can drive development
Has the IFB-Orée Working
while economic activity can be a means to
Group’s gamble succeeded? That is up to
conserving or increasing biodiversity. This
the readers, and especially the business
may seem utopian, but it is an appropriate
members of the Working Group, to decide.
framework for strategic thinking.

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 3

In the research community, it has certainly biodiversité (FRB). To signal its
proved a success, as illustrated by the institutional continuity with the Institut
endorsement of the work by the Fondation français de la biodiversité, the FRB has
française pour la recherche sur la asked that its logo appear on the book.

Economic Economic Environmental Social




Social Environmental Social Economic Environmental Environmental

Founex 1971 Rio de Janeiro 1992 Johannesburg 2002 Paris 2008

The evolution of the hierarchy of issues, from Founex to Paris. Biodiversity underpins the interactions between
social, economic and environmental issues.

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 4


Biodiversity as insurance policy time, but which irreversibly degrades

ecosystems by homogenising their
Interaction is the keyword of life. biological components, amounts to a
particularly risky gamble which threatens
We must interact to co-operate, to
our future. That is why we view
procreate, to change the environment in
biodiversity in all its variety, complexity
which we evolve and to adapt to the natural
and variability as insurance against the
evolution of that environment. In the same
unexpected in the context of global
way, interaction with the entire living world
ecosystem change, whether “natural” or
is vital for us: we eat nothing but living
organisms - vegetables, fruit, meat - and we
co-operate with living organisms to obtain
other products, such as those which require
Economic sectors’ direct dependence on
fermentation - beer, wine, cheese and bread,
living systems
among others. Our buildings are largely
composed of material derived from living
systems. Fossil fuels and limestone are also The Working Group initially
inherited from the biodiversity of past eras, sought to identify the ways by which
as is the very air we breathe. biodiversity plays a role in shaping business
Biodiversity can be viewed as a strategies. In the first meetings in
storehouse of responses which living 2006, a starting-point and a common
systems can make when faced with vocabulary were defined. It allowed us to
ecosystem change, including climate get our first sense of what each member
change. If the store is reduced due to the thinks about biodiversity so that to assess
pressures of human activity, this will its interconnections with business. We
inevitably create a mismatch between the found that companies view biodiversity as:
variability of the environment and the range • A going concern issue,
of possible responses by biodiversity, to • A source of raw materials,
which humans belong. We only view a technologies and products,
snapshot image of the diversity of living • A source of profits,
systems, so that we are tempted to identify • Linked to private production costs,
many species and habitats as redundant or • Linked to social costs in terms of
inessential. But it is crucial to take account possible damages to ecosystems.
of time scales for an understanding of the The Working Group developed a
importance (a) of each component of methodology for categorising the various
biodiversity and, especially, (b) of their industries, using the classification of
interactions. French industries on the INSEE website, in
We could take the operations of an terms of their degree of direct dependence
investment bank as a parallel: the creation on living systems. An industry is
of diversified equity portfolios, that is, understood as a group of homogeneous
portfolios consisting of a variety of stocks production units which manufacture
which perform independently on the stock products or provide services belonging to
exchange, is designed to reduce the risks the same type of economic activity as
associated with the market in general and defined by INSEE. The method used was
with the specific characteristics of each designed to be simple so as to make
stock. The same holds true for the relations businesses aware of the issues and initiate a
between humans and ecosystems. To rely process of participatory research.
solely on one type of land use which
appears to be optimal at a given point in

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 5

For its analysis of the direct links Since June 2007, numerous
between industries and the living systems interviews bearing on the Business and
they depend on, the Working Group Biodiversity Interdependence Indicator
adopted four evaluation criteria: (BBII) have been conducted with various
• The raw materials derived from organisations, including businesses,
living systems to be used in the business associations and local
manufacture of goods and / or provision of governments. Interviewees were asked to
services in the industry in question, such as rate 23 criteria with an integer ranging from
cotton for the clothing industry; 1 (not concerned by this criterion) to 4
• The technology derived from (strongly concerned by this criterion).
biodiversity to be used in the industry in Adding an explanation to each rating was
question for the manufacture of goods and / meant to give a qualitative sense of each
or provision of services, such as lactic interviewee’s understanding of the
fermentation for yoghurt and yeast interdependence of his organisation with
(alcohol) fermentation for bread; biodiversity.
• The impacts on biological diversity This work has confirmed that
resulting from the industry’s activities, such biodiversity underpins the development of
as habitat destruction; numerous businesses. The self-assessment
• The share of sales related to reports compiled in this book present the
biodiversity. perceptions that 25 organisations have of
Through this initial research the their own interdependence with
IFB-Orée Working Group confirmed that biodiversity. They have come to realise
many industries are directly dependent that the economy as a whole interacts,
to a considerable degree on living directly and indirectly, with living systems.
systems. Their interactions with biodiversity:
• Take place, explicitly or otherwise,
on a number of levels, from industrial sites
The economy as a whole interacts with to surrounding areas, from the local to the
biodiversity international level, from production units to
company headquarters, and from
subsidiaries to parent organisations;
Understanding that the viability of • Concern numerous functions and
the biosphere is a prerequisite for their own skills within organisations, from innovation
viability, member organisations of the to production cost control, from accounting
Working Group sought to better understand to taxation issues, from management of
their role in the dynamics of ecosystems. social pressures to business or supply
For this reason, the Business and strategies, and from public relations to
Biodiversity Interdependence Indicator training of employees.
(BBII) was developed in 2006. As a self-
evaluation tool, the BBII allows companies
to identify their direct and indirect
interactions with living systems. The aims
were to help businesses (a) understand
thoroughly the concept of biodiversity, (b)
position themselves with respect to certain
criteria selected as those which are the most
informative and (c) set the basis for
strategic decision-making.

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 6

A comparison of pentagrams of results for the BBII from two
hypothetical businesses. Each axis represents the average of the
ratings within the group of corresponding criteria. The higher the
value, the more important is the group of criteria for the company.

Recent research shows that

diversity and variability are the
true insurance policies for the
success of life on our planet, for
they underpin the (free of charge)
ecosystem services our economy
rests on. Industrialisation today
simplifies and impoverishes
ecosystems: production choices
and processes homogenise
biological diversity. Technical,
organisational and institutional
innovation is elevating biological
uniformity to the status of an
absolute, universal model.
Businesses and all other economic agents,
including consumers and governments,
The homogenisation of the living world in hence share the responsibility for the
development and consumption choices global homogenisation of living systems.
How should we rethink the dynamics of
interaction between businesses and living
We are witnesses and participants systems which now contribute to the
in the co-evolution of ecosystems and increasing erosion of biodiversity?
socio-economic systems. Some species,
those which provide us with direct
economic or cultural benefits, have been Reintegrating economic activity into
actively selected by humans for millennia; biodiversity
monocultures and livestock farms are
examples. These organisms have adapted to
our selective pressure and in turn influence
From an economic point of view,
our choices and ways of life. This has led to three main approaches have been proposed
the competitive exclusion of a myriad other for taking biodiversity into account when
species over increasingly wide areas. The making development choices.
overt or unconscious motivation for this 1- Asking how to integrate biodiversity into
selective co-evolution seems to be the the economic sphere leads to putting a
necessary control of the unforeseen, of the price on nature. One seeks to represent the
variability and complexity characteristic of sum of willingness-to-pay as a strong case
ecosystems and biodiversity, in order to for action, comparable to market
produce more, live better and thus meet our transactions between sellers and buyers.
needs of development. But this quest for This would be like confusing the price that
absolute control, for optimising the someone agrees to pay for the Mona Lisa
transformation of raw materials derived with the value of the masterpiece, this
from the living world, depends on social without considering the costs necessary to
choices and is based on value systems. its maintenance in the long term. What
price can we put on the bacteria which
digest the food in our intestines, the poppies
and skylarks in our fields, or the parasites

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 7

which cause malaria? It is a safe bet that the methodological limitations, for instance
price would vary from person to person, contingent valuation methods in which
and would depend on the moment the protocols cannot be replicated or results
question is raised. Surveys would have to compared either geographically or
be carefully set up and orientated! Which temporally. In spite of the best efforts of
population would you choose? A group economists, biodiversity is essentially
composed of members of various irreducible to the categories of “goods”,
environmental NGOs? An audience made “services” and “capital”. Ecosystems
aware of the challenges posed by malaria underpin economic activity (energy,
on the occasion of the next World Health organic and inorganic mater consumption)
Day? Households affected by the recent and our ways of life (climate and landscape
stock market crash? variability, both living and non-living
2- Comparing different development resources), which in turn affect ecosystems,
scenarios by way of a cost-benefit their dynamics and the evolution of their
analysis may turn out to be more effective. living components. Cultural and biological
When New York City began to plan the diversity cohabit and coevolve within one
construction of a new water treatment plant, single world-wide living system, the
it did not attempt to put a price on nature. biosphere. We must acknowledge that
Instead, it estimated the cost to restore the biodiversity is our first insurance policy in
ecological functions of its degraded an uncertain world, where changes and
watersheds, which proved to be very much surprises in ecosystems are the norm. We
cheaper than the construction and operation need to move away from the approach in
of the proposed plant. which it is biodiversity that needs to be
3- Lastly, Nicholas Stern proposed a novel integrated into the economy, towards the
approach in his 2006 report on the reintegration of economy activity into the
economics of climate change: separately diversity of life, into living - hence
calculating the costs of climate change and diversified - ecosystems.
the costs resulting from the failure to act. Why is climate change so
When decision-makers believe that some important? Because it determines the
action or change of behaviour is expensive, continuance of human life on Earth. But the
they can often be made to change their evolution human life is equally shaped by
minds by a demonstration of what it would biodiversity, whose erosion is due primarily
cost not to act or not to make a decision. to human activity and relatively very little
The team led by Pavan Sukhdev is now to climate change, which itself is the result
adopting this approach (TEEB, 2008), so as of human activity. The situation is urgent,
to compare the economic benefits of and we need to shorten the time that was
biodiversity with the costs associated with needed for the institutionalisation of climate
its erosion, the costs of inaction and, lastly, change issues in order to reconcile
the costs of its conservation. For example, economic activity with biodiversity. The
trying to estimate the economic and social goal is to stimulate economic agents, with
costs of deforestation of the Amazon businesses in the forefront, to work actively
rainforest amounts to asking how much it on creating new methods, tools, products
would cost to reconstitute this “lung” of the and services “to team up with life”, in the
biosphere in all its complexity. words of Robert Barbault.
It is commonly supposed that
biodiversity can be sustained by putting a
price on it. In reality this is a
counterproductive approach. This is
allegedly achieved via off-market
assessment techniques which have serious

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 8

Beyond the arbitrary opposition between exhaustion of the mine. For biodiversity, as
competitiveness and ecology for any other renewable resource, the
problem is: what mode of co-ordination is
The consequences of environmental possible among the users, given the dual
requirement of the viability of the
policies on business competitiveness
resource and the profitability of the
depend in part on the specifics of each
operations? Accordingly, the cost-benefit
situation, economic sector or business, from
analyses to take account of biodiversity
the type of pro-environment efforts initiated
within business strategies are closely
to the length of the period of asset
related to access, use and property rights.
engagement. Cost-benefit analyses are used
To address the management of
to justify or refute them. Their results are
resources in terms of land rights can lead to
directly and indirectly influenced by:
confusion between ownership of the land
• The type of pro-environment itself and of the rights to the resources it
efforts undertaken: preventive actions (eco- contains. A variety of property rights exist,
design) cost less than corrective actions from the traditional (private and public
which require expensive investment to property rights) to the more complex (rights
offset damages; of access and use). For any elements of
• The length of the period of biodiversity which possess market value,
asset engagement: a highly specific squandering, excessive exploitation and
production unit would impose a significant overinvestment will occur if access is not
loss to its holder if socially contested and restricted and controlled. A primary goal is
closed by a government agency; the elimination of situations of free access
• The modes of regulation, to resources, regardless of the regime of
incentives and property rights in force: if property rights in place. Businesses have a
sources of pollution fall under clearly fundamental role to play to that end, both at
established property rights, it is socially the level of the land they own and exploit
optimal to make the polluter pay. Similarly, and that of the ecosystems from which they
if a premium is put on deforestation derive ecosystem services.
combined with the growing of export crops, Regimes of property rights must be
it is understandable that refraining from precisely defined and cannot be reduced to
exploiting a tropical forest so as to convert private property or state property. In effect,
it to a monoculture is equivalent to the private property cannot guarantee the
incurring of an opportunity cost for the viability of renewable resources. It is liable
business in question. to lead to their wanton destruction,
To think of a viable model of especially if capital is mobile. The second
development over the long term amounts goal for businesses is thus to give
to envisaging the improved management of themselves the means to produce positive
the interactions between the various sources externalities at both local and global levels:
of variability, both natural and social, based they need to participate actively in the
on very long-term goals. We need to move development of efficient and socially
on from assessing sustainable exploitation equitable management systems, on a scale
levels and work on understanding the appropriate to every socio-ecological issue
dynamics of the interactions between at hand. By eschewing any strategy devised
resources and their users. merely to circumvent problems or costs,
The management of “natural this would lead to technological,
resources” is not the same thing as that of organisational and institutional innovations
renewable resources such as biodiversity, fostering the appropriate local management
water or the atmosphere. Sustaining a of ecosystems, without causing irreversible
mining activity, for example, really consequences at a global scale.
amounts to postponing the eventual

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 9

The related modes of appropriation beings depend on and form part of.
by businesses could be evaluated via Businesses need to go beyond avoiding,
complementary criteria: (1) perceptions, (2) reducing or compensating for inevitable
alternative uses of resources, (3) ways of environmental damage. Once
accessing and controlling access to interdependence with biodiversity is an
resources, (4) ways of transferring accepted and valued principle, we can move
resources and profits derived from these from a system of external constraints based
resources, though not exclusively in purely on national or international public
monetary terms, (5) ways of allocating or policy or regulations to a system in which
sharing resources and / or the products “teaming up with life” means choosing its
derived from them. Companies would thus diversity and its virtues in the (models of)
be required to understand the ecological production of goods and services;
and social consequences of: • Adopting an ecosystem-based
• Each of the property rights (access, conception of value-added creation
use, resource, land) relative to biodiversity through industrial processes, economic
which they own or control; dynamics and modes of regulation,
• Each of their business and transcending national and legal boundaries
appropriation strategies associated with and focusing directly on access to
living systems. resources, their uses and modes of

Goods and services for the co-viability of

biodiversity and businesses

We seek a new model for the co-

evolution of businesses and ecosystems,
and we call it the co-viability of
biodiversity and businesses. We propose
to overturn the uniformity model and to
build together a new model of development
based on the growth and globalisation of
the diversity of living systems. The aim is
to reintegrate human beings, businesses and
the global economy into the diversity of
living systems. For each product, service
or economic activity, this involves:
• Asking how we can guarantee the
viability of biodiversity through the direct
and indirect relationships between
businesses and living systems, without
compromising businesses’ financial
viability; in other words, how can we make
profit an instrument for the diversification
of the living world while making
biodiversity a source of increased profits?
• Enhancing via technological,
organisational and institutional innovation
the “biological roulettes” which underpin
the evolutionary dynamics of all living
systems in the biosphere which human

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 10

Building the Biodiversity Accountability authorisation, or liability for products
Framework which have reached their end-of-life.
Identifying and categorising these
The foundations of the co-viability transactions can be done in various ways in
order to guide action plans and decision-
of biodiversity and businesses have been
making. We may speak of different types of
laid. Its success will depend on how it plays
income and internal costs. However, costs
out in individual businesses and also within
“external” to the business are not included
networks of companies, incorporated into
in such an accounting system. These
decision-making tools. We need to foster
include environmental damage for which a
the needed technological and organisational
company is not financially responsible,
innovations towards making biodiversity a
often because there is a legal vacuum or no
land management and production
clearly established property rights.
standard. Yet, how are we to guide the
Businesses thus concurrently develop
socio-economic systems, which now
accounting systems for their consumption
promote biological homogenisation,
of materials, substances and energy, and for
towards this new goal? How are we to
their production of effluents, emissions and
understand precisely, both in quantitative
waste. This non-monetary accounting
and qualitative terms, the interaction
provides data for the indicators used to
dynamics between businesses and
draw up corporate social responsibility
(CSR) reports. The aim is to control and
Thinking in terms of
reduce the negative environmental
interdependence with biodiversity produces
externalities of company operations.
two outcomes. In the case of “strong”
Our work belongs within this
interdependence, a business’s impacts on
context. The methodology of the “Bilan
biodiversity cease to be an external
Carbone” measures the amount of
constraint on its activity, which can
greenhouse gases emitted by all the
consider it as a normal cost, offset by
physical processes required to sustain
normal profits: it becomes an integral part
specific human activities or organisations,
of the business’s standard operations.
insofar as their boundaries are clearly
Looking at the costs and benefits associated
definable. However, it does not, and is not
with the reintegration of the economy into
designed to take account of the interactions
biodiversity then becomes a normal way of
between living systems and the world of
doing business. This situation also calls for
business. To assist businesses to reduce the
the introduction of a new accounting
rate of erosion of biodiversity by 2010, we
system, complementing the existing
propose a practical instrument to account
framework, which takes account of the
for their relations with living systems, after
relations between business and living
presenting the underlying principles of the
technical, organisational and institutional
Environmental financial accounting
innovations necessary for the co-viability of
has been developed on the basis of accrual
biodiversity and businesses. This is the
accounting. It focuses on actual or probable
Biodiversity Accountability Framework, an
transactions of an “environmental” type,
interdisciplinary accounting system
that is, those with a direct financial impact
structured to highlight and delimit the
on the business. Probable transactions have
responsibility of organisations to
to do with expenditures contingent on
ecosystems. It aims to introduce consistency
uncertain future events, such as the
into the proliferation of initiatives, often
remediation of polluted sites, the
contradictory and split up by industry
management and disposal of hazardous
sector, in order to take socio-ecological
materials, the management of time-limited
issues into account. Although it can be
facilities whose renewal requires

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 11

adapted to all organisations - businesses,
administrations, local authorities and non-
profit organisations - our focus here is on
businesses. The Biodiversity Accountability
Framework falls into two inseparable parts:
Part A - Ecosystem accounting for
Part B - Ecosystem accounting for
the relationships between businesses.

The stages of the Biodiversity Accountability Framework

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 12

The proposed Biodiversity complement the existing range of tools -
Accountability Framework provides tools and those now being finetuned - for
for concrete action. It is an accounting promoting the viability of the diversity of
system which establishes links between (a) living systems.
businesses and biodiversity and (b) groups According to Dahle Oystein, former
of businesses relative to the diversity of vice-president of Exxon’s Norwegian
living systems. Its purpose is to provide subsidiary, “Socialism collapsed because it
economic agents with the data needed to did not allow the market to tell the
invest in: economic truth. Capitalism may collapse
• on the one hand, projects which aim because it does not allow the market to tell
at reducing the rate of ecosystem change, the ecological truth.” A technical or
including climate change, so that they do institutional innovation may be profitable
not become irreversible; for a business (or a community) in the long
• on the other hand, projects which term, but there is often no guarantee that it
would allow us to respond and / or adapt to will be so in the short term. The rational
these same changes. risk-taking individual, the Schumpeterian
The challenge lies in convincing all entrepreneur, is as laden with guarantees as
the stakeholders of its relevance and the the Senegalese fisherman is with talismans.
need for its institutionalisation, that is, to For the fisherman, debt, financial or moral,
overcome the resistance due to the lies at the heart of social ties and takes the
economic and social costs of introducing place of insurance, whereas a business is
this new form of accounting. What totally dependent on the world of global
guarantees or insurance against the finance, which controls, finances and
possibility of failure would a business have insures it against risk. The world of
if it makes a commitment to ecosystem business, including that of global finance, is
accounting within the meaning of the also particularly sensitive to the rules - both
Biodiversity Accountability Framework? incentives and disincentives - which govern
This is a legitimate question, for the very markets. As long as biodiversity has no
viability of some businesses could be economic “value” and there is no cost, at
compromised in the short term. least apparently and in the short term,
associated with its destruction and
homogenisation, businesses will have a
Towards a taxation system based on all hard time finding rationality in the urgency
consumption of nature to integrate their business strategies and
operations into the diversity of living
systems. We will not resolve this as long as
The stages of transition to our overall conception of the tax system
dynamics of co-viability with biodiversity excludes biological diversity. Institutions,
over the long term will need to be managed incentives and disincentives are needed to
in the best possible way, both individually make implementation of the Biodiversity
and collectively, by all economic agents. Accountability Framework profitable,
The time frame is a key consideration for along supply chains at each step of value-
the necessary changes to be financially added creation, from the extraction,
profitable. Economic time, the time needed harvesting or production of raw materials
to modify behaviours and the time needed up to the sale and end-of-life of goods and
for the hoped-for feedback to occur within services.
an ecosystem do not take place on the same The Millennium ecosystem
scale, hence the need for public support assessment identifies four types of capital:
policies. Accounting and fiscal instruments manufacturing capital, social capital, human
will need to be developed, suited to the capital and natural capital. At present the
viability constraints of businesses, to

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 13

bulk of taxation world-wide is applied to
manufacturing capital and human capital
(through labour). The MEA’s experts argue
that the present environmental crisis is in
large part due to this type of regulation,
which encourages the belief that natural
resources and ecological services are free.
They consider it necessary to plan, starting
now, to replace the taxation of
manufacturing and human capital with the
taxation of all consumption of nature. This
switch would act as a strong incentive to
protect nature and increase employment.
Since 1988 Sweden has made a
commitment to the gradual introduction of
ecological taxes in place of existing taxes,
leaving the total tax burden unchanged. A
worldwide switch may seem unrealistic,
given that it would have to be discussed and
co-ordinated globally, but it would be one
of the surest ways to encourage economic
activity in a direction conducive both to
biodiversity conservation and to sustainable
development. Indeed, socio-ecological
trends, as well as the current worldwide
financial crisis, call for major changes in
modes of regulation.

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 14


The findings of the IFB-Orée performance and development indicators

that rely on them.
Working Group, supported by Fondation
Faced with the actual financial
française pour la recherche sur la
crisis (and an imminent global recession),
biodiversité (FRB) and Veolia
if we do not develop an ecosystemic
Environnement, have confirmed that
approach to the performance evaluation of
biodiversity underpins the development of
organisations, goods and services, we risk
numerous businesses. The self-assessment
the return of unviable economic models so
reports compiled in this book using the
that “economic growth” resumes. Yet, what
Business and Biodiversity Interdependence
type of growth are we talking about? What
Indicator (BBII) present the perceptions
type of growth do we want? On the basis of
that 25 organisations have of their own
investments homogenising biodiversity,
interdependence with biodiversity. They
these models could be profitable in the
have come to realise that the economy as a
short-term for their instigators. By playing
whole interacts, directly and indirectly, with
with a diversified portfolio of risk
living systems.
mitigation tools aiming at moving away
Technological, organisational and
from a “real” economy in close
institutional innovation is elevating
interdependence with biodiversity, global
biological uniformity to the status of an
finance would not support their socio-
absolute, universal model. Businesses and
ecological costs, at least immediately.
all other economic agents, including
These costs, with potentially irreversible
consumers and governments, share the
consequences, would be passed on to future
responsibility for the global
generations; those who will work
homogenisation of living systems. Yet, the
tomorrow, save money for their retirement
failure of Biosphere 2, a recent experiment
and children, borrow money to do business
which cost approximately 200 million US
and invest; all in close relationship with
dollars and covered an area of only 1.27
financial institutions.
hectares, underscores our inability to create
Within the context of a call for a
a viable artificial ecosystem in which we
new “Bretton Woods”, we must make sure
could live sustainably. The homogenisation
that this will not happen: this crisis is a
of biodiversity truly amounts to social and
major opportunity for the integration of the
economic suicide.
economy into biodiversity. The time has
We need to move away from the
come to change modes of regulation and
approach in which it is biodiversity that
launch partnerships and constructive
needs to be integrated into the economy, by
projects for the co-viability of biodiversity
seeking to put an appropriate price on it,
and businesses. Future research could focus
towards the reintegration of economy
on modelling ecosystem accounting for a
activity into the diversity of the living
business, a local government or a specific
world. We propose a new model for the co-
industry. This would help to identify the
evolution of businesses and ecosystems,
levers of action to be used to convince all
and we call it the co-viability of
economic entities, consumers and citizens,
biodiversity and businesses. Based on the
academia and governments, to become
language of business itself, that of costs and
involved in implementing ecosystem
revenues, this model calls for the
accounting for relations between
introduction of a new accounting system,
organisations. How substantial the return
complementing financial accounting. The
on investment will be if the gamble on the
Biodiversity Accountability framework
co-viability of biodiversity and businesses
would account for the relations between
is a success!
businesses and living systems. It would
allow us to revisit both corporate and
national accounting systems as well as the

Executive summary – Integrating biodiversity into business strategies 15

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