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A bit about KPMG How to prepare What to wear Interview questions What we look for at interview stage The ideal KPMG candidate Personal Branding Your questions

Some of our better known clients

KPMG Values
We lead by example We work together We respect the individual We seek the facts and provide insight We are open and honest in our communication We are committed to our communities We act with integrity

KPMG About Us
40-50 graduates, 25-30 summer interns Service Lines Audit - Accounting Tax Accounting/Law Business Advisory Accounting Advisory Accounting/IT/Economics/HR/Finance

Graduate Induction Programme

Learning and Development

Global Mobility Secondments

How to prepare
Research the firm/know your market Trends in the industry Current events affecting the firm Current events affecting business unit Consider how to effectively communicate your strengths/experience

Consider how to differentiate yourself from other candidates

First impressions are important Communicating with Human Resources team Greeting receptionists

Interview questions
Based on KPMGs Values and competency framework: Delivering quality service Building relationships Drive and resilience Problem solving Career aspirations

Behavioural based: Honest answers with examples based on your previous life work experience

Ensure your responses adequately and succinctly answer interview question

Be prepared to further expand on your answers and the examples you have given

What we look for at interview stage

Ability to engage interviewers Open and honest answers Candidate questions that demonstrate a genuine interest in KPMG and the relevant business unit Enthusiasm and passion for their chosen career Be professional at all times!

Dont Leave Your Personality At Home!

The ideal KPMG candidate

Has good grades (doesnt need straight As) Doesnt leave their personality at the door Has energy and a passion for life Is well rounded - strikes the right balance in life Has good communication skills Demonstrates high levels of resilience Has the ability to work successfully in a team Is focussed on a career with KPMG

What Can You Do NOW?

What is your personal brand? Why is passion important? Networking and relationship building Mentoring and professional contacts Online branding

Personal Branding Tips for Students

Understand yourself and be authentic
Introducing yourself effectively the elevator speech Confidence versus arrogance Marketing yourself as a product Business cards

Personal Branding Tips for Students

Looking the part Having a strong online brand Communicate, communicate, communicate Pursue every opportunity Feedback and reassessment

The Importance of Passion

Enthusiasm Proactivity

Say yes
Find your passion

Talk to passionate people

Give as much as you take

Be curious

Networking and Relationship Building

Building your networks Who are your networks? Relationships should be mutually beneficial School alumni Volunteering Industry associations Attending networking events Follow up FAST Show your gratitude Keep in touch

Mentoring and Professional Contacts

Finding a mentor Maintaining the relationship

Your Online Brand

Google yourself! Keeping it real and keeping it clean Email etiquette Be an active user not a bystander LinkedIn Twitter Facebook

Your Online Brand

Keeping in touch Update your status regularly Leave comments/blog Follow potential employers All roads lead toYOU Be careful out there

KPMGs process for 2012

Applications open 1 March and close 18 March!

Apply online at If successful, you will receive a phone call and testing to sit (Verbal and Numerical reasoning) If you do well on these you will be invited to Ace the Case and our Open Evening Auckland event is on Sat 24 March and Sun 25 March (for Hamilton, Tauranga and Auckland offices) Wellington event is on Sat 31 March and Sun 1 April (for Wellington and Christchurch offices) Interviews take place after Ace the Case by which time you will know everyone really well and will be more relaxed

What is Ace the Case?

Ace the Case is a KPMG Global initiative that has been running for several years around the world and in NZ for the past three years. Ace the Case is a workshop designed to give you the skills to analyse a real life business case, work in teams to come up with a solution to that businesss problem, and present your findings to the board of that business. You then receive individual feedback on what you did well and what you could improve on. We then announce the winning team who take away a KPMG Ace the Case trophy. Everyone receives certificates to say they have participated in KPMGs Ace the Case a great thing to add to your CV!

KPMG is a supporting partner of Teach First NZ

New Zealand has one of the highest levels of educational inequality in the OECD
What does this mean? Put simply children in NZ do not all have equal access to educational opportunities. Where a child is born or what ethnicity they are does so much to determine their educational prospects and therefore life chances. Teach First NZ is an independent charitable trust working to tackle educational inequality in New Zealand. KPMG is very proud to be a supporting partner of Teach First NZ


Lead in the classroom then lead in the boardroom

Teach First NZ is tackling this problem by placing carefully selected top graduates into a two-year Leadership Development Programme that will see them teaching in low-decile schools in Auckland and Whangarei.
Great teachers make great leaders! KPMG recognises the calibre of candidates that will be selected for the programme and the development opportunities that will be given to a Teach First NZ participant. If you are successful in your application to Teach First NZ AND you are successful in your application to KPMG, we will hold a graduate position open for you at the end of the two-year teaching programme. For more information on the Teach First NZ programme visit


Any Questions?

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