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LDAP Directory

Siebel user ID Database account

Person record in the Siebel Database

username=U password=P

Application User
Anonymous user

Install IBM LDAP Client software configure gateway to LDAP Creating a Database Login
Base Distinguished Name a subdirectory in the directory server, in which to store users

Configure SWSE Parameters Enterprise

SecAdptMode SecAdptName


InfraUIFramework AllowAnonUsers


SecAdptDllName ServerName Port BaseDN UsernameAttributeType


Dn of siebel application user (used to access LDAP directory) Password of siebel application user LDAP directory base dn Security adapter checksum LDAP attribute used to store user's db credentials Security adapter dll name The hash algorithm used to hash password when HashUserPwd is If set to TRUE, then siebel authentication system will hash the db If set to TRUE, then user's password will be hashed before sent to LDAP server port number Propagate user changes to external user repository The number of days before the password is expired the password LDAP attribute used to store user password LDAP attribute used to store user responsibilities LDAP server name Dn of a ldap entry used to store db credentials shared by all siebe Password for connecting to Siebel DB Username for connecting to Siebel DB

LDAP attribute used to store siebel username Path of SSL certificate database file Web SSO is enabled Web SSO trust token LDAP attribute used to store username If set to TRUE, then ADSI security adapter will communicate with Use adapter defined username

username and password, must be lowercase write & search privileges

server, in which to store users

AnonUserName, Anonpassword LDAP LDAPSecAdpt or another name of your choice.

enter the name of the computer on which the LDAP or Active Directory server runs.

LDAP example entry:

ou=people, o=domainname


Application User Application Password Base Dn CRC Credentials Attribute Type Security Adapter Dll Name User Password Hash Algorithm Hash DB Cred Hash User Password Port Propagate Change Password Expire Warn Days (ADSI only) Password Attribute Type Roles Attribute Type Server Name Shared Credentials DN Shared DB Password Shared DB Username

Siebel Username Attribute Type SSL Database Single Sign On Trust Token Username Attribute Type Use SSL (ADSI only, Obsolete) Use Adapter Defined Username




ApplicationUser ApplicationPassword BaseDn CRC CredentialsAttributeType SecAdptDllName HashAlgorithm HashDBPwd HashUserPwd Port PropagateChange PasswordExpireWarnDays PasswordAttributeType RolesAttributeType ServerName SharedCredentialsDN SharedDBPassword SharedDBUsername

Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic

cn=*******,ou=people,o=**** ******** ou=people,o=**** ******** ********xSiebelxdbacct sscfldap RSASHA1 FALSE FALSE 389 TRUE userPassword ********* cn=anonuser,ou=people,o=**** ******** ldapdb

SiebelUsernameAttributeType SslDatabase SingleSignOn TrustToken UsernameAttributeType UseSsl UseAdapterUsername

Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic

*(******xSiebelxUID FALSE ******** cn FALSE FALSE

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