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Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 30 mins Question Items needed in room: Blackboard Chalk Projector Tables and chairs Technique/Comment To do upon arrival: Verify the room that has all the needed items that are available. Ensure that the Projector is working with the computer or not. Distribute Agendas to other mates. Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design Setup Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________

Items to bring: Computer Agenda and Detailed Agenda.

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 0 mins Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design A. Introduction Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________

Question Opening words Key Points Greetings to the professor and whole class. Thanking the class for sparing their valuable time in the meeting. Give the brief description of the entire project. Explain the process that we will be used in the project. Review Agenda Go through the whole agenda .Explain what is to be covered and how, and the rationale for each item. Housekeeping Items Use the board /projector for context diagram. Arrange all the Tables and chairs before meeting gets start. Make sure that all the things that are arranged before the session.

Technique/Comment Be friendly Speak up Maintain Eye contact.

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 3 Mins

Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design B. Review and Present/develop context diagram Question Review the Context diagram of the project. Identify who are all the users that are involved in the project, activities and the other data sources. Give the detail explanation of the goals that are in the project.

Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________ Technique/Comment Display the Context Diagram. Be flexible to add additional data.

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 6 mins

Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design C. Business Activities Question Now that we have a clear understanding about the project. In this project we all came to an idea about developing the small information system helping her to bid jobs, creating/tracking the invoices and also billing the customer.

Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________ Technique/Comment Record the responses in the system.

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 8 mins

Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design D. Identify Process Events Question Firstly, the goal is to identify the events that would occur during the process custom drapery and interior design. Lets try to identify the possible events that would occur. Is there any possible event that is missed out?

Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________ Technique/Comment List out what are all the events occurs on the blackboard. First attempt is to gather the initial data.

Note which group that the event came from. Now approach to each of the stake holder for their duties. Ideally would like to have 5-7 events. Check with stakeholders for agreement.

Is there anything that you might consider an event that could affect our system?

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 14 mins

Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design E. Identify Event Details Question Now that we have identified the key events, lets flesh out some of the details that might occur during the events that we listed. Lets look at the source and the destination points of the event. Any idea what triggers this event?

Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________ Technique/Comment Make a list of all the events with the particular source and the destination names. For each and every event collect all the responses that occurs. Ensure that all the responses that are occurred are readable. Check with the stakeholders for the agreement.

What should the system do when we encounter this event?

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 8 mins

Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design F. Score/Rank event Question Now after collecting all the events and their corresponding results assign scores to each event and mark their priority. Give the score for the events on a scale of 5

Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________ Technique/Comment Ask the participant to give the scores for the events. Give ranking to the events on the board.

Based on the ranking prioritize the events.

Detailed Agenda Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design

Plan Start 27 mins

Process: Sew True Custom Drapery and Interior Design G. Summary H. Review and Close Question Summary Collect all the score cards from the participants and then summarize all the events gathered. Keep the events in order of precedence based on the scores given by participants.

Actual Start: ____________ Actual End: ____________ Basis: ________________________________________ Technique/Comment Summarize all the scores on the board and give priority numbers to each event. Make sure that we met all requirements of agenda. Thanks everyone for participation and spending their time with us.

Review and Close Finally, I would like to thank you for supporting us to complete this agenda.

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