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Dalton`s law

Dalton's Law is named for John Dalton, who stated the law in 1801. The law states that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the pressures which would be exerted by the gases individually. P = p(1) + p(2) + p(3) ... + p(n) Where P is the total pressure exerted by the sum of pressures p. Dalton's discovery was all gases tend to compress similarly. If you have a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen and you add 100lbs of pressure both the nitrogen and oxygen will compress equally.

Ernest Rutherford is known for his famous gold foil experiment in 1911. Alpha particles, which are heavy and positively charged (actually, helium nuclei, but that's beside the point), were fired at a very thin layer of gold. Most of the alpha particles passed straight through, as expected. According to the plum pudding model all of the particles should have slowed as they passed through the "pudding", but none should have been deflected. Surprisingly, a few alpha particles were deflected back the way they came. He stated that it was "as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you." The result of the experiment allowed Rutherford to conclude that the plum pudding model is wrong.

Atoms have a nucleus, very small and dense, containing the positive charge and most of the atom's mass. The atom consists of mostly empty space. The electrons are attracted to the nucleus, but remain far outside it.

Development of Atomic theory

In chemistry and physics, atomic theory is a theory of the nature of matter, which states that matter is composed of discrete units called atoms, as opposed to the obsolete notion that matter could be divided into any arbitrarily small quantity. It began as a philosophical concept in ancient Greece (Democritus) and India and entered the scientific mainstream in the early 19th century when discoveries in the field of chemistry showed that matter did indeed behave as if it were made up of particles. The word "atom" (from the ancient Greek adjective atomos, 'indivisible') was applied to the basic particle that constituted a chemical element, because the chemists of the era believed that these were the fundamental particles of matter. However, around the turn of the 20th century, through various experiments with electromagnetism and radioactivity, physicists discovered that the so-called "indivisible atom" was actually a conglomerate of various subatomic particles (chiefly, electrons, protons and neutrons) which can exist separately from each other. In fact, in certain extreme environments such as neutron stars, extreme temperature and pressure prevents atoms from existing at all. Since atoms were found to be actually divisible, physicists later invented the term "elementary particles" to describe indivisible particles. The field of science which studies subatomic particles is particle physics, and it is in this field that physicists hope to discover the true fundamental nature of matter.

Types of Chemical Reaction

>>A combustion reaction is when oxygen combines with another compound to form water and carbon dioxide. These reactions are exothermic, meaning they produce heat. An example of this kind of reaction is the burning of napthalene:
Example: C10H8 + 12 O2 ---> 10 CO2 + 4 H2O

>>A synthesis reaction is when two or more simple compounds combine to form a more complicated one. These reactions come in the general form of
Example: A + B ---> AB

Decomposition >>A decomposition reaction is the opposite of a synthesis reaction - a complex molecule breaks down to make simpler ones. These reactions come in the general form Single displacement
This is when one element trades places with another element in a compound. These reactions come in the general form of:

AB ---> A + B

Example: A + BC ---> AC + B

Double displacement
This is when the anions and cations of two different molecules switch places, forming two entirely different compounds. These reactions are in the general form Acid-base This is a special kind of double displacement reaction that takes place when an acid and base react with each other. The H+ ion in the acid reacts with the OH- ion in the base, causing the formation of water. Generally, the product of this reaction is someionic salt and water Example: AB + CD ---> AD + CB

Example: HA + BOH ---> H2O + BA

Submitted To: Ms. Bernardo

Submitted By: Jeffry C. Cadimas Cloud Van Dameg

Y/Sec: III-Copper

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