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Predictions Feb 2012 By Joni Patry, USA

Spiritual Insights

oni has been a practicing astrologer and

teacher for over 30 years, and founder of the Galactic Center in Dallas. She has been an online Vedic Instructor for the Online College, for the American College of Vedic Astrologys Online program, is a faculty member for ACVA (American Council of Vedic Astrology), and served as the executive secretary for CVA (Council of Vedic Astrology), where she published and distributed the International CVA Journal. As a writer, she has published three books and many articles and research in Vedic astrology. Her book Eastern Astrology for Western Minds is a complete manual of Vedic astrology. Joni has organized international symposiums and is often a keynote speaker for national and international conferences. She has been on national television and radio programs as an authority on both Western and Vedic astrology. Her clientele includes the Whos Who of America, including Hollywood celebrities. Her web site, , has a good deal of information for all students of astrology. She can be contacted at

ars will be retrograde from January 23 till April 13th. Mars is known as the planet of war and anger but, on closer inspection, it is the power that gives us life. We all need Mars in our lives for it has to do with energy. It rules blood and circulation that oxygenates our bodies. Blood and the color red give energy and our life force. Without a strong Mars in a chart, nothing can be accomplished, for Mars rules ambition, drive and assertive force. Displaced energy results in the negative definitions of Mars, as in war and anger, but positive use of Mars energy brings out the necessary components of Mars, which leads to attainment of worldly success. When you are complacent, the motivating force is usually Mars in the guise of anger. When anger is provoked, we usually get things done. There are more complaint letters written to companies than good letters. This force can be harnessed and used in positive and fruitful ways. Mars can activate the peaceful warrior and create the changes we need in our lives and world.

As Mars is now retrograde, issues concerning Mars become intensified and this energy becomes displaced. This will be obvious during this retrograde phase occurring right now. The negative effects of Mars will surface so we can recognize and see what needs to be addressed and changed within our own personal lives as well as global views. Issues of anger, frustration and rage manifest. It is time to realize what is motivating our anger so we can heal what is limiting ourselves. It is not about blaming others but realizing what within ourselves is preventing us from our achieving our goals. Harnessing the power of Mars positively can be the healing force that unlocks your potential to achieve your desires. But, as Mars is retrograde, drive and ambition will be suppressed for it is time for introspection of our inner drive and desire; this is revealed through what motivates us, especially through anger. All successful businessmen and sports legends have a strong Mars. Furthermore, when we lose our drive to achieve, we lose our quest for living. Life is a fight, for achievement involves some struggle. But for some, the fight and struggle is a challenge so they are prompted to try even harder because then it becomes a game and competition. This motivates one to rise and beat the competition but, one day, they tire and become weary for the constant struggle loses its appeal. This is when the Mars energy begins to dry up. Mars is about the conquest but there is never an end to this, for there will always be younger more ambitious competitors to beat. Usually, once you have achieved the desired goal, the next level is to teach, for the ultimate goal that gives the most personal satisfaction is to empower others. Interestingly, Mars rules intelligence and, to conquest opponents in any game, it doesnt just take sheer brut and force to conquer the opponent; it takes strategy and this is relevant in sports, war and business. Now, do you see the link in all of lifes games? Its all about outdoing and winning over the opponent. It takes will, determination, ambition, drive, energy, courage, intelligence and assertiveness to win any game -- the game is life. Mars in the signs of Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn gives Mars the most power. Listed are examples of legendary individuals with an extraordinarily strong Mars: Joe Paterno, -- Mars in Aries: Legendary college football coach Dale Earnhardt, Mars in Aries: Race car legend Steve Jobs, Mars in Aries: Ambitious entrepreneur of computer technology Lance Armstrong, Mars in Capricorn: Legendary cyclist Mohammed Ali, Mars in Aries: Boxing legend Roger Staubach, Mars in Aries: Football legend

Colin Powell, Mars in Scorpio: Military hero Herschel Walker, Mars in Capricorn: Football legend It is known that, when people retire from long standing jobs, their health declines, leading to an exit from this world. They feel no purpose or meaning in their lives. This leads to loss of drive, ambition and the desire to live. This is a loss of the Mars energy or life force. Example: Loss of Mars energy Joe Paterno Drive and ambition is a common denominator in all these ambitious, driven people. But when the drive is taken away, the desire to live is extinguished, as was the case in longrunning legend Joe Paterno. He was the coach of Penn State for 46 years and had the biggest winning streak ever for a college coach. He just died at age 85, after he was fired in disgrace with the recent child molestation cases he was associated. Immediately after the public disgrace, he was fired in November then diagnosed with lung cancer the same month; he died just 2 months later January 22 2012. This loss destroyed his will (Mars) to live. In the month of November, transiting Saturn entered into Libra, which began to aspect his natal Mars in Aries which killed his desire to live, for his life purpose died as well.

February Predictions

hile Mars is retrograde, Saturn will also turn retrograde February 7th. Lack of vitality and displaced anger surfaces frustration that lead to disputes that can be crippling to the world and the economy. As Mars begins to face off in opposition with Neptune, the prices of oil will escalate due to unresolved anger. There are undisclosed matters that are hidden from the public. This is leading to world destruction financially, for higher fuel prices cost many businesses dearly. Neptune conjunct the New Moon will cause confusion and hidden agendas from unforeseen enemies. There will be an undercurrent of deception as a planned event will be brewing behind the scenes. There will be future plans for attacks and destruction. Mars retrograde will back up to the midpoint between Rahu and Ketu, causing tension between governments. There will be no trust or faith in leadership. Mercury and Mars in opposition will create apprehension and arguments causing dissension of humanitarian groups and the self-consumed powers that control the world and the economy. In March and April, all these effects will be intensifying.

02/01 Venus oppose Mars: Venus and Mars represent the polarity of female and male energy, indicating a need for balance within these opposites. This will be a time of discord and conflict within marriage and relationships. Divorce will be in the news for famous marriages. Problems and unresolved issues within partnerships surface and many relationships may not survive the pressure. 02/02 Venus enters Pisces / Ketu trine Sun: Venus gains in strength, helping build the development of groups and charitable organizations. Ketus aspect to the Sun causes confusion in the area of politics and leadership. Fear and uncertainty lead to insecurity. Former means for security no longer work within these changing times. 02/07 Saturn turns retrograde: 5 degrees Libra / Full Moon: 24 degrees Cancer, nakshatra Ashlesha / Mercury conjunct Sun: As Saturn stations and turns retrograde in Libra, this indicates an intense period of setbacks and delays, which cause businesses and financial market to be on hold. Everything seems to be slower with no forward movement. Big government seems to put the world in financial crises. There seems to be no justice and the road to healing insurmountable. 02/09 Venus conjunct Uranus: Obstacles give reason to search for healing and resolution to problems created in these difficult and frustrating times. Groups with causes search for meaning and begin to formulate answers for confusion. 02/14 Mercury conjunct Neptune: A new way of looking at the same problems emerges through unusual ways. A new perspective uncovers secrets that were formally denied. 02/21 New Moon: 8 degrees Aquarius, nakshatra Shatabhishak: Around the time of this New Moon, many questions will be uncovering secrets that have been denied to the masses of

people who demand the truth. The initial chaos as the truth surfaces will settle into a time of healing for economic and world peace, but the next few months will prove to be very unsettling. This healing will come slowly but the results are worth the birth pains experienced. 02/23 Mercury oppose Mars: Disputes pertaining to mass denial frustrates the many that see the truth clearly. The obstruction of truth disrupts the peace and healing that will emerge out of this chaos.

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