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Helping children be the best they can be Dear Parents, Governors and Children, OUR NEXT HOLIDAY IS EASTER

We break for Easter on Thursday 29 March at 3.30 p.m. and re-open on Monday 16 April at 8.45 a.m.
GOOD LUCK Good Luck to Keira Walker, who will be dancing at the Civic Theatre on Saturday.

ATTENDANCE /PUNCTUALITY We want to work in partnership with you so that your child has the best possible chance to succeed. Coming to school on time, every single day means that no important lessons are missed; therefore your child will have the greatest opportunity to work. Regular attendance and punctuality are essential. Not only will they help your child to be successful, but they are also important lifelong skills. You can help by sending your child to school every single day unless they are really poorly, making sure your child leaves home in good time for the start of school, discuss the importance of attendance and punctuality with your child and inform school on the first day of absences. Being late gets the day off to a bad start, can be embarrassing for your child, is noticed by others, may damage your childs confidence, disrupts the learning of everyone and can create a bad habit that can be hard to break in the future Please support the school in its efforts to raise standards and improve attendance GOLDEN TICKET EASTER CHOCOLATE DRAW The children have brought home tickets for our Easter Draw; these are priced at 1.00 each and additional tickets are available from the school office. There will be many lovely chocolate prizes well worth winning. The draw will be made GOLDEN CHOCOLATE TICKET at school on Monday 26rd March. Please complete the information on the Golden Ticket and return it to school BALBY CENTRAL PRIMARY together with 1 to be entered into the draw. Thank you for EASTER DRAW SCHOOL your support.
Name of ticket holder Contact no.

SPORT RELIEF MILE We are encouraging the children to take part in the Sport Relief Mile on Friday 23rd March. We will be marking a mile on the school field and each class will be walking, skipping, running, toddling or jogging that distance. The children are welcome to bring 50p and wear their sports kit for the day to contribute to this good cause. Thank you for your support

CHILDREN WHO COME TO BREAKFAST CLUB If your child comes to Breakfast Club, please make sure they arrive at school between 8 a.m. and 8.15 a.m. There is no supervision before Breakfast Club opens at 8 oclock, and your child would be unsupervised on the front playground. We stop serving at 8.15 a.m. to allow children time to eat before they go onto the playground at 8.30. If your child arrives after 8.15 we cannot guarantee that there will be anything left for them to eat. Please try and ensure that they come to Breakfast Club safely and on time. Thank you for your co-operation. PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS STARTING IN SPACE@LITTLEMOOR We have organised a drop in session with the Health Visiting Team to be held in the Centre from 8.45 10.30am each Thursday morning, starting on Thursday 9th February. These will be open even if school is closed. A community health visitor and nursery nurse will be on hand to give advice on any child health related or parenting issues you may have. Currently there is no appointment system - it is a drop in. If you have any further queries about what they offer please contact the Health Visiting team who are organising these sessions on Doncaster 01302 572260. The sessions will be monitored to see how valuable they are to our parents so please, if you feel you need help or advice - use them or well lose them! SPARE SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR We are desperately short of spare socks and underwear for our younger children. If you have any that no longer fits your child, please drop them in at the school office. Additionally, if your child has an accident at school and comes home in our spares, please make sure you wash and return them as soon as possible. Thank you.

UPDATE TO EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES We are experiencing difficulties at the moment contacting parents when their child is ill, or left behind from an after-school club or activity. Please make sure, if you change your mobile number, or even move house, that you let school know. Thank you.

CROSSING LITTLEMOOR LANE AND PARKING We now have a new Crossing Patrol Warden, so please impress on your children that they should use the warden when they try to cross the road. Again we are asking that you park sensitively when you bring and collect your children, bearing in mind not blocking our neighbours drives or double parking and causing problems for children trying to cross the roads. Additionally, please do not park ON the pavement, as buggies and wheelchairs need the space on the footpath, as well as it being dangerous for children if you try to drive on the path. Thank you for your co-operation.

CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR NEWSLETTER We are encouraging the children to contribute to our weekly newsletter with stories, pictures and items of interest they have done in the classroom our outside school. The contributions this week are from Year 6, Orange and Red classes. Look out for more class contributions in the coming weeks

A Tale of Two Cities

Year 6 have been reading A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. One aspect of the work was to re-create the court room drama when Charles Darney was found guilty in a French court. There is also a selection of work based on the book that the children completed.

The judge accuses Charles Darney.

The crowd want a guilty verdict

The people are shocked to see Dr. Manette in the crowd.

The jury finds Charles guilty!

To my dearest Lucie This letter you receive is no joke I am well and on my way home. I am counting down the days till I can be back in your loving embrace, to see our darling daughters glowing face and to thank your father for his valiant attempt to save me from death. Despite this wonderful news, I regret having to tell you that Sydneys love for you has led to his death. As I was sat in my cell, he came through the door and told me to switch our but boots. At first I was confused as expected but I trusted him. I wrote a note, under his command, for you, I still have it now to give you. The next thing I remember is waking up in the Kent docks. Though I shall always remember what he has done, I can not think why? He could have made so much more with his life. I am the one who should be preparing for death. He should be here marry someone, have children live life to its best. Still there stands the chance hell escape, however slim that chance is. I hope that death him, wont find him, hes very brave Ill see you soon dear and Lucie and your father. All my love Charles BY MELISSA WELCH

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