A Study On Employee Morale With Special Reference To Shahabad Sugarmill

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A Study on Employee Morale with Special reference to Shahabad Sugarmill

Respected Sir, I am Kirti studying in MBA second year at GIMT . Conducting study on "Employee Morale" with special reference in Shahabad Sugarmill.. I request you to please fill up this questionnaire and it will be kept confidential.

Part-A Personal Details

1. Name 2 Age 3 Marital Status 4 Qualification 5 Department 6 Year of Experience


1. Are you happy working in this company? a) Very happy b) Happy c) Not happy 2. Are you happy in your job? a) Very happy b) Happy c) Not happy 3. How is working environment in this company? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory

4. Are you happy with the working hours? a) Very happy b) Happy c) Not happy 5. How do you find the working condition in your work place? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 6. How is your relationship with the employers? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 7. Does your management encourages in over all development of the employees? a) Yes b) No 8. Do you felt that your company take care of your health and security as per company law? a) Yes b) No

9. What is your opinion about safety and welfare measures provided to this Company?

a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 10. What do you think about the leaves and holidays provided in this company? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 11. Do you have heavy workload in this company? a) Yes b) No 12. Is management and employees are allowed to talk freely? a) Yes b) No 13. How is your relationship with the fellow workers? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 14. What is your opinion about supervisor? a) Motivator b) Not supervise well c) Rude 15. How is your relation with staffs of other department? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 16. Does your supervisor encourage your special talent? a) Yes b) No 17. What do you think of your job? a) Like it b) Can't say c) No

18. Do you fell that all are satisfied with each other? a) Yes b) Cant Say c) No

19. Do you have job security in your company? a) Yes b) Cant Say c) No 20. What is your opinion about shift system in this company? a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not Satisfactory 21. Does your supervisor appreciate, when you fulfill the work? a) Yes b) No 22. Do you find the rules and regulation of the company difficult to follow? a) Yes b) Cant Say c) No 23. Do you feel that you have and reached a satisfied level of your wants through this job? a) Yes b) No 24. Do you feel your morale is directly influence on production? a) Yes b) No c) No idea.

PART A Table No. 1

Age of Respondents:
The employee's age and morale are directly related. Common belief is that younger workers are more dissatisfied with higher expectations than their elders. Age No. of Respondents Percentage 18 - 29 years 3 15% 30 - 49 years 13 65% 50 - 58 years 4 20% Total 20 100% Of the 20 respondents, 15% are in age group of 18 - 29 years, 65% of the age group of 30 49 years and 20% of the age group 50 - 58 years.

Table No. - 2.

Education Qualification
Inverse relationship between education level and Employee morale. The higher the educational level of on employee the lower his morale because he compares his own attainments with those of others. The higher he thinks he should be the more dissatisfied he is.

Education No. of Respondents Percentage

SSLC 11 55% PUC 3 15% Degree 5 25% Technical 1 5% Total 20 100% The above table shows that 55% of respondents have completed SSLC, 15% of respondents

studied up to PUC, 25% of respondent have studied Degree and only 5% respondent have Technical Qualification.

Part - B
Table - 3

Happiness at Work Place

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Very happy 1 5% Happy 19 95% Not Happy - Total 20 100% It is clear from the table that 5% of the respondent is very happy to work as a employee of Kenwood and 95% of the respondents are happy to work as a employee of Kenwood.

Table No. - 4

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Very happy 1 5% Happy 16 80% Not Happy 3 15% Total 20 100% The above table makes it clear that 5% respondents are very happy at their jobs. 80% of the respondents are happy and 15% of the respondents are having the feeling of not happy at their jobs.

Table - No. 5

Working Environment
Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 4 20% Satisfactory 16 80% Not satisfactory - Total 20 100% This table is shows the views of respondents towards working environment. Here 20% of the respondents are having feeling of good and 80% of the respondents are satisfied.

Table - No. 6

Working Hours
Views No. of Respondents Percentage Very Happy 5 25% Happy 15 75% Not happy - Total 20 100% From the above table it is clear that 20% of the respondents are very happy with the working hours in the industry and remaining 75% of the respondents are happy with the working hours. It is found in this study that all the respondents have well opinion towards working hours.

Table - No. 7

Working Condition
It is closely related to the employee morale. Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 4 20% Satisfactory 15 75% Not satisfactory 1 5% Total 20 100% The above table shows about the views of respondents towards working conditions. Here 20% of the respondents are having the feeling of good with working conditions in the industry, 75% of the respondents are satisfied & 5% of the respondents are not satisfied.

Table - No. 8

Relationship with Employees

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 12 60% Satisfaction 8 40% Not satisfaction - Total 20 100% From the above table it is clear that 60% of the respondents are having the feeling of good and 40% are satisfied the relationship with their employees in the industry.

Table - No. 9

Management Encouragement to Employees Development

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 10 50% No 10 50% Total 20 100% The above table shows that 50% respondents are told that management encourages in over all development of them and remaining 50% of the respondents are opposite to that statement

Table - No. 10

Satisfaction about Health & Security measures

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 17 85% No 3 15% Total 20 100% The investigator found that majority 85% of the respondents are satisfied with the health and security measures provided by the company and remaining 15% respondents are not satisfied.

Table - No. 11

Safety and Welfare Measures

It is one of method of increasing employee morale. The Kenwood Industry provides safety and welfare facilities to workers. Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 2 10% Satisfactory 17 85% Not satisfactory 1 5%????????? Total 20 100%

This table tells about the views and the respondents opinion about safety and welfare measures. Here 10% of the respondents are having feeling of good, 85% are satisfied and 5% are not satisfied.

Table - No. 12

Leaves and Holidays

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 3 15% Satisfactory 14 70% Not satisfactory 3 15% Total 20 100% From the above table is clear that 15% of respondents are having the feeling of satisfactory, 70% of the employees are satisfied and 15% are not satisfied with leaves and holidays.

Table - No. 13

Opinion Regarding Work Load

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 14 70% No 6 30% Total 20 100% Majority (70%) respondents expressed that they have heavy work load in this industry and remaining 30% of the respondent are opposite to that statement. Table - No. 14

Management and Employees are allowed to Talk Freely

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 10 50% No 10 50% Total 20 100%

The table interprets that 50% of the respondents told that management employees are allowed to talk freely. And remaining 50% are disagree with that statement.

Table - No. 15

Relationship with Fellow Worker

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 9 45% Satisfaction 11 55%

Not satisfactory - Total 20 100% This table displays that 45% of respondents are having feeling of good and 45% are having satisfactory feeling towards their relationship with fellow workers. It is found in this study that employee have good relations with the fellow workers.

Table - No. 16

Opinion about Supervisor

The supervisor can make or break morale. The supervisor is the first and the last link with whom the workers come in immediate contact and hence his behavior and dealings, determine the morale of group.

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Motivator 15 75% Not supervise well 5 25%

Rude - Total 20 100% From this table it is clear that majority 75% respondents have a good perception (motivator) towards their supervisors and remaining 25% of respondents felt that supervisors are not supervise well.

Table - No. 17

Relationship with Staffs of Other Department

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 11 55%

Satisfactory 9 45% Not satisfactory - Total 20 100% The above table show that 55% of the employees are having feeling of good & 45% are having satisfactory feeling their relationship with staffs and other department.

Table No. - 18:

Encouragement by the Supervisor about Worker Special Talents

Views No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 10 50% No 10 50% Total 20 100%

The above table shows that 50% of the respondents are get encouraged by their supervisor for their special talents and remaining 50% respondents are not get full support from the supervisors for using their special talents.

Table - No. 19

Attitudes towards Job

Views No. of Respondents Percentage

Like it 9 45% Can't say 11 55% No - Total 20 100% The above table reflects of follows; 45% of respondents are like it their jobs, and 55% of respondents dont want to share anything about their jobs.

Table - No. 20

Opinion on Job Security

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Like it 6 30%

Can't say 14 70% No - Total 20 100%

Here 30% of the respondents truly believe that they have job security in the industry and remaining 70% of respondent don't want to share anything about the matter.

Table - No. 21

Opinion on Shift System

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 6 30% Satisfactory 13 65% Not satisfactory 1 5% Total 20 100% The table shows the views of respondent towards shift system. Here 30% of the respondents are having feeling of good, 65% of the respondents are having the feeling of satisfactory and 5% are not satisfied about the company shift system.

Table - No. 22

Opinion on shift system

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Good 6 30%

Satisfactory 13 65% Not Satisfactory 1 5% Total 20 100%

The table shows the views of respondents towards shift system. Here 30% of the respondents are having feeling of good 65% of the respondents are giving the felling of satisfactory and 5% are not satisfied about the company shift system.

Table - No.23

Appreciation from the supervisor, when worker fulfill the work.

Views No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 8 40% No 12 60% Total 20 100% The above table shows that 40% of the respondents felt that they are get application by their supervisor when they are all fulfill the work and remaining 60% of respondents have the opinion that they are not appreciation by supervisor, when they are fulfill the works. Here it shows that in Kenwood employees are not getting enough recognition from their supervisor. Recognition of the employees efforts is one of the technique of increasing employees morale and productivity.

Table - No. 24

Opinion on regarding satisfactory level of wants fulfillment through their present jobs
Views No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 5 25% No 15 75% Total 20 100%

It is clear from the table that 25% of respondents felt that they are reached a satisfied level of their wants through their present jobs But Majority of the respondents (75%) are opposite to that statement. It is found in this study that employees have lots of expectation from their jobs.

Table No. 25

Influence of Morale on Production:

Views No. of Respondents Percentage Yes 9 45% No 1 5% No idea 10 50% Total 20 100% The investigators tried to analyses whether the respondent are aware of their morale. Here 45% of the respondents truly belive that their morale is directly influence on production, 5% are opposite that statement and remaining 50% of the respondents one not aware of their morale.

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