Lesson Plan Kite - Zha-2x40

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Education Level Subject Grade/Semester Main Topic Sub Topic Time Allocation

: Junior High School : Mathematics : VII / Odd : Triangle and Quadrilateral : Kite : 2 x 40 minutes

I. Standard Competency

6. Understanding the concept of triangle and quadrilateral and determining the measurement. II. Basic Competence (ies): 6.1 Identifying the properties of a kite. 6.2 Determining perimeter and area of a kite then use it in solving problem. III. Indicator (s): a. Kognitive 1. To write the properties of kite. 2. To determine perimeter of a kite if the four sides known. 3. To determine area of a kite if both of the diagonals known. 4. To determine length of a diagonal of a kite if the area and the other diagonal known. 5. To determine solution of a problem about perimeter or area of a kite in our daily life. b. Affective Character: 1. Loving God and His creatures (K1) 2. Independent and responsible (K2) 3. Helpful (K3) 4. Self confident, creative, and hard working (K6) 5. Tolerant (K9)

Social Skill: 1. Asking 2. Giving an idea or opinion 3. Being a good listener 4. Being cooperative c. Psychomotor 1. Students can use the visual aids, that is k-angle ( kite to rectangle ), correctly in order to find formula of a kite.

IV. Learning Objective(s): a. Kognitive 1. Explained the properties of a kite to the students by teacher, then the students are expected to be able to write the properties of a kite on their worksheet. 2. Given a kite that four sides have been known, then the students are expected to be able to determine perimeter of the kite. 3. Given a kite that two diagonals have been known, then the students are expected to be able to determine area of the kite. 4. Given a kite that the area and one of its diagonal have been known, then the students are expected to be able to determine the other diagonal. 5. Given a problem about perimeter or area of a kite in our daily life, then the students are expected to be able to determine the solution. b. Affective Character : Students involved in teaching and learning student-centered and students are given the opportunity to assess themselves against the awareness of presenting the characters. a) In teaching and learning process, students can be trained to have a character of love God and His creatures. Among students pray

when starting and finishing learning process, and answer the teachers greetings. b) In teaching and learning process, students can be trained independent and responsible characters. Among students do the worksheet and exercises by themselves ( no cheating to other groups ), and finish the worksheet on time c) In teaching and learning process, students can be trained helpful character. Among students help their friend(s) of their group who have difficulty (ies) in doing worksheet. d) In teaching and learning process, students can be trained self confident, creative, and hard working characters. Among students do their worksheet in their own group and present the result in front of class confidently. e) In teaching and learning process, students can be trained tolerant character. Among students are able to respect their friends and teachers opinions, do not disturb the other groups that have not finished their task. Social Skill a. In a group or class discussion, students actively ask questions. b. In the discussion groups or classes, students are actively provide ideas or opinions. c. In the process of learning in the classroom, students can be a good listener. d. In group discussions, students can work together to complete the task group.

c. Psychomotor Given some hints of using visual aids k-angle, then students are expected can understand each steps, can use it, and finally can find the formula of area of a kite.

V. Learning model Learning Method

: Cooperative learning : Expository, Discussion, Presentation, Question and Answer

VI. Learning Material: A. Kite A kite is any quadrilateral formed by two isosceles triangles whose base are equal and coincide.

Figure 1

B. The Properties of A kite 1. Has pairs of equal sides 2. Has a pair of equal opposite angles 3. One of diagonals is axis of symmetry 4. One of diagonal divides other diagonal into two equal parts and both diagonals are perpendicular.

C. Perimeter of A Kite Perimeter of kite is : K = AB + BC + CD + DA K=x+x+y+y K = 2x + 2y = 2 ( x + y )

D. Finding Formula of Kites Area In order to be able to find the formula of kites area, we have to do a practice by using visual aids namely k-angle ( kite to rectangle ). There are some steps that you have to follow to find kites area :

1. Before we practice, we have to remind the students about properties of a kite and area of a rectangle. 2. Prepare a scissors, some pins and two congruent kites. 3. Take one of that kites, then cut it by following the diagonals. Now, we have four pieces that have the form of triangles. 4. Put a kite that is not cut on the sponge board by using pins. 5. Then, arrange the four pieces and that kite on the board become a rectangle. 6. After that, look at your product. How is the area of that rectangle? Is it congruent with the two kites?

7. Next, the area of a kite is a half of the area of a rectangle. 8. Finally, we can find the area of a kite is (d1. d2 ).

L = d 1 d2

VII. Media 1. Visual aids namely k-angle (kite to rectangle). 2. Slide Presentation 3. Students worksheet


Learning Experience

A. Opening ( 15 Menit) No. Activity Aperseption 1. Teacher greets the students and prays together. Time Allocation 2 minutes Character/ Social Skill By answering the greeting and praying together with teacher, students are trained to love God and His creatures. 2. Motivation Teacher explains 2 minutes With question and answer activity, students can be trained to be respect, self confident, creative, responsible, and tolerant. Implementation and Suggestion

the material and the purpose of material to the students. Recalling the material about quadrilateral. Students answer every question from the teacher (Fase 1). 3. Teacher gives pre test to the students about kite. The students do the pre 10 minutes

By doing the pre test, the students are trained to be responsible and self

No. Activity test ( Fase 1). 4. Teacher asks the students to submit the pre test, then the students do it (Fase 1).

Time Allocation

Character/ Social Skill confident.

Implementation and Suggestion

1 minute.

Students are trained to be responsible.

B. Main Activity ( 50 Menit) No. Activity Teacher gives some 1 1. informations to the student about the properties of kite, perimeter of kite, and their worksheet that will be done with their own group. This activity is consist of ask and answer ( Fase 2). 2. Teacher asks the students to gather with their group that had been made on the last meeting and gives them student worksheet. Students 3 minutes Students are trained to be good listener and responsible. Time Allocation 15 minutes Character/ Social Skill Students are trained to be good listener, and respectful. Implementation and Suggestion

No. Activity make some groups and receive a student worksheet (Fase 3).

Time Allocation

Character/ Social Skill

Implementation and Suggestion


Teacher asks the students to read the student worksheet and makes sure that all of the students understand what will they do on their group activity (Fase 3).

2 minutes

Students are trained to be responsible, and ask actively.


Teacher asks the students to finish their task on 30 minutes and do with their own group (Fase 3).


Teacher ask the vice of each group to come in front of class. In this section, students are guided to find the formula area of a kite. Students do the asking. (Fase 4) 25 minutes

Students are trained to be active in asking, giving opinion/idea, responsible, helpful, cooperative, creative, self confident, hard working, and tolerant.


After the students find the formula, they continue their worksheet with their

No. Activity group. Teacher walk around and lead the discussion. (Fase 4) Teacher evaluates 8 7. while the vice of a group is presenting their groups work in front of class (Fase 5).

Time Allocation

Character/ Social Skill

Implementation and Suggestion

5 minutes

Students are trained to be respect, self confident and responsible.

C. Closing ( 15 Menit) No. Activity 1. Time Character/ Social Implementation and Suggestion

Allocation Skill Students are trained to be self confident and responsible.

Teacher gives post 10 test to the students minutes that have to be done individually 5). (Fase


Teacher helps the 2 minutes student to make a conclusion about

Students are trained to be active in giving idea/opinion.

their material today. Students make a

conclusion (Fase 5)



gives 2 minutes

Students are trained to be respect, tolerant

reward, information

No. Activity about the next


Character/ Social

Implementation and Suggestion

Allocation Skill and good listener.

material in the next meeting and gives a homework. teachers explanation. 6) 3. Teacher prays 1 minute Students are trained to love God and His creatures and respect. (Fase The

students listen the

together and greets the students.

Students answer the greeting.

IX. Learning Sources : a. Student Worksheet b. Syllabi X. Scoring a. Technique of assessment b. Type of assesment c. Instrument of assessment : Test and Non-Test : Written test and observation : Student worksheet, Student character

observation sheet, group assessment sheet.

Jember, 7th March 2012 Head master Mathematics Teacher,

.. NIP...

Reza Mega Ardhilia NIM. 090210101046

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