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Opioid det oxif icat ion


Diagnost ics

Result preservat ion phase

T he course of t reat ment Video Cont act

Discuss problems wit h narcot ics or alcohol

How we dif f er f rom ot hers

Ment al addict ion

Addict ion t o sedat ives

In this phase it is necessary to acquire co mplete info rmatio n abo ut the psycho -physical state o f the patient, and abo ut his so cial status. This is impo rtant in o rder to establish an accurate diagno sis, to determine the o ptimum treatment scheme, to predict treatment results. Every patient is a separate individual, everyo ne has so me weak spo t in the bo dy, everyo ne has a certain length o f narco tics use, different mo tivatio ns, different levels o f expressio n o f the co nsequences o f psycho active substances abuse.

Translator Eng lish

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Drug rehab Austria drug rehab

diagno stics Laboratory diagnostics. The standard set enco mpasses: general blo o d tests, bio chemistry, analyses fo r viral hepatitis B and C, HIV infectio n. These analyses o ffer a general insight into the status o f immunity, the liver, kidneys, o ther internal o rgans. They enable the establishing o f co nsequences o f the use o f psycho active substances and o f

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to xic co mpo nents that they co ntain. Instrumental methods (ultraso und, x-ray, magnetic reso nance to mo graphy). This is no t required fo r all patients, but o nly fo r tho se who suffer fro m so me co nco mitant diseases o r when it is necessary to establish in mo re detail certain pro blems disco vered fo r the first time. Fo r example, the patient is an intraveno us drug user, and during the investigatio n the do cto r finds sympto ms o f infectio n o r thro mbo sis. To establish the situatio n in mo re detail, the do cto r refers the patient fo r ultraso und scanning o f blo o d vessels and fo r co nsultatio n with a vascular surgeo n. Additio nal investigatio ns are do ne at o ther clinics, and are charged additio nally. Our clinic schedules the investigatio n and o rganizes transpo rt.

Addictio n Clinics Russia Drug Rehab Drug Rehab Belgrade Drug Rehab German Drug Rehab Israel Drug Rehab Latvia Hero in Addicts Hero in Deto x Naltrexo ne Co st Naltrexo ne Implant Russian Drug Rehab

Instrumental-metho ds Specialist consultation. So me patients suffer fro m diabetes, asthma, haemo philia, o r o ther diseases that must be treated simultaneo usly with the treatment o f addictio n. Therapy fo r these diseases is established by specialists, and o ur clinic implements their reco mmendatio ns.

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Dr Vo ro biev Drug Rehab Medical To urism Serbia Hero in Deto x Germany metho ds-specialistco nsultatio n Psychodiagnostics. Psycho lo gical testing is used to establish the level o f depressio n, nervo usness, crawing fo r narco tics o r alco ho l. The level o f the patients perso nality alteratio n, the level o f adequacy o f his critical relatio n to the disease, and his mo tivatio n fo r treatment, are established. In additio n, the existence o f po sttraumatic stress diso rder, depressio n, pho bias, psycho sis, psycho patho lo gy, mania, schizo phrenia, and o ther mental diseases is investigated. The psycho lo gist and special pedago gue evaluate the level o f inco rpo ratio n o f the patient in the so cial enviro nment, fro m the family and the pro fessio nal aspect.

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Anamnesis. This enables an explanatio n o f info rmatio n o btained fro m the patient and relatives abo ut the o nset and develo pment o f his disease: when he began to use narco tics, which substance he used, ho w, if he co mbined several substances, what previo us crises were like, did he o verdo se, ho w he was treated previo usly, abo ut his state during pauses, what are the reaso ns to restart narco tics. After all info rmatio n is o btained, a co nsultatio n gro up o f physicians reviews the case o f each patient individually and co o rdinates his future treatment.

co nsultatio n Drug Rehab

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