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Degree in English Studies General information [] Educational centre Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres 1089612449010 Advertising and Public Relations

East Asian Studies Humanities Journalism Music and Music History Archival and Records Management Documentation International and Intercultural Studies Audiovisual Communication Social and Cultural Antropology Translation and Interpreting

2006 Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona - Tots els drets reservats

Degree in English Studies Course access

2006 Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona - Tots els drets reservats

Degree in English Studies [] Content Qualification##############Degree in English Studies Type of course###########Officially recognised first-cycle and second-cycle degree Duration###############4 years Total number of credits##########300 [] [] Distribution of credits 1st cycle 2nd cycle Total [] Specialisations Depending on the optional modules chosen, students may obtain one of the following minors: - Applied Linguistics - English - Literature - Comparative Studies in Foreign Languages and Theory of Literature (*) (*) Students taking 30 optional and second-cycle free-choice credits for this qualification, as well as the core and compulsory modules for another language studies degree or for Literary Theory and Comparative Literature can obtain both qualifications in five years. [] Core and compulsory modules 1st year Practical English I Spanish/Catalan English Language: Descriptive Grammar I + II English Literature (20th Century) Second Language Literary Theory 3rd year Diachronic English English Grammar: Advanced Writing English Grammar: Language Use History and Culture of English-Speaking Countries Classical English Literature Early Modern American Literature English Syntax [] Optional modules [] Students must take two first-cycle optional modules (12 credits) that are not offered as part of the degree itself. Optional Subject: Social 19th Century American Optional Subject: Sciences and Humanities Literature Comparative Studies in English Dialectology English Literature Foreign Languages and English Phonetics Criticism Theory of Literature (*) English Morphology and Modern American Self-Learning of English Lexicology Literature as a Second Language
2006 Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona - Tots els drets reservats

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Core and compulsory 69 57 49.5 22.5 198


Free-choice 12

12 18 42 72

18 30

2nd year Practical English II English Phonetics and Phonology I + II Genres in 19th Century English Literature Linguistics Literature in the Second Language 4th year History of the English Language American Civilisation through Texts 20th Century English Prose

English Language Variation and Change English Cultural Studies English Functional Grammar Advanced English Syntax 17th and 18th Century English Literature Modern English Literature History of English Theatre

and its Technological Applications Acquiring English as a Second Language Observation in the English Class English Pragmatics Problems Related to English Syntax Comparative Linguistics Applied to English English Sociolinguistics Research and Linguistic Methodology in English English-Teaching Methodology I + II (*) This module can only be taken by students who already enrolled on another course in the same faculty. [] Free-choice modules [] To be chosen from the list of UAB free-choice modules.

Literature and Culture of Scotland and Ireland English Renaissance Theatre Short Narration in the English Language English and American Institutions and Society Other Literature in the English Language Practicum English Phonology Philological Analysis of English Texts

2006 Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona - Tots els drets reservats

Degree in English Studies Skills required

2006 Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona - Tots els drets reservats

Degree in English Studies Professional job opportunities

2006 Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona - Tots els drets reservats

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