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Hughesville Borough Council Minutes

February 13, 2012 - 7:00, PM

Council members and staff present Jeffery Berger, Andrew Mook, Curtis Michael, Mary Burns, James Savage, Richard Smith, Mayor Walter Reed, Ryan Tira, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer and Chief Gill The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Jeffery Berger followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests and Visitors: Josh Brokaw (Sun-Gazette) Approve Agenda: February 13, 2012 Smith moved, seconded by Mook Approve Minutes: January 23, 2012 with the following corrections: the solicitor stated that he didnt file 2 liens but refilled a lien from the 90s for the Charles property. The tape recording is in agreement but also states that approximately 2 new were filed and that the Borough should bill the Water Co. for the service. The mayor said he received only 1 phone call but the tape states he received a couple phone calls from the last couple snow storms. The chief corrected the purchase of a vehicle from the county to a municipality. Burns moved, seconded by Smith. Motion passed. Solicitors Report: Tira is going to review personnel litigation in closed session and Comcast franchise fees during business discussion. Police Report: Gill, attachment of monthly report; brought up for discussion again the purchase of the 2006 Explorer; said maintenance records are available; asking price is $10,000. The municipality will not bid out if the borough is interested. Discussion continued regarding wear and tear of the 2 cruisers (cars) versus a 4 wheel drive during the winter months; also reducing miles on the cars. Smith moved to approve, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Mayors Report: Reed said that Dale got a quote for bleachers at Bodine Park; the price range is $8,000-$12,000 per set with the potential of cost being about $20,000. A grant application to DCNR is due in April. The mayor passed out sketches from a Lycoming CTC student of the proposed changes to the borough building floor plan; asked council for review and input. Public Works Report: Cahn said he estimates it will cost somewhere between $45,000 and $65,000 to replace the 1997 dump truck. The Streets Committee needs to decide what the streets projects will be for 2012 COG bids. Berger said he would also like to see a few more curbs worked on for handicap access. Water Report: Richard Smith; accept minutes from January 5, 2012 (second page missing) Smith moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc. - Cited Wertz property on Academy Street for rubbish & sidewalks East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes; attached 2012 Roster Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes General Fund - Check# 7307-7327 $ 11,265.30 Payroll - Direct Deposit 24,281.36 ACH Debits 20,485.03 Transfer to L/F 3,786.00 Smith moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed.

Treasurers Report:

Borough Secretary: Moyer suggested opening a new bank account in the name of the Memorial Park. It was previously administered by the Our Towns Board; because of the unpredictability of state funding it would be best to have the Borough assume control. Smith moved, seconded by Savage. Motion passed. The Borough has assumed no liabilities from this fund; it will be used for no other purpose.

Business: (Old) y y

y (New) y USDA Rates are available at 3.75% for municipalities and police departments y John Dorin Lycoming/Sullivan County Boroughs Association requested input for 2012 meeting topics. y Hughesville Volunteer Fire Department Banquet will be held February 25, 2012. y SPCA Letter & summary of 2011 y For information on 2012 Spring Conference of the Boroughs Association ask Dee y Chief suggested donating the departments old PBT (breath tester) to the Resource Officer at the high school; the department received 2 new ones from a state grant. Mook moved, seconded by Burns. Motion passed.

Comcast franchise fee changes will be investigated by the Finance Committee; Moyer will make the contact to Joe Rocco of Comcast. APPI Energy has energy efficiency projects available as a result of PA Act 129; we need to find out if this can be coordinated with the borough building renovation. A search for alternates for the Zoning Hearing Board and the Planning Commission

Closed session called: 8:36 PM Burns moved, seconded by Mook. Motion passed. Reopened meeting at 9:10 PM The dump truck was involved in an accident on January 30, 2012, estimates are as follows: Persons Auto Restoration $2,379.28, Cranmers Auto Repair $2,750.06 and Roses Auto Body $5,158.73. Burns moved to approve Persons, seconded by Smith. Motion passed. Adjournment: 9:15 PM Smith moved, seconded by Michael. Motion passed.

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