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Root Locus Method

Definition of Root Locus Root locus method is the graphical method for obtaining the roots of the system characteristic equation in s-plane and thereby investigating the system response performance. This method was devised by W.R. Evans in 1948 and clearly indicates the effects of system performance in time and frequency domains. Root locus method is generally preferred as compared to the frequency response method because the frequency response method restricts the system performance in frequency domain while from the root locus method the system performance can be obtained both in time and frequency domain.

Root-locus method. The basic idea behind the root-locus method is that the values of s that make the transfer function around the loop equal -1 must satisfy the characteristic equation of the system. The locus of roots of the characteristic equation of the closed-loop system as the gain is varied from zero to infinity gives the method its name. Such a plot clearly shows the contributions of each open-loop pole or zero to the locations of the closed-loop poles. The root-locus method enables us to find the closed-loop poles from the open-loop poles and zeros with the gain as parameter. In designing a linear control system, the root-locus method proves quite useful since it indicates the manner in which the open-loop poles and zeros should be modified so that the response meets system performance specifications. This method is particularly suited to obtaining approximate results very quickly.




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