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Spanish Ranch #1 Information

RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICE Manager: Teresa Cruz, Rutherford Investment Co. Office address: 28400 Granada Circle Phone: 510-783-5535 Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday. Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door (next to laundry room). Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays In an emergency, call 510-783-5535. Call will be directed to pager (510-312-0277). ORGANIZATIONS The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the Spanish Ranch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised of park residents. There are no dues. MEETINGS of the Association Board are the FIRST THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse. Residents welcome. LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of each month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse. The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD THURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at various area restaurants. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the SECOND TUESDAY of alternate months at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY of each month. MISCELLANEOUS The Clubhouses are available to residents for private affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535 SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUB Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round. The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available for residents to use. See the office for a key. COMPLAINTS/SUGGESTIONS/REPORTS are to be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and must be SIGNED. For any complaints or suggestions concerning safety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the Executive Board as well. This may be done through the website at, RESIDENT SUGGESTION/COMPLAINT FORM ON PAGE 14. Bus transportation information on page 15.

SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President: Dawn Plaskon 887-2199 Vice President: Judy Allen-Rogers 785-4894 Secretary: Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 Treasurer: Peggy Nichols 782-8950 ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Marvin Daley 783-0360 Clint Dean 266-0979 Jerry Higgins 410-6893 Ruth Horton 732-6671 Patty Little 783-1534 Barbara Sacks 783-8176 Spanish Ranch I Association Officers and Executive Board Members meet the FIRST THURSDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse unless otherwise announced. ALL RESIDENTS WELCOME Annual Membership Meeting held each April. COMMITTEES Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294 HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fran La Torre, 887-1509 Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . Myrtle Hanson, 786-1182 COMMUNITY CONTACTS Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Gomez, 782-5183 N.E.R.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199 Neighborhood Watch . . . . Peggy Nichols, 782-8950; Patty Little, 783-1534; Clint Dean, 266-0979 EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 e-mail: Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the 10th of each month for the following month. WEBMASTER: Rev. Charles Eldred EL TORO MAGAZINE
is published monthly by Mobile Home Park Magazines and distributed by volunteers around the first of the month. Dates and times of activities are noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will be announced in the regular pages. Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement copies if you got missed) are available in the Main Clubhouse after distribution is complete.

Residents are welcome at the meeting of the

SR1 Association Board

March 1, 2012 7:00 p.m.


made up of homeowners and residents of Spanish Ranch 1 MH Park


in the main clubhouse

The Executive Board meets on the first

Thursday of each month. Residents are invited to attend.
A special meeting will be called any time there is a need to gather park residents for anything other than routine business.

Three or four officers and four to six board members will be elected by the residents in attendance at the April meeting. Please see the excerpt from the By Laws about Elected Officers, on page 10 for the description of the duties of each office. The number of officers and board members will depend on community interest in serving in the positions. The positions are open to any registered resident living at Spanish Ranch 1. Newly elected persons assume office May 1. If YOU want to run for an office or are willing to serve on the Board, please contact ANY member of the current board or leave a message for on the associations voicemail 510-274-1771.

Next monthsave the date!


This meeting is for everyone that lives here, not just the homeowner. All residents are encouraged to attend!

in the main clubhouse
Come and get an update on YOUR community, disaster planning, neighborhood watch & more!

April 5, 2012 7:00 p.m.

Refreshments provided!



If you do it now while the ground is softened up from the rains, theyll come right out, probably roots and all - no problem. Dont wait until they are a BIG problemDO IT NOW! And, fr petes sake, get them before they go to seed and spread to other yards!

is available in the Clubhouse daily during regular office hours for residents of Spanish Ranch 1.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. Send to: (You MUST sign your name but we wont use it if you so request.)


Please help your community by donating to the Hayward Animal Shelter!

The puppies and kittens need healthy food and loving care while they wait for new homes. You can help!


Peggy Nichols, 782-8950 Patty Little, 783-1534 Clint Dean, 266-0979
These residents, qualified as Block Captains by the City of Hayward, have agreed to run Neighborhood Watch as a team. The first meeting of the newly configured group was held February 21. The next meeting is scheduled for: Wed., April 11, 2012 7 p.m. Main Clubhouse Meetings will generally be held on the second Tuesday of alternate months, as before, but the April one is being rescheduled to allow the leaders to attend the HPD Community Academy. This training is open to all and residents are encouraged to participate. See page 7.

Gift cards from grocery or pet supply stores are especially appreciated. Old blankets/towels are always useful

but heres the official wish list:

(Nutromax and Royal Canin brands preferred)

Dry & canned dog, cat, puppy & kitten food

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul Brand dry or canned kitten food
(yeah, we never heard of it either, but its available at Haywards Pet Club and Petfood Express)

You like to eat, right?

Come join our group of park women as we visit area restaurants. Youll get acquainted with some great gals! LUNCH BUNCH SCHEDULE
The Lunch Bunch meets on the third THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of each month at 12 noon. All are welcome to join us as we visit area restaurants. Call Wilma, 397-5701, to get on the list. 2012 March 15 Elephant Bar, Hayward April 19 Hometown Buffet, Hayward May17 Applebees, Hayward June 21 Panera, Hayward July 19 Olive Garden, Hayward
Questions, Myrtle, 786-1182 or Ruth, 732-6671

KMR & Esbilac kitten & puppy formula Royal Canin BabyCat34 dry food Nutromax small bites dog food Kitten nursing bottles (new) Also: Cat toys: toy mice, pompoms Large garbage bags with drawstrings Ziplock bags storage containers elasticized food covers or shower caps
(like you pick up in a hotelto cover food bowls)

Dryer sheets (any brand or fragrance)

Perishables (bring to the flea market ONLY):

For the bunnies: Carrots with leafy tops, parsley, cilantro and timothy hay For certain dogs: Hot dogs and cheese
Donations may also be dropped off at the office during business hours, at the Bingo snack bar on Bingo Saturdays or the March 24 flea market snack bar. Alert the staffers about what youve brought.

Please Report Vandalism

(tagging too, its vandalism)
Please call the police and then the office if you see anyone vandalizing property in the Park such as breaking street lights, signs and back gate key pad, etc. Please report anything suspicious.

Thank you, Teresa Cruz, SR-1 Manager


Soliciting donations or work, door-to-door sales of any kind, door-knob hanging or distributing ads or flyers by entities outside the park is

Our next meeting will be held on


DONT let anyone into your home!

TELL the intruders that soliciting is not allowed and if they do not leave the park immediately, call the police! Then report them to the office. Help keep our residents safe!


AT 10 A. M. AT CONTINENTAL MOBILEHOME PARK We sincerely hope you will join us.

Join us for

HMOA News and Meeting Schedule

At the January 21 HMOA meeting, HMOA President Dawn Plaskon nominated Roger Schaufler to serve as vice president of HMOA. In a unanimous vote, Roger was appointed to the office. During the January 21 meeting, the body discussed the formation of a Candidate Review Committee. This committee will assess candidates running for the Hayward City Council this year and will provide the membership with endorsement recommendations. Four HMOA members experienced in Hayward politics have agreed to serve on the committee. The committee members are Kathy Morris, Carol Friesen, Twanna Rogers and Roger Schaufler. City council candidates seeking HMOAs endorsement will be interviewed by the committee. Each candidate will be evaluated to assess their capacity to serve the city as well as their friendliness towards the interests of the mobile home community. At the March 17 HMOA meeting, the committee will report their endorsement recommendations to the HMOA membership. Following the committee report, the meeting will be opened for discussion prior to a vote on the endorsement recommendations. A budget of $500.00 for printing and mailing costs was approved. Upcoming HMOA meetings: May 19, 2012 Hayward Mobile Country September 15, 2012 Eden Gardens November 17, 2012 Pueblo Springs

First and Last Saturdays of each month,


Snack bar open before play and during breaks serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

NOON TO 3:00 P.M.

Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183

Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

Per state law, no one under the age of 18 is allowed in the clubhouse during Bingo


. . . . . . . Sign up early for a table! . . . . . . .

Saturday, March 24, 2012 9am-3pm

at the Spanish Ranch Main Clubhouse

One table per person until the deadline. If you want another, check back then.


Tables are limited (inside only) so reserve yours early. Paid reservations must be made by March 19.

Contact Patty Little, 783-1534

Note to vendors: The Clubhouse will be open to vendors only at 7 pm Friday evening for setup. Tables must be covered to protect the surface before set up. Doors open 9am Saturday. No tires or excessively greasy or dirty items please. 5

You may have noticed that there has been some patch work on the roads accomplished in the rear of your community. This is preliminary work to help get us through the winter months until warm and dry weather returns in the spring. It is anticipated that during the spring and/or summer months, schedules permitting, that the actual resurfacing work will be started in the rear of the park (phase two). During the time that the actual resurfacing work is being accomplished, we recommend that, while walking your dogs, you walk away from the areas being worked on for your own safety and the safety of your dogs. Did someone mention dogs??? we have noticed that an increasing number of dog walkers ARE NOT picking up the dog feces and this is becoming a real problem. Also we have noticed that some pet owners, while walking their dogs, are not monitoring their animals and allowing them into other residents lawn and yard areas. This is trespassing onto someone elses property. Speaking of trespassing on other residents property, we have received several complaints recently about individuals taking short cuts through others property. Please remind all those in your home that this is a NO NO. Thank you. We really dont want to continue to appear so negative about the activity in our community, but frankly the excessive speed in the park is becoming a real challenge and we are fearful that eventually someone is going to be hurt badly. Please examine your driving behavior (speed???) and those of your guests within the confines of your community and make any adjustments necessary. It is almost spring time, the flowers will be blooming, the bees buzzing and the warm days will be here once againand one other thing lot inspections. So, as the weather permits, please start getting a head start on the outdoor maintenance of your home and space. Please pay attention to your gutter areas. There are some that have grass growing about two feet in height. Check your home and see if you have some grass in the gutters. The gate at the rear of the property has been repaired and guess what It has been hit again (twice). The good news is that both times the gate was simply knocked off the tracks. Please help us with tracking down the parties involved. It has been reported that someone that is using the ranch for a short cut is the guilty party. If you see someone in the park that you dont feel belongs here, take their license plate number down and turn it into the office. We just had some very cold weather during the last part of December through January. Everyones heating bills were higher than normal. Some individuals opted to use electric space heaters to keep their homes warm, but generally speaking, electric space heaters are not the most efficient way to heat your home. Guillermos Corner Guillermo would like to remind all Spanish Ranch residents that it is a Federal Offense, a State Offense and a County Offense to dump motor oil onto the ground or into the storm sewer system. Guess what, the City of Hayward does not much like it either. We have noticed an increase of individuals that are using the car wash areas as their own personal dumping ground for their used motor oil. Notice to residents, motor oil can be recycled for free throughout the City of Hayward. Also, it is against the Rules and Regulations of Spanish Ranch to change your motor oil on this property. If you need help locating a recycling outlet, just contact the office. Please report taggers (graffiti) to the office. Please continue to clean the gutters in the front of your home of leaves and debris. Jeff Stoops SR-1 Assistant Manager


For information that leads to the arrest and conviction of graffiti vandals in Hayward. Para informacin que dar lugar a la detencin y a la conviccin de los delincuentes de graffiti en Hayward.

Call: 510-583-5500
English & Espaol More info:

must be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and must be SIGNED. Only the person with the problem or concern may file the complaint. None will be accepted from third parties on behalf of someone else. Forms are available in a bin on the wall next to the bulletin board in the main clubhouse AND in almost every issue of the El Toro.
To help your elected SR1 Assn leadership help you, please provide a copy to the SR-1 Assn. Give a copy to any member of the board or fill out the form on the website.

COMPLAINTS/ Suggestions or Reports

February Special Event: Dejunking with Donna

A big thank you to Ven Nakhmanovich of Wolf Camera, above left with Donna Christner-Lile at right, who loaned the audio-visual equipment for the presentation. He brought, set up, stayed for the program and repacked everything and we are truly grateful for his contribution. Thank you also to Barbara Sacks who suggested the program and did the legwork to borrow a projector and screen. Photos by Jeanie Schultz

3 boxes and a trash bagDonna Christner-Lile explains her simple method

for downsizing as part of life transitions, and decluttering (dejunking) any space.

Join the Ladies Club at noon on the second Thursday for

Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get together. Dessert provided. Costs only a dime a game, winner take all! + .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to somebody at the first gathering in January.


Come to the Main clubhouse on the Second Thursday, at noon!

For more information call Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294
Dime Bingo 2012 Dessert Schedule:

March: Vicki April: Fannie May: Pat June: Ruth July: Lunch/dessert provided by club August: Louise September: Bridgette October: Lorraine November: Irene December: Christmas Party

DeJunkinggetting rid of clutteris mostly dumping it would seem, according to an entertaining presentation by downsizing expert Donna Christner-Lile. Illustrating how it can be done with three boxes and a trash bag, she encouraged her listeners to devote an hour a day, plus 10 minutes for putting things away, to getting rid of the clutter in their home or office. (Recycling was understood as part of the dumping process.) For each session, have three labeled boxesPut Away (needs to go somewhere else); Give Away or Sell (when this is full take it to your storage area and start another); Storage, and a black garbage sack. Keep only current and the previous months issues of any magazines you get and dump the rest. Throw out out-dated coupons and file the rest by expiration date in an index box. Throw out hotel pens promotional materials never have enough ink and scratch pads if they arent at least 3x5. Keep only 5 grocery bags and half a dozen twist ties. Dump odd socks. Tear out only that article you wanted to save, start a file folder and recycle the rest of the paper. Better yet, scan them and store as digital files. Get rid of all those instructions that came with your coffee pot or whatever you know how to use it. Donna suggests: weed out cassette tapes and CDs If you havent listened to, or watched these for one year, throw them away! If you are not sure what is on the tape, stack them next to the TV. Preview one a day until you have disposed of them 8

OR marked them to store. For the stuff youre going to store: most efficient is to have boxes that are all the same size (she suggests produce boxes that have lids and hand holds). As you fill a box of keep after being ruthless, perhaps with the help of a friend, about what you HAVE to keep, then list the contents of the box on a card or in the computer, give it a number, put the corresponding number on the box and stack it away. Make separate boxes for holidays. then forgotten items discovered later can be quickly put into the correct box. You shouldnt have anything seasonal in the main living area of the house unless it is in season, Donna scolds. Donna, who has a special crew that will help families downsize seniors from the family home to smaller quarters, or clear out houses after the old folks die, spoke from experience when she urged listeners to do a reality check about their stuff. Nobody wants 10 years of your saved National Geographics, she said. Your photos, either, she said, suggesting you label them and parcel them out to your family well in advance of any move.
Donna Christner-Lile, NCC, RPC, is a very energetic Life Transitions Counselor and author of the best selling book Aging-In-Place: Living safely in your own home until you are 100 Plus, which is available online. Donnas practice includes CLC Senior Move Managers, an affiliate of the National Association of Senior Move Managers, networked across the nation. Its services include downsizing and dispersal of a lifetime of memories to children and organizations plus handling the physical aspects of packing and moving. Donna ChristnerLile, NCC, RPC may be contacted at 925-895-4881; Email:

Food Bank Donations

for the Alameda County Food Bank Barrels,
an ongoing community service project,

may be dropped off in the office.

(Due to scavenging and theft, the barrels are kept in the conference room, but staff will see that all donations are put into them.)

Food donations must be UNOPENED, not perishable and not require refrigeration.

Thank you!

Energy Saving Tips from

u Set the furnace thermostat at 68 degrees or lower, and the airconditioner thermostat at 78 degrees or higher, health permitting. 3 percent to 5 percent more energy is used for each degree the furnace is set above 68 degrees and for each degree the air conditioner is set below 78 degrees u Use compact fluorescent lamps. You can lower your lighting bill by converting to energy-efficient low-wattage compact fluorescent lighting and fixtures. u Replace old windows with new high performance dual pane windows. u Clean or replace furnace and air-conditioner filters regularly, following manufacturers instructions. u Set the water heater thermostat at 140 degrees or normal. If you have a dishwasher. Otherwise, set it at 120 degrees or low. Check your dishwasher to see if you can use 120 degree water. Follow the manufacturers direction on yearly maintenance to extend the life of your unit. u Fix defective plumbing or dripping faucets. A single dripping hot water faucet can waste 212 gallons of water a month. That not only increases water bills, but also increases the gas or electric bill for heating the water. u Wash only full loads in a dishwasher and use the shortest cycle that will get your dishes clean. If operating instructions allow, turn off the dishwasher before the drying cycle, open the door and let the dishes dry naturally. u Install shades, awnings or sunscreens on windows facing south and/ or west to block summer light. In winter, open shades on sunny days to help warm rooms. u Close the damper when the fireplace is not being used. Try not to use the fireplace and central heating system at the same time.

Plumbing issues:
baby wipes disposable diapers feminine supplies Depends or large amounts of rice, potatoes or GREASE!

Please do not flush:


Wed like to welcome you to our community!
Our WELCOMING COMMITTEE has information that can help make your introduction to mobilehome living easier and friendlier. And youll have some new friends! Our friendly welcomers are anxious to hear from you! Call Patty Little, 783-1534 or Judy Allen-Rodgers, 785-4894. If you already live here and are saying, hey! nobody ever welcomed us when we moved in, give the welcomers a call because we all want to meet you too!

Are weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants on your lot a cause for concern? Is your home in need of sprucing up with washing or painting?

SR-1 Helping Hand

Were here to help!
Give us a call, and well see what our team can do to extend a helping hand. Call us, or park management, to schedule a lot assessment. 510-274-1771 (Assn msg); Marvin 783-0360.

Please Wear White at Night! Walking the dog?

Walking home?
There isnt enough light in the park and


We Cant See You in the Dark!

Wear something white or reflective even if its just to throw a white sweater over your shoulders or around your waist. This simple precaution could prevent a tragedy.

Excerpts from the By-Laws: Duties of Officers

SECTION 1: All legal residents of Spanish Ranch 1 Mobile Home Park are automatically members of the Association, without levy, upon establishment of residence. Legal residents shall be defined as those residents who are registered with the management of the park and of legal voting age as defined by the State of California.

Article III


Article IV

Elected Officers

SECTION 1: The elected officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. The office of President shall be filled by one person but any two of the remaining three offices may be held concurrently by a single individual. SECTION 2: The term of office shall be for one year based upon a fiscal year beginning May 1 and ending April 30. The maximum term of service for any office shall be two consecutive terms. SECTION 3: The Duties of the elected Officers shall be as follows: a. PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at the Association meetings, Board of Directors meetings, and when the Association feels necessary, meet with Management to represent the residents of the park and their concerns to foster and maintain unity and cooperation within the park. The President will only vote as a tiebreaker and will make sure that all Association by-laws are adhered to.


b. VICE-PRESIDENT: The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the president when the President is unavailable. He/ She shall assist the President as requested by the President. The Vice-President shall be a de facto member of all committees and shall assist all committees as necessary. c. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall record and publish the Minutes of the meetings of the Association and the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors in the El Toro. Should neither the President nor the Vice-President be available, the Secretary shall assume the duties of the President of the Association. The Secretary will also receive, file and send correspondence as directed by the Association. Recommendations and reports from the Board of Directors monthly meeting will be included in the published minutes for review by the residents. d. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive, deposit and dispense Association funds as directed by the Association members. The Treasurer will keep written records of all transactions and will report the status of the Associations funds at the Boards monthly meetings. At any meeting which the treasurer cannot attend, a Treasurers Report will be supplied to the members and read by the President. The treasurer will provide a monthly accounting for publication in the El Toro detailing income and expenses. The Treasurer shall also prepare an annual budget and present it to the May Board meeting for approval and then for publication in the El Toro by the deadline for the July issue. Residents seeking to question or contest Board expenditures should attend and do so at the monthly Board meeting.

Minutes of the SR1 Board MeetingFebruary 2, 2012

Meetings of the elected Spanish Ranch I Executive Board are held on the first Thursday of each month (unless otherwise announced) at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. ALL residents are welcome to attend! The February 2, 2012 Meeting of Spanish Ranch 1 Association was called to order at 7 p.m. by Vice President Judy Allen-Rodgers. All officers and board members were present, except Dawn and Patty who were out of town and excused. One guest was present. The pledge of allegiance was said. Minutes The minutes of the January 2012 meeting were approved as published. Treasurers Report Treasurer Peggy Nichols reported that there has been no activity this month so a balance of $1,031.57 carries over. Committee Reports: Helping HandMarvin reported one call. He encouraged everyone to spread the suggestion that right now, just after rains, is the best time to tackle the weeds in the yards as they pull up easily. He pointed out that if you are in trouble if you wait until things dry out, and itll be even worse if you wait until the inspection. A separate notice will run in the El Toro about the weeds. WelcomingNo activity. DisasterRegional manager Greg OHagan still has not responded to a request for dates to meet with the parks representatives to discuss his plan. Community Reports: HMOA The next meeting is March 17 at Continental Mobile Home Park. Renewal notices for HMOA were prepared by their membership coordinator and distributed to representatives of each park at the January meeting. The renewal notices for our park along with a flyer about the special community event Dejunking with Donna were distributed parkwide by Jeanie. Neighborhood Watch Peggy Nichols, Patty Little and Clint Dean, SR1 residents qualified as Block Captains by the City of Hayward have agreed to run Neighborhood Watch as a team. The first meeting of the newly configured group was rescheduled to Tuesday, February 21, to avoid a conflict with Valentines Day. El ToroPublication was delivered to the park the same afternoon as the board meeting making it necessary to distribute minutes electronically which was done a few days before. Old Business Vendor Event: Judy, reporting for Patty, reported that the Home Pro Expo has half a dozen prospective participants. Flea Market Planning: Saturday, March 24 is confirmed with setup on Friday the 23rd. A flyer is planned for the week of March 15 to be distributed at the same time as an announcement of the April 5 membership meeting and election, to remind people of both events. Ruth will ask the Bingo coordinator for permission to use their tables to supplement the flea market offerings. The Association will have a table to sell items people contribute. Judy volunteered to help Dawn with the planned snack bar. Elections planning: No one would volunteer to head a nominating committee so all board members were enjoined to seek nominees. There was much discussion about the fact that the board does not reflect the ethnic makeup of the community. The need for bilingual representation, hispanic in particular, was emphasized. Jeanie will do a flyer announcing the upcoming elections and general meeting, and asking people to step forward and get involved. No new Business Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jeanie Schultz, Secretary


The El Toro and the Bylaws of the Spanish Ranch 1 Association are posted here.

All the latest! Check it out!

Voicemail phone number for the association is: 510-274-1771

Neighborhood Watch
Know Your Neighbors!
Courtesy of Spanish Ranch 1 Association

Across Left


Across Right

Your Home Report a Crime


Non-emergency # 510-293-7000 Please do your share! Lets all watch out for each other!


Next Door to Right Fill in your neighbors names on this handy reference sheet. In an emergency youll need this information, but in the meantime youll know who to call if you spot a problem your neighbor should know about.

Referral Competition




Is there a business youd like to see in your magazine? Let us know! Your referrals help keep the magazines coming.
The community that provides the most referrals in a quarter will win a $200 gift card from the MHB Group. The winning community will be announced here in the magazine.

What we need to know:

m Your Name m Your Community m Name of Business m Business phone and/or email

Call us or email your information to any one of these options:

Boe Davis Mike Mandry 800-828-8242 x3107 800-828-8242 x3109

Charles Shepard 800-828-8242 x3112

Thats it! No selling is required.


Custom Community Magazines Since 1974


From the Editor

Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an informational service to the residents. Contents are the option of the editor but do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor, the homeowners association or management. Reader response is welcome. Your article must be in my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. All submissions must be signed with your name/phone number included, as any article must be verified. Your name will not appear, if you so request. Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articles considered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set forth by Mobile Home Park Magazines. If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window to send to us: Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are available for the free exchange of books by park residents. Stop by and browse any time the clubhouse is open.

Come Get a Book!


Put your mail in the


located in front of Main Clubhouse close to the street (near Park map).



Main Clubhouse, Small Clubhouse and the BBQ area in the courtyard are available for your events!
Both clubhouses and the BBQ area courtyard may be reserved by residents for private events. Call the office, 783-5535, for information.


Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-directional circular route, services both the South Hayward BART station, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center. Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board the bus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is) hourly from 6:32am until 8:32pm, arriving at BART at 6:46am until 8:46pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:32am until 6:32pm. Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, board the counter-clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:30am until 8:30pm, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42am until 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00am until 6:00pm. Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourly from 6:37am until 8:37pm, arriving at Union Landing at 6:54am until 8:54pm. On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:37am until 6:37pm Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board the clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:22am until 8:22PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:39am until 8:39pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:22am until 6:22pm. Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposed to every 1-2 hours) has been added to the Tuesday & Friday shoppers shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland Route 391). Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at 10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and arrive at Southland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and 2:20pm. NOTE The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55pm which arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20pm has no direct return trip back to Spanish Ranch. Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am, 12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish Ranch at 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm. Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from Tennyson Ave, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22am until 11:22pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from 6:22am until 11:22pm. From the South Hayward BART station going down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from 6:04am until 11:04pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from 6:17am until 11:17pm. Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian (both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, and both Hayward and South Hayward BART stations along Mission Blvd. Visit AC Transits web site at for more information. AC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and 65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an addl 25.



THURS 1 SR-1 Assn Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. All residents are welcome to attend. FRI 2 SAT 3

BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 4 5 6 7

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 9 10 El Toro Deadline


BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 11 12 13 14 15 LADIES CLUB LUNCH BUNCH

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 16 17

Daylight Saving Time Begins

HMOA 10 am
Continental MHP

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 18 19 20 21 22

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 230

St. Patricks Day


Spring Begins


BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 28 29 30 31

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 25 26 27

BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.


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