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The Martinsburg Composite Squadron of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol Lt Col Robert V. Mills, Commander Vol. 2 No. 3 ~~~~~~~~~ 1st Lt. Russell G. Voelker, Publisher /Editor June - Sept.

2007 WV Wing Summer Encampment

The cadets of the Martinsburg Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol took top honors at the recently completed CAP summer encampment, held during the week of June 23 30, at Camp Dawson, WV. This annual activity was once again commanded by Lt Col Dennis Barron, who stated that, The Martinsburg cadets really out did themselves this year by taking 5 of the top 6 awards presented at the conclusion of the week long encampment. Martinsburg cadets receiving honors at this years encampment were:

C/2Lt Chris R. Frey Outstanding Cadet Officer Award

C/A1C R. Joel Lyons Outstanding Cadet Award

Distinguished Graduates:

C/CMSgt Andrew F. Mitchell

C/CMSgt Matt K. Behrmann

C/SRA Jennifer M. Kroening

In addition to the above, several members of the Martinsburg Squadron were recognized with Cadet of the Day Awards throughout the encampment week and several others served in leadership positions. Fifteen of the Martinsburg cadets, and one senior member, attended this years encampment. A total of 76 cadets, representing 12 squadrons and four different Wings completed the encampment program this year. Activities throughout the week included classes and activities related to the Drug Demand Reduction program, physical fitness, land and water survival courses, both the actual and simulated firing ranges, confidence course, leadership training, and drill and ceremonies. In the evenings, the cadet made good use of the base swimming pool and volleyball courts. In addition, all the encampment participants completed a Standard First Air Course. Lt Col Barron noted that the Martinsburg Squadron should be very proud of their cadets, especially in light of all of their achievements and honors earned at this years encampment.

2007 WV Wing Summer Encampment (cont)

Cadet Officer School

by C/Capt Mark Guiney On June 18, C/Capt Mark Guiney and C/Capt David Hill, cadet commander and deputy cadet commander of Martinsburg Composite Squadron, respectively, flew to Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama for the most intense cadet leadership experience the Civil Air Patrol has to offer. 112 cadet officers from all over the country had been chosen to participate in the challenging ten-day experience. None had any idea of the great impact this activity would have on both the way they lead and the way they would look at the world. Upon arrival to the campus of Huntingdon College, cadets were in-processed, issued a stack of books, and assigned to one of eight flights. Each flight contained fourteen cadets and was overseen by two senior instructors (one CAP, one USAF). The coursework for COS contained a huge spectrum of information. Topics included leadership theory, the history of airpower, writing, and speaking (to name a few). Cadets had an average of two lectures per day, and each lecture was typically followed by a discussion within the flight. Cadets also had assigned readings every night, which were usually accompanied by writing assignments. However, most COS cadets would say that while all the coursework at COS was certainly valuable, the best instruction they received did not come from a speaker, discussion, or assignment, but from working through practical problems. Throughout the week, the eight COS flights competed in a series of Team Leadership Problems (TLPs). These were scenarios in which each flight was given an instruction packet with an outline of the scenario and its rules. The flight then had to devise a strategy to complete the assignment. Also, cadets had the opportunity to use the classified Air Force leadership reaction course known as Project X. It was during these intense, high-pressure situations that the cadets discovered a lot about themselves and their teams. Flight members helped each other identify their strengths and weaknesses, and both instructors and cadets discussed possible reasons for success or failure. As a graduate of Cadet Officer School, I would say that this activity has been one of the most eye-opening experiences of my cadet career. Thanks to the dedicated staff and students of COS, I left with a whole new sense of what it means to be a leader. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

President George W. Bush Visits The 167th Airlift Wing On July 4th
22 members assist the 167th Security Forces and 157th MPs with parking approximately 1800 cars

Cadet Ty Stansbury models the latest in FULL body armor. SMSgt Wilson, 167th Security Forces debriefs the members of the Martinsburg Composite Squadron

VAMC Color Guard Detail

On July 9th Martinsburg Composite Squadron Color Guard Members: Adam Goswick, Chris Frey, Andrew Mitchell and Matthew Behrmann presented the colors for a ceremony at the Newton D. Baker Veterans Administration Medical Center. The occasion was the an unveiling of a monument dedicated to the recipients of the Purple Heart. This monument, which sits in front of the main hospital entrance, is only one of two in the state.

Wilderness Weekend Training Exercise

July 20 - 22 Attending this exercise: Cadets: Behrmann Cheshire Frey Goswick, Hill Keefe, Alex Keefe, Nick Kroening Lyons Might Miller, Nick Mitchell Officers: Capt Dean 1st Lt. Voelker 1st Lt. Hansen 2d Lt Naylor Officer Clohan Spend a weekend in the Spruce Knob/Seneca Creek area with other Civil Air Patrol Ground Team members. As a large group, as small groups and as individuals, we will learn how to survive in the wilds of West Virginia. During Search and Rescue exercises, if you are not part of the solutionyou are part of the problem! We want you to be part of the solution. Your classroom will be the forest, the streams, and the mountains. Well have a blast learning and practicing Ground Team procedures and basic survival skills. This is one weekend you dont want to miss! Jeff Tansill, Maj, CAP

Photos by Lt. Don Naylor

Squadron Hangar Project

Since they were chartered in 1943, the Martinsburg Composite Squadron of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol has continued to fulfill it's multifaceted volunteer mission of aerospace education, emergency services, and the cadet program. The organization has a strong youth program built around aviation, leadership training and community service. The local squadron consists of 40 adults (Officers) and 31 cadets (between the ages of 12 and 21). Every organization needs a place to hold meetings and the Civil Air Patrol is no different. According to Mr. T. Guy Reynolds, original commander of the Martinsburg Squadron, Back in 1943, we held our meetings in a room at the Martinsburg High School. That building currently houses the Berkeley County Board of Education. Over the years, the Martinsburg Squadron has been privileged to use different facilities including those at the Martinsburg Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport (Shepherd Field) and the 167th Air National Guard Base (From the 1960's to the present). The Martinsburg Composite Squadron has always had the dream to someday have their own permanent location. Well, thanks to a generous lease agreement with the Martinsburg Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport (Shepherd Field) and a few donations, that dream is about to become reality. The squadron is currently constructing a 55' x 60' x 16' pole style building that would not only be large enough to house their Cessna 182 aircraft, but will also provide a place where the members can meet and train, as well as host statewide training & emergency missions. A lot of sweat and volunteer man-hours have gone into this project so far and it's going to take a great deal of work/materials before the members can move in. The unit is still looking for assistance from community members or organizations.

Berkeley County Youth Fair Parking Detail

August 6 - 11 As they have in the past years the members of the Martinsburg Composite Squadron endured another week of dust, heat and long lines of cars trying to get into the Berkeley County Youth Fair. For approximately 4 1/2 hours a night, an average of 16 members parked cars, trucks and even an RV in the large uneven/unlined field. The BCYF donated $2000.00 to the squadron for their efforts.

Squadron Swimming Party

As a thank you to all those who helped with the hangar construction project and the Berkeley County Youth Fair Parking detail, the squadron held an evening swimming party, on August 14, at the Lambert Park Swimming Pool, in Martinsburg. The party was well attended and everyone seemed to have a good time.

Photo by Lt. Don Naylor

167th Airlift Wing Tour

On Wednesday, August 29th the Martinsburg Composite Squadron paid a visit to the 167th Airlift Wing in Martinsburg, WV. 18 members and guests toured base facilities including the fire department, security forces, C-5A simulator (see below) and control tower. The highlight of the tour was a walk through of a C-5A Galaxy, which is the largest cargo aircraft in the U.S. Air Force inventory

Squadron News

Aug. 7 & 8 - 1st Lt Russell Voelker attended the 1st Annual National CAP Public Affairs Academy, in Atlanta, Georgia, representing the West Virginia Wing. Maj. Jeffrey Schrock (on left), WV Wing PAO also attended the academy representing the Middle East Region. Photo was taken during a tour inside CNN Headquarters.

Aug 21 - West Virginia Wing Chief of Staff, Lt Col Dennis D. Barron promotes Martinsburg Squadron Commander, Maj Robert V. Mills to Lt. Colonel.

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Squadron News (cont)

Aug 25 & 26 - Capt Larry Dean, 1st Lt Russell Voelker and 2d Lt Don Naylor completed a Corporate Learning Course held at Grant County Airport, Petersburg, WV. Instructors: Lt Col Dennis Barron (far left) and Major Brad Williams (far right)

Sept 4 - C/Capt Mark Guiney was promoted to C/Major by squadron commander, Lt Col Robert Mills Sept 8 - Congratulations to C/Maj. Mark Guiney. He has been elected Chairperson of the West Virginia Wing Cadet Advisory Council for 2007 - 2008. As chairperson C/Maj Guiney will assist C/Col Justin T. Ross in representing the WV Wing on the Middle East Region CAC.

Mitchell earns a Mitchell On September 4th C/CMSgt Andrew Mitchell was promoted to C/2d Lt. by squadron commander, Lt Col Robert Mills. He has also received Civil Air Patrols second milestone, the General Billy Mitchell Award, which is earned after completing the first eight achievements of the cadet program. In addition, the cadet must pass an arduous 100 question examination testing leadership theory and aerospace topics. Since its inception over 30 years ago, over 42,000 cadets have earned this honor. Mitchell award winners will earn increased responsibility, a promotion to cadet officer grade, eligibility for national/international special activities, and opportunities for both flight and academic scholarships. Sept. 8 & 9 - 1st Lt Russell Voelker participated in a joint Maryland Wing / West Virginia Wing SAREX, in Salisbury, MD.

Upcoming Events
Sept 22 & 23 Squadron Leadership School - Wing Headquarters October 6th WV Wing Conference and Banquet Charleston, WV

CAP - Its more than meets the skies


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