Family Nursing Care Plan

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Family Nursing Care Plan

-Isler FamilyIntervention Plan Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care
After nursing intervention the family will be able to eradicate the presence of these unwanted sites of vectors causing diseases and therefore will maintain a home environment conducive to health.

Objectives of Care
After nursing intervention the family will: a. be aware and be more knowledgeable about the importance of proper sanitation especially at home; b. be able to eliminate the presence of these breeding sites of vectors c. recognize the causes of breeding sites such as to prevent the occurence of diseases.

Nursing Interventions

Method of NurseFamily Contact

Resources Required

Presence of Breeding Sites of Vectors of Diseases and Poor Home Sanitation .

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to: 1. Ignorance of the importance of hygiene and sanitation 2. Lack of knowledge of regarding preventive measures

1. Discuss the importance and purposes of proper sanitation 2. Cite the causes and effects of the prevalence of these unwanted pests around the home. 3. Suggest alternatives/methods that would eliminate the breeding sites of vectors 4. Explore with the family the ways of improving home sanitation considering its limited resources: a. emphasize to the family the proper storage of food that may attract vectors b. instruct all family members to prevent accumulation of stagnant water around their home since this is a good breeding place for insects.

Home Visit

- Material Resources: Visual Aids, materials and low-cost supplies needed for demonstration - Time and effort on the part of the nurse and family

Intervention Plan Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care After the nursing intervention the family will be able to eliminate the cough and colds and will prevent the recurrence of the disease in the future. Objectives of Care After nursing intervention the family will: a. acquire adequate information about the disease, including signs and symptoms of the disease, immediate health care assistance and preventive measures; b. be aware on how to reduce the chances of spreading communicable diseases to other family members; c. utilize community resources openly available in resolving the condition experienced.
Nursing Interventions Method of NurseFamily Contact Resources Required

Cough and Inability to Colds make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to: a. Low salience of the problem/conditi on b. Lack of/inadequate knowledge/insig ht as to alternative courses of action open to them.

1. Discuss with the family the causes, effects and complications of cough and cold. 2. Provide adequate knowledge on the various ways of maintaining cleanliness in their surroundings. 3. Explain the importance of proper food preparation, good nutrition, rest and sleep in strengthening ones resistance against illness, so as to prevent occurence of cough and colds 4. Cite ways in eliminating the disease and limiting the occurence of transmission by suggesting courses of action such as medications (e.g. measures like the application of alternative medicines like lagundi if resources in the community is inadequate) and preventive measures such as covering the mouth when sneezing or coughing and proper

Home Visit

- Material

Resources: Visual Aids and low-cost materials needed for demonstration - Time and effort on the part of the nurse and family

disposal of nasal or oral discharges. 5. Promote proper personal and environmental hygiene among all members of the family. 6. Provide information on health centers in the vicinity for immediate care assistance.

Intervention Plan Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care After nursing intervention the family will take the necessary measures to properly manage, control and lessen the risk factors of hypertension. Objectives of Care After nursing intervention the family will: a. have adequate knowledge about proper nutrition that will help reduce hypertension and prevent to occurence of relative complications in the future. b. be able to determine the risk factors that contribute to hypertension c. practice proper lifestyle with regards to nutrition and physical fitness.
Nursing Interventions Method of NurseFamily Contact Resources Required


Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to: 1. failure to comprehend the nature/magnitude of the problem. 2. lack of adequate knowledge as to alternative courses of action open to them.

1. Discuss the nature, signs, symptoms and complications that might arise due to hypertension. 2. Discuss with the family the risk factors of hypertension such as family history, age, salt and alcohol intake and obesity. 3. Promote a healthy lifestyle such as: a. encouraging proper food intake like reduced salt and fatty foods. b. Prevent obesity through good nutrition and exercise. c. Smoking cessationtobacco or nicotine promotes atherosclerosis that may contribute to hypertension both passive and active smoker 4. Encourage check-ups and provide referral with a medical practitioner to lessen hypertension and modify risk-factors.

Home Visit

- Material

Resources: Visual Aids, materials and low-cost supplies needed for demonstration - Time and effort on the part of the nurse and family

Intervention Plan Health Problem Family Nursing Problem Goal of Care After nursing intervention the family will be able to fix the rusty protruding nails and therefore prevent the dangers it encompasses. Objectives of Care After nursing intervention the family will: a. be able to remove the protruding nails and thus minimize the possibility of accidents at home b. recognize the prevalence of the dangerous debris hanging on their walls that they would inspect further to remove other possible dangers in their home. c. know the importance of a home free from danger and thus conducive to health and living. d. be knowledgeable of injuries and other dangers that is caused, not only by protruding nails but other accident hazards that are present in their home.
Nursing Interventions Method of NurseFamily Contact Resources Required

Accident Hazard: Protruding Nails

Inability to recognize the presence of condition or problem due to lack of knowledge

1. Discuss with the family the possible effects of protruding nails such as puncture, tetanus and other wounds. 2. Encourage home inspections for other dangers so that immediate action will be applied at once. 3. Suggest the family to fix the protruding nails as soon as possible to prevent the dangers that they might experience if not acted upon immediately. 4. Cite available resources to resolve the problem.

Home Visit

- Material

Resources: Materials and low-cost supplies needed to eliminate problem. - Time and effort on the part of the nurse and family

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