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VOLUME 2 Issue 43 Corpus Christi, Texas 23 October 2007 Keep the Momentum Going and Keep em Flying

This issue
CC-CAP SOUND OFF....1 Upcoming Key Events....2 AWARDS, QUALFICATONS and PROMOTIONS......2 ATTENTION PILOTS!!! STAN/EVAL CORNER: Pre-flight Some Info.....3,4 One Night in the Civil Air Patrol Cartoon........4 U.S. CAP Marks the Passing of U.S. A.F. Brigadier General David Lee "Tex" Hill......5 COASTAL BEND RED CROSS BASH is ON....5 TX WING: UPDATED WING SUPPLEMENT.....6 2007 TEXAS WING ENCAMPMENT ANNOUNCED..6 Presenting 1st Lt Hector Galvans Flying Nights....7 EVENTS DETAILS PAGE.....8 BRAHMA FLIGHT LOG.....9


By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Dear CAP Fellows, As we approach the holiday season, which sort of starts for some as early as Halloween, let us endeavor to stay safe in our CAP, Home and Work life. We are obligated to keep safety as our top concern. That is why we place such faith in our Safety Officer, Capt Jerry Lunceford. Capt Lunceford has given us a great deal of excellent safety briefings ranging from how to deal with Killer Bees to how to travel safely. Before him, 1st Lt Mike Garmon filled that role quite well. Additionally, a Cadet Flight Safety position has been brought into the lexicon in Kingsville with the addition of C/ AB John Flores and at Corpus Christi with C/AB Shane Barnes. The main push right now is to insure that our cadets are properly outfitted. It has been the policy of the unit to try to put cadets in uniform as quickly as possible. Our unit also provides the cadets with their rank insignia. They are allowed to trade up as they rise in rank. Currently that means that we need lots of Cadet Airman and Cadet Airman First Class ranks. Now, this is totally a voluntary suggestion but; if you would like to help in these efforts simply...again this is optional add a cadet chevron to your next Vanguard or Hock Shop order. The Cadet rank begins at about $3.50 and gets more expensive as we add stripes. Members of other unit that may have a surplus in BDUs or some older shirts that are gathering dust, please contact me at and we can make a deal. As is discussed in detail in the Brahma Flight Log this week it is the policy of this unit to outfit cadets with a uniform as fast as possible. This loaner uniform is returned once they get theirs from the AAFES free uniform program. The issuance of BDUs, however, is precarious. It is quite hard to get enough patrol caps and once our supply of BDUs is exhausted, we will have a slight problem. Our unit has been active in ES, including CADETS. ES serves as an extracurricular activity of sorts. It will, however, be quite an issue if CADETS interested in ES have to attend SARex training in blues. After finally removing all the cement-like MUD from by boots after our last excursion to BROWNSVILLE, I think low-cut high-gloss oxfords would not fair well. More information will be forthcoming, however, our Christmas Party will be held on 13 October 2007 a the American Legion Hall in conjunction with the Patriots Band of Corpus Christi. Hope to see everyone there!!! -SEMPER VIGILANS! 1

CC-CAP Almanac....10


Corpus Christi Comp Squadron

Upcoming Key Events and Dates

By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP SPECIAL DATES OCTOBER 2007
Wing Staff Meeting & Safety Day Waco, TX 1000 hrs 20 Oct 07 Col Joe Smith Group V Airman Leadership School 26-28 October 2007 Lackland, AFB CD Training Friday, Oct 26, 07 TXWG

Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Squadron Commander

San Antonio, TX

Lt Col O. Jolly

Houston TX

Major Fidel Alvarado, CAP Deputy Commander

Wings Over Texas Article Submission Sunday, Oct 28, 07 TXWG Maj P. Darby NAS KINGSVILLE SIM ACTIVITY Tuesday, 30 October 2007 Major F. Alvarado

Due Editor

Kingsville, TX

Capt Sandra Phelps, CAP Deputy Commander for Cadets

ES Training School (IMU, and Videography Train the Trainer) Friday, Nov 09, 07 Lt Col Brooks Cima Waco Hospital and Regional Airport, Wing HQ Group SARX Friday, Nov 16, 07 ICPs in all Groups, WAX: Houston CTEP/STEP Friday, Nov 23, 07 Camp Mabry, Austin, Texas

2d Lt Monica Lozano, CAP Assistant Public Affairs Officer

Lt Col Brooks Cima

VOLUME 3 Issue 43 23 October 2007

Lt Col Dawn King

P.O. Box 671 Premont, Texas 78375-0671 Through the Air Over South Texas is a weekly publication of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron designed to provide the units members as well as those of neighboring units. It also serves as the historical documentation of the SQUADRON. Additionally, it serves as a Civil Air Patrol almanac recording an documenting critical information for the use of Unit members. Submissions are welcomed. If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, please send your article to:


Arnold Achievement: C/A1C Steven Johnson

Transport Mission Pilot Lt Col Johnnie B Barfoot Jr UDF Team Member C/Amn Bryce Nix, CAP (pending GROUP APPROVAL)

Capt Kelley Harlan, CAP To rank / Aviation Qualifications Capt Jerry Lunceford To rank respecting duty performance 2d Lt Monica C Lozano To rank respecting duty performance C/A1C Steven Johnson To rank as per Cadet Program

Pre-flight Some Info

This week well look at CFR title 14 Part 91.103(b) and how we apply that to our flying

91.103 Preflight action. Each pilot in command shall, before beginning a flight, become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. This information must include (a) For a flight under IFR or a flight not in the vicinity of an airport, weather reports and forecasts, fuel requirements, alternatives available if the planned flight cannot be completed, and any known traffic delays of which the pilot in command has been advised by ATC; (b) (b) For any flight, runway lengths at airports of intended use, and the following takeoff and landing distance information: (1) For civil aircraft for which an approved Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual containing takeoff and landing distance data is required, the takeoff and landing distance data contained therein; and (2) For civil aircraft other than those specified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, other reliable information appropriate to the aircraft, relating to aircraft performance under expected values of airport elevation and runway slope, aircraft gross weight, and wind and temperature. Lets take a look at paragraph (b). For any flight as pilot in command you shall, before the beginning of a flight become familiar with all available information concerning that flight. This information must include, for any flight, runway lengths at airports of intended use, and the following takeoff and landing distance information for civil aircraft for which an approve Airplane Flight Manual containing takeoff and landing distance data is required ( This applies to CAP aircraft), the takeoff and landing distance data contained therein. OK, what do we need to do to comply with this section of the regulation? Several factors come into play when determining takeoff and landing distance. Lets start with the weight of the aircraft. The heavier the aircraft, the longer the takeoff or landing roll so we need to determine the gross takeoff and landing weight of the aircraft. While we do this we can determine the weight and balance for the airPres0 C 0 C 20 C 20 C craft as well. sure

Altitude, ft 0 2000 4000 6000 8000

to, ft 795 960 1165 1425 1755

50, ft 1460 1770 2185 2755 3615

to, ft 925 1115 1355 1665 2060

50, ft 1685 2060 2570 3300 4480

Next calculate density altitude. Air density has more of an effect on aircraft performance than just pressure or temperature alone. The performance charts in the Cessna POH compensate by listing distances based on aircraft weight, temperature and pressure altitude. The charts do not make allowance for variation in aircraft configuration, wind, runway condition or slope.

Table 1. Selected POH take-off performance entries for the Cessna 172 at 2400 pounds For Training Purposes Only: Consult the Aircraft Flight Manual for current data.

To help remember the necessary and information and document compliance you can use a Take-Off and Landing Data (TOLD) card. This helps you comply with the regulation and helps reduce your liability. Remember that you can be held financially liable if it is found that you are not in compliance with applicable regulations (negligence). Continued Sample Documents on page 4 3



AIRCRAFT TAIL NO. _________________________________ AIRCRAFT CALL SIGN _______________________________ MISSION BASE CALL SIGN____________________________ MISSION BASE PHONE NO.___________________________ MISSION BASE FREQ.________________________________ GT CALLSIGN_______________________________________ WING HQ PHONE NO.________________________________

BASIC EMPTY WEIGHT ________ X________ =_________ FRONT SEATS REAR SEATS BAGGAGE AREA 1 MAX 120 LBS. BAGGARE AREA 2 MAX 50 LBS. FUEL GAL X 6 = LBS. TOTAL ________ X________ =_________ ________ X________ =_________ ________ X________ =_________ ________ X________ =_________ ________ X________ =_________

AFRCC PHONE NO. 1-800-851-3051



GT VEHICLE DESCRIPTION___________________________ GT RENDEZVOUS LOCATION__________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ RENDEZVOUS TIME WINDOW STARTS AT______________ & CLOSES AT ______________ TIME HACK 202-762-1401 OR 303-499-7111 OR 762-4101 (DSN) CODEWORDS ______________________________________

TOTAL MOMENT / TOTAL WEIGHT = C.G. C.G. = ___________C.G. RANGE FROM ______TO ______ WIND ______ AT ____KNOTS TEMPERATURE ________ FIELD ELEVATION ___________DENSITY ALT. _________ RUNWAY IN USE _________ X/W _______ HW__________ TAKEOFF DISTANCE _____________ 50 ______________ AVAILABLE RUNWAY LENGTH ______________________


LANDING DISTANCE _____________ 50 ______________ AVAILABLE RUNWAY LENGTH ______________________ Fig 1: Sample TOLD card page one.
Fig 2: Page 2 of TOLD card. Do your preflight takeoff planning and keep yourself safe and legal. Until next time Happy flying! Semper Vigilans!!!

CAP CARTOONS One Night in the Civil Air Patrol is a series of CAP inspired cartoons I made for the web in 2006. It has a few recurring characters, among them is Major Douglas S. MacKillroy, CAP a member of the fictional South Texas Composite Squadron. In this installment, Maj. MacKillroy deals with a Senior Members Senior Moment. Enjoy!!! 4

U.S. Civil Air Patrol Marks the Passing of U.S. A.F. Brigadier General David Lee "Tex" Hill, October 11, 2007
By 1st Lt Estelle Kelly, CAP David Lee "Tex" Hill gained renown as one of the United States' most capable and adventurous pilots during World War II. As a member of the Flying Tigers formed by Lieutenant General Claire Chennault to fight Japanese fighter squadrons over China, Hill flew in Curtiss P-40s and served as both squadron leader and flight leader with the 2nd Squadron. David Lee "Tex" Hill of the Flying Tigers After 1942, Hill was commissioned in the U.S. Army Air Force to activate the 75th Fighter Squadron, known as the Flying Sharks, to continue his work in the skies over the Pacific. By 1945, Hill was credited with at least eighteen confirmed aerial combat victories (more than twenty probable victories). He went on to join the Texas Air National Guard, gaining the rank of Brigadier General. After joining the U.S. Air Force Reserves in 1952, Hill came to Brooks AFB in 1954 as commander of the 8707th Pilot Training Wing. there he flew North American T-28 Trojans while training reserve pilots. Hill remained in the active reserve until 1958, and retired from service in 1968 with over 3, 500 flying hours. Among his many awards is the Distinguished Service Cross presented in San Antonio, Texas on May 25, 2002. The David Lee "Tex" Hill Composite Squadron is saddened by the loss of a good friend and the squadrons' namesake. Captain David Badal has paid the squadrons respects to the family. Photos courtesy: To read a tribute article on Brig. Gen. David Lee "Tex" Hill, view a photo presentation, and add your memories of his life to:


Welcome to American Red Cross BASH 2008! Many thanks to those of you who have already made your commitment we need and want all of you to participate in this special signature fundraising event! Please plan on attending our organizational meeting to hear reports, learn of progress already underway, and find out how you can be a part of the fun: Monday, October 29, 2007 Cathy Chatham 11:45 a.m. 2008 Red Cross Bash Co-chair Ortiz Center 361-855-5116 361-815-7194 mobile

We will discuss an activity involving a bunch of non profit organizations and some businesses) getting together on Halloween to pass out information and candy at a car lot. They have coordinated with a Champion dealer on this effort. What: Champion will provide brand new
cars and we decorate/fill the trunk with goodies and stuff to pass out--flyers about our organization; perhaps launch a rocket to get the crowd's attention When: Wednesday Halloween night Who: whoever can attend in uniform Where: info to follow Why: PUBLICITY!!!! To be discussed at the 23 October Meeting


Lt Col Rand Woodward, CAP Texas Wing Director of Operations To All Pilots, FROs, and Squadron Commanders: The new Texas Wing Supplement to CAPR 60-1 has been approved and is in effect. The new WgSup is not yet on the Wing web site, but a copy is attached. Every pilot and FRO must have a copy, in addition to the basic 60-1. Every aircraft must have a copy in the aircraft binder along side the basic 60-1. The overall size was reduced from 4 pages to 1. However, there are significant changes, some of which are outlined below:
1. Mission Check Pilots - Must complete the NCPSC every 4 years, the same as Check Pilots. Also, all CAPF 91 check rides for Mission Check Pilot must be accomplished with a Mission Check Pilot Examiner (who are also Check Pilot Examiners, used to be called Subordinate Stan/Eval Officers). Flight Release Officers (FROs) - Must complete the on line FRO course and test every two years. Effective immediately, all Texas Wing FROs who have not taken the online FRO course within the last two years must do so immediately at fro/. Now, before I start hearing groaning from all over the state, I just did the course, it only took 20 min, and was a very good review. Those who have not completed the course by 15 Nov 07 will be removed from the FQ 01/08 FRO list on 16 Nov 07. When they complete the online FRO course, they can be reinstated. Evidence of completing this requirement should be emailed to , to include FRO name, CAPID, date and certificate number. A signed copy of each FRO's CAPF 99 must be scanned and emailed to, or faxed to 866-867-6764 NLT the 5th of each month. NEGATIVE REPORTS ARE NOW REQUIRED OF ALL FROs, but can be easily accomplished with a simple email to the above address. Copies must also be sent to the FRO's SqCC and GpCC, or designee. FROs are now required to enter into WMIRS all flights that they release for B12, B17, C8, C16, C17, C19 and C20 mission symbols (basically pilot initiated flights). As an FRO, if you need additional instructions for WMIRS, please contact me. FROs will NOT enter into WMIRS ANY Cadet Orientation flights. Those will all be entered by TXWG HQ. FROs are NOT to release any A9, B9, or C9 flights. Those will all be released by TXWG Maintenance.


3. 4. 5. 6.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me, after working the problem with your Squadron and Group personnel. 2007 TEXAS WING ENCAMPMENT ANNOUNCED Col ROBERT F. ELDRIDGE, CAP
2007 Texas Wing Winter Encampment Commander

All Unit Commanders, Seniors involved in the Cadet Program and Cadets, The 2007 Texas Wing Winter Encampment will take place on Camp Swift, Bastrop Texas from 26 31 December 2007. We are now ready to accept applications for the encampment from Cadets who have not attend a previous encampment. Cadets who are attending an encampment for the first time will need to complete the application process as outline in the Operations Plan posted on the wing web page at: ...or go to Application Instructions at: In addition, Your Wing Cadet Programs staff will be offering - Advanced Training Squadron (ATS). The ATS is a week-long leadership and staff training school to be executed in conjunction with this encampment. Cadet attendees will be instructed on skills necessary for the positions of Support and Flight Staff. This is not just a classroom environment school - they will be given several different projects throughout the week to practice what they have learned both in a team and as an individual. Instruction will go beyond the usual CTEP curriculum, to include subjects such as administration, logistics, proper discipline, motivation, creative leadership, drill perfection/instruct ion, honor guard overview and team building/dynamics. To be eligible to attend the ATS, you must have completed a basic encampment and have a positive attitude about going through difficult challenges in order to improve yourself. Any Cadet NCO or Officer not on the encampment staff, we highly encourage you to attend this enriching activity. If you are interested in attending, you will need to complete the encampment basic application process as outline in the 2007 Texas Wing Winter Encampment Operations Plan and indicate on the Texas Wing Form 31, Advanced Training Squadron. You will not regret attending this activity and you will be better prepared to serve in the positions necessary not only in the squadron but also at future encampments.

All applications must be received NO LATER THAN December 1st, 2007. Late applications will not be accepted. 6

Presenting 1st Lt Hector Galvans Flying Nights

By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Brownsville, Texas South Texas has long possessed one of the nations largest CAP GAPS, the units (until recently) have been isolated by over 150 miles. This reporter is pleased to announce that that gap is being closed on several major fronts. This is occurring due to an upsurge in dedicated CAP members that are driving to insure that Southern Texas becomes a jewel in the CAP crown. One such CAP Officer who is building beyond CAP is 1st Lt Hector Galvan, CAP. 1st Lt Galvan is a teacher at Egly Elementary School in Brownsville, Texas as well as a long time CAP member. Three years ago, 1st Lt Galvan pioneered a youth group called The Flying Knights. This is an aviation based club which he created with the purpose to teach young 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders the joy of flying with the use of Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Ubisoft IL2 Sturmovik . Using these two simulators, stated 1st Lt Galvan, I can teach students the basic physics of flight (with Ubisoft IL2 Sturmovik) at a very early age. More advance navigation training is done in FSX. Four of my students have even passed the challenging Private Pilot check ride this year. 1st Lt Galvan calls it challenging because of the age of the student involved. The objectives are kept simple for them: learn how to read maps, how to take off safely, how to configure a Cessna 172 for landing and land safely, how to read and use the instruments which include maintaining altitude, speed, and heading, how to take off and land at another airport in day/night or foggy conditions, and how to do an ILS approach. Galvans father, long time Valley-CAP Officer Lt Col Tino Galvan, donated an airplane chair with rails to which 1st Lt Galvan built a frame for it to hold the flight components. I'm using a CH Products flight stick with the CH Products rudder pedals. said Galvan, When a student is accepted into the Flying Knights, they are required to buy a $20 Saitek ST290 pro joystick from a local discount store so that all students have their own controller to attach to one of my 20 computers. It's an inexpensive joystick that has the needed rudder control. The requirements to join the Flying Knights are high to weed out those who just want to play around. The name Flying Knights came from our school mascot the Shining Knight. When they leave the elementary school, continued 1st Lt Galvan, they are encouraged to join the local CAP cadet squadron in Brownsville. Three of this former students joined this year. 1st Lt Galvan supplements the instruction with field trips having planned this school year trips to the Brownsville CAP squadron at the airport, NAS in Kingsville during Thanksgiving, then to the Tejas RC air show in February, and finally to the NAS air show in the spring. The school mascot is a shining knight and Galvans group is about flying, so the knight's helmet represents our school and the wings represents our 1st Lt Galvans daughter models the aviation club. The logo has been placed on t-shirts for the group member which Flying Knights signature shirt. the school paid for. The club uniform consists of woodland BDU pant, combat boots, and the black Flying Knights t-shirt which we wear once a week and to field trips. I wanted to make it look like the CAP cadet uniform. Said 1st Lt Galvan, I recently modified the logo by adding the six primary flight instruments around it. In addition to these efforts, 1st Lt Galvan is a member of the Mid Valley Senior (pilot) Squadron member in Harlingen, Texas which is a brand new squadron.

The Events Details Page!!!

See whats going on in the Texas Wing you can get in on!!! October NAS KINGSVILLE SIMULATOR ACTIVITY SET for 30 Oct 2007
By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP

Kingsville, Texas Major Fidel Alvarado, CAP received word from Mr. Bert Alvarez, NAS Kingsville SIM
contact person that we are a go for the Goshawk Simulator on Tuesday 30 October 2007. This is the fifth Tuesday of the month and will occur on a evening when there is no regular meeting scheduled. The following is requested of those wishing to attend
(1) Names of all of the Senior members wanting to attend. (2) Names of all of the Cadets that want to attend. (3) Need names only, no rank or CAP ID number. (4) All must wear uniforms. (5) All must have ID CARDS. (6) Drivers of vehicles must have currency: Drivers License, registration, inspection sticker and appropriate insurance.

The time is set for 1800 hours to 1930 hours for SIM time. The time of arrival at the Wild Horse Mall parking lot is to be no later than 1715 hours. Load into the vehicles ETD at 1730 hours. Navy security check between 1740 and 1750 hours. We are to be inside the SIM module by 1755 hours. These are projected times, the objective is to be in the SIM module and start at 1800 hours. Squadron staff is to treat this as a "GO" unless otherwise notified by Navy. Navy has the prerogative to cancel at any time without notice. Fall 2007 CTEP Leadership School 23-25 November 2007 The Cadet Training and Education Program's Leadership Schools will be conducted this year the weekend of the 23rd - 25th of November. It will be conducted at Camp Mabry in Austin. Each one of the Leadership Schools has been enhanced with hours of research and revamping by your cadet and senior staff. There will be more opportunities to receive feedback from your experienced staff and more opportunities to practice some of the concepts that you have learned in your textbook and through the classes. I understand that it will be conducted on Thanksgiving weekend, but you should remind your parents and family that you will be receiving training and experiences that cost hundreds to thousands of dollars in the business and academic field. If you're looking for a good time and some quality training, please apply right away. It is pertinent to your being accepted as a student to apply right away. The deadline is November 7th, however, the schools will be capped off for the first time. NCOA will be capped at 30 students, SNCOA at 20 students, OTS at 15 students, and CCSC at 10 students. Thanks so much for your time and your interest in the increased standard of leadership within Texas Wing! For more details Group V Airman Leadership School October 26 28, 2007 Lackland AFB, Texas The Lackland Cadet Squadron will host an Airman C/Capt Gus Rojas the weekend of October Leadership School 26 28,Commandant Cadet 2007 at Lackland Air Base, in San Antonio .256 8906 (210) Captain Mike Jewell C/Capt Gus Rojas The cost of the ALS is $25, Students Project Officer Cadet Commandant will be required to report in to Lackland AFB (210) 688 7458 (210) 256 8906 NLT 1900 on October 26 for check-in.


KINGSVILLE, TEXAS VOL 2 ISSUE 8 23 October 2007 Tales of the Civil Air Patrol from the Heart of the Wild Horse Desert


By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP

Kingsville, Texas The Brahma Cadet Flight is busy preparing for its winter activities. The First of which will be the NAS Kingsville Simulator Activity. It is hoped, said Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP, that we can outfit each of our cadets with a uniform by the 30 October 2007 activity. In addition, Major Carrales has indicated that that day would be used as a uniform day at Memorial Middle School as had been done the previous school year. Cadets will attend school in Minimum Basic Service Dress and continue in those uniforms Capt Phelps distributes field uniforms to until their uniform from the Army/Air Force Exchange free uniBrahma Cadets on 18 October 2007. form program come in. In addition to getting outfitted, the unit also go fit. Thursday 18 October 2007 was the units first PT day. New cadets were instructed in the various elements of Physical Training and then given an opportunity to practice. Cadets need to pass a Physical Training Test in order to promote to the next grade. All Brahma Flight Cadets were encouraged to try the PT test, if at very least to gauge their current state to later improve upon their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. I support a gradual approach, said Major Carrales, a little more each time. Going from a lifestyle of little outdoor physical activity to one of extreme activity is folly, if not downright dangerous. We will this add a little each time. Some cadets had a great time practicing the Shuttle Run, while a good four cadets, under the guidance of C/A1C Steven Johnson, challenged the mile. The test also includes curl ups, a variation of the tried and true sit-up which encourages flexibility; push-ups, Sit and Reach (another flexibility exercise) and the aerobic exercise of the Shuttle or Mile run. Major Carrales even did a bit of the running, we all have to shape up. In the Civil Air Patrol, Cadets get a good dose of PT, (left to right) C/A1C Johnson observes the curl-ups, Cadets Challenge the mile-run and more cadets practice the curl-ups.

KINGSVILLE ALPHA FLIGHT Flight Commander: C/Amn Bryce Nix Flight Adjutant: C/Amn Chelsie Skarda Element Leader: C/Amn Celeste Resendez C/AB Sammie Watson C/AB Dylan Morris C/AB D. Fuentes C/AB C. Carbajal C/AB R. Beal KINGSVILLE BRAVO FLIGHT Flight Commander: C/A1C Michael Beal Flight Adjutant: C/Amn Morgun Bedynek Element Leader: (vacant) C/AB Emily Garcia C/AB J. Morris C/AB J. Flores C/AB M. Bullard Cadet Candidate Jonathan Garza

BRAHMA CADET FLIGHT COMMAND Squadron Commander: Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Deputy Commander for Cadets: Capt Sandy Phelps Communications: Major Paul Treptow, CAP Testing Officer: 1st Lt John D. Hoelscher, CAP Cadet Flight Commander: C/Amn Bryce Nix Cadet Executive Officer: C/A1C Michael Beal Flight Admin: C/Amn Morgun Bedynek Flight Logistics: C/Amn Chelsie Skarda Flight Assistant Logistics: C/AB S. Watson Flight Safety: C/AB John Flores Flight Public Affairs: C/AB Melissa Bullard Flight Protocol: C/AB Joshua Morris Flight Operations: C/AB Christopher Carbajal Flight Communications: Cadet Candidate J. Garza Flight Aerospace: C/AB Dylan Morris

Corpus Christi Comp Squadron Almanac

16 October 2007

CC-CAP GOALSForth Quarter 2007 Forth Quarter All pilots, when qualified, will be required to fly 2 hours per month and attend monthly Stan/Eval meeting. The Primary Goal is to be mission Staging Area capable by First Quarter 2008 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

FAA pilot proficiency (Wings Program) required for all pilots. In Progress Attend all FORTH QUARTER SARex Activity/ 16 November 2007 (WAX), 3 Pilots MP qualifiedIN PROGRESS Capt D. Bazemore begins training. Be ready to host a Staging Area by 1 December 2007 Unit qualify as Form 4 CAP Pilots IN PROGRESS, Lt Col J. B. Barfoot training 2 Additional Mission Scanners 4 Additional UDF qualified CAP Officers/Cadets In training, Cadets M. Beal, P. Lozano, S. Johnson and M. Bedynek have begun UDF training. C/Amn B. Nix awaiting GROUP APPROVAL. Addition of 2 GT3 members Setup a Stationary COMM set up Resolving Antenna Issues, work to begin at CAP STATION KINGSVILLE Squadron Winter/Christmas Banquet IN PLANNING 13 DECEMBER 2007, in conjunction with the PATRIOTS Band of Corpus Christi 10 total cadets at Corpus Christi Proper 4 currently Refine communication drills to test the hardware and train the squadron on use of equipment and proper communication protocols Identify and develop plans to setup land based communication needs for mission base located at Robstown Airport Bolster/Refine CISM In progress, Lt Phelps has attended CISM Activity needs one more course Plan out Goals for all Quarters of 2008

CORPUS CHRISTI COMP SQUADRON EMERGENCY SERVICE RESOURCES AND UNIT STRENGTH by QUALIFICATON MEMBERSHIP Total Membership: 38 Level I membership: 16 CAP Officers: 19 Cadets: 19 Cadets with Curry Achievement: 8


Skills Evaluators: 11 SAR-EX: 0

Ground Team 3: 1

Ground Radiological: 1

AVIATON/FLIGHT OPS RESOURCES CAP Airplane Pilots: 2 CAP Command Pilot Rated: 1 FAA Wings Program: 2 Mission Pilots: 1 Mission Observers: 2 CAP Air Crews: 1, 1 in training Cadet Orientation Pilot--Grp 1: 2 Cadet Orientation Pilot--Grp 2 1 CAP Check Pilot - Airplane: 1 COMMUNICATONS Basic Communicators: 12

CAP Transport Pilot: 2 Mission Scanners: 7 Cadet Orientation Pilot - AFROTC 1 CAP Instructor Pilot - Airplane 1

Advanced Communicators: 1

Mission Radio Operators: 5

The new aircraft maintenances rates effective 1 March 2007. Cessna 172 rate is 30.00 Cessna 182 rate is 41.00 Gippsland GA8 rate is 37.00


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