Corpus Christi Squadron - Nov 2007

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VOLUME 2 Issue 48 Corpus Christi, Texas 27 November 2007 Keep the Momentum Going and Keep em Flying

This issue
CC-CAP SOUND OFF........1 Upcoming Key Events........2 AWARDS, QUALFICATONS and PROMOTIONS.......2


By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Dear CAP Fellows, It has been a very good week for our unit!!! I know that is a regular saying it seems from me these days, but how else is one to describe the return of local CAP Flight Operations. We have had our obstacles, namely the weather. However, despite this most uncontrollable force of nature, we have prevailed. Prior to this week, I was fortunate enough to represent the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron to the Teaching American History Grant Program. This stage of the grant was at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History...namely, on board the three replicas of the Columbus ships. As shown in the photo inset to the right, it was a good day of exploring these 13th Century vessels. The Grant has been very fruitful to the study of American History and general Social Studies in South Texas. Through it I was given the opportunity to make a film. The PBS special, U.S.S. Lexington: More Than Meets the Eye was done in collaboration with local teachers, including myself. Read more about it here... Our unit was also involved with a GEAR UP activity earlier this month. It is hoped much more opportunities of this nature will present themselves. Also, we hope we can have an extension of the aircraft for one more week. This would allow for the rest of our Form 5 flights and give us an opportunity to really give the aircraft a proper shakedown, including cleaning and reorganizing its interior. As of the writing of this almanac, we were expecting a confirmation from Group V. Our unit is also preparing for its 2007 Holiday Party, it is hoped that at that party we can unveil a new unit patch as well as wing our officers and give out a few well deserved awards. Major Fidel Alvarado and 2d Lt Monica Lozano are organizing the activity with loads of support from the unit. -SEMPER VIGILANS! 1

November 2007 Stan/Eval Newsletter......3 CC-CAP Distinctive Patch Proposed..........4

New Regulations available for Commentary.......4 CC-CAP Flight Status Report....5 Important CD Information from Texas Wing.....5 CC-CAP 2007 Holiday Party Update....6 Middle East Region invites IT Officer Texas Wing .........6 Safety Namely, Winter Driving Safety.....7 The Events Details Page!!!..8 BRAHMA FLIGHT LOG.........9 CC-CAP Almanac...10


Corpus Christi Comp Squadron

Upcoming Key Events and Dates


Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Squadron Commander

Saturday, Dec 1-2, 07 Kerrville, Texas

Lt Col John Hunter

Monthly Report Flying Report, Vehicle Inspection, Usage Report.

Saturday, Dec 1-2, 07

Major Fidel Alvarado, CAP Deputy Commander

Group V Holiday Party Saturday, Dec 08, 07 Quarterly appointment letter FRO Submission Saturday, Dec 15, 07 Maj R Russell

Capt Sandra Phelps, CAP Deputy Commander for Cadets

2d Lt Monica Lozano, CAP Assistant Public Affairs Officer


VOLUME 3 Issue 48 27 November 2007
Wright Brothers Award: C/SSgt Philip Lozano (pending Write Brothers at National) Curry Achievement: C/Amn John Flores C/Amn Joshua Morris C/Amn Melissa Bullard C/Amn Jonathan Garza

P.O. Box 671 Premont, Texas 78375-0671 Through the Air Over South Texas is a weekly publication of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron designed to provide the units members as well as those of neighboring units with news and information. It also serves as the historical documentation of the SQUADRON. Additionally, it serves as a Civil Air Patrol almanac recording an documenting critical information for the use of Unit members. Submissions are welcomed. If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, please send your article to:

UDF Team Member C/Amn Bryce Nix, CAP

C/SSgt Philip Lozano (pending Write Brothers at National) C/Amn Christopher Carbajal-To rank as per Cadet Program C/Amn John Flores- To rank as per Cadet Program C/Amn Joshua Morris- To rank as per Cadet Program C/Amn Melissa Bullard- To rank as per Cadet Program C/Amn Jonathan Garza- To rank as per Cadet Program

STAN/EVAL Corner will be Back next week.

Until then
ENJOY The November 2007 STAN/EVAL Newsletter from...

The Texas Wing

November 2007 Stan/Eval Newsletter
Bob McDonnell LTC CAP Texas Wing Stan/Eval I am going to make this newsletter shorter, but hopefully make some points that will help you solve your Ops Qual problems. First, we at Wing have no access in Ops Qual that will allow us to wave a wand and correct items at lower levels. Pilots must enter all their data before sending it up for approval. The best recent example of this is the numerous O-ride and AFROTC O-ride pilot approvals that are coming forward without the pilot entering in the 200 or 300 hours PIC in Ops Qual. Unit Commanders can not validate themselves. Unit's must have a deputy assigned to validate the commander's items. The CAP has not delegated this authority to Group or Wing. It has to be done at Unit Level Pilots and Units many times can not figure out why a person is notqualed in a certain item. This is the most important thing I am going to say. The answer is on the Pilot Ops Qual page. On the bottom left is "What do I need?" Click on that enter the qual, and you will see a red flag in the item missing. You must have an annual CAPF 5 in Ops Qual to get 12 months out of the system. To be an annual you must complete all A/C questionnaires and your Online exam in the previous 90 days. You must also enter it as an annual in Ops Qual. This is a computer if you do not enter it or do things out of order, it will not update you. The Pilot List on the Wing Website is for USAF Insurance on A and B Missions. Your name must be on the list to fly A and B missions. FROs still use Ops Qual for flight release, they are required to also check the Wing Pilot List for the pilot's name for A and B flight releases. If you are not on the list but current in Ops Qual, they may be the PIC for only C-missions. We are producing 3 lists a month. Just prior to the end of the month, we QC the list and remove all people that are listed on the expiring task report. This gives us a list version A to start the month. Two or three days into the month we allow the Ops Qual computer to do it's update and QC that product, and we produce what we hope is solid list version B. On or around the 15th we do another QC and produce a mid-month list version C. The best way to stay current and keep yourself on the list is what is mandatory in the USAF, commercial operations and the Airlines. They require that your requirements are done before the 25th of the month. If you do not, you stand a good chance of not having the current quals in Ops Qual and validated by the first of the month. With that said I do not know who said to "To Err is Human", but if it is true I am more human than most. If you see some errors, please e-mail me. I can always use the help QCing the list.


CC-CAP Distinctive Patch Proposed

By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Corpus Christi Comp Squadron At the regular meeting of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron on 20 November 2007, Major Joe Ely Carrales unveiled a project that Capt Dennis Bazemore had been working on. The fruits of that project are evident in the inset image to the right. It has been a long time goal of the Unit to have a distinctive patch or emblem. There currently are several sort of unofficial emblems peppering even the pages of this newsletter/ almanac. The first is a MAJCOM shield type typical of Wings and higher lever USAF and CAP organizations. To write a quick blazon of it, it is made up of the Texas Wing winged star set before a field of blue within a heraldic shield. In the scrolling at the bottom is the name of the unit, Corpus Christi Comp. Squadron. Another version of it, the one that appears in the masthead on page one of this almanac, reflects the trend (somewhat recent) to at the letters CAP. The original version of this emblem can be traced back to the year 2000 where it was created by Major Joe Ely Carrales as a stopgap measure. No patches, to the knowledge of the squadron, were ever made of this shield. Recently, during CAP historical research on the earliest Civil Air Patrol activity in the Coastal Bend, Major J.E. Carrales unearthed some photographs of Coastal Patrol Squadron 15. This was a CAP Coastal Patrol base that was part of the sub-hunting initiative of World War II. In those images, the moniker of a wolf suspended in a cloud holding a bomb over a partially submerged submarine was clearly visible in several of the photographs. It is unknown if the design was created locally, by an animation house (like Walt Disney Studios or Warner Brothers... although both are likely candidates) or if it was brought to South Texas by the various Oklahoma Aviators that were mentioned in Flying Minute Men: Story of the Civil Air Patrol by Robert Neprud. The new moniker is heavily inspired by that WWII image and pays homage to those early sub-hunters. The patch is to go into production once its final design is brought forth and details are made. It will likely cost $10 a patch , however, a final price is yet to be set.

REPEAT!!! New Regulations available for Commentary REPEAT!!!

CAPNHQ The CAP powers that be at Maxwell A.F.B. announced 14 November 2007 that commentary on two important CAP regulation revisions is open to the general membership. This will allow for a grassroots treatment of these items. Please avail yourself of the opportunity to review these...either way they present a glimpse of what is to come via the CAP aviation and Communication programs.

Below are the links and contact information for these regulations publications_for_comment.cfm CAPR 60-1 Draft CAP Flight Management:
The draft CAPR 60-1 update should be considered a stopgap measure until such time that CAP and CAPUSAF are able to finalize and publish a greatly shortened version of the regulation. The lengthy coordination process to shorten 60-1 is ongoing and the field will get the opportunity to comment on the future draft regulation in the coming months. Comments are request by 1 Dec 07, through your chain of command.

POC: Mr. Pete Kalisky, NHQ CAP/DOV, CAPR 100-1 Draft Communications

Comments are requested by 1 Dec 07, through your chain of command.

POC: Mr. Malcolm Kyser, NHQ CAP/DOS,

CC-CAP Flight Issues and Possible Schedule

By Major J. E. Carrales, CAP complied from information provided by Lt Col J. Barfoot, CAP Corpus Christi Comp Squadron As of the writing of this article the following had taken place with further m
SM's Velazquez and Messenger have completed a Form 5 SM Velazquez has completed 1 MS sortie. 1stLt. Garmon has completed his last MO sortie. Cadet Lozano has completed 1 Cadet "O" flight.

Assuming we get to keep the aircraft for another week the following is proposed: Monday, 26 Nov
1600 launch from TFP to CRP for Cadet O flight. Return to TFP after complete. Capt Lunceford. PIC

Thursday 29 Nov.
1600 brief, 1630 launch, 1800 return Capt. Lunceford MP/PIC SM Messenger MS Sortie SM Velazquez MS Sortie

Tuesday, 27 Nov.
Brief 1600, 1630 launch, 1800 return Capt. Bazemore PIC LtCol. Barfoot Form 5/Flight Reveiw/IPC

Friday, 30 Nov.
Nothing scheduled yet.

Saturday, 1 Dec. Wednesday, 28 Nov.

1200 brief, 1300 launch, 1430 return Capt. Bazemore, PIC Capt. Pendergrast Form 5 1600 brief, 1630 launch, 1800 return Capt. Bazemore PIC ELT mission Capt. Lunceford MPSM Messenger MS sortie 0900 brief, 1000 launch, 1230 return. Capt. Bazemore PIC 1stLt. Garmon Form 5 and Flight Review.

Backup training as needed. Aircraft can return on Saturday if all events have been completed.

Important CD Information from Texas Wing

Lt Col Orville Jolly, CAP Counterdrug Officer-Texas Wing

Please go to the Texas Wing website's CD page and view CD Reports found under Publications. You will find noteworthy lists of CD currency and suspensions as well as pending approvals. CD Coordinators: Please send this information to the units in your group and remind everyone that their personal qualifications can be viewed online anytime. I recommend viewing on a regular basis. Go to e-services Go to CAP Utilities Go to My Operations Qualifications/ National Reports Go to Counterdrug

Lt Col Orville Jolly, CAP

281-364-8147 Home/Office 281-292-2317 Fax/Notify first 281-799-2956 Mobile ojolly5@comcast. net

You will find your CD currency status and online orientation status within two days of taking the online course. Every CD member needs to be aware of this capability. I sent this information out several weeks ago and there are still many who either did not receive it or they ignored it and forgot it.

CC-CAP 2007 Holiday Party Update

By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Corpus Christi, Texas Plans are in the works for the 2007 Corpus Christi Composite Squadron Holiday Party. We are set for 11 December 2007 at the Longhorn Steak and Ale restaurant located at 4307 Alameda in Corpus Christ proper. The venue was allocated by Unit Deputy Commander Major Fidel Alvarado, the principal Project Officer, and many of the details are in the capable hands of 2d Lt Monica Lozano. Mr. Fred Segundo, the new director of operations at CRP international airport will be our guest speaker for the evening. We have slated a number of awards and other accolades for that evening including promotion certificates. All members are invited and we may have a few other guests that are friends of the unit that can dine with us and enjoy our company. Im greatly looking forward to the evening, Said Major Joe Ely Carrales, unit commander, it gives us an opportunity to reflect on the years activities as well as spend an evening together. The only official activity for that evening will be to outline goals by quarter for 2008. The last meeting for 2007 will be 18 December 2007. Regular Squadron activities for 2007 will be closed after that date save for any OPERATONAL training activities, such as flight training or actual CAP missions. Activities at Kingsville will continue until 20 December 2007 to coincide with end of the 1st Semester of Kingsville ISDs 2007-2008 school year. The next regular meeting following the 18 of December 2007 will be 8 January 2008. Address information and questions on the party to Major Fidel Alvarado Jr., CAP TX026, Deputy Commander Corpus Christi Composite Squadron Pho. (361) 242-1234 and Cell (361) 739-6194

Middle East Region invites Texas Wing Commanders, Officers and Cadets to Compiled Web-Resources
Major Jane E. Raymond, CAP MER/IT Director Information Technology I am the Information Technology Director for the Middle East Region and would like to invite you to see the lessons and information that I have been regularly posting to our website. Caring and sharing is my motto! The more information we can get to you the better your training will be and of course your use of computers. I hope that you will take the time to visit the site and send me comments or suggestions as to how I can improve it.. In this time of WAR we need to keep technology as our friend because we have enough foes to worry about. Using due diligence and learning more about technology will help to keep your computers safe and most importantly in tip top condition. The internet can be an intimidating place for the first time users and there are still a lot of them. Please share this website with your friends and colleagues. The more CAP members that visit the site the better! Here is the link:

Safety Namely, Winter Driving Safety

By Lt Col George Grondin, CAP Texas Wing Director of Information Management Winter is just around the corner, so it is time to start preparing your vehicle for winter. It is better to be safe than sorry, and its better to be over prepared than not. First off, check out your car. Make sure your battery and charging system are in good working order. Inspect all belts and hoses for signs of wear or cracking, replace any that do not look to be in good condition. If anything is going to go wrong, you can bet it will happen to you in the winter time. It is also a good idea to change your motor oil to lighter weight oil, which will make your engine a little easier to turn over during cold weather. If you need an oil change anyway, this is the best time to take care of this. Make sure that you have four good tires on your car. It doesnt matter if your car is front wheel drive or rear, put on four good tires. Also check your antifreeze; they sell testers in automotive stores. It looks like a rather large eye dropper and you just remove a little of the coolant from your radiator using the tester. There are little balls inside the tester, which will float to different levels inside. This will tell you at what temperature your antifreeze will freeze. If need be, drain some of the coolant from your system and add more antifreeze. Check your wiper blades to make sure they are in good condition. Also make sure that your washer reservoir is full, it is always a good idea to carry a spare gallon of washer fluid in your trunk. It will never fail that you will run out of washer fluid while traveling, not at home in your driveway. Now it is time to start packing your car for winter driving. Make sure that your spare tire is in good condition and full of air. Also make sure that your jack is in good working order, and that all the parts are where they should be. Here is a list of items that you should be carrying in your trunk for winter emergencies: A small tool kit, with a pair of pliers, a Phillips and straight screwdriver, a hammer, a pocket knife and some other small tools, a set of jumper cables; a small bag of sand or cat litter (this can be used both for weight in a rear wheel drive car and to place on a slick roadway to give you more traction); a blanket; some extra clothes (toss in a few jackets, gloves and hats that you no longer wear); a pair of boots; bottled water; and some food (it is a better idea to keep the food in the trunk so that you are not tempted to eat it while driving). The foods recommended are high-energy nutrition bars, munchie type foods, and anything else that will keep and not freeze. Also carry a first aid kit, a flashlight with a set of extra batteries, matches in an airtight container, reading material; something brightly colored that can be used for flagging, and a small shovel. A small broom for snow removal and a heavy-duty ice scraper should be carried in the front of the car where they will be easy to get at. Also never let the gas tank in your vehicle fall below half full for winter driving. Not only will a fuller tank of gas give your car more weight, it could also mean the matter of staying a little warm or freezing a death, if you are caught in a snow storm. If you absolutely do need to go out in a storm, try not to go alone, but take someone else with you. Two people can usually get a car unstuck when one person cant. Dress warmly, in several layers. Even though it will be warm in the car while you are traveling, if you do end up stuck somewhere, it may get cold very quickly. If you do get stuck, tie the flagging to your car and open the hood. Try to only run the car for 10 minutes per hour and run the heater only when the car is running, to save the battery. Also, if it is dark, run the dome light only when the car is running. Before starting the car, get out and check and make sure the tailpipe is clear. Also be sure to crack your window a bit when the car is idling. You must be very careful of carbon monoxide poisoning. Of course many people now have cell phones and can make a call if they have problems. But dont forget, cell phones dont always have signals. Or if you do get in touch with someone to come and help, it still could take several hours, particularly if the roads are impassible. Remember, taking good care of your vehicle before winter and packing the right supplies could be a matter of life and death. And drive carefully and slowly!

The Events Details Page!!!

See whats going on in the Texas Wing you can get in on!!!
November MEETING SCHEDULE for the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron November:
Tuesday 27 November 2007 Kingsville Meeting 1600-1800 hrs CAP STATION KINGSVILLE Tuesday 27 November 2007 Senior Meeting 1900 hrs SIGNATURE FLIGHT SUPPORT CC International Airport/ Cadet Tuesday 29 November 2007 Kingsville Meeting CANCELLED

2007 Texas Wing Ground Team School

By Major Sean Crandall, CAP 2007 Texas Wing Ground Team School Commander

All Unit Commanders, Cadets and Seniors The 2007 Texas Wing Ground Team School will take place on the sandy dunes and grass lands of South Texas, in Brownsville , Texas from 26 31 December 2007. We are now ready to accept applications for the Ground Team School from Cadets and Seniors who have a desire to enhance individual, and ground team skills in a week long, in the field, Red-Cap setting. The activity will be held at the Brownsville Composite Squadron Training Center , located at the Brownsville International Airport , Brownsville , Texas , and using facilities and/or field training locations on or near the airport. The primary purpose of this activity, as approved by the Director of Operations, is to provide basic skills for Ground Team Members (GTM) 3 and 2, and advance skills for GTM 1 and Ground Team Leaders (GTL) skills in ground search and rescue to eligible cadets and seniors. All applications must be received NO LATER THAN December 1st, 2007. Late applications will not be accepted. The Texas Wing Ground Team School will be full of in the field training, day and night sorties, survival skills, land navigation, UDF and airport ramp checks. Please feel free to contact me, or 956-456-3590 if you have any questions, and I hope to see members from around the state attend the first annual Texas Wing Ground Team School.


The Kerrville Composite Squadron will be hosting a SLS during the weekend of 1-2 December 2007. Any CAP member wishing to take advantage of this opportunity should contact Captain Chuck Seeber at... Group IV to host Squadron leadership School, Corporate Learning Course and Unit Commanders Course
Group IV is sponsoring a SLS, CLC, and UCC course on 08-09 December 07 at the host squadron facilities of 7-6 Air Calvary Composite Squadron located at Lone Star Executive Airport (CXO) in Conroe , TX 77303-4355 . Members wishing to attend should send or email their TXWGF 17as to the Project Officer, Lt Col Don Wheeler not later than 05 December 07 at the following address:

Donald Wheeler, Lt Col, CAP Group IV SLS/CLC/UCC 3522 Graz Drive College Station, TX 77845
This activity is open to all TXWG seniors. Please enroll in these courses early as space is limited.


The 2007 Texas Wing Winter Encampment will take place on Camp Swift, Bastrop Texas from 26 31 December 2007. Cadets who are attending an encampment for the first time will need to complete the application process as outline in the Operations Plan posted on the wing web page at:
...or go to Application Instructions at: All applications must in NO LATER THAN December 1st, 2007. Late applications will not be accepted.


KINGSVILLE, TEXAS VOL 2 ISSUE 13 27 November 2007 Tales of the Civil Air Patrol from the Heart of the Wild Horse Desert

Photos from Kingsvilles Brahma Cadet Flight

By Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP

Kingsville, Texas Above, only the modern automobiles spoil the effect of an old school photo. The original photo was taken at Alice, Texas during a field trip on 6 November 2007. Right, C/A1C Bryce Nix conduced a boot polishing class in October 2007. This class came in handy as cadets soon dawned uniforms on Tuesdays. -Semper Vigilans
KINGSVILLE ALPHA FLIGHT Flight Commander: C/Amn Bryce Nix Flight Adjutant: C/Amn Chelsie Skarda Element Leader: C/Amn C. Carbajal C/Amn Celeste Resendez C/Amn R. Beal C/AB Sammie Watson C/AB Dylan Morris C/AB D. Fuentes Cadet Candidate Lidia Perez BRAHMA CADET FLIGHT COMMAND Squadron Commander: Major Joe Ely Carrales, CAP Deputy Commander for Cadets: Capt Sandy Phelps Communications: Major Paul Treptow, CAP Testing Officer: 1st Lt John D. Hoelscher, CAP Cadet Flight Commander: C/A1C Bryce Nix Cadet Executive Officer: C/A1C Michael Beal Flight Admin: C/Amn Morgun Bedynek Flight Logistics: C/Amn Chelsie Skarda Flight Assistant Logistics: C/AB S. Watson Flight Safety: C/Amn John Flores Flight Public Affairs: C/AB Melissa Bullard Flight Protocol: C/AB Joshua Morris Flight Operations: C/Amn Christopher Carbajal Flight Communications: C/AB J. Garza Flight Aerospace: C/AB Dylan Morris

KINGSVILLE BRAVO FLIGHT Flight Commander: C/A1C Michael Beal Flight Adjutant: C/Amn Morgun Bedynek Element Leader: C/Amn J. Flores C/Amn J. Morris C/Amn M. Bullard C/Amn Jonathan Garza C/AB Emily Garcia C/AB C. Mumford Cadet Candidate Joe Longoria

Corpus Christi Comp Squadron Almanac

27 November 2007

CC-CAP GOALSForth Quarter 2007 Forth Quarter All pilots, when qualified, will be required to fly 2 hours per month and attend monthly Stan/Eval meeting. The Primary Goal is to be mission Staging Area capable by First Quarter 2008 1) FAA pilot proficiency (Wings Program) required for all pilots. IN PROGRESS 2) 3 Pilots MP qualifiedIN PROGRESS Capt D. Bazemore begins training. 3) Qualify 4 as Form 5 CAP Pilots IN PROGRESS, SM Rene Velazquez and SM Rober MessengerAchieved Form 5, Lt Col J. B. Barfoot, Capt Joe Pendergrast and 1st Lt Mike Garmon, in training 4) 2 Additional Mission Scanners- IN PROGRESS, Training to begin 18-24 November 2007. 5) 4 Additional UDF qualified CAP Officers/Cadets In training, Cadets M. Beal, P. Lozano, S. Johnson and M. Bedynek have begun UDF training. C/A1C B. Nix qualified. 6) Addition of 2 GT3 members cadets attending GSARS will qualify in this as well as UDF 7) Setup a Stationary COMM set up Resolving Antenna Issues, work to begin at CAP STATION KINGSVILLE 8) Squadron Winter/Christmas Banquet IN PLANNING 11 DECEMBER 2007, MAJOR ALVARADO is Project Officer will be at the Longhorn Steak and Ale 9) 10 total cadets at Corpus Christi Proper 4 currently, potential 5th cadet attended 13 November 2007/ 10) Refine communication drills to test the hardware and train the squadron on use of equipment and proper communication protocols IN PROGRESS, BCUT held in Corpus Christi on 13 November 2007 11) Bolster/Refine CISM In progress, Lt Phelps has attended CISM Activity needs one more course 12) Plan out Goals for all Quarters of 2008

CORPUS CHRISTI COMP SQUADRON EMERGENCY SERVICE RESOURCES AND UNIT STRENGTH by QUALIFICATON MEMBERSHIP Total Membership: 42 Level I membership: 21 CAP Officers: 21 Cadets: 21 Cadets with Curry Achievement: 14


Skills Evaluators: 12 SAR-EX: 0

Ground Team 3: 1

Ground Radiological: 1

AVIATON/FLIGHT OPS RESOURCES CAP Airplane Pilots: 4 CAP Command Pilot Rated: 1 FAA Wings Program: 2 Mission Pilots: 1 Mission Observers: 2 CAP Air Crews: 1, 1 in training Cadet Orientation Pilot--Grp 1: 2 Cadet Orientation Pilot--Grp 2 2 CAP Check Pilot - Airplane: 1 COMMUNICATONS Basic Communicators: 12

CAP Transport Pilot: 3 Mission Scanners: 7 Cadet Orientation Pilot - AFROTC 1 CAP Instructor Pilot - Airplane 1

Advanced Communicators: 1

Mission Radio Operators: 5

The new aircraft maintenances rates effective 1 March 2007. Cessna 172 rate is 30.00 Cessna 182 rate is 41.00 Gippsland GA8 rate is 37.00


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