Corpus Christi Squadron - Dec 2007

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Holiday Banquet and Party

11 December 2007


A. Pledge B. Cadet Oath C. Moment of Silence

II. Opening Remarks

A. Recognition of distinguished guests B. Overview of 2007 FY goals and accomplishments C. Introduction of guest speaker

III. Guest Speaker IV. Break for Dinner V. Awards & Promotions VI. New Business
A.Goals for 2008 FY



2007A Year in Review

2007 The Year of Building
By Major J.E. Carrales, CAP

The last item of business at the 2006 holiday Party was to plan out the year, by quarter, in a manner that would allow the unit to be both ambitious and flexible. The first item on that list, one that carried itself over from one quarter on another was:

Unit Goal: Attend all First Quarter DSAR activities

For those too new to the unit and those that are outside supports of the unit, a DSARex is a Distributive Finding an ELT somewhere on the woods, a noble pastime. (Left to Search and Rescue Exercise. This is Right) Then 2d Lt Mike Garmon, Maj. Fidel Alvarado, Cadet Ross, where a mission base is set up at one location and staging areas are opened Cadet Lozano, Capt Leonard Saddler and Cadet J. Hatch. through out the State of Texas. These subordinate areas serve as field training sites while the mission base staff learn how to handle, mitigate and eventually address various loads of information. The finalized plans for the January 12-14 Distributive made at the 9 January 2007 meeting at Corpus Christi. Capt Leonard Saddler, Capt Bob Brecount and several cadets of Victoria Comp Squadron were in attendance. Aviators were to concentrate on Mission Observer and UDF activities. The DSARex provided our unit with a sort of MORALE FUEL. The skies may have been gray that weekend, but the spirits were high.

Unit Goal: Radio and Television work, Public Affairs work

We Started 2007 with a return to NEWS/TALK 1440 KEYS RADIO, except this time in the morning instead of the afternoon. On 5 January 2007 Capt Joe Pendergrast , joined by Cadet Christopher Villarreal and Cadet Philip Lozano, graced the airwaves of South Texas with a few words on the CAP Cadet Program. They were hosted by the very gracious Rev. Bob Jones and John Gifford of the 1440 Keys Morning Show. Rev. Jones was the very honored guest speaker at the 2006 Holiday Party and had been an outspoken supporter of the unit. In fact, NEWS/TALK 1440 KEYS has been an avid supporter of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron since 2005 when the unit was in the RETOOLING stage. This includes the notable assistance of other radio personalities such as Eric Von Wade and his producer Adam Silva. The efforts of these individuals, as well as those of KZTV Action 10 News , insure that unit is well covered in the media.

Radio Stars shine brightly over South Texas. In the studio at NEWS/TALK 1440 KEYS, (left to Right) Rev. Bob Jones, Mr. John Gifford, Cadet P. Lozano, Cadet C. Villarreal and Capt J. Pendergrast.

And so it was February!!!

The year was off to a great start. The February Distributive SARex was looming on the horizon and Lt Col Eddy Billman considered the challenge of having the Mission Base in the Group. We took a close look at our COMM resources and started the ball rolling with a meeting between then 2d Lt Mike Garmon and Assistant Group V COMM officer Major Paul Treptow .That meeting took place on 17 January 2007 and where 2d Lt Garmon received the necessary ACUT training. That was a crucial first step for our COMMs initiative.

UNIT GOAL: Addition of 3 UDF qualified CAP Officers

As a result of deployments and SARex activity, Major Fidel Alvarado, then 2d Lt John Hoelscher and the 2d Lt Mike Garmon qualified as Urban Direction Finders. These were among the first of a long line of new Qualifications for the unit. In February, the unit honored two local dignitaries, Nueces County Capt J. Pendergrast adCommissioner Charles Chuck Cazalas and Preparedness & Response Director dresses the Baptist Church for the Coastal Bend Chapter of the American Red Cross Nevada J Linford on 6 in Corpus Christi. February 2007 for their continued support and cooperation in helping revitalize the units Emergency Services, Aerospace Education and Cadet Programs. This was a continuation of a series of guest speakers that marked the early part of 2007. The guest speaker idea began with the Rev. Bob Jones at the 2006 Holiday Party and grew to include such dignitaries as local attorney Guy Williams, State Representative Juan Garcia, Nueces County Commissioner Chuck Cazales and Nevada J. Linford of the American Red Cross. Later speakers would include County Judge Lody Neal and retired Texas Senator Carlos Truan.

16-18 February 2007 DSAREX at Victoria

Training at the 16-18 February 2007 DSAREX went very well for the Corpus Christi Composite Squadron. The unit deployed en masse to the Victoria Staging Area that was located at Victoria Regional Airport at, of course, Victoria, Texas. Officers in attendance were Major J.E. Carrales, Capt J. Pendergrast, 1st Lt J. W. Lunceford, 1st Lt Sandy Phelps, 1st Lt J.D. Hoelscher, and 2d Lt M. Garmon. Cadet C. M. Villarreal was also in attendance. The primary training day was Saturday 17 February 2007. Twas that day that an historical event of sorts took place. The first Aircrew sorties flown completely by CC-CAP personnel this century took place. In all, the Staging Area was assigned to fly three missions and each of these missions was totally manned by aircrew from Corpus Christi.

The 1st Lt Jerry Lunceford, Capt Joe Pendergrast and the 2d Lt Mike Garmon made up the totally first CCCAP Aircrew to fly in 4 years.

CC-CAP Unit Obtains CAP Flag

The Corpus Christi Comp Squadron obtained the Colors of the Civil Air Patrol on Tuesday 20 February 2007. This is a good morale move as we account for all our programs going into the middle of the First Quarter. This flag, as well as the unit's guidon, will accompany the unit to various CAP activities. This was also an initial step in making the unit's cadet color guard a reality, a future goal for 2008. Funds are being saved to purchase a Unit Flag. One existed already and was in use as late as 2002, but this flag cannot be found at this time.

We officially passed the half-way buoy of the First Quarter, the it was suddenly MARCH!!!
The CC-CAP squadron saw some changes to its meeting location during March 2007 . During the month of March the unit began meeting at the Conference Center at the Doctors Regional Medical Center, 3315 S. Alameda St. in Corpus Christi. This is thanks to the efforts of then SM B. Sam Kimbrell, our Emergency Service officer. We also began exploring the meeting facilities at the Coastal Bend Chapter of the American Red Cross for cadet meetings. It was the start of a fun time at the Hospital.

CAP Activity Considered in Kingsville, Texas

In 1998, then 2d Lt Joe Carrales made an attempt to gather a unit in Kingsville, Texas. Then, 9 1/2 years later, an old opportunity presented itself. Officials from Kingsville Independent School district contacted Major Joe Ely Carrales expressing interest in the formation of a flight in Kingsville, Texas. Namely Memorial Middle School. An exploratory meeting of students meet in Room W101 at Memorial Middle School in Kingsville, Texas. It was attended by CC-CAP officers Major Joe Ely Carrales and 1st Lt John D Hoelscher. Additionally, 7 students of that school arrived interested and were given CAPF 15 to fill out along with recruiting materials for their parents. The Brahma Cadet Flight is named after Kingsville I.S.D.s mascot the Brahma Bull. Regular meetings were to begin after Spring Break and pending applications acceptance at National. More was to come. While this was happening, CAP searched for a man lost in the Guadalupe Mountains of Texas. A RV6 aircraft had disappeared Wednesday, 28 February 2007 en route from California to Virginia with a solitary pilot. The search would be unsuccessful, a farmer reportedly found the crash over a month later by accident. Cadets Morgun Bedynek and Cadet Bryce Nix, Meanwhile, C/Basic Morgun Bedynek and C/ destined to go down in history as the first two Basic Bryce Nix are the first two cadets to officially regisBrahma Cadets at Memorial Middle School. ter at CAP National for the Brahma Flight of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron, Their names appeared at about noon on Wednesday 14 March 2007. The First official meeting of the new Flight was set to be held on Thursday 22 March 2007 in Room W101 at Memorial Middle School in Kingsville, Texas.

In all, six cadets and cadet candidates were in attendance. C/AB B. Nix and C/AB M. Bedynek were joined by four other cadet candidates including Cadet Candidate Chelsie Skarda, Cadet Candidate Michael Beal, Cadet Candidate David Herras and Cadet Candidate Emily Garcia. Skarda and Bealls applications are en route to National. The program was discussed and a lesson in Drill and Ceremonies was presented. The Unit was also tasked with designing a lasting unit emblem as well as personal goal setting.

A slight change in the format and a new look for the Almanac. Now a table of contents for an easy read. 1st Lt John D. Hoelscher, CAP introduced the cadets to the necessary paperwork that the cadets will use to track and record their progress. Uniforms were also issued to several of the officially listed cadets. Major Joe Ely Carrales discussed possible activities including a trip to the Simulators at NAS Kingsville, a trip to a local county airport and some activities taking place at the mother unit in Corpus Christi Proper. It is hoped that some of these new cadets will elected to attend the Texas Wing Summer Encampment and other Group V activities. These activities were paralleled by good new from Group V, a school unit at the Pipe Creek Christian School was also making news. News of the 2007 Texas Wing Encampment and the Texas Wing Conference in Austin filled the CAP wires.


Four Cadets and two CAP Officers from the Corpus Christi Composite Squadrons Brahma Cadet Flight took a planned field trip to Nueces County Airport in Robstown, Texas to have a lesson o aviation and aircraft on Thursday 5 April 2007.1st Lt John D Hoelscher, Personnel Officer and aviator in the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron, conducted some simple instruction on aviation and discussed parts/ components of the Aircraft. Cadets were allowed to sit in an aircraft and examine how controls and instruments were configured. Initial projects for the unit will be to uniform every cadet, commence a model rocketry program and insure a solid implementation of the CAP Cadet Program as well as growth.

Unit Goal: Attend the 2007 Texas Wing Conference

Five members of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron attended the 2007 Texas Wing Conference at the Former Bergstrom Donut in Austin, Texas on 13- 15 August 2007. Major Joe Ely Carrales, 1st Lt Sandy Phelps, 1st Lt John Hoelscher, SM Monica Lozano and Cadet Airman Phillip Lozano represented the CC-CAP unit and Group V to the larger Wing. CAP Officers from Corpus Christi arrived Friday Afternoon and participated in the workshop section of the Conference held primarily on Saturday. The day began with the General Session where Lt Col Max Hays served as Master of Ceremonies introducing the dignitaries from National, Region and Wing. The Colors were posted by the Competition Color Guard of the Pegasus Composite Squadron. Each commander gave a speech highlighting their units goals. Colonel Chitwood discussed activities slated for the near future alluding to more inter-Wing activities and even Southwest Region members attending Wing and local functions. Col Eldridge thanked the Wing and his Staff for a fruitful and outstanding administration. During the General Assembly several awards were given out including a Meritorious Service Award to Major Sean Crandall, Squadron Commander of Brownsville, for his service to the Wing by conducting the 2005 Texas Wing Conference in Corpus Christi. That year, the YEAR OF THE HURRICANES, saw the Conference moved again and again until it finally took place in November. Cadet Phillip Lozano sat on the Texas Wing CADET AVISORY COUNCIL, which was observed by new Wing Commander Colonel Joe Smith. It was shortly announced that members with NOW OPSEC would be sent to a GHOST SQUADRON, all but four of our number remained.

GROUP V Awardees: Major Sean Crandall holding his Units Group Team Competion Award, Major Juan Arredondo Cadet Programs Officer of the Year, Lt Col Billman Group Commander and Major Joe Ely Carrales, Region Public Affairs Officer of the Year.

Unit Goal: Conduct B-CUT at Corpus Christi

A Basic Communications User Training (BCUT) class was held in Corpus Christi on 24 April 2007 at the usual meeting place at Doctors Regional Hospital. The class was conducted by 2d Lt Mike Garmon and represents a major step toward CC-CAP unit autonomy. The BCUT course is required for all CAP Officers and Cadets to use Civil Air Patrol communications equipment. Additionally, his qualification is key to most entry level GES areas, both air and Ground. It deals with the basics of radio usage including Phonetic Alphabet, CALL SIGNS 1st Lt Garmon gives BCUT!!! and PROWORDS and dos and donts of all thing COMM in CAP. Attendees of the Course are as follows (note: * indicates those taking the course for the first time) Major Joe Ely Carrales, Major Fidel Alvarado, Capt Dennis Bazemore*, 1st Lt Dalia Castro, 1st Lt Sandra Phelps, SM Sam Kimbrell*, SM Monica Lozano*, and Cadet Airman Phillip Lozano*.

CC-CAP and Brahma Flight cadets visit NAS Kingsville GOSHAWK SIMULATOR
Nine CAP Officers and Cadets of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron and its Brahma Cadet Flight attended T-45 Goshawk flight simulator at Naval Air Station Kingsville near the city of the same name on 8 May 2007. For some, the activity was their first handson aviation activity; for other more experienced CAP Officers, it was a chance to try some fancy flying. CAP Officers 1st Lt Jerry Lunceford and SM Kelly Harlan took turns approaching and landing on the simulated Aircraft Carrier. Major Fidel Alvarado also took a turn. Aside from the SENOR MEMBER antics, the primary experience was for the cadets. Each got a good initial 15 to 20 minute round in the simulator for instruction, then they each got a second free lance round to either try the carrier landing, formation flying or (as Cadet Bedynek proved by requesting missiles) anything they could think of that was within the realm of aviation physics. This was the second official outing for Brahma Cadet Flight of Kingsville, the first being a field trip to Nueces Co Airport in Robstown, Texas. Members of this flight in attendance were, Cadet Airman Bryce Nix, the flights ranking cadet, Cadet Airman Chelsie Skarda, Cadet Airman Basic Morgun Bedynek and Cadet Airman Basic Emily Garcia. They were joined by Cadet Technical Sergeant Christopher Villarreal, the SQUADRON ranking cadet. Cadet Airman 1st Class Phillip Lozano, Cadet Airman Michael Beal and Cadet Airman Basic Celeste Resendez were unable to attend due to other commitments.

Memorial Middle School Offers use of Portable Building to Brahma Cadet Flight
Principal Roel Gonzalez of Memorial Middle School in Kingsville, Texas has authorized the use of a portable building at that facility for the use of the Brahma Cadet Flight. This allowed summer activities at Kingsville to occur unhindered by the summer shut down of the school. The building has its own energy sources via an electric connection as well as heating and cooling. The unit moved into the facility on 10 May 2007 at which time some aviation lessons were discussed.

It was Armed Forces Day, 19 May 2007, however it was arguably one of the best days for Corpus Christi weather this century. All in all, a beautiful day for running along the Gulf of Mexico. CAP Officers and Cadets were asked by the organizers of the 32nd Annual Beach to Bay Marathon to provide assistance to them guarding trophies and providing assistance to participants at the finish line. There was an estimated 11,000 people gathered at Corpus Christis Cole Park along the shoreline. The Unit was deployed in two elements, 1) Minimum service dress clad cadets from Kingsvilles Brahma Cadet Flight to provide passive security and a presence on stage and 2) a BDU clad element at the finish line to assist distressed or dehydrated runners. Three tons of ice and four truckloads of water later, around 1200 hrs, the last runners entered the gate and awards were distributed. The Unit finished its duties and retired to the Whataburger on the Bay fast food restaurant for lunch.


Capt Dennis Bazemore and 2d Lt Mike Garmon attended the USAF Evaluated Search and Rescue Exercise in lieu of attending the Beach to Bay Activity. It had been agreed that the Unit would deploy on two fronts and those needing to complete mission work would be dispatched to Victoria to augment the Civil Air Patrol presence in the State wide activity.

CC-CAP and Brahma Flight Participate in Memorial Day Activities

It had been a really wet week, stormy enough to postpone cadet O-Flights, but Monday was a solemn day indeed. It was Memorial Day 2007. The Unit was approached by the Commander of a Corpus Christi American Legion post, Pablo Garza of Post 364, to assist in a ceremony that was to be held at the Rose Hill Cemetery in Corpus Christi, Texas. The Project Officer was SM Monica C. Lozano, the mother of Cadet Airman First Class Philip Lozano and Assistant Public Affairs Officer. The unit would distribute some flags on the final resting places of fallen Soldiers, Sailors and Airman. Many members of the Unit participated actively in the ceremony including SM Lozano who read a stirring poem to the assembled dignitaries. The cadets present, C/TSgt Christopher Villarreal, C/1AC Philip Lozano and C/Airman Bryce Nix, where also involved in a segment of the ceremony as they presented a wreath to the memorial for the Gold Star Mothers. Afterwards, the unit was invited to a dance and reception at the American Legion Post 364 at 5323 Kostoryz Rd in Corpus Christi, Texas. There, the CAP Officers and Cadets were treated to Chicken Dinner and the music of a local band


Three CAP Cadets from the Corpus Christi Comp Squadrons BRAHMA CADET FLIGHT are in attendance of the 2007 TEXAS WING SUMMER ENCAMPMENT at CAPM MAXIE near PARIS, TEXAS. Cadets Airman Bryce Nix, Cadet Airman Michael Beal and Cadet Airman Basic Celeste Resendez left for the encampment early during the weekend of 16 June 2007. This marks the first time Civil Air Patrol cadets from Kingsville, Texas have attended such and event in at least 20 years.

South Texas Civil Air Patrol Drills in Advance of Tropical Storms 17-19 August 2007
Civil Air Patrol Officers and Cadets from Corpus Christi, Texas participated in a statewide training exercise on 17-19 August 2007 prior the eminent landfall of Hurricane Dean deploying to Brownsville and San Antonio. The Units aviation personnel, as per the recommendation of Lt Col Eddy Billman, Commander of Group V, made the drive to San Antonio early on Saturday 18 August 2007.

Major Fidel Alvarado, CC-CAP Deputy Commander, reported that he and the Aviators arrived at Stinson Field on time, Capt Dennis Bazemore and CAP Officer John B. Barfoot, flew sorties with Group V flight crews. Capt Joe Pendergrast served as a staff member and briefed Lt Col Billman on activities in Corpus Christi. 1st Lt Jerry W. Lunceford and Major Alvarado flew as part of the same flight crew on Sorite # 42. Major Alvarado pointed out that there are several areas where it will be necessary to become more proficient (COMM and DF equipment) that can be addressed by classes and discussions at upcoming meetings.

Cadet Philip Lozano Volunteers during local Floods

Cadet Lozano continued to volunteer above and beyond the hours he needed, giving up part of his summer vacation to assist and support families affected by the flood. Working from 0830 to 1600 hrs, Monday through Saturday, Cadet Lozano said he enjoyed riding in the American Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle, but the feeling he got when personally thanked by the victims is what kept him going back. Cadet Lozano is 13 yrs old and in the eighth grade. He is an avid basketball player, enjoys cross country running and playing the saxophone and piano. He is the eldest of three children and son of Senior Member Monica Lozano. Cadet Lozano was praised by former CAP National Commander Brig General Richard Anderson and even invited to visit him some day soon at the Pentagon in Washington, DC.

C/Amn Steven Johnson, CAP, Represents CC-CAP at Veterans Summit

C/Amn Steven Johnson represented of the Corpus Christi Comp Squadron at the Corpus Christi Veterans Summit. The activity was hosted by the City of Corpus Christi and Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz American Bank Center. The function was held to provide Veterans of the Coastal Bend a better understanding of all types of Veteran issues. The speakers included General Ricardo Sanchez and General Marc Cisneros. Amid the activity, dressed in a Civil Air Patrol service coat and ready to represent the unit was none other than C/ Amn Steven Johnson. Cadet Johnson was able to speak with the local dignitaries and further the goals of the unit.

November 2007 was the best month on record in recent years for the Corpus Christi Comp. Squadron. It began very eventful with the Brahma Cadet Flight going on a field trip to Alice, Texas. The Kingsville Independent School District is part of a grant known as GEAR UP, which provides funds for schools to participate in several other activities. The Cadets honored Veterans and participated in a ceremony in which Cadets John Flores, Christopher Carbajal and Melissa Bullard presented a distinguished speaker. The group also got an aerial demonstration of vintage aircraft being that the activity was held at the Third Coast Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force.

UNIT GOAL: Qualify 4 CAPF 5 Pilots

Lt Col Barfoots e-mail on 10 November 2007 says it all

We need to have a good showing on this opportunity or we may not get another aircraft! We need to show the Wing that we are motivated!
During the two weeks we had the CAP Aircraft, the CC-CAP unit was able to remarkably do the following

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Qualify CAPF FORM 5 Pilots for a total of 6 Training in Mission Observer and Mission Scanner Emergency Services taskings Fly three Cadet O-Flights More qualified Orientation Pilots Established Squadron Flight Operations for future trainings Established Squadron Flight Release procedures Demonstrated in an outstanding fashion the units ability to greatly serve as a custodian of a CAP Aircraft 8) Identified Strengths and Mitigated weakness 9) Added valued CAP Personnel to the unit that will promote future growth in Operations and Airmenship 10) A level of Professionalism of a nature that fosters a culture of Safety and Continued growth.


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