Ignite Your Potential - DR Preeti Vats

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Ignite your potential

Speech Mind Breath Dr Preeti


Birds fly, and so did Man Transforming people and cultures from inside - out
Dr Preeti Vats is branded as one of the top presenter in the field of Human Performance and well being. She uses the extremely powerful speech-mind-breath principles of psychology and neuroscience to inspire people lead flourishing life with higher mental, emotional and social successes in personal and professional world. For too long over competiveness has created a major imbalance in psych of people and both business and individuals are seeking answers to deteriorating health , decreased motivation to perform , major work-life imbalance and high frustration levels. Preeti creatively helps to reconnect to the self and find the brain , body and emotional hidden potentials that really drive performance, relationships, and creativity which form the most powerful aura of happy lives and businesses.

Featured Speaker and Trainer

The Taj , Shereton , India Tourism Corporation , Frankfinn Cabin Crew Training, Pratham Softwares, IBM, ING, Systems, Extol , Genpact, Trade & Economic Policies, Delegation of European Union to India, Consumer Unity and Trust Society, Megavision Pharmaceutical Ltd , Dubai , Murcurio Pallia Ltd, Times of India , Lotus International USA, Committee member of anti harassment and anti bullying in schools with New Jersey state bar and more

Her Quote birds fly, and , so did man originates from her philosophy that human performance can always be augmented if only it is given right set of skills enclosing THE three most powerful universal elements The Speech, the mind and the Breath. Over the years, Dr Preeti Vats has earned a reputation for not just being an excellent psychologist, impactful keynote speaker and global thought leader, but also her reputation for delivering outstanding initiatives based on her philosophy that assist worldwide human potentials to reach their goals fast, is rapidly becoming legendary.. She is the perfect blend of captivating Personality, brilliant humor, tenderly charm, genuineness and wealth of expertise. Her ability to connect with mind, heart and spirit, makes her one of the most sought-after presenters in East Asia and Canada. Shes a unique professional, blending 14 years of training experience, with Doctorate in Psychology with many top management roles and over a decade of personal development expertise. She knows what makes people tick, what blocks their potential and how to deliver practical takeaway information that her attendees can put to work the very next day.

Dr Preeti Vats is a world class Personal development lifestyle expert in Performance , communications, stress management and work-life balance. She is a counseling psychologist , a Consultant , a trainer and an Impactful speaker . She is the founder and CEO of TrainersWorldWide (www.Trainersworldwide.com, a unique global company which aim at providing only psychologically and neuroscientifically researched, trusted & implied solutions and programs for businesses , individuals & groups for accurate and high performance results across the continents. Her articles keep appearing in world class HR magazines like Humanedge and Insight. She uses psychology and neuroscience intelligently & effectively to help people achieve the desired results they are looking for in business and personal lives.

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A World class human performance catalyst, Dr Vats takes pride in giving individuals and teams valuable, easy to implement psychological brain based strategies and techniques to perform at the extra edge . With additional knowledge in ancient scriptures on human excellence, Dr Vats has reinvented teams and individuals who have become epitome of wonderful team players , peak performing leaders , Emotionally Intelligent , stress free people with wonderful work life balance. Thats

Look in yourselfyoull always find a magic lamp Dr. Preeti

the reason why most of the top notch companies like The Taj, Shereton, Midas, Frankfinn, India Tourism Development Corporation, Pratham Software keep calling her back as a speaker, trainer and consultant. Dr Vats earned her masters degrees in Human Development and Her Doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology. Having dedicated her life to the study of Human performance communication and interpersonal relationships, Preeti has worked extensively in the areas of results-oriented work/life balance, communication, Team building, mental toughness , stress management, conflict resolution and time management trainings She is a master at carefully orchestrating each presentation to ensure it links into your key drivers, maximizing return on investment. With her skills in a group, relevant content and humor, her programs change the tone of your conference. Preetis greatest joy and measure of success comes from her marriage to her husband and raising their two beautiful daughters.

What Your Audience Will Walk Away With:

We have all seen speakers who can fire up a crowd, or get people laughing, but come Monday morning the laughter and energy are forgotten and its back to business as usual. Preeti is different. She changes peoples behaviors and self Image. After her presentation: People take on a new perspective and make lasting behavioral changes. They remember what they learned for years - a man stood up at the conclusion of a recent session Preeti presented and repeated 3 things he had remembered from a session 5 years ago when he was a student ! !! (She felt like Methuselah!) Feelings determine if we buy, cooperate, learn, engage, connect, communicate and everything else! People walk away from Dr Vatss session feeling different, with new skills and techniques - so they behave and think differently. The whole conference would be upbeat, energized, engaged, enthusiastic, and the messages are incorporated throughout the sessions.

TOPIC AREAS: Communication Leadership Motivation Work-life balance Stress. Mental toughness

Presentation Titles:
Preeti Vats has a database of stories, lessons, psychological and brain based researches and content that she can mix and match to create a meaningful message that is directly relevant to the audience, meeting and corporate outcomes. All her presentations are high energy, funny, practical, use a lot of audience involvement and have serious messages presented in entertaining and memorable stories and activities.
Dr Vatss Carpe Diem (Seize the day) Her widely popular presentation and uniquely developed program Carpe Diem provides solutions to work-life imbalance people are facing . In todays chaotic world performances, relationships and inner happiness are decreasing at a staggering pace, no matter how much companies put in thousands of money to keep its employees happy, they are failing. Dr Vats dual purpose work life balance system, help super busy people Balance the tight rope Successfully These strategies and knowledge can be imparted at both fronts in a single learning from the very next day.



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Phone 602-300-6330

Dr Vatss Empowered teams Build your teams by learning the skills necessary for team synergy and high performance through 7 point system. This presentation gives light on why missions take longer time to succeed and how they can be sped up cultivating happy teams. Dr Vats Stress Armor Program This can be given as 90 mins presentation or a cutting edge 2 day program Survival and success developed to not only manage stress but protect your brain from its after effects. Supercharging your mind to accelerate success and create an armored brain. Her program lead to the establishment of an in-house structure that serves ongoing and future needs. Quit racing against time Learn the skills to manage your energy and activities in a given point of time. This time management program not only makes you skilled in managing time, energy and activities but would also equip the participants with incorporating humor and communication phrases which stimulate stress releasing hormones when things go in a chaos lane. Anger is not an emotion - Controlling anger before it controls you Anger is a response mechanism of body against threat or fear. A very small word but it causes great havoc in peoples lives from broken relations to guilty life .It takes some to fight with their anger throughout your life. This detailed program on anger gives a person the power and insight to understand you brain on anger and how to calm it when need arises. The attendees learn their behaviors and how they can modify according to situations. Valeo Leap The Secrets to Mental toughness External motivation is short lived, while internal motivation is nearly impossible to exhaust until the goal is achieved. The rah-rah, jump-up-and-down motivational pep talks are fun and temporarily motivating, yet lack the real fire emotional motivators generate. World-class leaders know the secret to motivating themselves and others is discovering what they will fight for when the going gets tough. This program uncovers the subtleties of success that move people from good to great. Dr Vats compares the middle class to the world class throughout this program and takes no prisoners. Get ready to throw your excuses away. This program is NOT for low level performers and ego driven types. Mental toughness training targets the good and very good performer Ignite Success - Personal Branding for college students This involves entire aspect of successful personality development to cater the needs required for the fortune 500 companies jobs. This presentation makes the students who are entering the career field fully equipped with tools like positive personality, high self esteem, stress management, acing at the interviews , right career choice through assessments etc. Till date 2000 students have been absorbed at top companies in two attempts and are still consulting Dr Vats for organization behaviors.

9 Mindful minutes A very successful program executed in many schools in East Asia by Dr Vats. Social and emotional skills to reduce stress and anxiety for healthier, happier lives for adults and children.



What others say about Preetis sessions




"Dr. Preeti Vats joined us as an HR consultant when we were in CUTS. she had organized sessions with various groups of the staff and took us through steps of HR processes meant to motivate/solve problems of the staff. Her pleasant demeanor, professionalism and reliability impressed me. With her efficient ways of handling different staff-related issues, even a cynic such as me saw the merit of her work and its impact on us. Working relationship and mutual trust improved in the organization her joining us. Sanchita Chaterjee, Analyst, Trade & Economic Policies, Delegation of European Union to India Dr Vatss excellent way of giving training is unexceptionally good. She makes you understand the concept by giving live examples. She trained my team on How to manage the time. It helped me a lot in my professional life. I am now always reaching 10 minutes early to my office and I am always on time. She polished me on many other important topics like Leadership, Inter Personal Relationship (IPR), Public Speaking. After Death, Public Speaking is the biggest fear for human being, however after attending her sessions I gave many presentations in front of public. I am confident and now I myself take the initiative to speak in front of public. After taking her training sessions, I felt drastic change in myself. This change is appreciated by my family, friends and superiors. You are a good example of how commitment and hard work pay off. May your future efforts be equally successful and rewarding. Kshitiz Sharma, Process Associate, GENPACT Her ability to transform executives into highly effective leaders is outstanding while all along the way doing it with keen insights and a great sense of humor. Leon Pruner VP Research Industry, USA Preeti, you are always very positive in your approach and give positive behavioral pattern to the person whom you give training and help him to achieve his SUCCESS what he deserves and I am very confident that people associated with you will always achieves their best results. We really miss you always as a team trainer." Vasudev Nebhnani, GM Marketing, Megavision Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Dubai Outstanding master of soft skills training; incredibly bright with a treasure trove of all kind of knowledge; expert in personality training; spontaneous personality that make workouts fun. Dr Preeti of TrainersWorldwide is brimming with the brains to help anyone achieve the brawn. Shes the real deal in an industry full of wannabees and is the standard by which any trainer should be measured. Ram Khandelwal, Joint Director, Om Consultancy, India Preeti did an exceptional job with CUTS. She is a compassionate Psychologist , innovative speaker and careful perfectionist hers ideas, training skills, creativity and understanding of change turned HR dynamics more innovative and interesting. She has an extensive knowledge, and her open-minded approach could not be overestimated. She denotes a strong experience in areas such as Human Performance Management and Consulting." Vinamrata Rathod, Manager HR, Vatika, India

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