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Definition In digital circuits, a shift register is a cascade of flip flops, sharing the same clock, which has the output of anyone but the last flip-flop connected to the "data" input of the next one in the chain, resulting in a circuit that shifts by one position the one-dimensional "bit array" stored in it, shifting in the data present at its input and shifting out the last bit in the array, when enabled to do so by a transition of the clock input. More generally, a shift register may be multi-dimensional; such that its "data in" input and stage outputs are themselves bit arrays: this is implemented simply by running several shift registers of the same bit-length in parallel. Shift registers can have both parallel and serial inputs and outputs. These are often configured as serial-in, parallel-out (SIPO) or as parallel-in, serial-out (PISO). There are also types that have both serial and parallel input and types with serial and parallel output. There are also bi-directional shift registers which allow shifting in both directions: LR or RL. The serial input and last output of a shift register can also be connected together to create a circular shift register. Is fast memory, almost always connected to circuitry that allows various arithmetic, logical, control, and other manipulations, as well as possibly setting internal flags. A small high-speed computer circuit that holds values of internal operations, such as the address of the instruction being executed and the data being processed. When a program is debugged, register contents may be analyzed to determine the computer's status at the time of failure. In microcomputer assembly language programming, programmers look at the contents of registers routinely. Assembly languages in larger computers are often at a higher level. A special high-speed storage area within the CPU. All data must be represented in a register before it can be processed. For example, if two numbers are to be multiplied, both numbers must be in registers, and the result is also placed in a register. (The register can contain the address of a memory location where data is stored rather than the actual data itself.) The number of registers that a CPU has and the size of each (number of bits) help determine the power and speed of a CPU. For example a 32-bit CPU is one in which each register is 32 bits wide. Therefore, each CPU instruction can manipulate 32 bits of data. Usually, the movement of data in and out of registers is completely transparent to users, and even to programmers. Only assembly language programs can manipulate registers. In high-level languages, the compiler is responsible for translating high-level operations into low-level operations that access registers. In computer architecture, a processor register (or general purpose register) is a small amount of storage available on the CPU whose contents can be accessed more quickly than storage available elsewhere. Typically, this specialized storage is not considered part of the normal memory range for the machine. Most, but not all, modern computers adopt the so-called load-store architecture. Under this paradigm data is 'shuffled' from subordinated memory- be it L# cache or RAM- into registers, 'crunched' therein by running instructions from the instruction set, then transferred out. A common property of computer programs is locality of reference: the same values are often accessed repeatedly; and holding these frequently used values in registers improves program execution performance. Processor registers are at the top of the memory hierarchy, and provide the fastest way for a CPU to access data. The term is often used to refer only to the group of registers that are directly encoded as part of an


instruction, as defined by the instruction set. More properly, these are called the "architectural registers". For instance, the x86 instruction set defines a set of eight 32-bit registers, but a CPU that implements the x86 instruction set will often contain many more registers than just these eight. Allocating frequently used variables to registers can be critical to a program's performance. This action, namely register allocation is performed by a compiler in the code generation phase.

Categories of registers
Registers are normally measured by the number of bits they can hold, for example, an "8-bit register" or a "32-bit register". Registers are now usually implemented as a register file, but they have also been implemented using individual flip-flops, high speed core memory, thin film memory, and other ways in various machines. A processor often contains several kinds of registers, that can be classified according to their content or instructions that operate on them: User-accessible Registers - The most common division of user-accessible registers is into data registers and address registers. Data registers are used to hold numeric values such as integer and floating-point values. In some older and low end CPUs, a special data register, known as the Accumulator, is used implicitly for many operations. And also are used for temporary scratch storage of data, as well as for data manipulations (arithmetic, logic, etc.). In some processors, all data registers act in the same manner, while in other processors different operations are performed are specific registers. o Accumulators are registers that can be used for arithmetic, logical, shift, rotate, or other similar operations. The first computers typically only had one accumulator. Many times there were related special purpose registers that contained the source data for an accumulator. Accumulators were replaced with data registers and general purpose registers. Accumulators reappeared in the first microprocessors. Address registers hold addresses and are used by instructions that indirectly access memory. Store the addresses of specific memory locations. Often many integer and logic operations can be performed on address registers directly (to allow for computation of addresses). Sometimes the contents of address register(s) are combined with other special purpose registers to compute the actual physical address. This allows for the hardware implementation of dynamic memory pages, virtual memory, and protected memory. The number of bits of an address register (possibly combined with information from other registers) limits the maximum amount of addressable memory. A 16-bit address register can address 64K of physical memory. A 24-bit address register can address 16 MB of physical memory. A 32-bit address register can address 4 GB of physical memory. A 64-bit address register can address 1.8446744 x 1019 of physical memory. Addresses are always unsigned binary numbers. Some processors contain registers that may only be used to hold an address or only to hold numeric values (in some cases used as an index register whose value is added as an offset from some address); others allow registers to hold either kind of quantity. A wide variety of possible addressing modes, used to specify the effective address of an operand, exist. A stack pointer, sometimes called a stack register, is the name given to a register that can be used by some instructions to maintain a stack (data structure). Conditional registers hold truth values often used to determine whether some instruction should or should not be executed. General purpose registers (GPRs) can store both data and addresses, i.e., they are combined Data/Address registers.


Floating point registers (FPRs) store floating point numbers in many architectures. Constant registers are special read-only registers that store a constant. Attempts to write to a constant register are illegal or ignored. In some RISC processors, constant registers are used to store commonly used values (such as zero, one, or negative one) for example, a constant register containing zero can be used in register to register data moves, providing the equivalent of a clear instruction without adding one to the instruction set. Constant registers are also often used in floating point units to provide such value as pi or e with additional hidden bits for greater accuracy in computations. Vector registers hold data for vector processing done by SIMD instructions (Single Instruction, Multiple Data). Special purpose registers hold program state; they usually include the program counter (aka instruction pointer), stack pointer, and status register (aka processor status word). In embedded microprocessors, they can also correspond to specialised hardware elements. Instruction registers store the instruction currently being executed. In some architecture, model-specific registers (also called machine-specific registers) store data and settings related to the processor itself. Because their meanings are attached to the design of a specific processor, they cannot be expected to remain standard between processor generations. Control and status registers - It has three types. Program counter, instruction registers, Program status word (PSW).

Registers related to fetching information from RAM, a collection of storage registers located on separate chips from the CPU (unlike most of the above, these are generally not architectural registers): Memory buffer register Memory data register Memory address register Memory Type Range Registers Index registers are used to provide more flexibility in addressing modes, allowing the programmer to create a memory address by combining the contents of an address register with the contents of an index register (with displacements, increments, decrements, and other options). In some processors, there are specific index registers (or just one index register) that can only be used only for that purpose. In some processors, any data register, address register, or general register (or some combination of the three) can be used as an index register. Base registers or segment registers are used to segment memory. Effective addresses are computed by adding the contents of the base or segment register to the rest of the effective address computation. In some processors, any register can serve as a base register. In some processors, there are specific bases or segment registers (one or more) that can only be used for that purpose. In some processors with multiple base or segment registers, each base or segment register is used for different kinds of memory accesses (such as a segment register for data accesses and a different segment register for program accesses). Processor flags store information about specific processor functions. The processor flags are usually kept in a flag register or a general status register. This can include result flags that record the results of certain kinds of testing, information about data that is moved, certain kinds of information about the results of compations or transformations, and information about some processor states. Closely related and often stored in the same processor word or status register


(although often in a privileged portion) are control flags that control processor actions or processor states or the actions of certain instructions.


Serial-in, serial-out
Destructive readout These are the simplest kind of shift registers. The data string is presented at 'Data In', and is 0 0 0 shifted right one stage each time 'Data Advance' is brought high. At each advance, the bit on the far left (i.e. 'Data In') is shifted into the first flip-flop's output. The bit on the far right 1 0 0 (i.e. 'Data Out') is shifted out and lost. The data are stored after each flip-flop on the 'Q' output, so there are four storage 'slots' 0 1 0 available in this arrangement; hence it is a 4-Bit Register. To give an idea of the shifting pattern, imagine that the register holds 0000 (so all storage slots are empty). As 'Data In' 1 0 1 presents 1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0 (in that order, with a pulse at 'Data Advance' each time. This is called clocking or strobing) to the register, this is the result. The left hand column 1 1 0 corresponds to the left-most flip-flop's output pin, and so on. So the serial output of the entire register is 10110000 (). As you can see if we were to 0 1 1 continue to input data, we would get exactly what was put in, but offset by four 'Data Advance' cycles. This arrangement is the hardware equivalent of a queue. Also, at any time, 0 0 1 the whole register can be set to zero by bringing the reset (R) pins high.This arrangement performs destructive readout - each datum is lost once it been shifted out of the right-most 0 0 0 bit. Serial-in/serial-out shift register Serial-in, serial-out shift registers delay data by one clock time for each stage. They will store a bit of data for each register. A serial-in, serial- 0 0 0 out shift register may be one to 64 bits in length, longer if registers or packages are cascaded. Below is a single stage shift register receiving data which is not synchronized to the register clock. The "data in" at the D pin of the type D FF (Flip-Flop) does not change levels when the clock changes for low to high. We may want to synchronize the data to a system wide clock in a circuit board to improve the reliability of a digital logic circuit. 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

The obvious point (as compared to the figure below) illustrated above is that whatever "data in" is present at the D pin of a type D FF is transfered from D to output Q at clock time. Since our example shift register uses positive edge sensitive storage elements, the output Q follows the D input when the clock transitions from low to high as shown by the up arrows on the diagram above. There is no doubt what logic level is present at clock time because the data is stable well before and after the clock edge. This is seldom the case


in multi-stage shift registers. But, this was an easy example to start with. We are only concerned with the positive, low to high, clock edge. The falling edge can be ignored. It is very easy to see Q follow D at clock time above. Compare this to the diagram below where the "data in" appears to change with the positive clock edge.

Since "data in" appears to changes at clock time t1 above, what does the type D FF see at clock time? The short over simplified answer is that it sees the data that was present at D prior to the clock. That is what is transfered to Q at clock time t1. The correct waveform is QC. At t1 Q goes to a zero if it is not already zero. The D register does not see a one until time t2, at which time Q goes high.

Since data, above, present at D is clocked to Q at clock time, and Q cannot change until the next clock time, the D FF delays data by one clock period, provided that the data is already synchronized to the clock. The QA waveform is the same as "data in" with a one clock period delay. A more detailed look at what the input of the type D Flip-Flop sees at clock time follows. Refer to the figure below. Since "data in" appears to changes at clock time (above), we need further information to determine what the D FF sees. If the "data in" is from another shift register stage, another same type D FF, we can draw some conclusions based on data sheet information. Manufacturers of digital logic make available information about their parts in data sheets, formerly only available in a collection called a data book. Data books are still available; though, the manufacturer's web site is the modern source.


The following data was extracted from the CD4006b data sheet for operation at 5VDC, which serves as an example to illustrate timing. [*] tS=100ns tH=60ns tP=200-400ns typ/max tS is the setup time, the time data must be present before clock time. In this case data must be present at D 100ns prior to the clock. Furthermore, the data must be held for hold time tH=60ns after clock time. These two conditions must be met to reliably clock data from D to Q of the Flip-Flop. There is no problem meeting the setup time of 60ns as the data at D has been there for the whole previous clock period if it comes from another shift register stage. For example, at a clock frequency of 1 Mhz, the clock period is 1000 s, plenty of time. Data will actually be present for 1000s prior to the clock, which is much greater than the minimum required tS of 60ns. The hold time tH=60ns is met because D connected to Q of another stage cannot change any faster than the propagation delay of the previous stage tP=200ns. Hold time is met as long as the propagation delay of the previous D FF is greater than the hold time. Data at D driven by another stage Q will not change any faster than 200ns for the CD4006b. To summarize, output Q follows input D at nearly clock time if Flip-Flops are cascaded into a multi-stage shift register.


Three type D Flip-Flops are cascaded Q to D and the clocks paralleled to form a three stage shift register above.

Type JK FFs cascaded Q to J, Q' to K with clocks in parallel to yield an alternate form of the shift register above. A serial-in/serial-out shift register has a clock input, a data input, and a data output from the last stage. In general, the other stage outputs are not available Otherwise, it would be a serial-in, parallel-out shift register.. The waveforms below are applicable to either one of the preceding two versions of the serial-in, serial-out shift register. The three pairs of arrows show that a three stage shift register temporarily stores 3-bits of data and delays it by three clock periods from input to output.

At clock time t1 a "data in" of 0 is clocked from D to Q of all three stages. In particular, D of stage A sees a logic 0, which is clocked to QA where it remains until time t2. At clock time t2 a "data in" of 1 is clocked from D to QA. At stages B and C, a 0, fed from preceding stages is clocked to QB and QC. At clock time t3 a "data in" of 0 is clocked from D to QA. QA goes low and stays low for the remaining clocks due to "data in" being 0. QB goes high at t3 due to a 1 from the previous stage. QC is still low after t3 due to a low from the previous stage.


QC finally goes high at clock t4 due to the high fed to D from the previous stage QB. All earlier stages have 0s shifted into them. And, after the next clock pulse at t5, all logic 1s will have been shifted out, replaced by 0s

Serial-in, parallel-out This configuration allows conversion from serial to parallel format. Data is input serially, as described in the SISO section above. Once the data has been input, it may be either read off at each output simultaneously, or it can be shifted out and replaced.

4-Bit SIPO Shift Register

A serial-in/parallel-out shift register is similar to the serial-in/ serial-out shift register in that it shifts data into internal storage elements and shifts data out at the serial-out, data-out, pin. It is different in that it makes all the internal stages available as outputs. Therefore, a serial-in/parallel-out shift register converts data from serial format to parallel format. If four data bits are shifted in by four clock pulses via a single wire at data-in, below, the data becomes available simultaneously on the four Outputs QA to QD after the fourth clock pulse.

The practical application of the serial-in/parallel-out shift register is to convert data from serial format on a single wire to parallel format on multiple wires. Perhaps, we will illuminate four LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) with the four outputs (QA QB QC QD ).


The above details of the serial-in/parallel-out shift register are fairly simple. It looks like a serial-in/ serialout shift register with taps added to each stage output. Serial data shifts in at SI (Serial Input). After a number of clocks equal to the number of stages, the first data bit in appears at SO (QD) in the above figure. In general, there is no SO pin. The last stage (QD above) serves as SO and is cascaded to the next package if it exists. If a serial-in/parallel-out shift register is so similar to a serial-in/ serial-out shift register, why do manufacturers bother to offer both types? Why not just offer the serial-in/parallel-out shift register? They actually only offer the serial-in/parallel-out shift register, as long as it has no more than 8-bits. Note that serial-in/ serial-out shift registers come in gigger than 8-bit lengths of 18 to to 64-bits. It is not practical to offer a 64-bit serial-in/parallel-out shift register requiring that many output pins. See waveforms below for above shift register.

The shift register has been cleared prior to any data by CLR', an active low signal, which clears all type D Flip-Flops within the shift register. Note the serial data 1011 pattern presented at the SI input. This data is


synchronized with the clock CLK. This would be the case if it is being shifted in from something like another shift register, for example, a parallel-in/ serial-out shift register (not shown here). On the first clock at t1, the data 1 at SI is shifted from D to Q of the first shift register stage. After t2 this first data bit is at QB. After t3 it is at QC. After t4 it is at QD. Four clock pulses have shifted the first data bit all the way to the last stage QD. The second data bit a 0 is at QC after the 4th clock. The third data bit a 1 is at QB. The fourth data bit another 1 is at QA. Thus, the serial data input pattern 1011 is contained in (QD QC QB QA). It is now available on the four outputs. It will available on the four outputs from just after clock t4 to just before t5. This parallel data must be used or stored between these two times, or it will be lost due to shifting out the QD stage on following clocks t5 to t8 as shown above Parallel-in, serial-out This configuration has the data input on lines D1 through D4 in parallel format. To write the data to the register, the Write/Shift control line must be held LOW. To shift the data, the W/S control line is brought HIGH and the registers are clocked. The arrangement now acts as a SISO shift register, with D1 as the Data Input. However, as long as the number of clock cycles is not more than the length of the data-string, the Data Output, Q, will be the parallel data read off in order.

4Bit PISO Shift Regis ter

The animation below shows the write/shift sequence, including the internal state of the shift register. Flip-Flops Registers Consider the following circuit:

Here are two NAND gates with their outputs cross-connected to one input on each. This arrangement makes use of feedback. When R and S are 1, the circuit has two stable states: Q can be 1 and Q' 0, or Q can be 0 and Q' 1. Suppose the circuit has Q = 1. If S goes to 0, even momentarily, the circuit will flip states and Q will become 0. If S goes back to 1, Q will remain 0 (and Q' 1). The circuit "remembers" that S was 0 at some time in the past. Then, if R goes to 0, the circuit will flip back to the way it was initially, with Q =


1 and Q' = 0. This behaviour is central to circuits that hold data. These circuits are used in computer memory and registers. The circuit above is called the R-S (reset-set) latch. It is the central circuit of the more complex circuits called flip-flops. Here is a circuit called a data or D-type flip-flop:

It is an RS latch with additional NAND gates that make it simple to control. When Enable is 0, both control NAND gates will have a 1 output, and the RS latch will remain stable. When Enable = 1, Q will become equal to Data. If Data changes while Enable = 1, Q will also change. When Enable goes back to 0, the most recent value of D will remain on the Q output (and Q' will be the opposite). The D-type flip-flop has its own symbol, of course.

This flip-flop is sometimes called a transparent latch, because while Enable is high, the data outputs follow the data input. Because the latch holds the data forever while the enable input is low, it can be used to store information, for example, in a computer memory. Lots of latches plus a big decoder equals one computer memory. If two data-type latches are connected as below, the result is an edge-triggered latch:

In this configuration, two transparent D-type latches are connected in tandem. The enable input, when low, causes flip-flop to be in the transparent state, and the second flipbe locked. When Enable goes high, the second flip flop becomes transparent first, then after a brief delay the first

the first flop to flip-


flop becomes locked. The output of the second flip-flop will show the locked output of the first. Even though the second latch is in its transparent state, the data on the output will not change, because the first latch is locked. When enable goes low again, the second flip-flop becomes locked first, then the first becomes transparent. The data output will remain unchanging, because now the second flip-flop is locked. The only time new data can be stored in the circuit, is during the brief moment when the enable input goes from low to high. This transition is referred to as a rising clock edge, and so this tandem latch configuration is called a rising edge triggered latch. The two flip-flops and inverter can be enclosed by a box, and represented by a single symbol. The Enable input of the transparent latch is replaced by the clock pulse (CP) input. The edge-triggered latch is one of the central circuits in computer design.

It allows the following: Assume a series of pulses (voltage going from 0 to 5V) is coming in to the CP input. The Q output will be switching values every other clock pulse. This divides the clock frequency by two. A chain of these acts as a binary counter. The most important use of the edge triggered flip-flop is in the data register. The characteristic of loading data only at the rising edge of the clock pulse is critical in creating the computer machine cycle, as we will see. A register is simply a collection of edge triggered flip-flops. Here is a four-bit register:

The edge-triggered flip-flop register is crucial for the computer machine cycle.


The machine cycle can be characterized by the following (very much abbreviated) diagram. The computer clock provides a continuous stream of pulses to the computer processor. With each upward swing of the voltage on the clock output, the register loads whatever values are present on its inputs. As soon as the data is loaded it appears on the outputs, and stays there steady throughout the rest of the clock cycle. The data on the register outputs is used as input for the computer circuits that carry out the operations desired. For example, the accumulator register data output may be directed by a multiplexor to one of the inputs of the ALU, where it serves as an add end. The result of the addition appears on the ALU outputs, which can be directed by multiplexors to the inputs of the same accumulator register. The result waits at the inputs of the register for the next upward swing of voltage on the CP register input, sometimes called the write input (WR). When this occurs, the ALU result is loaded into the register and displayed on the outputs. The value held in the register from the previous cycle is overwritten and discarded, having served its purpose. The cycle is repeated endlessly, the data following paths dictated the program instructions, which control the various multiplexors and registers. If the accumulator had used transparent latches, the ALU result would feed through the register, to the ALU, back to the register and through again to the computer circuits in an uncontrolled loop. The edge-triggered register ensures that the result is written in an instant, and then the inputs close, allowing the computer to perform its operations in an orderly and stable way.

Register usage The number of registers available on a processor and the operations that can be performed using those registers has a significant impact on the efficiency of code generated by optimizing compilers. The minimum number of registers required to evaluate an expression tree is known as the Strahler number. One of the most common uses of a shift register is to convert between serial and parallel interfaces. This is useful as many circuits work on groups of bits in parallel, but serial interfaces are simpler to construct.


Shift registers can be used as simple delay circuits. Several bi-directional shift registers could also be connected in parallel for a hardware implementation of a stack. Shift registers can be used also as a pulse extenders. Compared to monostable multivibrators the timing has no dependency on component values, however requires external clock and the timing accuracy is limited by a granularity of this clock. Example - Ronja Twister, where five 74164 shift registers create the core of the timing logic this way (schematic). In early computers, shift registers were used to handle data processing: two numbers to be added were stored in two shift registers and clocked out into an arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) with the result being fed back to the input of one of the shift registers (the Accumulator) which was one bit longer since binary addition can only result in an answer that is the same size or one bit longer. Many computer languages include instructions to 'shift right' and 'shift left' the data in a register, effectively dividing by two or multiplying by two for each place shifted. Very large serial-in serial-out shift registers (thousands of bits in size) were used in a similar manner to the earlier delay line memory in some devices built in the early 1970s.

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