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Name of Lesson: The Effect of Globalization related to Canadian Multi-National Companies Grade Level: 10 Subject: Social Studies Prepared

by: Tim Kitchen Overview and Purpose: This lesson is designed to review basic geography of Canada prior to looking at the effect of Globalization that Canadian companies are having in other parts of the world. Educational Standards use, construct and interpret maps to broaden their understanding, using technology as appropriate explore economic, environmental and other impacts of globalization. identify the main ideas underlying a position or issue examine the impact of human activities on the land and the environment access and operate multimedia applications and technologies from stand-alone and online sources

Objectives: At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: * (Knowledge Level) name the 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada * (Comprehension Level) differentiate between the pros and cons of globalization * (Analysis Level) examine the business practices of Canadian multi-national companies and describe the positive and negative influences they have on communities in the countries they opperate * (Evaluation Level) justify three proposals to be put forward in a persuasive essay to minimize the negative effects of globalization Materials Needed: one iPad for 2 students 2 apps installed (HRW Features and TapQuiz Maps) Other Resources: (websites, videos, books, etc.) 1. Persuasive Essays websites Information: Give and/or demonstration necessary information 1. Students will be shown how to access the data from the Tap Quiz Maps app to evaluate when they have reached a minimum of 90% proficiency 2. The teacher will lead a discussion on positive and negative aspects of globalization

3. Student will be directed to how to site and an example site for Persuasive Essays Verification: Steps to check for student understanding 1. Students will be able to get 90% or greater using TapQuiz Maps for their geography of Canada 2. Students will describe 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of the presence of Barrick Gold corporation in Papua New Guinea 3. Students will make 3 recommendations on how this company could make a more positive influence on the people of Papua New Guinea 4. Students will write a letter to the CEO of Barrick Gold outlining their 3 recommendations Activity: Describe activity that will reinforce the lesson Students will work in groups of 2 to be able to correctly identify all 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada. They will take turns on the application TapQuiz Maps on the iPad until they have mastered this knowledge upto 90% recall using the statistical feedback generated by TapQuiz Map Upon completion they will interact with the content in the Human Rights Watch Features app looking at the effects of Globalization in Papua New Guinea. While viewing the content they will make a list of 3 positive and 3 negative impacts of globalization in Papua New Guinea. They will then join 2 other groups and present their 3 positive and 3 negative impacts of globalization in Papua New Guinea. The group will then brain storm recommendations they have for minimizing the negative impacts. Finally, each individual student will identify the 3 recommendations they think will have the greatest impact and use these as the main content of a pursuasive letter to the CEO of Barrick Gold where they will attempt to pursuade the CEO to adopt these proposals

Notes Bibliography Alberta Education. (2011). Social Studies Program of Studies 10-4. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Government of Alberta Education: James. (2005). RadioJames Objective Builder. Retrieved March 2, 2012, from RadioJames:

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