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IJCST Vol. 3, ISSue 1, Jan.

- MarCh 2012

ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

An Experimental Study to Reduce the Effect of ICI in OFDM Based WLAN System
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Dept. of CSE, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engg., Research and Technology, Chandrapur, MS, India
The input data stream is converted into parallel data stream and mapped with modulation scheme. Then the symbols are mapped with Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) and converted to serial stream. The complete OFDM symbol is then transmitted through the channel.

Shruti M. Kallurwar, 2Rahila Patel

Abstract Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), because of its resistance to multipath fading, has attracted increasing interest in recent years as a suitable modulation scheme for commercial high-speed broadband wireless communication systems. OFDM can provide large data rates with sufficient robustness to radio channel impairments. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the Multi-Carrier Modulation (MCM) techniques that transmit signals through multiple carriers. These carriers (subcarriers) have different frequencies and they are orthogonal to each other. A major problem in OFDM is its vulnerability to frequency offset errors between the transmitted and received signals. In such situations, the orthogonality of the carriers is no longer maintained, which results in Intercarrier Interference (ICI). In this paper interference is reduced by using ICI self cancellation method. Keywords Intercarrier Interference, OFDM, ICI Self Cancellation, Modified ICI Self Cancellation I. Introduction Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is a special case of multi-carrier modulation and widely used in wireless communication system like wireless local area network and Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB). However one of the problems in OFDM systems is its sensitivity to phase offset and frequency offset caused by Doppler frequency drift and multipath fading [1]. In such situations, the orthogonality of the carriers is no longer maintained, which results in Intercarrier Interference (ICI). ICI results from the other sub-channels in the same data block of the same user. ICI problem would become more complicated when the multipath fading is present. If ICI is not properly compensated it results in power leakage among the subcarriers, thus degrading the system performance [2]. Some techniques are previously developed for reducing the effect of ICI: Frequency domain equalization but it only reduce the ICI caused by fading distortion which is not the major source of ICI [3]. Time Domain Windowing only reduce the ICI caused by band limited channel which is also not the major source of ICI. The major source of ICI in OFDM is its vulnerability to frequency offset errors between the transmitted and received signals, which may be caused by Doppler shift in the channel or by the difference between the transmitter and receiver local oscillator frequencies. In this paper the two schemes is applied to the system to reduce the effect of ICI on receiver side in OFDM system and compare their result. The paper is organized as follows: Section II illustrates the OFDM modulation techniques; Section III explains the problem in the system and discusses experimental set up; Section IV analyses the result; Section V makes the concluding remarks. II. OFDM System Description A basic OFDM system contains modulation scheme, serial to parallel transmission, parallel to serial transmission and IFFT/ FFT [4]. Fig. 1, illustrates the block diagram of OFDM system.

Fig 1: Block Diagram of FFT Based OFDM System Therefore OFDM symbol can be expressed as (1) Where, denotes the sample of the OFDM signal, X(m)denotes the modulated symbol within subcarrier and N is the number of subcarriers. On receiver side this symbols are converted back to parallel stream and mapped with FFT then with demodulation scheme and converted to serial data as output data. The demodulated symbol stream is given by:

(2) Where w (m) corresponds to the FFT of the samples of the w (n). III. ICI Cancellation Scheme Different cancellation schemes are used in order to reduce the effect of Inter Carrier Interference. ICI self Cancellation scheme and modified ICI self cancellation scheme are considered for the experiment. A. ICI Self Cancellation In ICI self cancellation scheme its main work is to modulate input data on number of subcarriers with predefined self coefficients such that generated ICI signals cancels each other [6]. In this scheme each data bit is sent through two adjacent subcarriers, one with weight +1 and another with -1 [7]. Y (K) = Y(K)-Y(K+1) (3) And to cancel the effect of ICI at receiver side, adjacent subcarriers are subtracted, X(K)-(-X(K)) =2X(K) (4) [7].
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InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology

ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

IJCST Vol. 3, ISSue 1, Jan. - MarCh 2012

B. Modified ICI Self Cancellation In this scheme each data is map with symbol X(k) which is to be transmitted onto a pair of non adjacent subcarriers k and (N-1k) with weightings +1 and -1, rather than to adjacent carriers. In case of ICI self cancellation modulation scheme, each pair of subcarrier transmits only one data symbol and in modified ICI demodulation is suggested to work in such a way that each signal at the (N-1-k)th subcarrier is multiplied by -1 and then summed with one at kth subcarrier. Y(k)-Y(k)-Y(N-1-k)

= X(k)[2S(0)-S(N-1-2k)-S(2k-N+1)]+



Fig. 2 and fig. 3, shows the block diagram of ICI self cancellation scheme and modified ICI Self Cancellation scheme for OFDM system

Fig. 2: Block Diagram of the ICI Self Cancellation Scheme

Fig 3: Block Diagram of Modified ICI Self Cancellation Following are the various components of ICI Self Cancellation Scheme1. Binary Generator It generate binary bit signal from the input data. 2. Convolution Encoder It takes the bit sequence and constraint length as input and it returns the encoded sequence. 3. Matrix Interleaver This function simply interleaves two vectors. The vectors can be of different lengths. If one vector is longer, the leftover elements are just appended to the output vector. This can be done in a couple of lines if the vector lengths are known, but this function handles most of the possibilities automatically, and should save
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a few minutes. 4. ICI Self Cancellation This block reduce the effect of ICI in our system using equation 3 and 4. 5. OFDM Transmitter An inverse FFT is computed on each set of symbols, giving a set of complex time-domain samples. These samples are then quadrature-mixed to pass band in the standard way. The real and imaginary components are first converted to the analogue domain using digital-to-analogue converters (DACs); the analogue signals are then used to modulate cosine and sine waves at the carrier frequency, respectively. These signals are then summed to give the transmission signals.
InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology


IJCST Vol. 3, ISSue 1, Jan. - MarCh 2012

ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

6. OFDM Receiver The receiver picks up the signal, which is then quadrature-mixed down to baseband using cosine and sine waves at the carrier frequency. This also creates signals centered on, so low-pass filters are used to reject these. The baseband signals are then sampled and digitized using analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs), and a forward FFT is used to convert back 7. Modulator Baseband This block modulates a signal using modulation technique, example- BSK or 16 QAM 8. Modified ICI Self Cancellation This block reduces the effect of ICI using equation 5. 9. Demodulator Baseband This block demodulates a signal using modulation technique , example- BSK or 16 QAM 10. General Block Deinterleaver The General Block Deinterleaver block rearranges the elements of its input vector without repeating or omitting any elements. If the input contains N elements, then the Elements parameter is a column vector of length N. The column vector indicates the indices, in order, of the output elements that came from the input vector. 11. Viterbi Decoder It is most often used for decoding a bit stream that has been encoded using convolution code. IV. Simulation Result Modulation schemes BPSK is used in simulation as they are used in many OFDM standards. Other simulation parameters are given in Table 1. Table 1: Basic Simulation Parameters Number of subcarriers (N) IFFT size Number of OFDM symbols Signal to noise ratio 52 64 80 1,3,5,7,8.40dB

V. Conclusion Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a very important modulation technique in wideband wireless communication and multimedia communication systems. The paper concentrates on reducing the effect of ICI using ICI self cancellation scheme and modified self cancellation scheme and comparing their result. This paper shows that Modified ICI self cancellation scheme has much reduced effect of ICI than that showed by ICI self cancellation scheme. Such a technique will improve the performance of the existing OFDM systems. References [1] Richard van Nee, Ramjee Prasad,OFDM for wireless multimedia communications, 2000. [2] Yi-Hao Peng, Ying-Chih Kuo, Gwo-Ruey Lee, Jyh-Horng Wen, Performance Analysis of a New ICI-Self-CancellationScheme in OFDM Systems, 2007. [3] Frequency-Domain ICI Estimation, Shortening, and cancellation in OFDM Receivers,Charles K. Sestok Texas Instruments, Inc. Dallas, TX, USA and Predrag Radosavljevic Dept. of ECE, Rice University Houston, TX, USA [4] Mark Engels,Wireless OFDM Systems: How to Make Them Work?, Kluwer Academic Publishers, first edition, 2002. [5] Yi-Hao Peng, Ying-Chih Kuo, Gwo-Ruey Lee, Jyh-Horng Wen,Performance Analysis of a New ICI-Self-CancellationScheme in OFDM Systems, 2007. [6] Zhao, Y., HAggman, G.,Intercarrier Interference Self Cancellation Scheme for Mobile Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 49, No. 7, 2001 [7] Brahmaji T.A.R.K,An Efficient ICI Cancellation Technique for OFDM Communications Systems, M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, 2009. [8] Miftahur Rahman, Sajjadul Latif, Tasnia Ahad,An Experimental Study of ICI Cancellation in OFDM Utilizing GNU Radio System, North South University Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2011. [9] Peiris, B. J.,A technique to reduce inefficiencies in self ICI cancellation based OFDM system, IEEE, 2002. [10] K. Sathananthan, Rajtheva, R. M. A. P.,Analysis of OFDM in the presence of frequency Offset and a method to reduce performance Degradation, IEEE, Globecom 2000, San Francisco, California, 2000. [11] Hsiao-Chun Wu, Xiaozhou Huang,Joint Phase/Amplitude Estimation and Symbol Detection for Wireless ICI SelfCancellation Coded OFDM Systems, 2004. Shruti M. Kallurwar received her B.E. degree in Computer Technology department from Rajeev Gandhi College of Engineering Research and Technology Chandrapur, in 2009, She is currently pursuing M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Rajeev Gandhi College of Enggineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India. Her Research interests include Networking.

In this paper we are showing result in the form of table, Table 2 consists of Signal to Noise (SNR) values, Simulated BER values for both schemes. Table 2 shows how much effect of ICI is reduced and comparing the result of both schemes. Table 2: Result of Simulation, (a). BER values for BPSK using OFDM in ICI self Cancellation Scheme SNR Simulated BER 5 7 * 10-10 10 4 * 10-10 15 7 * 10-30 20 3 * 10-50

Table 2(b): BER Values for BPSK Using OFDM in Modified ICI Self Cancellation Scheme SNR Simulated BER 5 6 * 10-10 10 2 * 10-10 15 3 * 10-30 20 1* 10-50


InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology

w w w. i j c s t. c o m

ISSN : 0976-8491 (Online) | ISSN : 2229-4333 (Print)

IJCST Vol. 3, ISSue 1, Jan. - MarCh 2012

Rahila Patel received her B.E. degree in Computer Technology department from Rajeev Gandhi College of Engineering Research and Technology, Chandrapur, in 1992, M. Tech in computer Science and Engineering from G. H. Raisoni, Nagpur, in 2009. She is currently pursuing Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering from Nagpur University. She is an assistant professor in the department of Computer Technology, RCERT, Chandrapur. Her Research interests include Evolutionary algorithms.

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InternatIonal Journal of Computer SCIenCe and teChnology


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