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Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302 Celebrating 50 years of service in 2007

Full Throttle
Monthly e-newsletter of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302, Arizona Wing, Civil Air Patrol

50 years of service to Arizona and America 1957-2007

1 Lt. Paula Ramage, Squadron Commander Vol. 1, No. 8 April 2007

Deer Valley Airport, Phoenix, Arizona

Dignitaries to join anniversary event

Phoenix Vice Mayor Dave Siebert and state legislator Nancy Barto are among the invited dignitaries who have confirmed their attendance for Deer Valley Vice Mayor State Rep. Composite Squadron 302s rapidly approaching celeDave Siebert Nancy Barto bration of its 50th anniversary. Open to adult members of the squadron and the Arizona Wing of the Civil Air Patrol as well as cadet parents and other guests, the gala event is scheduled from 6 to 10 p.m. Friday, May 4, at Phoenix Elks Lodge No. 335, located at 14424 N. 32nd St. The lodge is situated between Thunderbird and Greenway roads, specifically just south of Acoma Drive. Tickets, priced at $23 per person, are available at squadron cadet and adult meetings and must be purchased no later than Monday, April 30, to meet contractual arrangements with the caterer. The buffet menu features multiple entrees, vegetables, dinner rolls, dessert, iced tea and water served within the Elks Lodges inviting banquet facilities. A cash bar will be (Continued on page 3)

Inside Full Throttle

Chaplain leads prayer at State Senate Getting to know: 1 Lt. Rory Kulawiec Promotions Upcoming events Opportunity to join squadron shooting team Flight-hours update

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See the April-June Quarterly Training Schedule (QTS) for upcoming events and contact information. Also, go to and click on calendar to view activities within the Civil Air Patrols Arizona Wing.

Performing Missions For America

Semper Vigilans (Always Vigilant)

Squadron chaplain leads prayer to open State Senate

Capt. Ken Young, chaplain of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302, delivered the opening prayer on Monday, March 19, at the opening of the Arizona State Senate as part of observances for Military Days at the State Capitol. After the opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance, various Senate members read the names of approximately 100 Arizona soldiers who have died since military operations began in the Iraq War. The observance coincided with the fourth anniversary of the wars start. Chaplain Young presented a copy of Strength for Service to God and Country devotional book to Senate MiChaplain Capt. Ken Young (right) nority Leader Marsha Arzberger (D-Dist. 25). The of Deer Valley Composite Squadbook is provided by the General Commission on United ron 302 delivered the opening Methodist Men, which make these books of daily devoprayer during Military Days obtionals available to all branches of the military. servances by the Arizona State The book first was sent to U.S. troops after the 1941 Senate. He is shown with Senate attack upon Pearl Harbor. More than 1 million U.S. Minority Leader Marsha Arzbertroops received the book during World War II. It was ger. republished and sent to service men and women during the Korean conflict. Another 230,000 copies recently were republished by Providence House Publishers, based in Franklin, Tenn. Capt. Young says the Commission on United Methodist Men seeks to provide all U.S. service men and women Full Throttle is the monthly e-newsletter for offiwith a copy of the book. Details about cers, cadets and friends of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302, Arizona Wing, Civil Air Patrol. Its how this undertaking can be supported mission is to bolster communication with and are available by going on-line to among officers and cadets, enhance awareness of http://www.

Full Throttle

squadron activities, and share news and information about the squadron and its personnel. The newsletter also can be viewed on-line at Story suggestions and submissions can be forwarded by the 15th of the month preceding publication to 2 Lt. Jerry Porter, squadron public-affairs officer, at To guarantee receipt of the newsletter, readers should ensure their e-mail addresses and other contact information remain current with the squadron and on e-services at April 2007 Vol. 1, No. 8

Ramage completes commanders course

Congratulations are extended to 1 Lt. Paula Ramage, commander of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302, on her recent completion of the Civil Air Patrols Unit Commanders Course. Well done! Page 2

Full Throttle

April 2007

50th-anniversary celebration is open to current, past adult members, guests

(Continued from page 1) open throughout the evening. Casual dress is acceptable. Shown at the right side Following is a tentative schedule of of this page is the tentaevents for the Friday, May 4, gala celetive schedule of event acbration of Deer Valley Composite tivities. Times are subject Squadrons 50th anniversary: to change within the four~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hour celebration. 6 to 7 p.m. Cocktail hour. (Note: Acting as master of ceremonies for the anniverThe cash bar will remain open until 10 sary celebration will be Lt. Col. Pete Feltz, a forp.m.) mer squadron commander who serves as director 7 p.m. Opening ceremonies begin of plans and programs for the Arizona Wing of with master-of-ceremonies Lt. Col. the Civil Air Patrol (CAP). Pete Peltz, former commander of Deer Both Vice Mayor Siebert and Rep. Barto have Valley Composite Squadron 302. expressed their enthusiastic support for the 7:10 p.m. Comments will be shared squadron and the role it has played for the past by Phoenix Vice Mayor Dave Siebert. five decades with CAP. Deer Valley Airport lies 7:15 p.m. Buffet dinner service bewithin their respective city-council and legislative gins. districts. The vice mayor will bring greetings from Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon. Rep. Barto has firsthand experience with CAP through her service as a member with the rank of major in Arizona Legislative Squadron 999. She also has flown on a photo mission with members of Deer Valley 8:30 p.m. Comments will be offered Composite Squadron 302. by State Rep. Nancy Barto. As the anniversary date nears, efforts are con 8:45 p.m. An open microphone tinuing to involve current and past members. session will provide opportunities for Were still seeking names and addresses of members, former members and other any former squadron members so invitations can guests to share their thoughts. be extended to those individuals immediately, 9 p.m. Door prizes will be awarded. notes 1 Lt. Paula Ramage, squadron com 9:15 p.m. Opportunities continue for mander. Please pass along any e-mail addresses, conversation and fellowship. postal addresses or telephone numbers you might 10 p.m. Cash bar closes and event have for those members of the squadrons legconcludes. acy. Questions about the event as well as contact information about past members can be forwarded to Lt. Ramage at or to 2 Lt. Jerry Porter, squadron public-affairs officer, at

Tentative schedule for anniversary event

50th Anniversary Celebration

Full Throttle

April 2007

Page 3

Getting to know

Former cadet commander seeks to advance others development

As a former cadet commander of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302 who returned 13 years later as an adult officer to help shape the development of the squadrons cadets, 1 Lt. Rory Kulawiec has a self-professed passion for enabling others to grow and achieve their potential. Following are questions and answers to help cadets and adult officers to become better acquainted with this U.S. Marine Corps veteran, police officer and valued squadron member. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q: When did you join CAP and the squadron? I started as a cadet in the Connecticut Wing in 1985 and transferred in 1987 to our squadron where I was a cadet until 1991. I returned to the program in 2004 as a senior member of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302. Q: What led you to join the organization? As a cadet, I joined for my interest in the military and search and rescue. I returned as a senior member to work with the 1 Lt. Rory Kulawiec cadets. The program has done so much for me I wanted to return and hopefully contribute to the future success of our cadets and the cadet program. Q: What is your current position within the squadron? I recently returned after a leave of absence for work reasons. I help with scheduling and designing field training for the cadets and am becoming involved in leadership-based training. Q: What other positions have you had within CAP and/or the squadron? As a cadet, I served in most of the positions from a flight member to cadet commander of Squadron 302. One of my most enjoyable positions was the cadet orientation OIC, which gave me the opportunity to shape new cadets and be their first impression of CAP. As an adult member, Ive served as the squadron leadership officer and the assistant deputy commander of cadets. Q: In which community do you live? Phoenix. Q: What is your occupation? Im a Phoenix police officer. Ive been with the department for more than 10 years and currently am assigned to the Gang Enforcement Unit. I work part-time as an emergency medical technician for Southwest Ambulance. Q: What is your educational background? Ive completed three years of college in justice studies and emergency medical technology in the world. (Continued on page 5) Full Throttle April 2007 Page 4

Squadron cadets earn Open house slated; advancements in grade cadets to celebrate Congratulations to these Deer Valley Com50th anniversary posite Squadron 302 cadets whose studies and
perseverance has earned them promotions to the following grades: Parents and friends of Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302 are invited to a squadron open house at 7 p.m. MonTo Cadet Chief Master Sergeant: Robert day, April 30, at Arizona Mission Base, Gassert and Trevor Kuntz the squadrons headquarters at Deer Valley Airport. To Cadet Airman: Kyle Corales, Ayanna The event also will mark the cadet Derby, Tyler Derzay, Kegan Derzay and celebration of the squadrons 50th anniDaniel Vogt versary with a Burger Burn. Parents and visitors are invited to purchase burgers and dine with the cadets at the celebration, with proceeds helping to defray cadet encampment expenses. Squadron Commander 1 Lt. Paula Ramage will discuss a variety of topics of interest to adults, including membership opportunities and benefits, cadet protection and how parents can provide much-needed assistance with squadron activities. Questions can be directed to Lt. Ramage at or 1 Lt. Casey Young, deputy commander for cadets, at cyoungdcc302sqd@ netzero.

Study Test


Kulawiec is proud to train cadets

(Continued from page 4) Q: Did you serve in the U.S. military? nd I served four years of active duty as an infantry rifleman in the U.S. Marine Corps 2 Marine Division out of Camp Lejeune, N.C. My unit deployed to many countries including Japan, Italy, Greece, Haiti and Bosnia. Q: What keeps you interested in CAP? Watching cadets progress through the program. I enjoy seeing the cadets go from cadet basic to staff and being part of their training. Im proud to be a part of the program when I see many of our cadets enroll in college and/or serve in the military. I enjoy working with the many members who are willing to volunteer their time to help others. Full Throttle April 2007 Page 5

Squadron cadets to take aim in first shooting competition

Cadets from Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302 will participate in their first shooting competition during the Arizona National Guard All-Weapons Weekend from Friday through Sunday, April 27-29, at Camp Navajo Army Depot near Flagstaff. Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302 is believed to be the only Civil Air Patrol squadron in the nation with an active National Rife Association (NRA)-competitive shooting team. At the upcoming competition, the squadrons shooters will be competing against U.S. Army, Air Force and Marine shooting teams. The team also will be shooting in NRA competitions throughout the state in the coming months. Twenty-four squadron cadets have enrolled to participate in the shooting team, and two new adult members have joined the squadron specifically to assist with the program since the activity was initiated earlier this year. To join the shooting team, cadets must complete the NRA Hunter Safety Course and attend shooting practices. Additional information is available by contacting Lt. Col. Ken Ramage at 602/770-5289 or via e-mail at

Training opportunities among events

In addition to the Quarterly Training Schedule (QTS), please note these upcoming events of interest for Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302 adult officers and cadets: Squadron Open House 7 p.m. Monday, April 30 (see story on page 5). Southwest Region Chaplain Service Staff College Scheduled for Monday through Thursday, April 16-19, at Luke Air Force Base, this training emphasizes critical-incident stress management. Details are available by contacting Capt. Ken Young, squadron chaplain, at Squadron Leadership School (SLS)/Corporate Learning Course (CLC) These separate 16-hour courses are offered on Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22, at Luke Air Force Base and strongly recommended for adult officers. Satisfactory completion of the SLS is required for registration in the CLC (i.e., both cannot be taken in one weekend). Completion of both courses is required for promotion to Level II or III. Cost: $20. Overnight lodging at Lukes Visitors Quarters is available for $27 per night. An announcement flyer and registration information are available at Arizona Wing Conference This annual event is set for Friday through Sunday, June 1-3, at the Pointe Hilton Resort, 7600 N. 16th St., Phoenix. Details are available on-line at http:// Full Throttle April 2007 Page 6

Proficiency time lags; pilots asked to log needed hours

Although total flight hours continue on pace for the fiscal year that began in October 2006, required proficiency hours for Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302s Cessna 182 airplane (N9370X) continue to lag, forcing the squadron to make payments to the Arizona Wing of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) for unflown flight hours. A monthly average of eight hours of proficiency is required by the Arizona Wing. Those hours are part of the 200-hour minimum total time for the year required by CAPs National Headquarters. A total of 2.1 hours of proficiency time was logged through March 25, bringing the total for the current quarter to 12.9 hours of the required 24 hours. That means the squadron must pay the Arizona Wing for 11.1 hours of unflown time at the current rate of $44 per hour. Total flight hours for the current fiscal year stand at 108.2 hours through March 25. Squadron pilots strongly are encouraged to log as much proficiency time as possible. Contact Maj. Ronnea Derby at for flight releases.

Deer Valley Composite Squadron 302

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Celebrating 50 Years of Service

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And YOU are part of its legacy! Congratulations, and THANK YOU!
Full Throttle April 2007 Page 8

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