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Mixed Martial Arts

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, including boxing, wrestling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, muay Thai, kickboxing, taekwondo, karate, judo and other styles.

Mixed martial arts has grown from a violent curiosity into a popular spectator sport and has garnered viewers on pay-per-view, cable and, occasionally, network television. The sport was first televised in the United States on a pay-per-view basis in 1993 as a test to see which combat style was the most effective: boxing, wrestling, karate, jiu-jitsu, judo, Muy Thai or basic brawling. It has been popularized by the Ultimate Fighting Championship and many fans refer to the sport as ultimate fighting. The sport is growing in North America, but also has a long history in Brazil where Brazilian jiujitsu fighters accept challenges in no- or few-holds-barred battles. It has also drawn large crowds in Japan where there is a tradition of combat sports. Recently the U.F.C. began making inroads in Europe, holding several cards in Great Britain. But because of its early history of few rules and marketing of extreme violence the sport is still not sanctioned in New York.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. (Proverbs 17:17) A lot of people go through life with only a few friends. It seems that some have less than that. They have no one on whom they can call in good times or bad. There is no one with whom to bounce ideas around, or to talk about deep and troubling subjects. They have no one to call in times of need or difficulty. They are at the mercy of life, standing alone. Others seem to have a multiple number of friends. Wherever they go, people know them, and like to be around them. When a trouble strike, their biggest hesitation might be over which friend to call. They know exactly the person with whom to discuss the topics of inquiry and debate. Life is full of entertaining and invigorating relationships because it is full of friends. These friends will be like a Degree course in friendship. When we study them we get lot of knowledge about friendship. They have a lot of ideas flowing and they discuss any topic which is hard to discuss. Of course, some people are perfectly happy to operate with fewer friends. They might rather have a few deep and loyal friends, than many superficial ones. Others thrive best when friends are everywhere and numerous. It is not so much the number of friends that is important as is the possession of friends, period. Loyal and deep friendship is good. It doesn't care about the numbers, its about that one loyal trustable friend. Its better to have just one loyal trustable friend than to have a hundred of untrustable, superficial friends. With the trusted friends we can discuss our problem areas and get ideas for solving them also. These friends share their time with us to solve problems.

BSU-SSL to MTAP Regional

Malaybalay City- Last February 17,2012, the MTAP Division level was held at the University Quadrangle. Different students participated in the said event from different schools all-over our division. The highlight of the event was the 4th year level, because the school that will win will be representing our division to the regional. The secondarys 4th year representatives were Mark Gayon and Ashtin Bolivia. BSU-SSL won 1st place on the 4th year level. They got 43 points while Bukidnon National High School Main, last years champion, got 42 points. The BNHS Main got a perfect score on the 1st round while BSU-SSL had some mistake. On the second round, BSU-SSL was doing great and BNHS Main had wrong answers. On the difficult round, BNHS Main had a hard time in answering the questions. On the other hand, BSU-SSL was prepared enough to answer the questions. Before the last question, the partial score of BNHS Main was 42 points and BSU-SSL with 38 points. On the last question, only 3 schools got the correct answer, this includes 2 BNHS annex and BSU-SSL. Having a 43-42 score with the BNHS Main, BSU-SSL grabbed the 1st place. Gayon and Bolivia, together with their coach Mrs. Rubio, was so overwhelmed and thankful for the blessing God had showered upon them.

If only..
If only I can turn back time I should have done it right To try my best Instead of having some rest

If I had done better Maybe I couldve been the winner Instead I am suffering from regret Haunted by the memories I will never forget

I should have made them proud And let them jump off the ground If only I can turn back time I should have done it right

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