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UNDEREMPLOYMENT/UNEMPLOYMENT Underemployment or unemployment is one of the major issues that our country is facing today.

Many of our beloved fellowmen are experiencing it, mostly the fresh graduates. They are not qualified for the position they are applying for and we should not blame our government regarding this issue. The only problem is, they took up the courses which are not in demand today. For example, several years ago, most of the students took up Bachelor of Science in Nursing but today it is not in demand anymore. So ten years from now, I think that unemployment rate in the Philippines will decrease if all the college students will take the course that is in demand today such as Business Management and Computer Science, courses that can sustain our economic status. As you can see, there are many investors here in our country. There are many business tycoons who put up businesses. All we have to do is to know which learning is really needed especially that we are now in the globalization period.

CRIMES Despite some improvement in law and order, crime remained a major problem of our nation. Police attributed the country's chronic crime problems to a variety of social and cultural factors. Widespread poverty and rapid population growth were frequently cited. Population pressures and a shortage of land and jobs in rural areas had produced a steady internal migration to the cities. This urbanization of a traditionally agrarian society was commonly mentioned as cause for increased crime rates. But in ten years, Peace and Order Councils at the national, regional, and provincial level will be rejuvenated. By regularly bringing together responsible government, military, and community leaders, the government will improve the effectiveness of its anticrime and counterinsurgency programs. AFP and police commanders also address the problems of internal corruption and abuse, which, they admitted, undermined public confidence in, and cooperation with, the security forces. Top military leaders will routinely publicize retraining programs, the discharge and demotion of scalawags in the ranks, and other measures designed to improve discipline. POVERTY Poverty refers to the condition in which the basic needs of human beings are not being met and people lack the necessary food, clothing, or shelter to survive, can be distinguished from relative poverty, which has been defined as the inability of a citizen to participate fully in economic terms in the society in which he or she lives. It remains a serious problem in the Philippines. But as I imagine, Philippines is one of the richest country in the world. We have lots of natural resources and tourist spots. We are just lack in skills and knowledge on how we are going to use these resources thats why foreigners are the only one who gain income because of it. So Im hoping that after 10 years poverty incidence will reduce with the help of our government, the non-governmental organizations and with the help of ourselves too. Im hoping that there will be no corrupt officials leading in our country. Im hoping that we will learn the proper usage of our resources. Im hoping that there is no fellow citizen that contains crab mentality. And Im hoping that all of us will learn to help each other from the bottom of our heart.

POLLUTION There are much pollution today such as air pollution, water pollution and even noise pollution. All of these are caused by unconcerned citizens of our country. But probably after 10 years, all these pollutions will no longer exist. People of the Philippines will become disciplined and concern in our Mother Nature. As of today, there are many programs that our government is establishing. Some concerned citizens are teaching other on how to segregate garbage properly. There are many laws, rules and regulations that implemented like Clean Air Act. Today, electric vehicles are being invented to help preserve our clean air, reduce noise as well as it is emission free. We must be disciplined enough in all ways in order for our country to be pollution-free.

PROSTITUTION Prostitution in the Philippines is not just a festering moral problem, but is now a grave social crisis which might spiral out of control with far-reaching health, criminal and other negative repercussions if unchecked. As our politicos thoughtlessly imperil our economic development with their massive corruption and vicious wars, more and more impoverished young people are falling prey to the dangerous lure of the sex-for-pay trade and possible exploitation by criminals. But after 10 years, I strongly believe that prostitution will disappear in our country. If the employment rate will decrease, corruption will stop, crime will reduce and Philippine will become richer, for sure prostitution will also stop and fade. There will be no more victims of human trafficking. All Filipinos will look for a descent and proper job. If we overcome poverty, there will be a fine living in our country. Parents can send there children to school and education is not that expensive anymore. If all people are educated, prostitution wont appear anymore.

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