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Leadership and Public Relations

LEADERSHIP is the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. 4. Exchange Theory- This theory suggest that group interaction represents an exchange process in which leadership is conferred upon members whose efforts appears more likely to reward other members for their effort on behalf the group. 5. Path-Goal Theory- This theory suggests that certain patterns of leader behavior facilitate the clarification of the group goals while other patterns of behavior stimulate effective instruments and responses on the follower group. 6. Contingency Theory- This theory proposes that a given pattern of leadership behavior will lead to effective group performance in some circumstances and ineffective, in some cases. LEADERSHIP STYLES: 1. Autocratic Leader- The autocratic leader commands and expects compliance. This is the one rule type. The leader is the authority, he does not delegate. 2. Democratic Leader- This type of leader consults with subordinates on proposed actions and decisions and encourages participation from them. 3. Benevolent-Autocrat- The leader is a father figure who wants everyone to feel good. The emphasis is on keeping everyone happy and satisfied.

ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIP: 1. The ability to use power effectively and in a responsible manner. 2. The ability to comprehend that human beings have different motivation forces at different times and in different situations. 3. The ability to inspire. 4. The ability to act in a manner that will develop a climate conducive to responding to and arousing motivations. LEADERSHIP THEORIES: 1. The Trait Theory- In this theory , the leader is conceived to be a great man whose superior endowments induce others to follow him. 2. Environment Theory- This theory explains leadership on the basis of situations and crises that provide opportunities for people to propose situations. 3. Humanistic Theory- This theory is based on the hypotheses that groups will be more effective and members will be better satisfied when the leader allows freedom to satisfy their needs for achievements and self actualization.

4. Laissez-Faire Leader- The leader allows everything to run its own course. Minimum direction and maximum freedom is allowed for the group to make decisions. THREE TYPES OF POWER: 1. Coercive Power- Followers follow out of fear; they are afraid of what might happen to them if dont they what they are asked to do. 2. Utility Power- Followers follow because of the benefits that come to them if they do. 3. Principle Centered Power- It is based on the power that some people have with others because others tend to believe in them and in what they are trying to accomplish. TRAITS OF A LEADER: S- STEADFAST A good leader must be steadfast, strong in character, able to withstand difficulties that may come along his way, disposed to defend what is right at all times, firm in matters of principle. T- TRUSTWORTHY A good leader is true to his word, consistent in deeds, reliable in the commitments he makes, prudent in his speech, and capable of keeping the trust and confidence of others. The root of trustworthiness is honesty. R- RESPECTFUL

A good leader must be respectful and courteous in his dealings with his subordinates and with people as whole. O- OPEN-MINDED A good leader is open minded, broad in his outlook in his life, eager to learn more, and able to listen and acknowledge the opinion of others. N- NOBLE A good leader must be noble. Concerned about is followers to the extent of self forgetfulness and transparent in everything he does. G- GUTSY A good leader must be firm in his convictions, stable in his actions, willing to take risks and determined to do what he has to do without qualms. ON PUBLIC RELATIONS: The essence of public relations is getting along with people. One indicators of good public relations is good character. One must possess desirable socially accepted values so that he can live harmoniously with others. REFERENCE Foundations of education / Francisco M. Zulueta, Elda M. Maglaya. Mandaluyong City : c2004. - xviii, 458 p


Kristene Angeles Velasco

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