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TATA CRUCIBLE CAMPUS QUIZ COCHIN 2012 PRELIMS 1. An Act for the Encouragement of Learning. Statute of Anne in 1710.

Ans: Copyright 2. Person who started company as small vitamin company in 1968. Ans: Lupin company 3. Pic

Ans: Vinod Khosla 4. 2011 is an important year for him. He has become advisor to Kerala Govt, Indian Railway advisor. Ans: Sam Pitroda 5. For whom the Fevicol Champions Club (FCC) serves as a platform to increase their social contacts. Ans: Carpenters 6. The book Corporation that changed the world based on which famous company. Ans: East India Company 7. Identify the person from the company.

Ans: Oprah Winfrey 8. First CEO and Chairman of Sun Microsystems in the early 1980s. Ans: Vinod Khosla 9. It was developed in 1908 by an Australian pharmacist and his wife. Known as Degree in the USA. Ans: Rexona

10. Whats the brand shanker 6. Ans: Bt cotton 11. Named after a Mexican city. A train also named after this. Ans: Tequila 12. Logo

Ans: Federal bank 13. Bank founded by Dyal Singh Majithia Ans:Punjab National Bank 14. Colours of Apple iMac. Ans: Apple iMac 15. Fred borrowed $1,000 from family friend Peter to start this. Now its worlds largest food outlet. Ans: Subway 16.

Ans: Vijay Govind Rajan (giri said, Vinod Govind Rajan) 17. Groups merged to form a single entity. Ans: ACC 18. One of the favorite drinks of writer Ernest Hemingway. Ans: Daiquiri

19. Which logo was designed by Atul Sudhakar Rao Pande, yellow sun with a fingerprint embedded in its centre. Ans: Aadhar logo 20. Identify the entertainment giant.

Ans: Walt Disney. The Disney way

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