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DYNAMICS OF TRANSLATORY MOTION Newton laws of motion:First law of motion:Statement:A body at rest will remain at rest and a body moving with uniform velocity will continue to do so, unless acted on by some unbalanced or resultant external force. Given by:This law was given by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687. Mathematical form:If F n = F net = 0 then a=0 Explanation:This law consists of two parts. 1. The first part is that a body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by some unbalanced force. This part is according to our common experience. For examples, a book lying on table remains at rest unless it is lifted or pushed by exerting a force. 2. The second part of the law states that a body in motion with uniform velocity will continue to do so unless a certain unbalanced force is applied on it to stop the motion. This part is not clear because a rolling ball pushed once does not continue its motion forever. For example, a rolling on the ground comes to rest after covering some distance. The ball has not contradicted the first law of motion because the ball has been stopped sue to the friction of ground and resistance of air. If we remove these frictional forces, once the ball set in to the motion will continue its motion for ever. The property of matter to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion and requiring a net force to change that state is called inertia. In other words, inertia of a body is its reluctance to start moving and its reluctance to stop after it has begun moving. Newtons first law is therefore often called the law of inertia. Second law of motion:Statements:This law states that a force applied on a body produces acceleration in its own direction. The acceleration produced is directly proportional to the applied force and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. Explanation:Consider a body of mass m on which a force F is applied. The body will be accelerated in the direction of force and let the acceleration produced be a. if we double the applied force, the acceleration will be doubled, and increasing force three times, the corresponding acceleration will be three times of the initial value. It means that acceleration produced in a body is directly proportional to the applied force and we can write, a F .. 1 (for constant mass) if now we apply a constant force F on bodies having different masses. The acceleration produced on heavier bodies will be smaller as compared the lighter body. It means that the acceleration produced by a force is inversely proportional to the mass of body. Thus a 1/m . . 2 Mathematical form:According to the statement of second law a F 1 a 1/m .. 2 Combining the equation 1 and 2 we can express the second law of motion as a F/m or a = constant . F/ m or a=k.F/m or F = k ma ..3

Where k is the constant of proportionality, whose value can be calculated as Let F = 1 N which produces acceleration of I m / s in a mass of 1 kg. Thus 1N = k x 1 kg x 1m/s or k=1 Hence equation 3 can be written as F = ma .. 4 This is the mathematical expression of Newtons seconds law of motion, where F is the net force applied on the body, a is the resulting acceleration of the body and m is the inertial mass of the body. In equation 4 m appears as proportionality constant. Force:Definition;Force is that agency which moves or tends to move an object at rest and stops or tends to stop a moving object. Symbol:It is denoted by a symbol F. Type of physical quantity:It is a vector quantity. Unit:Its SI unit is Newton. Definition of Newton:One Newton is defined as the force which produces an acceleration of 1 m / s in a mass of 1 kg. It is denoted by a symbol N. Since Newton = kilogram x meter / s = kgm/s Hence 1 N = 1kg m / s Dimensions of force:Force = mass x acceleration = mass x distance / time 2 = [M] x [L / T2] = [MLT-2] [F] = [MLT-2] Third law of motion:Statement:Action and reaction are equal and opposite.

To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Explanation:When ever an interaction takes place between two bodies each body exerts the same force on he other, but in the opposite direction and for the same length of time. For example when a body A exerts a force on another body B, it is called the action of the body a on the body B. the body B will also exert a force on body A, which will be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This force is called the reaction of body B on body A. Forces in nature always occur in pairs. An action reaction pair consists of forces equal in magnitude but opposite in direction acting on two different bodies. It means that each force in action reaction pair acts only on one of the two bodies, the action and reaction forces never act on the same body. So they never neutralize each other. In order to neutralize each other, the forces must act on the same body. Mathematical form:Let us consider the interaction between two bodies A and B. the force exerted by A and B is given as FAB and the force exerted by B on A is FBA. Since FAB is opposite to FAB in direction, so according to Newtons third law, FAB = -FBA

Action and reaction forces never balance each other because they act on two different bodies. But the forces acting on the same body can balance each other. Linear momentum:Definition:The momentum of a body is defined as the product of mass and linear velocity of the body.

The quantity of linear motion of a body is called its linear momentum. Symbol:It is denoted by P. Mathematical form:Let m be the mass of the moving body with velocity v, its linear momentum is given by P = mv Type of physical quantity:Since velocity is a vector quantity, so linear momentum is also a vector quantity. Direction:Its direction is the same as that of velocity. Explanation:As the momentum depends upon the mass and velocity, therefore the momentum of a massive body with slow velocity may be equal to the momentum of the lighter body moving fast, for example, a road roller and a fire bullet may have the same momentum. Unit of momentum:In SI system, SI unit of momentum is kgm/s. The unit can be expressed as Kgm/s = kgm x sec / sec x sec = kgm x s /s -2 But kgm/s2 = Newton = N. Kgm/s= N s Dimensions:Momentum = Mass x velocity = mass x distance / time = mass x length / time = [M x L / T] = [M L T -1] So dimensions of momentum are [M L T-1]. Change of momentum and second law motion:Statement:The rate of change of momentum of a body equals the applied force.

The rate of change in momentum of a body is equal to the applied force and the change of momentum takes place in the direction of force. Proof:Consider a body of mass m moving with velocity vi. Suppose and external force F acts upon it for time t after which velocity becomes vf. Thus Initial velocity of body = vi Final velocity = vf Change in velocity = vf - vi Time interval = t From, the definition of acceleration, we can write, a = change in velocity / time interval OR a = vf vi /t . 1 By Newtons second law of motion the acceleration is given by a = F / m .. 2 Comparing the two equations 1 and 2, we have F / m = Vf Vi / t

Or F t = mvf - mvi Or Ft = p Or F = p / t This equation shows that force applied on a body is equal to the rate of change of momentum. It proves the second law of motion in terms of linear momentum. Impulse:Definition:When a force acts on a body fro a very short time, the product of the force and the time for which the force acts, is called the impulse or impulse of force. Symbol:It is some time denoted by a symbol I. Mathematical form:Let F be the force acting on the body for a short time t, then impulse is given as Impulse = force x time Or I = Fave x t . 1 Where F is considered as the average force that acts during time t even when the variation in the force is very large. Impulsive force:When a force acts on a body for a very short interval of time, it is called as an impulsive force, for example, the force of blow of a hammer, hitting of tennis ball by a racket and hitting of cricket ball by a bat. Type of quantity:It is a vector quantity. Unit:In SI system, unit of impulse is N s (Newton x second) or Kg m /s Need for impulse:There are many natural phenomenons in the nature in which the momentum of the body reduced or increase suddenly. For example collision of vehicles, striking of a ball with a bat etc. the forces involved in such short-lived change of momentum phenomenon are much large, non constant, varying over wide limits and instantaneously not measurable. But change in momentum can be measured. For this purpose impulse is used which is product of force and time. Show that impulse in equal to change of momentum:According to Newtons second law of motion, the force is defined as the rate of change of momentum. Thus if a force Fave acting on a body for time, t changes its momentum from pi to pf, then the force in written as Fave = pf pi / t 2 Where pf and pi are final and initial momentum respectively. The equation 2 can be written as Fave x t = pf pi OR Fave t = mvf mvi .. 3 But Fave x t is known as impulse I. there fore equation 3 is written as I = mvf - mvi OR I = change of momentum OR impulse = change of momentum Second definition of impulse:It can be defined as the change in momentum produced by the force of impulse. Force due to water flow:Let us suppose a horizontal pipe through which water us flowing. In front of this pipe, there is a wall at which water strikes a wall normally. A force is exerted on the wall. Let v be the velocity of the water striking the wall normally and comes to rest on striking the wall. Thus, Change in velocity = final velocity initial velocity =0v Or change in velocity = - v The change in momentum of water = -mv

If mass m of the water strikes the wall in time t, then according to Newtons second law of momentum, the force F on the water is given by Fave = change in momentum. Time = m x ( - v) / t = -mv / t Or F ave = -(m) v / t .. 1 Or force = - (mass per second) x (change in velocity) This is formula for the force exerted by the wall on water. According to Newtons third law of motion, the reaction force exerted by the water on the wall is equal but opposite. Therefore, equation (1) can be written as Fave = -(-mv) / t Hence Fave = mv /t .2 This formula gives the force exerted by the water on the wall. Thus, force can be calculated from the product of mass of water striking normally per second and change in velocity. Law of conservation of momentum:Statement:The total linear momentum of an isolated system remains constant.

If there is no external force applied to a system, the total linear momentum of that system remains constant. Mathematical form;P total = constant, when F = 0 Or pi = pf F=0 Where pi is initial momentum and pf is final momentum. Prove:Let us consider a body or system of bodies constituting an isolated system. the external net force acting on the isolated is zero, so F=0 According to the Newtons second law, force is the rate of change of momentum, so F = p / t Here F=0 So, 0 = p /t OR p = 0 Where p = pf pi, therefore, pf pi = 0 pf = pi. So proved, Validity:This principle is universally valid. It is true for collision of objects, firing of a gum, interaction of gas molecules in a closed system, explosion of bombs, propulsion of rocket, decay of nuclei, collision of atoms or molecules etc. Explanation:The law of conservation of momentum holds for an isolated system. Isolated system:Definition:When a number of bodies are such that they can exert force upon one another and no external agency exerts a force on them, they are said to form an isolated system of interacting bodies.

When there is no external force applied to the system, then it is termed as isolates system.

But truly isolated system is not possible in the physical world but a set of objects whose internal mutual interaction is greater much greater their interaction with other objects can be termed or treated as isolated system. Examples of isolated system:The molecules of a gas enclosed in a vessel of constant temperature form an isolated system of interaction bodies. The enclosed molecules collide with each other due to their random motion but no external force acts on the them or externally acting forces like gravity are two small as compared to internal forces. Similarly in the explosion of bomb, internal forces are much larger as compared to the external gravitational force. Collisions:Definition;When two bodies came very close to each other such that they can feel forces of each other and divert from its actual path, then the two bodies are said to be in collision.

When two or more bodies come very close to each other, so that there is some kind of interaction between the, with or without the presence of external force, we say that collision ha taken place between the bodies. Collisions based upon law of conservation of momentum and law of conservation of total energy and law of conservation of kinetic energy. Types of collisions:There are two types of collisions. Elastic collision:In elastic collision:The elastic collision:Definition:The collision in which total energy, and momentum remain conserved, is called elastic collision. OR When no K.E is lost, the collision is said to be perfectly elastic. Explanation:The above statement means that two conditions must be satisfied for elastic collision. Firstly, total momentum before and after collision must remain the same and secondly, total kinetic energy before and after collision must also remain the same. In elastic collision two bodies before collision and after collision behave as isolated system, e.g. collision between gas molecules. Example:When a hard ball is dropped on a hard smooth marble floor from a certain height, it rebounds to vary nearly the initial height from where it was dropped. Thus, the ball loses negligible amount of energy in the collision with the floor. In elastic collision:Definition:The collision in which the total energy and momentum remains constant where K.E will change such collision is called inelastic collision. In case of in elastic collision two bodies become single system after collision in elastic collision energy will change in to heat energy and sound energy or other form of the energy, e.g. collision between mud bolls. They can be separate after collision but during collision they lost some of their kinetic energy which can be converted in form of sound, heat or light, e.g. collision between two tennis balls. Example:When two tennis balls collide then after collision, they will rebound with the velocities less than the velocities before the collision. During the collision, some kinetic energy is lost, partly due to friction as the molecules in the ball move past one anther and some of the energy is lost due to its change in to heat and sound energies. Elastic collision in one dimension

The collision the K.E and total energy and momentum remain conserved is called elastic collision let us consider two bodies, of mass m1 and m2 moves with velocity v1 and v2 before collision let collision between two bodies take place due to which velocity of the both bodies will change let v1/ and v2/ are the velocities of two bodies after collision as show in fig.


This equation is called law of relative velocity.



This equation gives the velocity of 1st body after collision. Since


This equation gives velocity of second body after collision. Case 1When two bodies have same masses:Now let us consider two bodies having same masses i.e. m1=m2=m Put this value in the equation A.


This equation shows that when two bodies of same masses collide with each other, then they will exchange their velocity. Case 2:When a heavy body strikes with lighter body which is at rest:-

Let m m2, and v2 = 0 and m2 0 Put in equation A,


This shows that when a heavier body strike a lighter body such that the mass of the lighter body is almost zero w.r.t to the heavier body and it is at rest, then after collision it will attain speed double of the speed of the heavier body before collision. Case 3:When light body strike with the heavy body which is at rest:-


Let m1 m2 Then m2 0 and V2 = 0 Put in equation A.

This shows that when the light body strikes with heavy body which is at rest, then light body will bounce back with the same speed where heavy body will remain at rest. Momentum and explosives:There are many examples which prove that momentum changes are produced by explosive forces

within an isolated system. But here are two examples only. Explosion of a bomb:When a shell explodes in air, its pieces fly off in different directions. The numerous internal forces which occur in the explosion have zero resultant, since action and reaction are equal and opposite and the forces can all be paired. So according to the law of conservation of momentum that Total momentum of all its pieces = initial momentum of the shell. Special case:Of we suppose that the falling bomb explodes in to two pieces as shown in the fig. then the momentum of the two pieces of a bomb combine by vector addition to equal the original momentum of the falling bomb. Firing of a rifle:We consider another example of firing a gum. Let m be the mass of a bullet fired form a rifle of mass M with a velocity V. before firing the gum and bullet are at rest. Therefore the momentum of the both is zero. That is Total momentum before firing = 0 . 1 After firing, suppose the velocity of the bullet of mass m moves in the forward direction and the rifle recoils back, so the final momentum also becomes zero and is therefore, conserved. That is, total momentum after firing = 0 Suppose that after firing the velocity of the bullet becomes v and the velocity of the rifle become v/. Total momentum after firing = mv + Mv/ .. 2 Then according to the law of conservation of momentum, Total momentum before firing = total momentum after firing Putting the values form equation 1 and 2 we get, 0 = mv + Mv/ OR Mv/ = -mv . . 3 OR v/ = - mv / M 4 Equation 3 shows that the momentum of the rifle is equal but opposite to the momentum of the bullet. Since mass of the rifle is much greater than the bullet, it results that the rifle moves back or recoils with only a fraction of the velocity of the bullet. Rocket propulsion:Principal of rocket propulsion:The motion of a rocket is an application of the law of conservation of momentum and Newtons third law of motion. A rocket has a combustion chamber in which liquid or solid fuel I burnt and jets of hot gases are ejected of the rocket. The gases rushed out from the rocket gain a downward momentum and the rocket moves upward to balance the momentum of the gases as shown in fig. Working:The rocket gains momentum equal to the momentum from the backwards of the engine but in opposite direction according to the law of conservation of momentum. The rocket engines continue to expel gases of the rocket when the rocket has started moving. As this process continues, the rocket gains more and more momentum with the time and speed of the rocket goes on increasing till the engines operate. Fuel in the form of liquid or solid and oxygen is stored in a rocket engine. Therefore, it can work at great heights where no air is present. In order to provide enough upward thrust, a typical rocket consumes about 10000 kg / s of the fuel to overcome gravity and ejects the burnt gases at speed of 4000 m/s. this shows that most of the mass of rocket, that is 80 % is due to its fuel. In order to solve the problem of mass of fuel, several rocket joined together are used. Thus if one rocket finishes its fuel, then it is discarded and at the same time other rocket starts working to carry the space craft further up at very great speed. Formula for the acceleration of rocket:- After writing from hand. Let

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