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Mr. W. S. IlainoU, of Balh.un, wlio brought a p3ru>s oi law suits ansmj^ ont of Ills doleiition in trifntaji asyhniia, was ioiuid drowned m a dock at Poplar ypatcrdav. He was sixty fi\e jear'- of a4,'o.

Loid Tciiiiii^tun, v,ho, it \suo ,ilUt,ed by coiin'^el m a King's Bench Divibion action yos.erday, had appropriJttod well ovpr 230,000 utter bemK given authority to manage the estates ot Sir flaiold Oatnes Reckitt.

Sayinw farewell in August, 1914, as the Black ;Wateh -were g four of a party of 212 Oil Ooiitpniptibles who loft London yest| will stand during the Two Minutes' Silence to-day at the spot

WINTER'S DEBUT.A (Mubtful picture of tbo snow-cnvercd ouutr\-,';(]p iH'iir Oldliam, Lnnc'AliirA, alter one of I'u-^ roconl heavy JalK. Cm ling lia^ been p'aycd m part^ of ScotluTul.

YOUNG MAYORESSES^[,^^ (.'lady^ Oiark, aged <>i^-htcen, d.uiii;lite. of Mr. \ , J. Clark, the new ^Vlayor oi L-loT ,)in, ,, ^Ki v^)ns^. Jiiglil, Mi^s <')lrace Cottrell, iigofi s.i\if>cn 1^ Maxorc^s oi West Bromwich, Her niotfier, Mr-. G. K Cottiei', has Jwen re-elected [Nfayor.

PIFER V.O.'s BRAVERY.Sergeant-Piper Laidlaw, re-enacting at Grays, Essex, fo'-the British film, " The Guns of Loos," the ' exploit which won-him the V.C. in 1915.; During a bombardment and gas attack he mounted a parapet and played the King's Own Scottish Borderers to the assault; He continued playing-until he was wounded. -

A picture taken in 1918Allied representatives beside the tr-aii the Armistice was signed on November 11. Left to right: Adm General Weygand, Admiral Wemyss and IVIarshal Foci

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