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Time of Refining Vessels Stirred by Gas Injection*

By Shigeo
nM.1 T~m r.~

ASAI, ** Tetcuo
A,f T 1t 7J T * *

OKAMO T 0, *** Ji-Cheng


Synopsis Correlation between mixing time (v) and mixing power density (e) for gas agitation is theoreticallydeveloped from the view point of transport phenomena and the theoreticalresults were confirmedby the water model experiments. Fluid motion in the vessel agitated by gas injection can be classified into two major flows. One is a flow predominated by viscous force, in which v is in proportion to 05 and v does not depend on the vesselsize. The other is a flow predominatedby inertia force or turbulent viscous force, in which v is in proportion to -' 3 and v is dependenton vessel size. In the latter flow, the evaluation of the mixing length(l) is essential. Comparinggas agitation with mechanicalagitation, the correlation betweenfluid velocityand e are expressedby the identicalformula. A formulation evaluating mixing power density is derived through a thought experiment. Furthermore, the procedurefor scale-up is presented on a basis of data obtained by the water modelexperiments.

z oc-n ..............................(1) Subsequently, the various values of n in Eq. (1) have been proposed by several investigators as listed in Table 1. II. Theoretical Analysis 1. The Relationship betweenFlow Velocityand Mixing Power Density The motion of homogeneous fluid can be described by Navier-Stokes equation written in Eq. (2), which is applicable both to laminar flow and to turbulent one. P(a~/at+ vi) = -Pp+/ev2v+F ............(2) where, the body force term, F, is generated by gas agitation. Depending on which term in Eq. (2) balances with the body force term, the fluid motion is classified as follows : (1) Fluid Motion Predominated by Viscous Force The following relation is obtained from Eq. (2). pp2~_ -F ...........................(3) If the similar pattern of velocity distribution is assumed in the different size apparatus, the differential operator, V in Eq. (3), can be replaced by L-l. Then Eq. (4) is derived from the dimensional analysis of Eq. (3). v oc (FL2hc)...........................(4) (2) Fluid Motion Predominated by Inertia Force Equation (2) is simplified as Eq. (5). ,o-vDi;= ...........................(5) F Following the derivation of Eq. (4), Eq. (6) is obtained. VC(FL/p)"2 ........................(6) (3) Fluid Motion Predominated by Turbulent Viscous Force The body force term, F, is equally balanced with Table 1. The valuesof the exponent,n, (voce-').


Introduction In recent years, it has been realized from the metallurgical view point that molten steel is not sufficiently agitated in the large size LD converter and the several attempts to promote mixing of molten steel in large size vessels are being continued. Furthermore, a vast interest in ladle metallurgy is spreading and it has been recognized that mixing of molten steel considerably influences the metallurgical reaction rate. So far, in the metallurgical field the degree of mixing has been evaluated by the expression of " mixing time ", which has not been sufficiently considered from the theoretical view point. In this paper a relationship between mixing time and mixing power density for gas agitation is analyzed from the view point of the transport phenomena and the theoretical results are confirmed by carrying out water model experiments. In the chemical engineering field, W. Buckel~ initially proposed the power requirements per unit volume (i.e., mixing power density) as a factor for evaluating the degree of mixing in the mechanically agitated vessels and S. Nagata et a1.2~experimentally proved the adequacy of this proposal. On the other hand, H. Sandberg et a1.3~initially introduced the concept of mixing power density into the metallurgical field and applied it to the analysis of deoxidation process in molten steel. Mixing time and mixing power density were firstly related as Eq. (1) by K. Nakanishi and T. Fujii.4)

** ***


Originally published in Tetsu-to-Hagane, 68 (1982), 426, in Japanese; Formerly presented to the 100th ISIJ Meeting, October 1980, at Kyushu University in Fukuoka. English version received December 24, 1981. 1983 ISIJ Department of Iron and Steel Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464. Department of Iron and Steel Engineering, Nagoya University. On leave from Daido Steel Co., Ltd., Daido-cho, Minami-ku, Nagoya 457. Department of Iron and Steel Engineering, Nagoya University. On leave from Northeast Technical University, China.



( 43)



ISIJ, Vol. 23, 1983

the viscosity term as Eq. (3), but molecular viscosity, It, must be replaced by turbulent viscosity, ptV23_ -F ...........................(7) Based on the Boussinesq and Prandtl hypothesis, turbulent viscosity, Pt, can be expressed by Eq. (8). pt = pl2 I grad v .....................(8)

band is arbitrarily determined from one to another . However, the mixing time determined by this procedure is so bound as to make the index number of the exponential function in Eq. (17) have a constant value. Thus, the expression of Eq. (18) is obtained from Eq. (17) as mixing time. r ocL2/D ...........................(18) (2) Convection Control The following equation is given from Eq. (14). ac/at = -i .Vc .....................(19) After replacing 17and by (l/L) and the characteristic velocity, v, respectively, Eq. (19) is rewritten in an ordinary differential form. do/dt = -kvc/L .....................(20) Equation (21) is obtained by integrating Eq. (20). c cc exp(-kvt/L) .....................(21) From Eq. (21), the following relation is obtained as mixing time. z oc L/v ...........................(22) (3) Turbulent Diffusion Control A formula equivalent to Eq. (15) can be obtained. However, in this case molecular diffusivity, D, should be replaced by turbulent diffusivity, Dt. Then, z is expressed as Eq. (23). z ocL2/Dt ........................(23) As the value of turbulent diffusivity, Dt, can be regarded as large as eddy kinematic viscosity,l4) vt (=1lt/p), Dt is readily obtained from Eq. (8).
Dt=12.1grad v~ (24)

Substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (7) and applying the dimensional analysis, Eq. (9) is derived. Voc (FL3/pl2)1/2.........................(9) Based on Newton's law of motion, the mixing power density, a[ (kg m2/s2)/(s m3)] is proportional to the product of characteristic velocity, v[m/s] and body force, F[(kgm/s2)/m3]. Thus, the following relationship is given. oc vF ...........................(10) By substituting Eq. (10) into Eqs. (4), (6) and (9) to eliminate F, the following relationship between characteristic velocity, v, and mixing power density, a, is finally provided. (1) Fluid Motion Predominated by Viscous Force v oc (L2~/p)"2 ........................(11) (2) Fluid Motion Predominated by Inertia Force v oc (L/p)'3 (3) Fluid Motion Predominated cous Force ........................(12) by Turbulent Vis-

VC(L3E/pl2)1/3 ........................(13) The Relationship betweenMixing Time and Characteristic Velocity The equation (14) is a statement of the law of conservation. ac/at+iVc = DeV2c ..................(14) On a basis of Eq. (14), the decaying process of added tracer can be classified as follows : (1) Molecular Diffusion Control Equation (14) is simplified as following. ac/at = DV2c........................(15) If the similar profile of the tracer concentration is kept regardless of vessel size, the differential operator, !, is in inverse proportion to the characteristic length L. Thus, Eq. (15) can be expressed as Eq. (16). Equation (17) is obtained by integrating Eq. (16). do/dt = -kDc/L2 .....................(16) c cc exp (-kDt/L2) ..................(17) where, k is a proportional constant. The mixing time is defined as a time which it takes the concentration of tracer to decay within a narrow band around the final concentration. Thus, it is meaningless to compare the absolute values of mixing time among the researchers by whom the width of the
Research Article


Substituting Eq. (24) into Eq. (23) and arranging the resultant equation, Eq. (25) is obtained.
z. cc L3/(12v) (25)

3. Effect of Mixing Power Density on Mixing Time Combining the specific types of fluid motion (1, 2, 3) and those of decaying process of tracer (A, B, C), the dependence of r on the physical properties and the operational variables is tabulated as Table 2 (the unrealistic combinations were eliminated). In Table 2, the shift in the right direction (1-~ 2 - p3) shows the increase of fluid disturbance and the shift in the down direction means the promotion of mixing. As seen in Table 2, the value of n showing the exponents of i, changes as n=0 --~0.5 - + 3 and r meaning the exponents of characteristic length varies within r=ON 3. In this analysis, the whole effect of turbulence is stuffed into a mixing length, 1, the value of which substantially depends on the structure of turbulence. As the flow agitated in vessel generally indicates complex turbulence, the evaluation oft is pretty difficult. On a basis of the theoretical result shown in Table 2, r+e= 3 and n=* hold in the cases of B II, B III,


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of physical of mixing






rocE_nLrle p PDc

C.II and L2i3 could

C.III have

so that the relationship been valid if l ocL was.

of rocs-1/3.



1. ExperimentalMethod r and v were measured in three cylindrical vessels in which water was agitated by air blown from the center of bottom. These are in the similar geometry with diameters of 0.405, 0.20, 0.10 m and the ratio of liquid depth to the diameter was varied within O.5'.'1. The outline of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 1(a). The solution of KCl (15 %) was used as tracer, the amount of which was controlled to result in the same final concentration regardless of vessel size and the adding position of tracer was carefully regulated to be similar. The discrepancy in the voltage of the two electrodes was detected by an alternating bridge circuit and rectified for a pen-recorder. Initially the voltages of the two electrodes are balanced and then their equilibrium is broken when the discrepancy appears between the two voltages due to tracer addition. Finally the discrepancy again disappears as the tracer is spread in vessel and its concentration approaches the homogeneous state. Here, mixing time is defined as the time in which the concentration difference in vessel is settled to less than about 1X 10.5 %. By employing this rather strict procedures to measure mixing time, the observed values among runs remained less than 15 %. The apparatus for the measurement of fluid velocity is schematically shown in Fig. 1(b). The two sets of the same electric circuit as one employed for mixing time were prepared and the two couples of electrodes were installed at given positions in vessel. As the time interval exists in the instants when the two electrodes detect the same tracer and it is measurable by use of a high speed visible graph, the fluid velocity can be calculated by dividing the distance between the two electrodes by the time interval.





Fig. 2.

Effects of mixing power density on mixing time and fluid velocity. (case for 405 X 40011)

2. ExperimentalResults One of the experimental results (405 X400H) is shown in Fig. 2. The fluid velocity, v, is increasing with increase of mixing power density, e. The relationship between v and s is firstly, vocs0.48,and shifts to another relationship, vocso24 after appearance of deflecting point around s=5 kg/mS2. The observed values of the exponents of e, 0.48 and 0.24 are nearly the theoretical values of 0.5 and 3, which are expected from Eq. (11) and Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively. Mixing time, z, is decreasing with increase of mixing power density, s, the relationship of which appears as rocs-68at first and transfers into another one, rocs-o.32 It is noted that the value of e at the deflecting point for mixing time is nearly equal to that for fluid velocity. The observed values of the exponents of s, 0.68 and 0.32 are considered to be corresponding to the values of 0.5 in (1) and that of 3
Research Article



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in (2) and (3) as shown in Table 2. Thus, this fact confirms that such transitional behaviors observed in fluid velocity and in mixing time respectively, have to be tightly related each other. The experimental results shown in Fig. 3 were obtained for the half size similar vessel with that of Fig. 2. The tendencies observed in mixing time and fluid velocity are matching with those shown in Fig. 2. As apprehended from Figs. 2 and 3, the examination of the effect of mixing power density on mixing time enables one to classify the fluid motion into the two major flows, i.e., the flow predominated by viscous force and the flow caused by inertia force or turbulent viscous force. Figure 4 shows the surface velocities of molten steel observed by Lehner et al.13~in 60 t ladle agitated by argon gas. The surface velocities at different radial positions appear in proportion to the gas volumetric flow rate to one-third power, Q1"3. As Q is approximately proportional to s*, theresult shown in Fig. 4 indicates the existence of the relationship of vocr113. That is, i t is understood that the theoretical result developed in this paper should be applicable to not only water model experiments but also large scale plants and that the fluid motion shown in Fig. 4 should be corresponding to that described by Eq. (12) or Eq. (13). In Fig. 5, the variations of z observed in the three

different size vessels with similar geometry are lumped together. According to the theoretical result listed on Table 2, under the flow predominated by viscous force, the exponent of mixing power density, e, is n= 0.5 and the exponent of characteristic length, i.e., diameter of vessel, is r=0, which means z should be independent from the vessel size. The experimental result seen in Fig. 5 clearly demonstrates this theoretical prediction for viscous flow. In the flow predominated by inertia force or turbulent viscous force, the observed relationship, zocLo.36 sO.32 was obtained. It indicates that there should exist an effect of L on z. As described in the theoretical analysis, the exponent of characteristic length should have been 3 from Y+ =3 if the condition of locL was presumed. However, this experimental result reveals that the exponent of characteristic length is not 3, but 0.36. This fact tells that the relation of locL does not hold in the gas agitation system adopted here and the complicated turbulent flow governs in vessel. This evidence should be noticed for scale-up and for such a metallurgical reaction as affected by flow mechanism in molten steel. Change in Conditions Relevant to Gas Injection Up to the previous chapter, mixing time has been measured in the cylindrical vessels in which gas is injected from the center of bottom wall and the results obtained on a theoretical basis have been confirmed. Here, the previous theoretical predictions are examined under the various conditions relevant to gas injections and observed data are theoretically considered. In Fig. 6, the effect of the liquid depth on mixing Iv.

Fig. 3.

Effects of mixing power density on mixing time and fluid velocity. (case for 200 X 20011)



Effect ing

of vessel and

size on the relationship mixing power density.







correlations flow

between rate in the







Effect mixing

of liquid time and




relationship density. mixing



60 t ladle.l3~

mixin g power

* As will be seen in Eqs . (39) and (40), the mixing energy, W, is proportional to the injected gas volume, V. ty, s is calculated as s = W/ Vm0. Thus, s cc V/C = Q is obtained.







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time is shown. The region predominated by viscous force is increased and mixing time is reduced with increase of liquid depth. In Fig. 7, the data of mixing time obtained for the different size of vessel and the different liquid depth are rearranged. The experimental data are summarized as follows:

TD H/Z200, = (D/2OO)136,(2OO/H) , 200 r200,200 72.E-1/3 = Figure 8 shows the data which were obtained by changing the gas injection depth along the center axis of the cylindrical vessel. With increasing the lance immersion depth, z is not so much affected in the region predominated by viscous force (1), but is decreasing in the regions governed by inertia force and turbulent viscous force (2), (3). Data in Fig. 9 were obtained by shifting the radial position of the nozzle. With moving the nozzle from center to vessel wall, z tends to decrease in both the region (1) and the regions (2), (3). The results shown in Fig. 5 were well explained by the previous theoretical analysis, in which the similar flow pattern was assumed in the different vessel sizes.

However, it is rather difficult to explain the results of Figs. 8 and 9 from the theoretical view point without numerical calculation since the flow patterns are no longer similar each other due to the movement of lance height and its radial position. It is very interesting to see such a common phenomenon in Figs. 6, 8 and 9 that increase of fluid circulatory loop in vessel tends to decrease mixing time, z. This phenomenon can be explained qualitatively in the following. The flow motion was classified into the three patterns described in Eqs. (3), (5) and (7) and the relationship between characteristic velocity and mixing power density was derived as Eqs. (11) to (13). By comparing the velocity gradient in the long circulatory loop with that in the short one, it is found that the longer the loop, the smaller the velocity gradient is. To take into account the effect of the loop length, a parameter, A, is introduced in Eqs. (11) to (13) as follows : VoC(A2L2~/a)1/2 .....................(11') VCC (2LB/p)1/3.........................(12') Va (A3L3~/pl2)1/3 .....................(13') The longer the loop, the larger is the value of A. Thus, the velocity becomes larger in the longer loop and z may be shorter. This consideration is also confirmed by another evidence shown in Figs. 6, 8 and 9. That is, the longer the loop, the value of s at the deflecting point is larger where the fluid flow shifts from laminar flow to turbulent one. This fact is explained in the following. The transition from laminar flow to turbulent one depends on the velocity gradient Igrad v on the basis of Boussinesq and Prandtl hypothesis. The velocity gradient is smaller in the longer loop in comparison under the same fluid velocity. Thus the deflecting point from laminar to turbulent appears at the larger value of e in the longer circulatory flow. This consideration suggests that the position of gas injection should be so settled that fluid flows in the long loop in vessel to reduce mixing time. However, it should be noticed that nozzle position extremely far from the center might produce a second circulatory flow which is unfavorable for mixing time. The Relationship between Mechanical Agitation and Gas Agitation The mechanical agitation has been studied for a long time which utilizes a rotating impeller immersed in the liquid and many investigators have discussed the power consumed by an impeller under a given set of conditions in a mixing vessel. The conditions of fluid motion are distinguished by the power number, J'/ P/pm3d5 against the impeller Reynolds number, Re - d2mp/p, as follows :15) (1) Laminar Region Xp oc Re-1 ........................(27) (2) Turbulent Region "[p .= constant V.

Fig. 7.

Effect of vessel size and liquid ship between

depth on the relationpower density.

mixing time and mixing

Fig. 8.

Effect of gas injection depth on the relationship between mixing time and mixing power density.

Fig. 9.

Effect of radial between mixing


of nozzle on the relationship power density.

time and mixing

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In the mechanical agitation, characteristic velocity, v, and mixing power density, E, can be formulated as Eqs. (29) and (30). v oc and ...........................(29) oc P /d3........................... (30) Thus, the following relationships are derived by substituting above equations into Eqs. (27) and (28). (1) Laminar Region v cc (d2r/p)"2 ........................(31) (2) Turbulent Region VC(dr/p)"3 ........................(32) It is found that the expressions of Eqs. (31) and (32) are identical with Eq. (11) and Eq. (12) or (13) derived for gas agitation, respectively. That is, though the different formula has been adopted to express the degree of mixing in mechanical agitation and gas agitation, those are identical as far as the relationship between fluid velocity and mixing power density concerns. VI. Evaluation of Mixing Power Density The accurate estimation of the value of s is substantial when one discusses the relative efficiency in the various types of agitated process and compare gas agitation processes with mechanical agitation ones. However, the evaluation of mixing power density is not only different among researchers but also leads to confusion among them. Regarding this problem, a thought experiment such as shown in Fig. 10(a) was conducted to evaluate the effective mixing energy for liquid agitation.10~ This interesting attempt was the first trial to consider mixing power from the thermodynamic view point. Here another thought experiment is precisely developed. In order to clarify the functions of compressor as shown in Fig. 10(a), the roles of compressor are classified into three functions as shown in Fig. 10(b).

The functionof (A) injects the gas of p1, V1and T1 into liquid under adiabatic conditionwith constant pressure. Thefunction(B)collects gasdischarged the from liquid surfaceunder adiabatic condition with constant pressureand the function (C) changesthe state of gas from p2, V2' and T2 to p1, V1and T1. This total closedthermodynamic circuitis equivalent to the functionsof the compressor. The workdone by the cylinder (A) is WA=p1V1 that of (B) is and WB=-p2V2. As compressinggas is accompanied with change of heat content, the work done by the cylinder(C) shouldbe written in the sum of the mechanicalcompression work, (- f v2 V),and the therpd
mal energy, qc, which is automatically being added from outside the system during compressing the cylinder (C). Then, Eq. (33) is obtained as follows:

We = qc-



By use of the thermodynamic relation, dq=n'cvdTT + pdV, the work shown in Eq. (33) is modified as Eq. (34).
We = (dq~- pd V) = n'cv(T1- T2).........(34)

1 By adding WA, WB and We, the work done by the compressor shown in Fig. 10(a) is evaluated as Eq. (35). Wcomp WA WB+ We = n'cv(T1- T2) = + +(p1V1- p2V2)= H1-H2 ............(35) It is found in Eq. (35) that the work done by the compressor is equivalent to the enthalpy change from the states (1) to (2). The thermal energy, qv, which is supplied from liquid side to gas one while bubbles are rising in liquid, should be taken into account besides the work done by the compressor. At first, gas accepts, qv, as thermal energy from liquid and then, qv, is converted to the kinetic energy to agitate liquid through gas expansion. Finally this kinetic energy is reduced to the thermal energy of liquid due to the viscous dissipation caused by the turbulent eddy. Thus, the total energy supplied for liquid agitation, WT, is given as Eq. (36). WT = (Hi-H2)+gv ..................(36)* In the case where bubbles are growing under isothermal condition, the first term of the right hand side of Eq. (36) becomes zero and in the case where bubbles are growing under adiabatic condition, the second term of the right hand side is vanished. The thermal energy, qv, which is supplied from liquid to bubbles rising in liquid, can be expressed as Eq. (37) by use of the thermodynamic relation, dq=dH-Vdp.



Schematic the effective


of thought energy

experiment for liquid

to evaluate agitation.


qv potential energy

dqv -


Vdp ............(37)

* As a part of WT, mixing energy shown in Eq. (36), is consumed as the precise expression of Eq. (36) should be, WT=(H1-Hz)+q~2 Vpggdh

to lift b ubbles


position (1) to (2), the (36')









By substituting Eq. (37) into Eq. (36), Eq. (38) is obtained. 1

WT =

Vdp ........................(38)

Equation (38) tells that the total mixing energy evaluated from thermodynamic view point is equal to the

energycaused by buoyancy,- f 2Vdp, which is considered from the kinematical aspect. * The energy for buoyancy evaluated under isothermal expansion is written in Eq. (39).
1 2 pl P2

(WT)lSO Vdp J (n'RTi/p)dp =J =

= n'RT lnp1/p2 = p1V1In (p1/p2) ......(39) Under adiabatic is obtained. ( WT)ad = expansion, the following expression

J 1Vdp j pl(p1 C/p)1/Cdp ` V

2 P2

_ ~p1V1[1-(p2/p1)(r-1)/Cl/(C-1)......(40) In actual operations for gas agitation, the value should exist between (WT)iSO and (WT)ad. When the liquid depth is shallow, (WT)ad^'(WT)fso yields because of (P2/Pi)N1. In the thought experiment of Fig. 10(b), the temperature of injected gas was supposed to be as high as that of liquid. In the actual operation, for example, agitation of molten steel, both the work accompanied with gas expansion at the vicinity of the nozzle exit and the kinetic energy accompanied with gas jet should be added to the work for buoyancy evaluated from Eq. (39) or (40). However, the efficiency with which such two energies contribute to the agitation in vessel has not been clarified up to date. Taking account of the above considerations, mixing energies for buoyancy and gas jet were evaluated by assuming adiabatic expansion of gas and multiplying the kinetic energy of gas jet by the coefficient, 0.06.5' Then, mixing power density was calculated by dividing the sum of the above two energies by the liquid volume and the total operating period. VII. Procedure for Scale-up In the relationships between mixing time and mixing power density, listed in Table 1, some of them were based on the data including the non-similar geometry apparatus or the completely different apparatus. However, strictly speaking from the theoretical bases, it can not be guaranteed that the data of non-similar geometry apparatus or the different ap* Basing on Eq. (36'), Eq. (38) should be rewritten as WT =
which is equal

paratus might be formulated by one relationship. Thus, the following procedure should be required to carry out scale-up. (1) In order to estimate the value of the exponents of characteristic length, L, the water model experiments have to be carried out in the similar geometry with an objective apparatus and a figure corresponding to Fig. 5 has to be drawn (the value is 0.36 in the case of Fig. 5). (2) By multiplying 1.9 ((pFe/pw)1/3 71/3= 1.9) by a spindle of the figure for water model, it can be transferred into molten steel system. Figure 11 shows an example where gas is injected from a nozzle placed at the center of bottom in a cylindrical vessel. The capacity of molten steel and the ratio of liquid depth to inner diameter are taken as 50 t and 1, respectively. Taking into account the scale effect, the relationship between z and in the objective apparatus was added on the figure by the broken line. Advancing in the direction of the arrow, the value of mixing power density is determined from a given value of mixing time. (3) By using the relationship between gas volumetric flow rate and input power density, the required gas flow rate can be evaluated. VIII. Conclusion From the view point of transport phenomena, mixing time of the ladle refining process was analized and the theoretical result was confirmed by the model experiments. The following knowledge has been newly derived. (1) The fluid motion in vessel agitated by gas injection is classified into the flow predominated by molecular viscous force (zocE-o.5)and the flow predominated by inertia force or turbulent viscous one (zOC x-1/3). (2) Mixing time does not depend on the vessel size in the viscous flow region but it does in the region




relationship density,

between which

mixing shows the



mixing for

power scale-up.



by buoyancy. Because the work of buoyancy 1 1 2Vplgdh2 p 1gdh V p_ 2 Vpggdh

can be derived as the following equation:

to the work caused g=

fv(pi_p)gdh S:vd
Thus, WT shown in Eq.


(38) can be regarded as the energy of buoyancy i f pi>> pg.



( 50)


ISIJ, Vol. 23, 1983

predominated by inertia force or turbulent viscous force. The mixing length, 1, can not be considered to be in proportion to the characteristic length of vessel, L. (3) Under the condition supplying the same amount of mixing power density, mixing time decreases with increase in the fluid circulatory loop in vessel. (4) The same formulation can be employed in gas agitation and mechanical agitation as far as the relationship between fluid velocity and mixing power density concerns. (5) Mixing power density was discussed through the thought experiment and it was found that buoyancy is essential to agitate liquid in vessel. The energy induced by buoyancy is evaluated under the isothermal condition and the adiabatic one, Eqs. (39) and (40), respectively. (6) The procedure for scale-up was demonstrated on a basis of the data obtained by water model experiments. Nomenclature c : tracer concentration (kg/m3) D : molecular diffusivity (m2/s) De : effective di,ffusivity (m2/s) Dt: turbulent diffusivity (m2/s) d: diameter of impeller (m) F, F: body force (N/m3) g : acceleration due to gravity (m/s2) H: enthalpy (J) h : liquid depth (m) k : proportional constant (-) L : characteristic length (m) l: mixing length (m) m: rotating number of impeller (l/s) Np: power number (.P/pm3d5) (-) n : exponents of mixing power density (-) n' : number of moles (kg . mo.l) P: power consumed by impeller (J/s) p: pressure (Pa) Q: gas volumetric flow rate (m3/s) q : thermal energy (J) R : gas constant =8.31 (J/mol K) Re : Reynolds number (. d2mp/p) (-) r : radial distance (m) T: temperature (K) t : time (s) V: gas volume (m3) Vm: metal volume (m3) v, v: velocity (m/s) a : exponents of p (-) p : exponents of p (-) r: exponents of L (-) C mixing power density (kg/ms3) :


total operating period (s)

REFERENCES 1) W. Bi cke : VDI-Zschft, 81 (1937), 1065. 2) S. Nagata, K. Kitamura, G. Fujinaga and U. Tanii: Kagakukikai,15 (1951), 59. 3) H. Sandberg, T. Engh, J. Andersson and R. Olsson: The 1st Japan-Sweden Joint Symposium, ISIJ, Tokyo, (1971), 87. 4) K. Nakanishi and T. Fujii: Tetsu-to-Hagane, 59 (1973) 11, 5460. 5) L. H. Lehrer: Indust. Eng. Chem., Process Design and Develop., 7 (1968), 226. 6) J. Szekely, T. Lehner and C. W. Chang: Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 6 (1979), 285. 7) 0. Haida, T. Emi, S. Yamada and F. Sudo : SCANINJECT II, 2nd Int'l Conf. on Injection Metallurgy, MEFOS and Jernkontoret, June 1980, Lulea, 20. 8) R. S. Brodkey: MEFOS report presented to Scan. Lancers Club 1st Meeting, Jernkontoret, Jan. 1979, Stockholm. 9) K. Kipke: Preprints of Verfahrenstechnische Fortschritte beim Mischen, VDI, (1978), 21. 10) K. Mori and M. Sano: The 19th Committee (Steelmaking), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Report No. 10244 (May, 1980). 11) K. Nakanishi, T. Fujii and J. Szekely: Ironmaking and Steelmaking, (1975), 193. 12) T. Kato and T. Okamoto : Denkiseiko (Electric Furnace Steel), 50 (1979), 128. 13) T. Lehner, G. Carlsson and T. C. Hsiao: SCANINJECT II, 2nd Int'l Conf. on Injection Metallurgy, MEFOS and Jernkontoret, June 1980, Lulea, 22. 14) Y. Katto: Dennetsugairon, Yokendo, Tokyo, (1966). 15) S. Nagata: Shin-Kagakukogaku-Koza VII-2, Kakuhanki no Shoyodoryoku, Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, Tokyo, (1961).



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