Lewis County Squadron - May 2008

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NEWSLETTER OF April/May Issue 2008


Lewis County Composite Squadron Recognized by Adna Elementary School

By Capt Eric Corder

Published by Lewis Co. Sq., CAP PO Box 56 Chehalis, WA 98532 Editor: 1st Lt Ruth A. Peterson

December 2007 will not be soon forgotten in Lewis County. More specifically, the flood of December 2007 will never be forgotten. The waters rose quickly, but so did the dedication of the Lewis County Composite Squadron members on that terrible day and the many days that followed. Not only do we remember the events of that time, and consider it our honor to serve, but those that needed our help during the flood took time to remember as well. On Thursday, May 22, 2008, the Adna Elementary school principal, Lisa Dallas, and her staff presented many prominent volunteers of the flood with a special gift. What could possibly convey thanks in a magnificent event such as this? Only an eyewitness words can express the sheer gratitude of service that day. The eyewitnesses are the entire student body of Adna Elementary. In their own words and pictures they described the fear and then elation at the site of United States Coast Guard and United States Navy helicopters coming to pluck them from their only remaining safe place, their rooftops. The book is replete with heart-felt stories and pictures of those who came to the rescue. The Lewis County Composite Squadron was part of that, as we know. Well, they took the time and created a 341 page book to capture the tragedy and subsequent success through rebuilding and they offered it in a school-wide assembly. Honored and in attendance were the United Way, the Lewis County Sheriffs Department, the Adna Fire District, the Centralia Police Department, the Army National Guard, the United States Coast Guard helicopter crew of that day, and the Civil Air Patrol. The event was captured by King 5 news and the Lewis County Chronicle. Each group honored got to shake the hand of every one of the authors and share a mutual thank you. On one hand, the stories are difficult to read, knowing what we know, and reliving those days. On the other hand, they demonstrate what a community does for itself in a time of crises. The Lewis County Composite Squadron rose unwaveringly to the challenge. Not because we had to but because we knew it was the right thing to do and part of our calling of citizens serving communities

Inside this issue:

Summer Message Flight Update Awards of Excellence June Birthdays Websites of Interest Upcoming Events 2 2 3 3 4 4

Cadets! Please have your parent or guardian sign here to indicate that they have received and read the FIREBALL.
Parent Signature:

Cadets should bring a signed FIREBALL with them to the first drill after they receive it.

Page 2

Volume III, Issue 3

Prepare for the Summer Months

2d Lt Steve Lodman, Supply Officer Summer is coming soon! That's right, sooner or later we will have some sunny weather after a long, hard winter. You should be doing a few things to prepare. 1. Make sure you have sunscreen and a topical analgesic (like Solarcaine or Lanacaine) in your personal kit. 2. Get sunglasses. No wild styles; wear something that gives you a professional look and has a guarantee of protection from UV rays. 3. Make sure you have some way to hydrate yourself. Whether you use canteens or Camelbaks, make sure they are clean (sterile) and leak-free. Please don't have a hydration tube in your mouth at all times. It reminds people of pacifiers. Add salt tablets or a sports drink mix if you, like me, are very sensitive to heat. 4. Finally, make sure that you have good summer uniforms. Put them on! You may have grown a bit, or you may not have checked your uniforms for condition. Make sure you have everything you need at least two weeks before an event!

CIVIL AIR PATROL Drug Free and Proud!

It is my honor to serve with such a good unit. You all make me very proud. Have a great summer.
Note: Lt Lodman is moving to Montana soon. He has done such an excellent job as supply officer, and has always gone out of his way to make sure all LCCS cadets (and seniors) look sharp during drill and encampments. His service will be sorely missed!

By Capt Daniel A. Whalen, LCCS Commander Recently our squadron became the custodial squadron of a 1985 Cessna 182R. Aircraft N9926E or CAPFLIGHT 4626 as it will be known on missions has been transferred to the Lewis County Composite Squadron as of March 1st 2008. The Aircraft will live or be hangered at the South Lewis County Airport, Ed Carlson Field in Toledo. The 182R or 26 echo is a 4 passenger aircraft with tow hook for glider operations. We have a T Hanger for it at Toledo and it will be our Squadrons responsibility to wash, wax, maintain, and control all the paperwork and documents that come with having a CAP Corporate Aircraft. (continued on page 3)

Volume III, Issue 3

Page 3

Along with all the work, we also get to fly this machine. I hope that everyone is ready for a busy summer. I believe we will have many opportunities to fly Glider and Powered O Flights. In addition to an aircraft you need another crucial part of the puzzle: Pilots! In an interesting turn of events, we have recently brought on board two new Senior Members who are both pilots! Welcome to the Squadron, Capt John Pope and Capt Otto Rabe. Capt Pope is former CAP pilot and is a Certified Flight instructor and will be assigned as our Stan/ Eval officer. Capt Pope will perform duties as a CAP instructor pilot and check pilot, responsible for flight and ground instruction as well as flight evaluation in CAP aircraft. Capt Pope is qualified as a Senior CAP aircraft pilot and with a few check rides he will be able to begin Orientation flights. Capt Rabe is a former Army pilot with most of his hours in Apache Helicopters! Capt Rabe is being assigned as our unit Flight Operations Officer and Assistant Safety Officer. Capt Rabe will be responsible for the management and control of unit aircrews, aircraft, and flight operations, CAP flight management policies and procedures and the administrative procedures governing flight operations. (Big Job!) We also recently had a pilot transfer into our Squadron from the South Sound Squadron. Welcome, Capt Tom Hird, to our team! Capt Hird is a Wing check pilot and glider pilot (as well as much more) and will be helping get our new members certified to be CAP pilots. I would also like to recognize Capt Mark Greenman. Capt Greenman is the Wing Glider Operations Officer and a member of our unit. Capt Greenman is currently our Operations officer and will work closely with Captains Pope, Rabe and Hird in creating a safe, dynamic team of flying professionals. If any Senior Members ever wanted to become a scanner, observer, or pilot, now is the time to begin your training. Work with these gentlemen, and you will advance quickly with excellent training. Thank you, TO EVERY MEMBER, for all of your dedication to creating a safe, inspired and fun Squadron! Lewis County Composite Squadron has always tried to live up to its motto - 110% all the way! This year, that effort was recognized not only by Washington Wing, but by all the Wings in the Pacific Coast Region. Last month, at the Washington Wing Spring Conference, our squadron was awarded the Squadron of Merit for the Wing. Then, three weeks later, we were presented with the Squadron of Distinction Award for the entire Pacific Coast Region. That means that we are considered one of the top eight squadrons in the country. Our Cadets and Senior Members have worked hard to become one of the top squadrons in the Nation. Attention to detail and performance of our duties and responsibilities have gotten us to this position. We need to continue to do our best as an example to all those around us. OOORAAAH!!

June Birthdays
1st Lt Marlene Fowler Capt Otto Rabe Cadet Jeremy Jackson Cadet Alix Rider

Civil Air Patrol

Websites of interest for Cadets: National CAP Website
(Check out the National encampments! You must sign up for them by the end of Dec.)


Washington CAP Website

6:30 pm SCOUT LODGE At 3rd and Adams Chehalis, WA

The Hock Shop (For Uniforms)


The LCCS squadron website is filled with pictures, articles, information, and important links. Check us out at:

DATE June 5 June 12

TOPIC Business & Planning Drill Operations Training Senior Training Cadet Programs


June 19 June 26

Important DatesAdd to your Calendar TODAY!

For More Info, go to www.wawg.cap.gov. Click on Members. Under Members, click on Cadet Programs. If you have any questions about events (price, how to apply, etc) call your higher-ups, and they can help you out!
7 June - We are going to visit the NORAD Western Air Defense Sector, one of only two in the country used to protect the United States from Airborne attack. Come see where Capt Corder works. Very few people get a chance to see inside! This could be a once in a lifetime type of trip! 14-16 June - Basic Marksmanship Encampment. 23 June - DeGoede Bulb Farm Flowerbowl Fundraiser. We will be selling flowerbowls for $15.00 each. Start preselling now! 12 - 13 June Seattle to Portland Bicycle Race 1 - 3 August Chehalis Centralia Airfair and overnight camp. 7 - 16 August - Summer EncampmentCamp Murray 12 - 17 August - Southwest Washington Fair

PLEASE NOTE: Deadline for articles is on the 15th of the month. Schedules must be in by the 20th. Send to the editor at Grpete@centurytel.net The Fireball is an unofficial newsletter, published monthly in the interest of the members of Lewis Co. Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol. Opinions expressed by the publishers and writers are their own, and are not to be considered official expressions of CAP or the U.S. Air Force. Advertisements in this publication do not constitute an endorsement by CAP or the Dept. of the Air Force of the products or services advertised.

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