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English B1.

2 CA0 Academic honesty

CA0 Academic Honesty is an introductory practice activity. Although you will not receive a mark for this activity we strongly recommend that you complete all the tasks in order to get used to participating in the Forum and responding to your classmates comments. OVERVIEW

Part I: March 811 Part II: March 1116 Part III: March 1618

- Study the materials in the unit Academic honesty. - Write a contribution (150 200 words) on the subject of academic honesty and send it to the forum. - Read your classmates contributions in the forum and comment on one of them.

Please note that these dates are recommended deadlines but if it is more convenient for you, you can always send work to the classroom before these dates.

OBJECTIVES Read an article about a website used for academic cheating. Listen to an interview about lying and cheating. Practise verb patterns followed by the gerund or infinitive. Practise vocabulary related to education. Write a contribution to the forum giving your opinions about different aspects of exams and cheating in exams. Write a response to two of your classmates contributions.

Part I: March 8March 11 CA1 is entitled Academic honesty and deals with studying, preparing for exams and cheating in exams. There is a set of exercises related to this unit, which you will find under Recursos in the classroom. These exercises are self-correcting (the answers are provided for 1

you) and you can do them at your own pace. We recommend that you start your work for this CA unit doing these exercises so that you can learn the vocabulary needed, revise grammar and read about the topic. READING: In this section you will read an article about a website used for academic cheating. You also will do some pre-reading exercises, some detailed comprehension and language work. In total, there are five exercises in this section. LISTENING: In this section you will listen to an interview about lying and cheating. There are five exercises in this section. GRAMMAR: The grammar in this unit looks at different verb patterns (gerunds and infinitives which come after certain verbs) and too and enough. There are four exercises in this section. You can click on the Grammar button in these exercises for help. VOCABULARY: This section focuses on vocabulary related to education. There are three exercises in this section. WRITING: This section has 5 exercises related to ways of preparing for exams. Please do NOT do Exercise 5. Part II: March 11March 16 For Part II of this activity you should write a 150200 word contribution to the forum discussing one or more of the questions below: What advice would you give to someone who was preparing to do an exam? What advice would you give to someone who is feeling very stressed because of exams? How can students avoid pre-exam nerves and stress? How can stress affect performance in exams? To what extent do you think cheating exists in your country? Do you think cheating is a common practice amongst university students? Why do you think students cheat in exams? What advice would you give to someone who was considering cheating in an exam? Do you think that cheating in exams should be severely punished? Do you think students who cheat deserve to fail? Why? Why not?

WRITING TIPS Make notes in English to organise your ideas before you start to write. Write 2-3 short paragraphs. Include words and expressions you studied in the unit Academic Honesty. Check your writing for spelling and grammar errors before you send it to the forum. Use the spellchecker! Dont worry if you make mistakes. Your writing doesnt need to be perfect.

Part III: March 16March 18 For Part III of this activity you should read your classmates contributions and write a short comment (30-50 words) on one of them. You may, of course, comment on as many as you like. You should send your messages to the forum. You should say if you agree or disagree with your classmates opinions and say why. How to agree or disagree in English Here are some ways you can express agreement or disagreement in English: I agree with Jordi when he says that.. I dont agree with Montse because.... I completely agree with Joanna when she says... I disagree completely with Pol when he says... I think Marta makes a good point when she says..................because............ I agree with Anna to some extent, but

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