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About 4.

6 billion years ago, the "sun" had nine smaller stars and named the third one "Gaia". The Sun: "My dear, Gaia! Please listen to me. From this time forward, every one billion years, you will have children called `Life`. One of them will be able to help you to build a new era. Each child must endure a difficult trial. You might think it's too severe, but it is necessary. The trial is a test of nature: `The survival of the fittest`. If he passes, I will allow him to be your partner and to enter Eden." Will YOU pass the trial of "The Survival of the Fittest"? Created and Maintained by:

Cless Alvein E.V.O. Search For Eden 1993 Enix/Almanic, Liscenced by Nintendo

Kuraselach Leader

Location: Chapter 1: The World Before Land, Cave or Origin

Tactic: The Kuraselache Leader will start off the fight by ramming you with his body, and trying to bite you. His bites can take off quite a bit of HP, so swim upwards or downwards to evade his bites. If he misses, he will double around and attack you again. Keep moving until he bumps into a rock. Then he will be dazed for a few moments. Use this time to attack. Attack his back with caution because he can swing his tail back and forth, dealing damage. Try to use your E.V.O. points wisely to heal, and he shouldn't be too tough.

Boss Ikustega

Location: Chapter 2: Early Creatures of Land, Land of Boss Ikustega

Tactic: When Boss Ikustega tries to spit his green slime at you, jump out of the way. This should be fairly easy to dodge as that if you do not remain in his spitting range, he will not try this move. If he does, however, the green slime can hurt you for quite a bit. After the spitting move, if he does it, he will most likely attempt to jump on you, causing some damage. The way to avoid this is to bite him in mid-air, or to out-jump him, which is more difficult, unless you have developed special fins with enable super-high jumping. Just repeat this process of dodging and biting/jumping.

King Bee

Location: Chapter 2: Early Creatures of Land, Cave of King Bee

Tactic: The King Bee will fire several needle projectiles at you, causing a good amount of damage each. If you get hit by one, the ones that follow will also hit. So, the trick is to not give him a chance at all, and follow him when he flies, and bite quickly. You can get through this without a scrape. However, if you're not the type to attack so aggressively, run along the ground, heal with minor evolutions, and wear him down with attacks in between his projectile attacks either by biting, which is the most effective method, or by jumping on him, which can be difficult.

Queen Bee

Location: Chapter 2: Early Creatures of Land, Domain of Queen Bee

Tactic: Queen Bee is a lot tougher than her husband. What you really have to watch out for is her dive-bite attack, so keep on the defensive, running when she fires spikes, and counter when he dives down to attack you. When she misses, she will chomp down on air for a few seconds. Use this time to attack her agressively at least once. The most important thing when fighting her is to keep moving along the ground with the charge move.

Mother of Prime Frog

Location: Chapter 3: Age of Dinosaurs, Domain of Prime Frog

Tactic: Mother of Prime Frog will release smaller frogs at you. Don't try to kill them all, because you can't. She has an endless amount of these little spawns. Aim for the mother frog, bite her and try to predict where she will land. Head to there and bite her as she or a bit after she lands. This boss is fairly easy, as her froglets are really much less tougher than normal enemies.

Mammoth Brothers(3 Mammoths)

Location: Chapter 4: Ice Age, Domain of Mammoth

Tactic: If you can, try to corner them into the right side of the screen and bite them continuously. If you can't, dodge the bubbles but watch out most for their charging attacks, as they do a LOT more damage. Attack them when they pause in between attacks, and repeat this three times to win.


Location: Chapter 4: Ice Age, Fort Bird-man

Tactic: Bird-King will fire crystals at you. If you get hit, they can do quite a bit of damage, even if your body is good. So, corner him in the left and DON'T GIVE HIM A CHANCE! Keep attacking and he should be cornered and helpless. If you do it right, you'll come out without a scratch. Otherwise, keep healing with those minor evolutions!


Location: Chapter 4: Ice Age, Domain of Hynodon

Tactic: Yeti will attack you aggressively, so try to bite him as he comes, or jump on him a few times. Just dodge his attacks and try to heal frequently with minor evolutions. He seems to be quite slow in attacking, so use this opportunity to heal or attack him. Also, try to observe a trend in his attacking.

Yeti Mother

Location: Chapter 4: Ice Age, Domain of Hynodon

Tactic: When she releases icy breath at you, jump to dodge them, and when she jumps at you, getting ready to clap, you can bite here, or dodge and when she lands, bite her as she's getting ready for the next icy breath. The trick is to attack her when she's preparing for an attack or while she's pausing. The counterattack when she prepare to clap on you is very difficult to perform, but nevertheless possible. Repeat your attack process and headbutt her a few times if she's cornering you.


Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Cave of monkey human

Tactic: Yeti will land a few punches on you if you're not careful, and they hurt for quite a bit. So, watch for a pattern in his punching, or, you can jump on him frequently. When he does the little flip to the other side, you can follow him and bite him as he lands, which is quite helpful.

Queen Bee(2)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Domain of Queen Bee

Tactic: Same tactic as Queen Bee above. They are the exact same Boss with color changes.

King Rogan

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Last Ocean

Tactic: King Rogan will fire a burst at you which will limit your field of vision for a little while. During this time, most people can just predict where King Rogan is, and attack correspondingly. It's almost impossible to dodge his blinding attacks, so get used to having a limited vision. Attack agressively and use your horn, and replace the horn if need be, both to heal and to have the attacking appendage.


Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Cro-Maine is very annoying and powerful, so you must watch for the distinct pattern in his attacks and bite when the time is exactly right so that he'll be pushed back and you'll keep your position, and you can do this until he dies. If you miss an attack, however, he will hit you right out of the level, so the key to this is patience.


Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Do not attack him yet. He is invincible as of now. Finish off all his crystals first. Note that after you attack him for about 80 HP, he will spit out a new crystal, and the crystals are emitted in random order.

Giant Jellyfish(Orange ridged crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Giant Jellyfish is quite easy. He starts out as a small one, and when you finish it off with quick attacks, he transforms into a bigger, meaner one. This one you just go in and out, attacking. He is quite slow compared to you, so take your time in defeating him. Do not stay stationary too close to him, or he'll get you with a stinger attack.

Giant Profasu(Red armored crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Debustega(Yellow scaly crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Same strategy as Debustega Boss above, but you have to watch out for Bolbox's occasional punches also.

Giant Zinichthy(Green mossy crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Giant Zinichthy will attack aggressively, so you have to attack just one step ahead of him. Just combine your jumps with your attacks and you should be okay. Don't go into defensive mode, as it will probably get you nowhere. This is one of the harder crystal transformations Bolbox spits out. He has a tendancy to charge in a straight line, so use your horns if you have them. Remember to keep evolving to regain HP.

Child Ikustega(White plain crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Not even considered a boss. Psh. Just watch him run away, or if you feel like having a health PENALTY, kill him and eat the meat.

Falcon Warrior(Purple cratered crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Falcon Warrior is the same as regular Falcon Warriors. Bite or jump when he charges, and try to get ahead of him when he's trying to slice you.

Giant Prosauro(Orange spiked crystal)

Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Attack VERY agressively! Don't give him a chance to scream at all! Keep biting him or attacking him, as if he gets a chance to scream you will be hit several times for a large amount of damage, with no way to stop it (even if it's not in visible range). If you see your HP running low, use your evolution points to evolve a minor body part.


Location: Chapter 5: Early Man, Entrance to Eden

Tactic: Few bites should finish him off. He's really easy, now that all his crystals are gone.

Field Screen Button Effect Description


The four directional buttons move you level from level, allowing you to revisit the levels you've been to to gather some extra Evolution Points or to beat some easy enemies to regain health. The places you've been to are marked with a solid red dot.

None Select/Confirm None None None

This button does nothing on the world map. This is to enter a level that you've visited, or a level opened up by beating a previous level. This button, along with A, does nothing. This button is usually cancel but does nothing on the field screen because there really is no need for it. Same as the Select key, calls up the menu for use. Pressing this brings up the main menu and allows you to save your game, save your log and to view other creatures' log that you've saved. The game comes with 3 empty saving slots. This button does nothing. This button does nothing. Battle Screen

Main Menu

None None



Description The four buttons on the Battle Screen move you in the water if you're a fish, and if you're on land, in the two directions, left and right. If you're flying, it's to move you through the air. Tap the forward button twice to charge, which causes damage depending on your horn. Note that pressing "A" as you're charging causes your character to perform a dash attack, which deals a great amount of damage. This is especially useful if you can't evolve a horn. This button, when you're a mammal, allows you to kick. This attack is very useful if you evolve to be a horse as a mammal, especially against bosses that move around quickly.




The B button does nothing when you're a fish, but as land creatures, if allows you to jump. It is also confirm in the Evolution Menu. Pressing this swallows meat that floats to you. This move has no attack value but for some creatures whose primary attack isn't biting, this could come in useful.


Cancel/Previous/Attack This button is your primary attack, or in the Evolution Menu, cancel. Pause Evolution Menu/Save Menu None Exit level To pause the game, simply press Start. To save a log of your creature, see your stats or evolve further, press Select and select your choice. The game comes with fifty record logs! This button does nothing. Pressing this allows you to exit a level right away, providing that you already beat it at least once before.

*The Enemies section contains bosses and some minor strats for those bosses, but the Bosses section will contain pictures of bosses and detailed strategies and pictures. Quick Link Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Chapter 1: The World before Land (350 - 230 million years B.C.) E.V.O. Points/HP gained +10 +2






Small, slow jellyfish in the water. Quickly bite it twice to finish it off. Small worm-like creature that whips at you if provoked. Bite it two or three times quickly to kill it. Cannot be killed. If attacked, splite into two Sea Slime Spawns. Small creature that swims in bursts. Bite it quickly to kill it. Shy creatures that run away from you if seen. Charge at them with your horn or charge and then bite when you get close. Grey fish that swims around. Will attack if it sees you, so sneak attack and then run away. Bite it again when you have the chance until you finish it off. Small snail-like creature that rolls into a ball and bounces around. Bite it while bouncing to kill it. Don't waste your time too much because they are extremely hard to bite. ??? Charges upwards when you get near. Bite it quickly after it charges up to kill it. Grey, shark-like creatures that are tough and fast. They will bite you and hold on. Bite them consecutively on the head when they charge at you to defeat them.

Sea Worm Sea Slime Sea Slime Spawn Terodus

+15 +2

N/A N/A 3 3 +20 +1 +25 +1


+50 +2

Sea Bouncer

+40 +2

Cepalas Squid

4 2

+30 +1 +40 +1



+80 +4

Kuraselach Leader


+1000 +64

Large grey shark that charges at you and tries to bite. Also, it flaps its tail to ward off enemies from behind. Wait until it charges, then swim down or up. If it crashes into a rock, it will be dazed for a moment. Use this time to bite him. Repeat until he's dead. Just bite them a few times to kill them. Not too hard.


+4 +2

Chapter 2: Early Creatures Of Land (350 - 230 million years B.C.) E.V.O. HP Points/HP gained 2 +10 +2



Description/Strategy These timid creatures won't attack you, they'll run away. Bite them quickly or jump on them to kill them. Small dragonflies that zip through the air without harming you unless you jump in their way. Can be easily killed. Looks like the Timid Ikustega with color change, but these Ikustega will attack you! They'll either jump on you or jump and then bite you. To counter the jump, jump at them at the same time and bite. To counter the bite, jump on their backs. Little creatures with an arrow-shaped plate on their forehead, making them good headbutters. They will rush at you and headbutt you, so bite back or jump on their backs. This guy jumps quite a lot, and when he jumps on you, he deals considerable damage. If he misses, he'll try to spit some green slime on you. Don't judge a book by its cover, because they guy is strong and fast, though he might look slow. Killing either the Elder or the Child will result in Eden asking you, bewildered what you are doing. If you eat the meat of any of these two, you will gain 200 E.V.O. Points but you will die. Killing either the Elder or the Child will result in Eden asking you, bewildered what

Timid Ikustega


+30 +1

Bull Ikustega

+15 +3

Plated amphibian

+30 +1

Boss Ikustega

60 +400 +36

Elder of Ikustega

50 +200 -999

Child of Ikustega

50 +200 -999

you are doing. If you eat the meat of any of these two, you will gain 200 E.V.O. Points but you will die. Profasu are ancestors of cockroach and a lot of these little bugs will run at you. If you got the best jaws, then just keep going forward and bite when necessary. Or, if you feel lazy, just jump over them when you see any. These bugs will swoop down occasionally and grap a child Ikustega. Then they'll fly off. If you get them in midair they'll drop the child, and attempt to get them again. If you rescue them only to eat them, you will get a -5 HP penalty, so leave them alone.


+40 +1

Giant Bee

+50 +1

Child Ikustega

20 +20 -5

Warrior Ikustega

He gives you a few words about how defeating the King Bee will result in the ??? +1000 +44 plants growing again, and gives you the meat he has gathered, giving you a whopping 1000 E.V.O. Points. The non-rocking eggs will hatch into Larvae when you get close, and they will jump around. Even though they only have 3 HP, they are very annoying as there are many of them.


+20 +1

King Bee

The King Bee will attempt to fly a bit away from you, and then launch 4 stingers, which do 5 damage each even when you have the 100 +1200 +56 best armor. The trick is not to let him have the time. Jump and bite him continuoutly, and hopefully you'll beat him without him even attacking.


+30 +1

Megausu is basically a normal dragonfly who gives you advice about the sandeaters up ahead. These big sandeaters will spray sand at you, and don't even try to attack them, as they are invincible. Just jump and dodge their attacks and go past them to finish this level. About a third of the way through there will be a green crystal.

Sand Eater

??? ???

Chapter 3: Age Of Dinosaurs (200 - 65 million years B.C.) E.V.O. HP Points/HP gained 15 +80 +9



Description/Strategy Don't attempt to continuously bite these things, they will fight back with their fins. Instead, jump on them, and when they bury their head in the sand, bite them. Mosuchop like to hide in the sand and surprise you, so be on the lookout for these things. Jump when you see one and bite them afterwards.



+60 +4

Queen Bee

150 +2000 +76

The Queen Bee is much tougher than her husband, and bites you as well as throws stingers your way. To dodge the stingers, just run under her and the stingers should fall behind you. When she bites you, jump or bite back.


+12 +2

These shy creatures will run away from you, and because they only have 2 HP, they shouldn't be too much of a problem for your new body. These frog will lash out at you with their tongue, but shouldn't be too much trouble. These guys might give you a hard time with their head-bashings, but a few quick jumps and bites should kill them. This dinosaur gives you information about how his child is missing. Do not annoy him as he has unlimited HP and cannot be killed.

Prime Frog

+10 +1


+20 +1


??? ???


30 +80 +1

These calm leaf-eaters will eat leaves until you attack them three times, then they will charge at you and headbutt you continuously. If your attack does 10 or more you should be able to finish them off without ever getting them mad.


10 +50 +1

These dinosaurs are generally peaceful, but if attacked, they will build sound in their lungs and release it, dealing damage to you. Try not to give them a chance to yell, keep biting them until they die. Be careful with these creatures, if you bite them they will try to attack you with their tail, and while they wave their back flaps, do not try to jump on them as you will get hurt. Horns are very useful when dealing with her, because you can usually charge under the little frogs and get at the mother frog. Sometimes you can land on her back throught jumping, and also you can just bite your way through to the mother. Kill these dinosaur on sight as they are agressive and will charge you no matter what. The best way to get rid of them is to charge them twice with the Dual horn, although this way is a little expensive, EVO points-wise. These things will roll into its shell and attack you, but try to kill them and you will be awarded with a whopping 500 E.V.O. Points. These dinosaur are not very dangerous, although they attack quickly, just avoid them if you are in a hurry and kill them if you are in need of E.V.O. Points.


15 +80 +1

Mother of Prime Frog

120 +2000 +8


25 +90 +1

Sea Squid

10 +500 +1

Flipper Dinosaur

20 +100 +1


28 +100 +1

These bird-like dinosaur will take you and drop you from a height, hurting you. When they swoop down to get you, try to jump and bite them.


+10 +2

If you become a bird, the mountain level contains two rats, also known as Deltadium. Once attacked, these creatures will spin towards you for a little while. Simply dodge and attack after they've finished spinning.


10 +200 +2


40 +200 +7

These dinosaurs are rather aggressive, so just bite continuously until they die.


80 +250 +22

These dinosaur have a very powerful bite, so don't give them a chance to bite you. Either jump on them of bite them before they bite you.

Chapter 4: Ice Age (65 - 36 million years B.C.) E.V.O. Points/HP gained




Description/Strategy These aadvark-like creatures spit bubbles if aroused, but are generally harmless. These birds will fly at you and peck at you, so try to avoid them unless you want the E.V.O. Points or is bored. These cat-creatures will leap at you, so be quick with your bite and be careful. Sometimes aggressive, these creatures will charge at you. Jump on their backs to defeat them. Simply keep biting, while they are shocked, or jump on their heads. They're not too dangerous. Bite them while they are asleep and keep on attacking, but watch out for their spinning leap. If you have a good body and strong jaws, just take their bubbles and keep biting.


15 +50 +1


+30 +1


20 +100 +2


25 +90 +1


10 +50 +1


30 +100 +2


80 +250 +22

Mammoth Gal

80 +250 +22

Same strategy as Mammoths.


15 +50 +1

Wait until they attack you before attacking, but they have a fairly weak attack.

Mounted Bird-man

20 +50 +1

Justs dodge their arrows and bite the beast, they are one enemy.

Eagle Warrior

20 +100 +7

When they charge with their sword, jump on them or bite them, and they'll never get to hit you.


200 +1600 +88

If you are a quick biter, this guy shouldn't be a problem at all.


225 +200 +27

Again, quick bites don't even give him a chance to attack.

Yeti Mother

275 +2000 +128

Quick bites for her slaps, and quick jumps when she slaps you. Don't forget to evolve minor things to replenish your health.

Chapter 5: Early Man (26 - 3 million years B.C.) E.V.O. HP Points/HP gained





15 +70 +7

Just jump on their backs or bite them when they try to charge you. Not too much trouble.


+30 +1

If you're a bird, just fly over because these fish are too much trouble for so few E.V.O. Points. Watch out for them when they lie on their backs and start throwing shells. The shells are weak, but are annoying as there are numerous otters. They're relatively slow, but watch out when they jump to bite you. These guys are strong, but they are beatable. Just jump on their backs when they're four-footed and bite them when they're standing. Watch out for their kicks, they can do quite a lot. Simply bite and dodge.


15 +50 +2


15 +70 +7


30 +150 +12


20 +100 +7

Saber Tiger

25 +150 +12

Bite them when they jump to attack you to defeat them. These creatures are generally passive, but will dive into you if you attack them. Watch out as they have many attacks, just dodge quicky and attack hard.


25 +100 +17

Monkey Human

20 +50 +7


150 +1000 +88

Try to cut him off when he flips in to the air, and cutting him off each time will make the battle short and easy.


25 +80 +12

Take advantage of them when they're crying towards the sky, and afterwards just finish them off.


25 +100 +7

Watch out for their plasma guns, but they're generally easy enemies.

Rogon King

He attacks very slow. As long as you're 225 +1200 +128 not bothered too much by his blind, you'll beat him easily.

Queen Bee(2)

150 +400 +48

She's even faster and more powerful this time, so bite her whenever you get the chance, and don't forget to evolve little things to replenish HP.


He is very hard and has lots of HP, but 375 +5000 +210 just keep whittling away at it while he jumps.


50 +175 +17

Watch out for their varied attacks, but a few quick bites should finish them off. +17 health should be enough to replenish what you lost.


??? ???

Don't try to kill Bolbox yet. You can't. You have to kill all other creatures made by the crystals first.

Giant Jellyfish Giant Profasu

300 +100 +92

Orange ridged crystal, simply bite many times and watch out for tentacles. Red armored crystal, just jump on him many times to defeat him, and when he's in the air, bite him.

275 +100 +92

Debustega Giant Zinichthy

320 +150 +92 280 +200 +92

Yellow scaly crystal, same strategy as boss Debustega. Green mossy crystal, horns are your best friend in this boss. White plain crystal, if you needed this guide to beat him, then I'm VERY surprised you made it this far. He runs away the first chance he gets. Bolbox got suckered. Purple cratered crystal, just bite him and run, bite him and run. Orange spiked crystal, just don't give him too many chances to scream, keep biting him.

Child Ikustega

15 +20 -5

Falcon Warrior Giant Prasauro

180 +120 +92

300 +300 +92


100 ???

He's easy. Just attack him 5 times and he's done for.

Evolution Chart
Legend Jaws: Increases attack power with better evolutions Horn: Enables you to attack with the horn upon contact with the enemy's body with a charge attack (tap forward twice) Body: Increases HP and defense Dorsal Fin: Increases jump height and agility Tail: Increases jump height Back of the Head: Increases jump height and agility Neck: Enables you to reach some low-ground enemies with your bite attack or reach high foliage easily

Chapter 1: The World before Land (350 - 230 million years B.C.) E.V.O. Points cost 10 200 800 300 500

Category Jaws Jaws Jaws Horn Horn

Name Original Jaws Kuraselache's Jaws Zinichthy's Jaws Spiraled Horn Angler's Horn Swordfish Horn Remove Slick Body Scaly Body Shell Body Increase Body Size

Description The original jaws you start out with. An upgraded jaw, this one is stronger than the original. The best jaws for fish. Though not very pretty, this jaw is super strong. A fairly strong horn that packs some damage, though it breaks after some use. A horn that attacts fish, and usually puts them near your jaws, but not near enough to attack you. Some aggressive fish will attack you when it gets near, though, so use with caution. Not the strongest horn, but it's unbreakable. Although, it might get in the way somewhat with your biting attacks because it reduces your jaws to original... Remove the evolved horn. The original body you start out with, which provides weak defense. A body covered with scales that offers better protection than a slick one. Body is covered with a hard shell, offering the best protection moner, Points can buy. Increasing body size gives you additional HP, but it also means you're a bigger and slower target. The extra HP is usually worth it, though. Decreasing body size gets you back to your original size and HP, but you are less of a target and also more agile. This fin gives you a very slight agility bonus. Slightly more agility.

Horn Horn Body Body Body Body Body

700 100 200 300 600 400

Decrease Body 200 Size 50 200

Hands and Original Fin Feet Hands and Coelafish Fin Feet

Hands and Tackle Fin Feet Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin


Increased agility. Slightly more HP and agility. More Agility and HP. Increase a lot of agility, and 10 HP. Remove the fin. The tail you start out with. A tail that gives you more HP and agility. This one gives you even more HP and agility. This is the second best tail and gives you a lot of speed plus a lot of bonus HP. This is the ultimate tail which gives you 13 HP plus a speed so good you'll be swimming circles around those slowpoke jellyfishes.

Original Dorsal 50 Fin Sailing Dorsal Fin Kuraselache's Fin Original Tail Coelafish Tail 200 500 10 50 100

Dorsal Fin Remove Tail Tail Tail Tail Tail

Teratisin's Tail 300 Zinichthy's Tail 500 Kuraselache's Tail 700

Chapter 2: Early Creatures Of Land (350 - 230 million years B.C.) Category Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Horns Horns Horns Horns Horns Body Body Body Body Body Name Frog's Jaws Ikustega's Jaws Tusking Jaws Fierce Jaws Feeler Horn Big Horn Dual Horn Remove Ikustega's Body Mottle Body Scale Body Armor Body E.V.O. Points cost 50 200 500 1500 500 1500 5000 100 200 500 200 500 Description These are the fairly weak jaws you start out with. Slightly stronger jaws for more attack power. These jaws are pretty good, as they pack a lot of power. They're fierce, and they're the best. Need I say more? A small horn for some weak headbutting. You don't really feel with this, you... run them through!! Giant horns for big power when charging. Two horns with good durability as well as power. Removes your horn. The body you start out with. Stronger defended body, with a hard layer on the outside, with a bonus of additional HP. Covered in scales, provides additional protection and HP. Armored body provides additional HP and maximum protectiona from attacks. Although it slows you down just a bit, it really doesn't matter. Additional HP, decreased agility.

Original Horn 200

Increase Body 1000 Size

Body Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Tail Tail Tail Tail Tail Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head

Decrease Body Size Original Dorsal Fin Vestigal Shark's Fin Edasaurus Dorsal Fin Thorn Dorsal Fin Jumping Dorsal Fin Remove Power Tail Spring Tail Thorny Tail

1000 50 200 1000 1000 1000 50 100 500 600

Original HP, slightly increased agility. These fins just provide a small boost of HP and a tiny bit of jumping power. OK HP, and more jumping power. Additional HP for when you need 'em. Additional HP for when you need 'em. A lot more jumping power. This one enables you to jump REALLY high if you have the other jumping upgrades. Removes your Dorsal Fin. The tail you start out with. Tail that slightly increases your jumping ability. Gives a good boost to your jumping ability. Gives a excellent addition to your jumping ability. Makes you jump really, REALLY high. If you're a jumper, choose this tail. The Wooper gives you an extra boost in jumping. The Kerll gives you some extra agility. The Jeprol makes you bite harder. The Morimar gives you an extra defensive boost. Removes whatever's on the back of your head.

Ikustega's Tail 50

Thorny Spring 1000 Tail Wooper Kerll Jeprol Morimar Remove 300 300 300 300 100

Chapter 3: Age Of Dinosaurs (200 - 65 million years B.C.) Category Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Name Tritop's Jaws Brosaurus Jaws Toracodon's Jaws Omosaurus Jaws Tyrasaurus Jaws E.V.O. Points cost 100 500 1000 3000 5000 Description The jaws you start out with. Slightly stronger, but still herbivore jaws. Stronger jaws. Even more stronger jaws. The best jaws, that offer the strongest attack power. IMHO, don't go for the jaws that look like the bird's beaks. Stay ugly but alive.

Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Horns Horns Horns Horns Horns Neck Neck Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Dorsal Fin Tail

Pitasaurus Jaws Ptenodon's Jaws Phamcys Jaws Phonocos Jaws Muzzle Horn Forehead Horn Spiraled Horn Dual Horns Remove Extend Neck Shorten Neck Slick Body Spotted Body Warted Body Armor Body Pronesaurus Body(Reptiles only) Nautilon's Body(Reptiles only) Transform to 2 legs(Reptiles only) Transform to 4 legs(Reptiles only) Feather Body(Birds only) Increase Body Size Decrease Body Size Segosaurus Dorsal Fin Pronesaurus Dorsal Fin Remove

100 200 500 1500 500 1000 1500 5000 500 1000 1000 50 500 2000 2500 3000 5000 1000 1000 3000 1500 1500

A weak set of bird-type jaws. A slightly stronger set of bird jaws. OK jaws that offer some(limited) power. Pretty good jaws that pack a punch. The best jaws for bird-looking beaks. Small horn that offers weak attacks. Stronger horn that offers some better attacks. Good horn with a stronger attack. Best horn withs lots of attack power. Remove your horns. Extend your neck, giving you more range but unable to get the items that hug the ground. Have less range, but you can get the things that are close to the ground. The kind of body you start out with. Spots on your body offer more protection and HP, don't ask me why. I don't see how warts can give you so much of a HP and defense bonus, but OK... Now this makes sense. Armor body is a good body for defense and HP. Even better body for defense and HP. Basically, the best body for defense and HP. The name says it all. Ditto. Best body for birds, but how can feathers provide you with so much protection? More HP, more of a target, less agility. Original HP, less of a target, original agility. Good fin for defense and HP. Better fin for defense and HP. Best fin for defense and HP. Remove your dorsal fin. The tail you start out with.

Longtailed Bird Jaws 1000

Edasaurus Dorsal Fin 200 500 1000 50

Normal Tail(Reptiles 50 only)

Tail Tail Tail Tail Tail Tail Tail Tail

Snake's Tail Nautilon's Tail(Reptiles only) Pronesaurus Tail(Reptiles only) Invincible Tail(Reptiles only)

100 500 500 1500

A better tail for jumping. A even more better tail for jumping. Weights you down a bit, but it's still a good tail because look at what it does for your other stats. The best tail E.V.O. Points can buy. A good tail for boosting agility. A better tail for boosting agility. Fan-shaped offers really good agility and speed. This tail is the best for bird's flight, giving them maximum agility. This one gives you an agility boost. Tritops gives you a small defensive and HP boost. Horned gives you a small strength and HP boost. Remove whatever's on the back of your head.

Ptenodon's Tail(Birds 100 only) Thorn Tail(Birds only) Fan Shaped Tail(Birds only) Longtail Birds Tail(Birds only) 500 1000 3000 500 1000 1000 100

Back of the Ptenodon's Crest Head Back of the Tritops Helmet Head Back of the Horned Helmet Head Back of the Remove Head

Chapter 4: Ice Age (65 - 36 million years B.C.) and Chapter 5: Early Man (26 - 3 million years B.C.) Category Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Jaws Horns Horns Horns Name E.V.O. Points cost 200 600 1500 Description The jaws you start out with. Slightly stronger jaws than that of a mouse. The dog jaws has even more attack power. Fierce jaws provide the most attack power out of all the jaws. Rabbit jaws are not very powerful, but they are useful for other things... like transforming yourself into a *true* rabbit. Ditto. Hippo jaws are required for you to transform into a true Hippo, although these jaws are pretty weak. Stronger headbutting power, but still weak biting power. Cheap, weak horn. Stronger, but still fairly cheap horn. Strong horn with good attack power.

Mouse Like Jaws 100 Cat Like Jaws Dog Like Jaws Fierce Jaws

Rabbit Like Jaws 200 Horse Like Jaws 1000

Hippo Like Jaws 1000 Rhinoceros Jaws 2000 Muzzle Horn Forehead Horn Spiraled Horn 500 1000 1500

Horns Horns Body Body Body Body Body Body Body Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head Back of the Head Neck Neck

Dual Horns Remove Rabbit Shaped Body Horse Shaped Body Rhinoceros Shaped Body Ramothecus Shaped Body Increase Body Size Decrease Body Size Mane

5000 500

Very strong horn with excellent attack power. Removes the horn. Body you start out with. Better jumping ability and HP. Fast-running body with lots of HP. Loads of defense and HP, but less agility. Be careful when doing this one, it's irreversible. It's required to evolve this a lot to become human. Makes your body bigger(you should know what it does by now). Makes your body smaller. Gives you boosts in almost everything, but especially attack power. Definetly worth getting over the others, unless you REALLY want a horn. Slightly more defense. More defense power. Increased agility. Strong defense bonus added. Remove whatever's on the back of your head. Extend your neck, giving you more range in biting, but makes it impossible to eat things that are right at ground level. Shorten your neck, so that you have to be right at them to bite, but lets you eat things that are on the ground.

Cat Shaped Body 50 500 2000 2500 5000 1500 1500 100

Add a Deer Horn 200 Add a Moose Horn Add a Sheep Horn 300 500

Add a Bull Horn 2000 Remove Extend Neck Shorten Neck 100 200 200

Game Genie Codes

Code C96E07FB DD60D18B D566A7F8 EEDAF356 EEDAF386 EEDAF3E6 EEDAFE76 EEDAFE56 **DAFEE6 EED2FA76 EED2FA56 Protection from most hazards Food replenishes HP to full Less damage from stronger creatures Effect

C964-A726 Horn never breaks Max Bite Power Max Strength Max Kick Power Max Strike Power Max Horn Power Max Def (This code will change the defense by changing the first two digits of the code, not any of the other digits) 255 Agility (Careful, you can go way too fast) 255 Jump Agility (Careful, you can jump way too high)

Picture Effect Evolves you into different creatures. Description Small red crystal. Location Found throughout the worlds. Found in few levels, one in the first chapter, and one in the last chapter Scattered throughout the worlds. Found throughout the worlds. Found in the sea, it's pretty obvious and stands out. Found near ocean coasts. This crab is usually found near the coast of some kind of ocean. Grass found on dry land. Found in insect areas/jungle areas. Found on ledges in small mammal habitats. Found in various places in the mammal world. Found in jungle areas in the Jurassic period. Found in the King Bee's lair. Wavy seaweed at the bottom of oceans. Empty shell at the bottom of the ocean. Shrimp with tail attached to bottom of some kind of sea floor. Found in worlds in the Jurassic period and mammal period.

Gives you additional E.V.O. Small blue crystal. Points. Gives you hints about the game. Small yellow crystal.

If you save a log as the creature, if allows you to Small green crystal. evolve into that creature for a while. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Red tentacle-waving coral-type things. Small arm-waving crab. Small shelled hermit crab. Curled up grass. Small dragonfly hovering in mid-air. Small spotted mushroom. A small mouse with a skull and crossbone above its head. A plant with a chunk of pot-like dirt under it. A small egg that waves back and forth. Not to be confused with the egg that is stationary, which gives birth to blue slime when you go near it. Green seaweed. Small empty shell. Small waving shrimp in the water.

Adds 3 HP.

Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP.

Adds 1 HP.

A pile of bones of a dead dinosaur.

Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP. Adds 3 HP.

A tiny version of the dangerous sand eater that waves back and forth. Tiny balls with spikes.(I don't see how this ADDS HP to you) Stretched out starfish. The green part of tropic trees. Opening and closing venus flytraps. Small black and green melon.

Found in desert areas. In the ocean, near the top or bottom. In the ocean, usually deep under. Found in the Jurassic period, dinosaurs eat them. Mostly found on land, in jungle areas. Found on the ground of a secret dinosaur habitat in the mammal age.

Maze Maps
Secret Cloud Maze Cave of Monkey-Human Maze Entrance to Eden Maze Rogon's Cave Maze

World Maps
Chapter 1: The World before Land (500-450 Million B.C.) Chapter 2: Early Creatures of Land (300-230 Million B.C.)

Chapter 3: Age of Dinosaurs 200-65 Million B.C.

Chapter 4: Ice Age 65 - 36 Million B.C.

Human body: After becoming a mammal, evolve the cat jaws and rabbit body. Afterwards, evolve the Ramopithecus body. When you try again, you can evolve the body further. You will become a human man after 2 more evolutions after the first one. Mermaid body: Get 10,000 evolution points by the final ocean stage of Chapter 5. Choose "Hand and Feet" and select, "Try to Evolve". Try to evolve three times and you will become a Mermaid. Bird body: To evolve into a bird in the Reptile Era, go to Mt. Brave and climb up to the top. A voice at the top will tell you to jump down the mountain. Jump off the left side to evolve into a bird in mid-air! The bird is weak at first, but the evolutions for it make it very strong later on. Secret Cloud Level: In the reptile era, after you've obtained the bird body, wait until the cloud floating around in the overworld stops at a level to the right. Try to enter that level while the cloud is above it. The bird will fly up to the cloud. The cloud is virtually a maze. Get the red crystal that will change the bird into a dragon for a short time. The dragon is extra extra powerful and extra extra strong! The exit in the cloud is somewhere near the top. Use it to reach space. Fly all of the way to the left, which may take awhile. After getting to the far left side, go all of the way up to find an entrance to a large object that may be an asteroid at the top of the screen. Enter it to find an alien doing something to a pterodactyl. He will tell you that he is too busy and leave. Take the object he drops to get 9999 E.V.O. points. Upgrade away! (Teeth and body are the first things you should upgrade. Move to the right to find more openings. Most of them are informational, but one contains a red orb. You can also kill the pterodactyls for +100 E.V.O. points each, allowing even more upgrades. There are also two more asteroids you can enter besides this one; one in the center and one to the right will also contain pterodactyls. In the center one there is a red crystal which will turn you into a gargoyle, and in the right one there will be a green crystal. Energy refill: To get your HP to the max in the middle of a battle, even the smallest evolutions will make your HP full, like shortening/lengthening your neck, increasing/decreasing body size, etc. Use this strategy to defeat hard bosses.

Thanks to...
Skidrow, who contributed all the enemy pictures in their sections. Max, who told me about the two other asteroids in the secret cloud level. Red Mountain Ash, who noticed that the dash attack was missing from the controls page. Tim, who underlined the importance of the kick attack against some bosses.

This Walkthrough is by Cless Alvein, and may not be distributed without the permission of the owner.

Quick Link Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

*The first chapter will be full of spoilers and details. From chapter 2 to 4 there will be vague references to storyline, but no actual spoilers. See strategies for enemies or bosses if you get stuck

Chapter 1: The World before Land 500-450 Million B.C.

Suggested evolution path: Improve jaws Improve body Improve tail Improve horn Improve jaws Improve dorsal fin Improve tail Increase body size Ocean of Origin When you start out, go near one of the Jellyfish to get an introduction. But beware! Once you talk to one of the Jellyfish, they become your enemies and will not waste any more breath(No pun intended) talking to you! Attack them and get

your first Evolution Points, or E.V.O. Points. This took me a while to figure(Yes, that was kind of stupid, but I simply didn't think of pressing SELECT) out but when you have enough points, simply press "Select" to bring up the Evolution capability screen, and using B as confirm and A as cancel, evolve accordingly. The level is pretty straightforward. Bit the Jellyfish twice for a hunk of meat which gives you E.V.O. Points and HP. The white points are E.V.O. Points and the red ones are HP. The brightly colored plants and shrimp along the bottom are not just decoration, if you chomp down on them, you will be awarded a bonus +3 HP, but no E.V.O. Points. Now that the basics are explained, let's go on. Before you swim towards the right and cross over to the next screen, effectively beating the whole level, I suggest you take two minutes of your time and get 200 E.V.O. Points and Evolve the Kuraselaches Jaws. It gives you triple your original attack power. You now should be at the field screen. Press up to go to the next level and press B to enter it. Cave of Guidance Beat the Jellyfish in the area to get some E.V.O. Points and then enter through the hole near the bottom, to the right. There should be some Sea Worms in the cave, having 1 more HP and being faster, but they should be no problem, especially if you have the Kuraselaches Jaw, whiches finishes them off in one bite. Go on and you should see a yellow shiny ball. This is a crystal. But before you get it, swim down to the cucmbers(The two brown moving clusters at the bottom). After you listen to their gossip, eat them if you need to for a +3 HP recovery. Then, swallow the crystal to go on. The crystal will then speak and give you an explanation on the effects of evolving different body parts. Go back the way you came from the exit the Cave of Guidance.

Cave of Temptation Dispose of the Jellyfish and Sea Worms swimming around, and use those E.V.O. points, along with the ones you've gained from before, to get a Scaly Body. Notice that all Jellyfish and Sea Worm attacks will now do 1 damage, instead of two. Enter the cave at the bottom and defeat the new Sea Slime enemies by quickly biting it after it splits. Since they only have 3 HP, one bite should finish them off.

Further into the cave, eat the plants for +3 HP if need to, and you'll hear them advise you to eat the Red Crystal to evolve into a strange creature. When a crystal transforms you, it'll last less than ten minutes, but the crystals almost always transform you into a more powerful creature, so use that time wisely. Anyways, you'll transform into an eel of a stingray, depending on how your current body is, and it'll be better than your current body. Anyways, go back and beat the worms, or, if you really don't want to, press R to exit to the Field Screen. At the Field Screen, go down and then right, and then up to reach the next level. Ocean of Terodus You'll see some small Yellow Fish, know as the Terodus. They'll start to run away, but chase them by pressing forward twice quickly, and when they reach the edge, corner them and start chomping. By the time you chase them there and back, you'll probably realise that there is no way out. Oh well, use this time to chase some more Terodus and get E.V.O. Points. BE PATIENT. After a while, the floor will begin to rumble and the volcanos will start to explode. Hurry out of there before the rocks, which deal 1 to 3 damage, kill you. Go either way. When you get out, you'll see that the next level has opened. Go there and press B. Cave Of Zinichthys Stick around the cave entrance and get 800 E.V.O. Points, and evolve the Zinichthy Jaw(You want to fight the Zinichthys on even terms, right?). And, if you want to be even more prepred, fight for a few minutes more and evolve the Shelled Body. While you're at it, throw in a dorsal fin(Original or Sailing are fine, but it would help a lot if you got a Kuraselaches Fin. Now that you're all ready, go on into the cave. The Zinichthy are grey fish that look calm, but are really agressive. If they see you, they will charge at you, and then attempt to bite you. To beat them, let them charge and bite them when they're close, or dodge them until you are out of their sight, behind them, and sneak up on them. Quickly make your way to the bottom(Just keep going down) and if you see any Sea Bouncers(Round orange balls), ignore them as they are too hard to kill and not really worth the effort unless you can sneak up behind them. At a certain part, volcanoes will start to explode. Quickly rush through this part and try not to lose too much HP. One last Zinichthy awaits you at the end. If you have enough HP and skill, kill him. If you don't, run past him to finish off the level. Domain Of Cepalas Kill the Cepalas around here. They should be fairly easy and you should rake E.V.O. Points from them. When you've had enough, go to the right to exit this level. Cave of Origin

This is different from the Ocean of Origin from which you started out with, although there is only Jellyfish near the cave entrance. Go into the cave to meet lots of Bouncers. Rush past them and you'll see a new enemy, a small Squid. Small Squids only have 2 HP, so don't be afraid of them. Near the end of the cave you'll hear gossip between Seaweed. Exit this part. Now, in the next part, you'll come face to face with two Kuraselaches(Which look a lot like sharks) right away. Kill them for E.V.O. Points. There are a lot of Kuraselaches in this section, so be careful and if you don't need the E.V.O. Points, charge through. When you get near the end you'll hear two Strolites complain. Go on into the cave down below and face your first boss. If you don't, and go on to the right, you'll have nothing to do except go onto land, where you'll die of suffocation. Boss Tactic: Kuraselach Leader Kuraselach Leader will start off by ramming you and taking off around 13 HP, depending on your body. Then, if you ram him with your horn from behind, he will swish his tail. If he sees you he will charge and attempt to bite you, sometimes twice in a row. So, you can either ram him and them run away until you see the chance to ram him again, or you can evade his attacks while biting him whenever you have a chance. Evolving some fins and tails are crucial if you want to dodge his attacks. After you defeat the boss, he will spew out four huge chunks of meat, each giving you a total of 1000 E.V.O. Points and 64 HP back! Go back out the cave and up towards the right. End this chapter.

Chapter 2: Early Creatures of Land 300-230 Million B.C.

Suggested evolution path: Improve jaws Improve body Improve jaws Improve tail Improve horn Improve body Improve dorsal fin Improve back of the head Improve jaws Improve body Coast of Pange

You will notice that your E.V.O. points have returned to zero. Unfortunately, there are no enemies here that you can defeat for E.V.O. Points. Swallow the crystal for some advice and go on. Now, you will see that you have two choices for where to go. First, go up for some important information.

Empty Land Here, you will hear two flying creatures' gossip. This land has no enemies(Why else would it be called, "Empty Land"?). Go out and take the other way. Ocean of Pange Jump into the ocean and you'll evolve back into a swimming creature. Go near one of the Coelafish for some info about them. Then, defeat them for E.V.O. Points if you want to, but as they only give 4 at a time, it's not really worth it. Go on towards the right and jump back onto land to beat the level. Land of timid Ikustega If you attack, or even go near one of the Timid Ikustega, they'll start to run away, so if you bite them, quickly bite them a lot of times to finish them off.(Sometimes, though they do a tongue whip, which does only 1 damage anyways) You'll see some dragonflies flying by in the air but you can't reach them because you can't jump high enough *_* You'll have to evolve your tail if you want to kill some dragonflies. Keep going to the right to beat this level. Land of Bull Ikustega Bull Ikustega are more agressive, but 3 consecutive bites should finish them off, especially if you catch them off guard. Land of Amphibians Same strategy for Bull Ikustega. But those other reptiles, the are tricker. Bite them if they come charging towards you, but you have a second option of jumping on their backs and defeating them that way.

Land of Boss Ikustega Boss Ikustega Watch out for his jumping on you AND his slime attack. Both are very dangerous and can cause some serious damage, so make sure you're well-prepared and evolved before facing him. When he spits slime at you, try to dodge or jump on his back. When he comes jumping towards you, try to intercept him in mid-air and bite him. Afterwards, two Ikustega will come and further the plot for you. Domain of Profasu If you want to bother with these pesky creatures, you have to have a fast finger. When they're almost at you, bite them and they should be thrown back. Then, if they aren't already dead yet, they'll try to charge you again. Simply bite them. Again. Otherwise, just try to keep jumping until you're at the end of the level. Domain of Giant Bee Here, giant bees will be in their domaines and they'll swoop down and pick up children Ikustega. The bees aren't that much harm since they're very focused on their task. Simply jump and bite. If you try to kill the child Ikustega and eat its meat, you will suffer a HP penalty, because Ikustega are the "good guys". Land of Insect Actually, only Giant Bees are here, so same strategy as above. Cave of King Bee An Ikustega will come out and tell you his story, then you'll gain some extra E.V.O. Points. Prep yourself up for a big battle with your newly acquired E.V.O. Points and go in. In this later part of the cave, you will see a lot of eggs. The ROCKING ones are good. They don't do anything except wait for you to eat them and they give you a +3 HP bonus. The NON-ROCKING ones are bad. They hatch into annoying little blue larvae, and are hard to kill, unless you're a good jumper. After you've killed off all of them, the King Bee should appear near the end of the level. King Bee

King Bee tends to go for a swoop-and-dive strategy. These should be fairly easy to dodge, and keep at it until you develop a good counterattack strategy. It involves turning in mid-air, so it can be a bit tricky, but you should have no problem with him, as he is a fairly easy boss. You can also go for the agreesive tactic and continuously attack him whenever he even tries to fly. After Megasu gives you a few hints, remember and follow his advice. Desert of Sand Eater Dodge, jump, do whatever you can to just... avoid these things. There is a green crystal somewhere near the end of the level. Desert of Edosaurus Edosaurus are very alert once you bite them. so try to jump on them as much as possible, unless they're hiding their heads in the sand. Desert of Mosuchop The only reason you have to watchout for Mosuchop is because of their surprise attacks by buring themselves in the sand. Otherwise, they're quite low on HP and are quite harmless. Desert Time Trans Queen Bee Watch out as the Queen Bee starts out the attack by charge-biting you. There are ways to dodge her techniques. For the spikes, just charge under her and the spikes should land behind you. For her charge and bite, jump up and down and when she misses, there's a good chance you'll end up on top and land on her, dealing damage.
Chapter 3: Age of Dinosaurs 200-65 Million B.C.

Suggested evolution path: Improve jaws Improve body Improve tail Improve jaws Improve body Improve horns Improve dorsal fin Improve body Improve back of the head Improve tail

Door to Dina Continent Get the yellow crystal for a EVO tip. All there is to it. Marsh of Prime Frog Watch out for their lashing tongues, but they should be some good practice for your new body. Marsh of Amphibians Take care of them the same way you did before, jumping, biting, dodging their attacks. Domain of Tecodonto Kill lots of these these, as they are quite cowardly and are pretty much harmless. Domain of Polsaurus Take the green crystal in this level and defeat these guys by biting them when they're distracted from headbutting each other. Try to save up for some good body parts.

Domain of Syrocosaurus Don't attack the Syrocosaurus as it has infinite HP, so just walk right past.

Domain of Brosasaurus For three attacks, these guys will ignore you, so if you are strong enough, you can kill them without any resistance at all. Otherwise they'll start charging and headbutting you. Try to kill a lot because they give decent E.V.O. Points and are easy. Domain of Prasauro Attack them continuously, and don't give them a second to spare because if you do, they will scream, and the sound will damage you continuously for several turns. Domain of Segosaurus When they wave their backs, don't jump on them. Generally bite them a few times and they should be dead. Domain of Prime Frog You'll see two frogs hurting a Sycosaurus child when you enter. The Sycosaurus child will run, and the frogs too. Dispatch of the frogs if you wish. Exit and re-enter. Mother of Prime Frog She will continuously let out small frogs. The small frogs shouldn't be much of a problem. Just try to get close enough to get in a bite or two on the Mother of Prime Frog. Domain of Tritops Despite their peaceful appearance, they are agressive, so bite them when they charge you, as their charges are quite powerful. Domain of Plesasaur Even though you are in the water, these guys are very easy, and can be killed quickly. Because they give a good amount of E.V.O. points, try to evolve and improve a lot of your body parts. Mt. Brave The flying birds will occasionally pick you up and drop you, so be careful. Climb to the top of this stage, and jump off the left side. You will be awarded with the transformation of your body into a flying dinosaur. Secret Level: River of Asteroid I'll give you a hint for this level: Notice how there's a cloud that hovers over some certain levels? Well after you become a bird... Mt. Hidden Mammals Not much here. Squirrels live here, but they're not worth the effort. Jump off the cliff to the right to exit this level. Domain of Pronesaurus

When they spin to attack you, simply run away and come back to bite again. Do this until they are eliminated. Domain of Omosaurus Bite them continuously when they try to bite you. Just jump on them if you run into too much trouble. Domain of Tyrasaurus When the Tyrasaurus ask you if you want to rule the world with them, say no as the game will tell you a story and bring you back to the beginning of the level, which you already are in. Just bite them when they charge, and you should be okay. Later, some asteroids will come and kill everyone off. You escape through a time gate that Gaia opens for you.
Chapter 4: Ice Age 65 - 36 Million B.C.

Suggested evolution path: Improve jaws Improve body Improve body Improve tail Improve back of head Improve tail Save up EVO Points for final boss Iced Coast Take the yellow crystal and leave. It's an empty level. Cave of Judgement This is where you choose whether to get a new body. The new body opens up more choices but it weak to start. You can keep your old body if you wish.. Cave of Deltadium Deltadium are a good source of E.V.O. points for your new body. If you haven't evolve, just move on.. Door to Mt. Snow

If you choose to go through the inside, make sure you have your old body, as the enemies inside are fairly hard. If you have the new body, up the cliff and over. Domain Paramis These guys are really fast, and unless you happen to be extra powerful or can hurt them a few times in a row, don't bother. Domain of Great Bird These birds will try to knock you off of your feet, and if you fall down you have to start the level over. So, be careful when they come to attack, and try to rush through. Exit of Mt. Snow Just go through to the right. Land of Survival Apparently dinosaurs weren't all extinct after all. Kill them if you want to, but they're a bit tough.

Land of Survival Tyrosaurs are still alive, and deal with them same strategy as before.

Domain of Balrium They are fairly weak, but their attacks are sometimes annoying. Just bite them a few times and they're dead. The North Pole The seal and penguin are easy prey if you have strong jaws. Just bite them when they try to attack you. Someone at Enix screwed up. Penguins and North Pole just don't mix. Domain of Mammoth Mammoth Brothers You are mistaken for the Yeti,and three mammoths attack, one coming in to replace another. They shoot bubbles and try to charge you. Dodge the bubbles, or better yet, corner them and bite continuously. After this a female mammoth comes and tells you some information. Fort Bird-man In this stage, walk right to be abducted to Fort Bird-man. Fight to the entrance of the fort, and go to the interior. If you could fly this is VERY helpful. Remember, running also makes you jump farther. Teleport and teleport until you find the bird king. There's a crystal here that'll turn you into an elephant. Refuse the Bird King's offer and fight him. Bird King He flies around and throws crystal balls at you. Try to corner him on the left side of the room and bite him continuously until he's gone. Domain of Hynodon The destruction of Fort Bird-Man made this place accessible, so go through now. Yeti Yeti is fairly hard, just try to work up a pattern of attack and keep at it until he eventually dies. Heal with minor evolutions if necessary. He tends to bide his time and then unleash his attacks in one fell swoop, but in a regular pattern. Yeti Mother Yeti mother is, in my opinion, harder than Yeti. Defeat her by dodging her claps and biting her whenever you get a chance. She tends to be fairly quick, so keep moving all the time. Be careful around her, as your HP may go down faster than you think. She also has a fairly large amount of HP stored. Defeat her and go on to the next age.
Chapter 5: Early Man 26 - 3 Million B.C.

Suggested evolution path: Improve everything that is available to you. If you cannot improve your creature further, save points up for the future so that you can replenish your HP with a minor evolution such as neck length or size and have plenty of E.V.O. points still in stock. Final Step To Evolve Don't even bother with these guys. Too much work. Domain of Sincerous Generally harmless, but try to stay out of antler range. Domain of Fish of Prey Pirahnna don't give a lot of E.V.O. points, so just skip them, if you can. Domain of Sea Otter Sea otter can be annoying with their shell throwing, so attack them while in the water. Domain of Alligator Jump when the alligator jumps to attack, and you'll be okay... Domain of Grizzly The bears will stand up and attack you if you attack them. They'll also jump really, REALLY high if you happen to be flying and annoy them. So, bit them, dodge, bite again. Forest of Segosaurus When he asks you to leave them alone, say Yes to obtain a hint on evolution, but then after you know this you can just go back and bother them again. Domain Eohip They'll kick when you get close, so bite and get away, or jump on them. Domain of Sabre Tiger Try to attack them while they're pouncing on you, and you'll finish them in no time. Domain of Condor

After you hear some gossip, go to the top to get a blue crystal for 5000 E.V.O. points. Fly higher for something else... Cave of Monkey Human Monkeys will throw rocks, big and small at you, but shouldn't pose too much of a problem to your evolved body... Yeti (2) This one punches hard and fast, sometimes resulting in getting punched continuously. Just keep at it and evolve frequently to heal. He likes to do somersaults in the air and leap forward to attack. Take advantage of his fairly regular attack patterns. Domain of Ditryma These birds will attack you if provoked, and they'll just cry at the sky. They don't have a very strong attack, so just bite a few times. Press jump between the rock pillars in the background near the end of the level to warp to a different continent. Domain of Queen Bee Queen Bee (2) Exactly same strategy as Queen Bee above. Last Ocean

The Rogon will fire their plasma weapons at you, dodge them and bite them. They have a fair bit of HP, but you can kill them. When you get to the boss, say No to his offers. By the way, there is a special evolution in this level if you're a mammal, see if you can find it. King Rogon The blinding energy pulse will make you field of vision limited, but attack frequently and the sight thing shouldn't hinder you too much.

Domain of Tyrasaur Tyrasaurs are harder then before, but dispatch them the same way. Entrance to Eden Get pass the pesky boss at the entrance, Cro-Maine If you can, just attack whenever he does anything. Quick reflexes will get you past him without getting hurt at all. Bolbox

A lot of people had trouble with him because they tried to kill him early. Don't. Defeat all his crystal creatures before doing anything to Bolbox himself.

Enjoy the ending! You beat E.V.O.!

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