Ask The Justice League

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Ask: The Justice League By Cameron Domino Carpenter

INT. DAY. COMIC CONVENTION The JUSTICE LEAGUE (Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman, The Green Lantern, The Green Arrow, Martian Manhunter) are all seated at a long table facing an audience. As the scene progresses, we never see the audience themselves. An announcer dressed in an awful, obvious self-made SAMUS ARAN suit comes up to the stage with a microphone. ANNOUNCER So, heres the moment weve all been waiting for-RANDOM FAN FROM CROWD Your suit sucks! ANNOUNCER (without missing a beat and deadpan) --so does your mom--weve got the Justice League here with us today willing to answer any questions you guys might have. Super cool. Yay. Alright. Turning it over to you guys. The ANNOUNCER walks off stage. Its silent for about three seconds. Then, SUPERMAN leans into his microphone in front of him and says: SUPERMAN Anybody...anybody got any questions? RANDOM FAN Who would win in a fight between-SUPERMAN Someone get him out of here. The FLASH disappears for a moment, then reappears. SUPERMAN Next question. NERDY FAN I have a question for The Green Arrow! GREEN ARROW Yes, sir. Fire away.




NERDY FAN Oh, sorry! This question was supposed to be for the Green Lantern. Sorry bout that. GREEN ARROW ...yeah, happens all the time. GREEN LANTERN Yeah, go ahead, man. NERDY FAN Does it suck having to share the first half of your title with someone whos nowhere nearly as famous or cool as you are? GREEN ARROW Youre kidding me. GREEN LANTERN Yes. GREEN ARROW Hal! GREEN LANTERN Really? Youre going to just yell out Hal in front of everyone? The room gets dead quiet. GREEN LANTERN tries to recover. GREEN LANTERN (doing an awful job covering up the mistake) I mean...we cant lie to these people about our secret identity. If youre going to expose me, expose me properly, with the right name. My name isnt Hal...its Kyle...Ray...ner...Kyle Rayner. Thats who I am and I love my not dead family, so...yeah, dont, like lie to people about who I am. He laughs awkwardly and out of place. PERVERTED FAN Wonder Woman, take off your top! FLASH disappears again for a moment, then reappears.




AWKWARD FAN Whats the Martian Manhunters secret identity! MARTIAN MANHUNTER (bored and annoyed) Hank. LOUD SQUEAKY FAN I think youre my dad! DIFFERENT FAN I have a question for the Flash! FLASH Shoot, buddy! DIFFERENT FAN How many of the Justice League members have you seen naked? FLASH All of them. All the members of the League slowly turn to look at FLASH in surprise, anger, or disgust. FLASH (trying to recover) ...except Hank? The FLASH disappears. He doesnt reappear. OBNOXIUS FAN I have a question for Batman! BATMAN Im not taking any questions. OBNOXIUS FAN Why not? BATMAN Bad day. OBNOXIUS FAN Wasnt that a question? BATMAN slowly gets out of his seat and walks off the stage. We never see what happens offscreen, but we hear the following:




OBNOXIUS FAN AHH! NO! PLEASE! I CANT LOSE THAT PLUS ITS ATTACHED! IM BEGGI---AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We hear a moment of silence and BATMAN climbs back up the stage and takes his seat. BATMAN Im having a better day. Ill accept one question. SUPERMAN (cutting in) Hey, anybody have a question for me? WACKO FAN Punch a hole in the moon! SUPERMAN Im not going to do that. WACKO FAN Crunch up six people into a little ball! SUPERMAN Im not going to do that. WACKO FAN Whistle so loud on a frequency that every dog in the worlds ears start bleeding! SUPERMAN Im going to remove you from the convention, sir. WACKO FAN REMOVE ME WITH POWER-SUPERMAN disappears and the WACKO FAN becomes silent from the crowd. SUPERMAN returns. SUPERMAN Any last questions? Yes, you sir, in the back? SERIOUS FAN Uh, yes, sir. Last week, my boss was killed in a robbery that took place in his home. And Im just (MORE) (CONTINUED)



SERIOUS FAN (contd) wondering if theres a reason why this happened. Not that Im blaming you guys, but do you think its possible that you werent there to save him because it was his time to go? FLASH reappears. FLASH Woah. Heavy. SUPERMAN Well, to begin I want to say that I think I stand for everyone when I say that were deeply sorry for your loss. In response to your question, life as we all know it is a very fragile thing. And the action of taking a life is wrong, in any and every respect. As people with our powers and training, we have a responsibility to take care of any and all life, including the lives of our enemies. When life is taken from someone, and no one is there to stop it, it creates an inbalance within the world. A hole that can never be fixed or repaired. GREEN LANTERN It cuts off a tie to reality and ultimatly disfigures everything else in the known world. Because that death spreads across the decisions and actions of other people like a ripple effect. BATMAN It wasnt his time to go. MARTIAN MANHUNTER But make no mistake, just because he died at the inopportune time, it doesnt make his death unworthy of anything, it is simply a matter that his life was unfulfilled. That is what causes the chaos in the world that follows.




WONDER WOMAN We arent making excuses for not being there. We simply want to explain the balance of life and the horror of murder. GREEN ARROW We do not fully understand the consequences of our actions until either right before or right after they take place. With death, our foresight grows even smaller, as we are unable to account for the chaos that will fill the space of his unfulfilled life. FLASH To put it simply, his unwanted loss of life will be replaced with a nothingness in which any and all things can be born. What is born in that place, whether misery or joy, is dependent upon the decisions and lives of those closest to him. SERIOUS FAN So, youre saying I shouldnt have killed him. FLASH disappears and we CUT TO BLACK.

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