Plastic Surgery

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Believing that talent and intelligence will get you just as far if your ugly as it will if you were

pretty is an idealistic thought for an idealistic world, however the fact of the matter is that talent takes a backseat to beauty under most circumstances. With the economy rising, cosmetic surgery is becoming more widely available, before it was the rich and the famous who had the ability to surgically enhance their features. However as it becomes much more culturally acceptable, and readily available, there have been many more problems concerning it. Is it justifiable to change your appearance? Is it becoming addictive? Is it changing our perspective of beauty? All these questions and more have been addressed time and time again, but still people have chosen to undergo surgery. It can be argued that plastic surgery is beneficial and has greatly improved todays society, given new life to those in peril, shed light on whole new world filled with wonder and possibilities. Or has it distorted our idea of perfection, tainted our opinions and increased suicide? Both sides can be argued...

Plastic surgery is a growing entity which needs to be assessed more carefully. Messages within the media indirectly contribute to the rising rate of plastic surgery. Desires to meet the idealisms of media representations are often so consuming that people demand plastic surgery despite all of its associated risks and controversies. To compensate for this up and coming surgical trend, technology has developed more reasonable and attainable options for the public. Millions of operations are now able to be performed on those wishing to fulfill specific gratifcations toward their own personal appearance and/or self-esteem. This is a serious problem in that people are unaware or just simply disregard the risks and controversies associated with unnecessary surgeries. Physical: In order to understand how plastic surgery is detrimental, it is necessary to look at the negative impact it can leave on a person or persons. The most obvious of the problems associated within the industry is the unnecessary risk it poses to one's physical health a...

Is cosmetic or plastic surgery helpful, or damaging to an individuals mind and body? The two main branches of plastic surgery are reconstructive and cosmetic (Plastic Surgery Addicts). This is the reason why the terms cosmetic and plastic are used interchangeably in the medical field. Some people may think that all surgery is the same, although cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries are not identical. The difference is that

reconstructive surgery is used to fix parts of the body that are damaged (Lee). Cosmetic surgery is used in removing, altering or rearranging tissues of the body (Lee). The word plastic does not actually refer to real plastic. Plastic surgery comes from the Greek word plastikos, which means to shape or mold (Olesen 10). The significant issues of cosmetic surgery, such as self-esteem problems, surgeons making mistakes, risks and people becoming addicted make me believe that it is unnecessary. There is a one in 250,000 chance of dying when going under the knife, but why risk going under for cosmetic surgery at all? (Olesen 50).Plastic surgery is not somethi...

Cosmetic surgery: the magic potion? A study by Psychology Today magazine shows that many people are not satisfied with their looks: 60,000,000 do not like their noses; 30,000,000 do not like their chins; 6,000,000 do not like their ears and 6,000,000 do not like their eyes. Unfortunately, science has achieved so far to try to meet our society's unhealthy level of perfect body'. (rephrase and be specific) Cosmetic surgery: the hype of the moment (inappropriate wording). But is it the magic potion (odd to compare surgeries to something you can drink)? Certainly not. To begin with, there is no point in cutting into a healthy body. How small the operation might be, for example cosmetic nose surgery, there is always a chance something goes wrong. The numbers are very alarming: in 20% of all cases of surgical operations, the patient has to recover from the damage he experienced. Although serious risks such as blindness and heavy lung problems are rather rare, less serious risks may not be concealed: chronic pain, allergic reaction, delayed or prolonged healing, ... In any case, cosmetic surgery is far from pain free. And what is more: a number of surgeries have already failed. The magic potion' caused a many people to die because of operations that were far from needed. To take one example: the 36-year old housewife, Lorraine Batt, mother of three young children, came to an untimely death as the result of surgery that would make her belly more pretty to look at (You need to elaborate). Such tragic events are a strong warning that our society has to move into a less appearance-focused one. In addition, the long-term consequences are often not taken into account. In fact, it is useless to go through a facelift. That is to say: the only thing such a The cosmetic surgery does, is to may make you look younger for a few years, but life goes on and afterwards, the wrinkles come back. It is as unnatural to try to possess eternal youth, as it is to oppose the ageing process. Silicones implants have to be replaced within fifteen years. That seems to be a long time, but the fact that this implies a new surgery, is often forgotten. Moreover, is it morally right to change the body you are given and transform it into something' you are not? Every single person is unique and that is what makes life so special. Of course some do more resemble (twins and look-alikes), but nobody feels quite the same as you do. The outside appearance is the representation of the innerself. Therefore, drastically redesigning your looks causes strange effects, take for instance Michael Jackson. If your personality is lacking, your appearance will also lack. This goes hand in hand, cosmetic surgery does not make you a different person.

A common ground to go through this procedure is to make oneself more confident, comfortable and stronger than others. Some youngster see plastic surgery as a quick fix for their physical, and their emotional problems. On the contrary, cosmetic surgery cannot produce miracles, and if teenagers keep thinking in that way, our society is facing an unhealthy future. Cosmetic surgery should not be the option, and it can definitely not be taken lightly. It will change the patient's life, and in ways they may not have expected, which is shown in the paragraphs above. As wonderful as this piece of modern medical technology may sound, it turns out that cosmetic surgery is not at all that advantageous. That is why the ideal body image has to be thrown away, and has to be replaced by the idea that everyone is a special human being, with his/her shortcomings.

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