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JFINEXA Sponsored Activities

This is recapitulation of the week-long activities of the 23rd CBA Week particularly those activities sponsored by the Junior Finance Executives Association.


Another year of excellence has been endowed to the College of Business Administration (CBA) for a successful week-long celebration of various activities and undertakings. CBA, the new college name for the students taking up their undergraduate studies on Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) Major in Banking and Finance, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management and Legal Management respectively, was enlighten by the theme Experience New CBA: Consolidating Boundless Aspirations that caters the portals of a new and advanced college for our beloved New Era University. Its true that there is no constant in this world except CHANGE. Therefore, as sort of some innovations, this years CBA week was highlighted by the modified activities sponsored by the different course-related organizations JFINEXA, JPIA, and JPCM, NEJMA and LEX REGIA. Moreover, CBA showcased several field of interests which were participated by the whole population sports, fashion, and agri-fair, quiz bee and seminars. All of these serve as the appetizers, main course and dessert of the said week-long activities.

JFINEXA, organization Finance and of the the Financial student Banking and Management

students take part in the said CBA week by designing and organizing a seminar on insurance. Its course by nature, seemingly, as it caters the said the undertaking addresses

welfare of its studentry. LEARNING THE CRAFTS OF THE GIANTS, as what the seminar is entitled for, brings the Junior Finance Executives Association (JFINEXA) to its headway of success by inculcating the need for a solid financial foundation. Its fitting that we are in need to give credit to the keynote speakers of the said seminars who shared their thoughts, knowledge and expertise on this line of profession we are taking of. The seminar emphasized the real essence of time that a good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. Furthermore, some key points on investing were discussed particularly on the matter of the TIME VALUE OF MONEY saving and investing risk/return early, RISK and RETURN TRADE-OFF knowing the our ideal profile, GOAL DETERMINATION Deciding

investment horizon and DIVERSIFICATION prohibition of putting investment in one basket.

Taking these actions seriously will uphold different triumphs to us that serve as a contribution in uplifting our nation as well. The time to sacrifice is at hand; therefore, we must keep in mind that before reaping all achievements we must dig and care for our sacrifices incorporated by being certain in these certain times. The saying Poor people have dreams; Rich people have goals, beams that in everything we do, we should start from a dream driven by our goals to passion and excellence reaping the real essence of success. Lastly, this seminar which was designed with full of aspirations brought us great help on deciding the path that we will be taking in this near future. Keep in touch and dont be afraid on feeding our mind by these noble ideas from our colleagues.


CBA, as best known for its excellence in academics hosted the annual of its CBA quiz bee was participated by the students respective courses unfolding the main goal of this quiz bee of the search for the best students who would represent our Alma Mater in the coveted confab on finance dubbed Collegiate Competition. This is one of the nationally acclaimed competitions for Finance and Accountancy major which is held annually in the country sponsored by the different internationally acclaimed financial institutions and participated by some Southeast Asian Universities Thailand and Singapore. Moreover, this is an annual routine for CBA that this activity be included in the week-long celebration as this will add excitement and joy in the said undertaking. Results showed that the Finance-Major Students settle down to the 1st, 3rd and 5th place, while the 2nd and 4th place were garnered by the JPIA, the student organization of the Accountancy major. as the Inter Finance


The locally known GMA Kapuso Talent Show Protg has been adapted New and Era turned to


PROTE-J. Letter J there represents the first letter of the Acronym JFINEXA unfolding the sponsorship and entitlement of the said organization. Moreover, this talent search is in accordance

with the further excellence of the CBAn in performing exemplary talents proving their worth not just in academics but on extra-curricular activities as well. This activities is really helpful in unwinding, setting aside the pressure in studying, reviewing and performing academic related tasks.

Organizing exhibits is one of the trademarks of JFINEXA in holding annual college week. The student organizations with the help of its advisers took pride to invite some highly acclaimed financial institutions in the country to take part in the college week by offering its bannered products out of the portals of its establishments bringing the ambiance to New Era University. Likewise, some of these financial institutions are the banks, financial consultancy firms and many more. This years sponsors were the Bank of Philippine Islands (BPI), Security Bank, UCPB, AXA Financial Advisor, and Prudential Guarantee. Having this type of exhibits opens the College of Business Administration especially the Banking and Finance and Financial Management majors to the field they will be taking in the future. We cant deny the fact that this is of great help especially in preparing the students in the vast field of knowledge they will be taking of, in enabling an environment suitable for their expertise and lastly, making them highly acquainted with all of the professions they will be.


This activity could be consider one of the ways of extending service and help to humanity as this job fair never limits to just CBAn but much importantly to all Erans especially the seniors in their search and hunt for jobs. The organizers topped some highly acclaimed firms in these vast full fields of knowledge. Theres the IBM, Boardwalk, Eye Check-Up Firm, and many more. We cant deny the fact that the need for job is of great and averse competition. Therefore, CBA took this opportunity for

sponsorship program that will cater and uphold hiring for those seniors on their march to success. We must extend our gratitude to all organizers of these job fairs which is really of great help in building the solid foundation for the future.

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