The PPI Proposal

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Proposal The Declaration of Indonesian Student Association in Taiwan Holistic Building, Chung Yuan Christian University Sunday, May

2nd, 2010

Indonesian Student association or in Indonesian language called Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) is a community that established for unifying all Indonesian students whole around Taiwan, which are keep increasing recently. This community will facilitate all members to participate together in various kinds of activities, such as: academic, social and cultural. Unity in diversity, tolerance, mutual assistance and high nationalism for Indonesia will be used as the organization value to unify all the members of this community. PPI is a non-profit organization, which is not concern about the differentiation of tribal, religion, and race or politic matter. Furthermore, the purpose of this society is to establish a professional, intelligent, and modern scientific community in Taiwan that can introduce the Indonesia cultures and give positive impacts to the development of Indonesia. The members are expected to be able to increase the good reputation of Indonesia by getting excellent academic performance, professional scientific activities, and culture exhibition. This community also keeps maintaining good cooperation between the other Indonesias associations and the other Indonesian students neither in Taiwan nor in the other countries. The spirit of togetherness and nationalism of Indonesian students in all countries in the world have been increased recently. A radio station named Radio PPI Dunia (, which has been broadcasting since May 18th, 2009 was one the example of Indonesia effort to keep maintaining good connection among all Indonesian students in all countries. In July 3rd, 2009, the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono opened the International Symposium of Indonesian Students World Association in Den Haag. This International symposium had established a very important intellectual community called Indonesian International Scientist Association (I4). This

association had also been approved in August 11st, 2009 in the office of National Education Department, Jakarta. PPI in all countries will be classified based on different region. PPI in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and China are included in East Asia region. The incoming International Symposium will be held in Moscow in November 6-7, 2010. We are Indonesia students in Taiwan realize that the development of Indonesia is resided in our own hands as Indonesian youths. Through this association which characterized by Bhinneka Tunggal Ika concept, we want to develop our leadership skill, creativity, and self independency that will bring us to be the future leader of Indonesia. Based on this dream, we want to establish PPI in Taiwan as an organization who embraces on Pancasila and the constitution of 1945. The declaration of PPI in Taiwan has been an actual commitment and as unification symbol for all Indonesian students in Taiwan.

The objective of this activity is to declare the establishment of PPI in Taiwan officially.

The Declaration of PPI will be done through these activities below: The signing of PPI establishment in Taiwan Culture performance done by Indonesia Students from north, central, and south region of Taiwan. More detail information about PPIs declaration activities can be seen in table 1.

Time and Place

This activity will be held on: Day/Date Time Place : Sunday/ May 2nd, 2010 : 16.00 18.00 : Holistic Education Village Building Rui Li Hall 2nd Floor

Chung Yuan Christian University 200, Chung-Pei Road, Chung-Li, Taiwan 32023

The total targeted participants for this activity is 200 people, which consist of all Indonesia Student from all Universities in Taiwan and special guests, such as: Head of Indonesia Economic and Trade office (KDEI) and staffs Ministry of Education, Taiwan President of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) and staffs Head of International Office Affair, Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) Head of IOCA and staffs President of FORMMIT and staffs Head of Perpita and staffs Head of Elite Study In Taiwan (ESIT) and staffs Head of Indonesia Entrepreneur Association (APIT) and staffs Head of Indo Suara magazine Board Directors of Elite Express Co., Ltd (EEC)

Target Participants
200 people

Cost Estimation
The total fee for implementing this activity is NT$ 61,045. Chung Yuan Christian University has supported this activity by giving aid funds as much as NT$ 21,000. The total lack of funds for this activity is NT$ 40,045. More detail information about cost estimation can be seen in table 2.

Committee Structure
A. Declaration Team

1. North Region Alief Wikarta Irwan Purnama Ivan Arista Joni Welman Simatupang

2. Central Region Alfian Bayu Indra Yudha Anton Winarko Hadi Kuntjara Rr. Tur Nastiti

3. South Region
Aria Yuliartha Efrat Sadeli Emil Robert Kaburuan Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi

B. Committee Leader Secretary I Secretary II Treasurer Coordinator of Event Division Coordinator of Equipment Division Coordinator of Documentation and Publication Divison Coordinator of Consumption Division : Anton Winarko : Melissa Mustika : Elaine Susanto : Hargyo Nugroho : Arianto Djunaedi : Roy Limantoro : Ricky Christanto : Irda Sampe

Contact Person
If there is suggestion or question that related to this activity, please do not hesitate to contact: (1) Anton Winarko, Cell Phone. 0988094794, Email: (2) Melissa Mustika, Cell Phone. 0989999774, Email: The declaration of PPI in Taiwan can be performed well if all the committees and participants are willing to support and participate in this activity. Furthermore, supports are needed for establishing the spirit of brotherhood and unity among all Indonesian Students in Taiwan.

Taiwan, April 10th, 2010 Best Regard,

Anton Winarko Committee Leader

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