ENGLISH WORKSHEET Cuartomedio Frankenstein

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VOCABULARY: Write the meaning of these words. Define those marked by a *. 1- Calm 2- Joy * 3- Despair 4- Hatred * 5- Sorrow 6- Fur 7- Sledge 8- Madness* 9- Playmate 10-Hidden 11-Graveyards 12-Corpse* 13-Crawling 14-Inn* 15-Insane 16-Mourning 17-Avenge 18-Dust 19-Warned* 20-In the meantime 21-Footsteps


1- Who is the Frankensteins author? Whats her nationality? 2- Mention the three narrators of the story. 3- Mention three cities and their importance in the story. 4- Describe Waltons personality. 5- Describe Victors personality. 6- Who was Elizabeth? 7- How did Victors mother die? 8- How did William die?

9- Who was Justine? 10-What did Victor think about death? 11-Which are the most important elements that we find in the text? 12-Who were the DeLacey family? 13-Describe the monster(in detail: physically- and personality) 14-What was the 1st promise that the monster made to Victor? 15-Describe the relationship between the humans and the monster. 16-Why did Victor destroy the second monster?


Who was the creature's first victim?
A . B . C . D . E.

Elizabeth Frankenstein Mrs. Caroline Frankenstein William Frankenstein Henry Clerval Victor Frankenstein

Victor's creation was made up of --.

A . B . C . D .

different human body parts different animal body parts one human's body different human and animal body parts

Victor was overcome with pride when, after years of study, he was finally able to create life and saw his creation.
T r u e F a l s e

A .

B .

Victor postponed his marriage to Elizabeth because, after years of being away from her, he had fallen out of love with her and didn't know how to tell her.

A .

B .

T r u e F a l s e

William was killed by being strangled.

T r u e F a l s e

A .

B .

How long did Victor spend on making his first creature?

A . B . C . D .

He spent about a year. He spent over two years. He spent about five years. He spent about ten years.

Why did the DeLacy family (the cottagers) leave their home?
A . B . C . D .

They were poor and couldn't afford the rent and so were kicked out. They found out about the creature living next to them and became afraid. They were poor and decided to move to a cheaper area. They decided to bring the blind father to a doctor in Paris.

How does the creature learn to read?

A . B . C .

He learns by watching the DeLacy family (the cottagers). He learns by reading Victor's journals. He doesn't have to learn; it comes naturally to him.

D .

He uses Hooked on Phonics.

Why does the creature decide to be evil?

A . B . C . D .

He doesn't decide; he just naturally IS evil. He decides the best way to get revenge on Victor is to be evil. He has a natural liking for the Dark Side. He decides that since people immediately thought he was evil, then he would be evil.

Why does the creature want revenge on Victor?

A . B . C . D .

Victor created him. Victor abandoned him. Victor loved him. Victor denied creating him.

The Frankenstein family home is in --.

A . B .

C . D .

Luxem bourg G en ev a Ger ma ny Ingo lsta dt

Victor goes away to school in --.

A . B . C

Luxem bourg G en ev a Ger

. D .

ma ny Ingo lsta dt

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