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10,000 Things Everyone Should Know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. My eyes are GREEN The sun does not rotate around the EARTH, its the other way around 2+2 does NOT equal fish The DANNY PHANTOM theme song Elevators are SLOW, but still faster (and lazier) than stairs Please, for everyones health, do not jump off the Empire State Building just to see how big of a SPLAT you make. You wont live to see the results. The book is ALWAYS better than the movie At this rate, CELL PHONES are going to be the cause of the apocalypse A four-leaf clover is rare, but there is still no need to spend all your money on LOTTERY tickets after you find one. My cat SUCKS at hunting mice. Just because YOU are insecure doesnt mean you should take it out on others. The original Disney movies were WAY better than the newer ones. Homestuck is AMAZING SHREK scared me as a kid Yes, most of these are opinions, but they are mine, so they are RIGHT 3 Doors Down is a GREAT band The original Barney was a PEDOPHILE There is no reason to know MLA Format, your COMPUTER does for you Whales are MAMMALS Google Chrome is faster than INTERNET EXPLORER Your asshole is much smaller before prison than after it. DONT do drugs Harry Potter blew my mind BEFORE I saw the movies Stop TRASHING Twilightyou dont like it, dont read it Stop ranting about the AWESOMENESS of Twilight. We know your opinion, no need to shove it down our throats If you havent, you need to go watch the original Star Trek. Like, NOW. My Pia Colada lip balm is the SHIT Tigers do NOT make good pets I have not watched, nor do I plan to watch, any sort of POKEMON I called dibs on hiding under the table of the nerds playing NERD POKER. (Thank Butch Hartman for the quote behind that one) Jamaicans have funny ACCENTS Unless youre a trained chef, just follow the frikkin RECIPE The Minotaur has nothing on PERCY JACKSON Wasnt one of the amendments Thou shall not kill? STOP the wars over religion Children are DIABOLICAL BBCs Merlin made learning FUNeven if its not completely accurate Cheesy movies are fun to MAKE fun of Slamming a revolving door is IMPOSSIBLE When life gives you lemons, just make some damn LEMONADE DONT name your kid John Smith. Its just cruel. Women, as a gender, are very DUMB. But were still smarted than men.


Its fun to browse Facebook and seeing all the TYPOS and just dumb wording

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