CMNS 253 Midterm Ch. 1

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CMNS 253 Midterm Review

Flew & Smith, Ch. 1 Small World Learning

Introduction to New Media

1. Define Flew & Smiths 3c+c Computing and information technology, Communication networks , conetnet and digitzed media, arising out of another process, convergence that can be seen as combing,computing, communication and media content 2. New media are also digital media. What are the 5 characteristics of digital media? (p. 5). a)Manipuable: digital information is easily changable and adaptable at all stages of creation,storage, delivery and use. b)Networkable: digital information can be shared and exchanged between large number of users simultaneously and across enormous distances. c)Dense:very large amount of digital information can be soted in small physical space(ex;usb device) on network servers d)Compressible: the amount of capacity that digital information takes up on nay network can be reduced dramatically thorugh compression and decompressed when needed. e) impartial: digital information carried across network si indffernt to how is represented who owns/created it or how is used. 3. What is new for society about new media? a. What are the three elements that need to be taken account of when thinking about new media, according to Livingstone and Lievrouw? (p. 5) 1)the artifacts/devices that enable and extend our ability to communicate 2)the communication activites and practices we engage in to develop and use these devices 3) the social arrangements and organizations that form around devices 4. Define remediate as Bolter and Grusin use it? (p. 5) Remediate is new media undertaking that reconieve existing media forms Internet History 5. Internet refers to two things. What are they? (p. 6) Internet- a technical infrastructure of computers and other digital devices(eg server,rooters) permantly connected through high speed telecommunication networks. -The forms of content of content, communication and information sharing that occur through these networks 6. How has the Internet Society defined the internet? (p. 6) i) Is logically linked together by a globally unquie address space based on the internet protocol ii) Is able to support commuinication using tcp/ip

CMNS 253 Midterm Review

Flew & Smith, Ch. 1 Small World Learning iii) 7. Provide uses or make accessible,either publicly or privately high level services layered on the communication and related infrasture describe her in. Explain why the following terms are relevant: a. US military and Cold War The commitment developing anintergrated communication network arose in the use as a consequence of the cold war with soviet union b. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) Established in 1957 after the soviet launched the spontinik satellite were arguably driven as much by the desire of amrican sciteific community to perfect mechanism of community with one another as by the demand of the military. c. Packet Switching:came from arpa in the 1960, long message could be broken down into smaller packets; message could be reroted if there was a blockage of one message route or point of connection between two computer the receiver would not receive the message until sometimes after message was originally sent. d. ARPANET (1969):as a national long distance computer network in the ds in 1969,packet switching become central to this network, with the transfer of electronic mail being perhaps the major communication innovation arising form this development.1972,Arpanet demonstrated to the public its capacity to sned and receive dat at the international conference on computer communication in Washington dc. e. LAN/WAN (p. 7): What was Robert Kahn and Vincent Cerfs major breakthrough (1974): The major breakthrough came in 1974, when Robert kahn and Vinton cerf proposed a common switiching protocol that could meet the needs of an open architecture network(tcp/ip) TCP/IP:as a common interconnection protocol, increasing people worldwide. Quasi-privatization of ARPANET (1983): which alow univerties and commercial interest to play a rger role on the network and which marked tohe birth of the interent we know today.(tcp/ip) How would you describe the Internet in the 1980s? Who was using it? What were the main objectives for the Internet at that time? The internet use spread to core constituency of us government and military,scients and defence contractors, the importance of tcp/ip being established a common intenrt protocol would be increasing signifcane to more people would used. How would you describe the Internet in the 1990s? Who was using it? What were its main objectives at that time? The development of the web was a major advancement that made the internt what is it today. Why are the following people/organizations important? a. Tim Berners-Lee-in 1989, CERN develop the communication from the internt 1991 b. NCSA + Marc Andreesen + Netscape-Marc Andresen of the national center for super computer application (NCSA) developed mosica as the first popular web browser and it developed netscape in 1994 and micorsoft create internet explore in 1995.


9. 10. 11.



CMNS 253 Midterm Review

Flew & Smith, Ch. 1 Small World Learning 14. How did Netscape and Internet Explorer contribute to the mass popularization of the Internet? 1. Hypertext: allow for the linking of information where links from one information soruce provide simple point and click access related information available from other sources 2. HTTP:which provide a platform-independt means fo interconnection between website 3.The display of color picture,music and audience data and text 4. HTML- as a relatively straightforward means of writng source code for the web.people can become produce, as well as consumer of the content on the web.

Cataloguing and searching: Yahoo: Jerry yang and david filo Encyclopedias: Jimmy wales Amateur Film Making: steve chen, chad hurley and javed karim Status/Friends twitter jack Dorsey,biz store and evan William.

What are the fastest and second fastest growing media? (p. 13) Define Digital Divide: The differential access to and use of internt according to gener,income,race and location such as china Global Divide- internt access between nations based on access to networked ICT infrastructure, computer, information,tranmisiion,capacity,local website host Social Divide- the gaps within nation in terms of access to the internt as mean of social engament

Explain the link between globalization and new media. The rise of multinational coporation ,international product to be and finaical system and increasingly multicultural nature of societies.

CMNS 253 Midterm Review

Flew & Smith, Ch. 1 Small World Learning Why is the Battle of Seattle relevant?- watershed moment for both new media and activism in the sense that netowkr tools were widely used to both organize and document those reistance movements. Web 2.0-Crowdsourcing 'outsourcing' problem solving to a large network of users ('murmuring to the hive') Participatory media media forms like Flickr, Youtube, or Wikipedia, that depend on user contributions Tagging- the use of metadata to ascribe meaning to things Folksonomy a system of knowledge organization done by 'the people'

Principles of Web 2.0 harnessing collective intelligence data and database-driven business and social action innovation in assembly (APIs, RSS) rich user experiences (e.g., immersive) cross-device, cross-platform applications perpetual beta testing long tail economics (Chris Anderson) lightweight (word-of-mouth) marketing

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