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Papier Show

Subject : Ruby Programming Language

Language that makes a programmer happy.
By : Arpit Shah Abhishek Daryani

About Ruby
Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

Ruby is an easy-to-learn, dynamic, object-oriented programming language with dynamic typing and automatic memory management. While object-oriented at heart, it provides facilities for procedural and functional programming as well as extensive support for introspection and metaprogramming. Rubys core API, extensive standard library, and thousands of high-quality external libraries make it suitable for many different programming tasks in multiple disciplines (key examples being network programming, Web applications, shell scripts, data processing, and text manipulation). Ruby is pre-installed in mac devices and for windows it has one-click download and run option.That make entire procedure easy, painless and fun.

Overview of Ruby
Ruby is considered to be a pure object-oriented language because almost every concept within Ruby is object-oriented in some sense. Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto, Rubys creator, wanted to develop a language that operated on the principle of least surprise meaning that code should behave in a nonconfusing manner and be reasonably self-explanatory (beyond the basic syntax). Matz also wanted Ruby to be a pleasurable language with which to program, and not make unnecessary demands upon the programmer. Ruby is considered a reflective language because its possible for a Ruby program to analyze itself (in terms of its make-up), make adjustments to the way it works, and even overwrite its own code with other code. Its also considered to be dynamically typed because you dont need to specify what type of objects can be associated with certain variables. Objects are considered prime in Ruby and whether youre passing around a string, a number, a regular expression, or even a class,youre just dealing with an object from Rubys point of view. Ruby will seem reasonably familiar to Python and Perl programmers (and to a lesser extent C# and JavaScript developers) as Ruby was heavily inspired by Perl in certain areas (as was Python). Ruby is less similar to languages like C, C++ or Java because these languages are compiled (not interpreted), statically typed, and focused on performance rather than flexibility and conciseness. //Thats the reason ruby is running over java rapidly.


In Ruby, as in most programming languages, well generally store programs in external files and execute them at once, as a unit.However, Ruby also gives you the option of typing the lines of a program one at a time and seeing the results as you go along, using Interactive Ruby (irb); irb is a shell, similar to bash in a Unix or Unix-like system or the command prompt in Windows. Using irb will give you a good idea of how Ruby processes information, and it should also help you gain an understanding of Rubys basics before you ever even write a program. The irb program is an example of a read-eval-print-loop (REPL) environment. It means just what the name says: It reads a line, evaluates that line, prints the results of the evaluation, and loops, waiting to read another line. The shell gives you immediate feedback for every line you enter, which is an ideal way to learn the syntax of a language.

Ruby Core API

Important Core API classes and their inheritance tree. Instance methods are written .method and called object.method while class methods are written #method and called Class.method. Ruby core API incorporates enumerable, objects, arrays, strings, GUI, file I/O, and more with ease of use insight.

Ruby Gems
A gem is a packaged Ruby application or library. It has a name (e.g. rake) and a version (e.g. 0.4.16). RubyGems has already become the de facto method of creating stand-alone Ruby software (especially libraries and programmer utilities) for use by others in the Ruby community. With this system, you can easily use other programmers software to make your job easier, and you can also share your own work, likely making some other programmers job easier. Each bundle of software that is packaged together as a single unit via RubyGems is called a gem, and users are able to manipulate such gems with the appropriately named gem command.

Ruby On Rails
Rails is why ruby has gained so much popularity.Rails is an open-source web framework thats optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration. This provides clean, well-ordered, reusable code that helps you develop an application quickly, efficiently, and painlessly.

Ruby is made considering programmer in mind rather than computer. It makes programmer happy. It seamlessly suits the way of thinking, thouthtflow of programmer. Its a way more productive language than any other language in category. And with Gems and many other features like monkey-patching its way more powerful and personlizable language. It has the community that love it and help each-other. Its young and constantly growing. And its fun. Have a happy experience ahead !!

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