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Key Mayan Calendar Dates through 12.21.

Ome Acatl The Mayan calendar notation resembles a domain system like that used by computer IP addresses. The Mayan domain includes 7 place holders and is written (transcribed into modern numerical notation): Imix (Crocodile), which is January 17, 2012. The numbers count the days that have elapsed since the beginning of the current long count on August 14, 3113 BC.

12 x 144,000 days 19 x 7200 days 19 x 360 days 01 x 20 days 01 x 1 day 3 - Number in 13 day sequence Imix - daysign of Cipactli or Crocodile

The total days that have elapsed since the beginning of the current cycle to January 17, 2012 is then 1,871,661 days. The entire Great Year is 13 cycles of 144,000 days equaling 1,872,000 days.

Below are noted a few strategic days this year. It is of note that every day of the year is important but some may resonate for different reasons or represent energetic shifts. The list spans December 27, 2011 to December 21, 2012.

*** If any readers have dates to add to this list, please let me know and I can update it. Namaste!

December 27, 2011 8 Ahau (Sun). New Tun year marks final 360 days leading up to December 21, 2012.

January 1, 2012 13 Chichan (Snake). New Year's day 2012

February 15, 2012 6 Oc (Dog). Phi-calendar transformation point. (Look up: Sergey Smelyakov or Auric Time Scale)

March 21, 2012 2 Chichan (Snake). Vernal equinox, 60 days before the key date of May 20

April 5, 2012 4 Ahau (Sun). Final 260 days before December, 21 2012

April 8. 2012 7 Akbal (Temple/Body) Easter Sunday.

April 9. 2012 8 Kan (Lizard). Timewave Zero high point, maximum potential energy.

May 20, 2012 10 Chichan (Snake) 26,000 tun marker, zenith PleiadesSun-Moon super-alignment during a solar eclipse. Marks cusp of Aries and Taurus, the 1st and 13th houses in the 13 division precession zodiac.

The Pleiades-Sun-Moon alignment is the beginning of the 13 sign precession zodiac on the cusp of Aries and Taurus. The Galactic Center-solstice Sun alignment in December is the re-alignment of the traditional fixed tropical 12 sign zodiac with the 13 sign galactic precession zodiac. These two key dates are the triggers of the next precession round, one at the cusp of Aries and Taurus the other on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn.

June 4, 2012 12 Ahau (Sun) Venus Transit (next to occur in 2117)

June 5, 2012 13 Imix (Crocodile/Dragon). Phi-calendar transformation point.

July 15, 2012 1 Imix (Crocodile/Dragon). Beginning of the final Tzolkin (260 days) before December.21, 2012

November 22, 2012 13 Oc (Dog). Mid-point of final Tzolkin.

December 21, 2012. 4 Ahau (Sun).

Completion/beginning of 25,626 year or 26000 tun precesion cycle and the alignment of the fixed 12 sign tropical zodiac with the solstice Sun in front of the Galactic Center at sunrise. This takes place 215 days after May 20 alignment between the Sun, Moon and the Pleiades. It is also the Timewave Zero completion date and Phi-calendar completion date.

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