5steps To Master Data Management

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Five Steps to Mastering Master Data Management

Ron Lewis November 19, 2009

Presentation Overview

Introduction What is Master Data Management? g The 5 Steps for Master Data Management:
Discovery finding all of the data sources, who they are used by and how they are used Analysis identifying authoritative sources, discrepancies, and candidates for consolidation Design designing the metadata repository Implementationimplementing a metadata repository Establish data governance

Leveraging Technology to facilitate:

Business Process and Data Modeling g Data Governance and Discovery Metadata Repository Implementation g Metadata Management

Presentation Focus:

The Discovery and Analysis Phases


Master Data Management

Master Data Management

Master Data is: Principle business data essential for conducting business MDM provides an enterprise perspective on the critical Business Processes and the Data necessary to support them Bottom line: Improve decision making

Core Tasks
Building the Business Process Models Data Governance (Standardizing data - nomenclature, domains, data quality and consumption rules) Synchronizing related operational systems using the data Integrating/reconciling disparate data silos to provide single enterprise view Building and managing an enterprise metadata repository

Challenge: Must Shift Thinking to the Enterprise Perspective

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Discovery Phase

Step 1 Discovery
Capturing and modeling the essential business processes Mapping processes to the data necessary to complete each process successfully Identifying data sources and gathering appropriate metadata

Primary Challenges Cost - Its Expensive and Disruptive Gaining Executive Leadership Support (You mean we dont have this already?)

Solution Solution Start with whats most important Whats important should be obvious


Discovery Phase

Involve your infrastructure and/or security personnel Iteration I: Capture existing data and schemas p g
Find your database servers, respective owners and access Reverse engineering your physical data models y g Build a master data dictionary and catalog

Iteration II: Profile existing applications to help with business

Database Centric: ETL, Stored Procedures, and Triggers Application Source Code and User Behavior

Tools Youll Need

Infrastructure/security tools ( y (Nessus) ) Data Modeling and Profiling tools (ER/Studio Data Architect/DBOptimizer) Application Profiling tools (NitroSecurity APM) p y g yp Repository to manage the metadata byproducts


Infrastructure / Security Tooling


Use ER Studio to Reverse Engineer


Reverse Engineer Physical Schemas


Example Reverse Engineered Model


Start Building Master Data Catalog



Exporting Catalog for Sharing



Discovery Profiling Data Use

Biggest Challenges Were Solving:

Reconciling and integrating disparate Data Silos into a central location Identifying duplicative data elements (or attributes) Laying the foundation for identifying which of the data sources contain the actual source data

High Percentage of Business Logic is encapsulated as Programming Logic g g g p g g g

Stored Procedures and Trigger code stored in the database Application Source Code Extract Transform and Load Scripts We need visibility to this logic, and we need to be able to store it somewhere

Tools necessary for this:

DSAuditor and DB Optimizer or Performance Center (to capture live data use) Source Code Analyzers (I like Fortify SCA, and Embarcadero JBuilder) Profile ETL using Embarcaderos MetaWizard (usually convert ETL to XML) Store metadata in ER/Studio Data Architects Data Lineage and Transform Rules Support



Profiling Data Use with DBOptimizer



Analysis Phase

Step 2 Analysis
Identifying authoritative sources, discrepancies, and candidates for consolidation Evaluating Data Flow and Transform Rules Capturing/Defining Synonyms and Assigning Aliases Setting the Foundation for Data Governance

Primary Challenges Cost Its Time Consuming and is a Team Effort g y Getting ancillary information that teams dont want to share

Solution Start with whats most important Wh i Whats important should b obvious h ld be b i



Analysis Phase

Iteration I: Evaluate ETL for data lineage and transform rules

Start by reverse engineering the ETL, converting it to XML Incorporate it into the repository

Iteration II: Identify synonymous elements and build alias list

Evaluate data domains and transform rules for issues such as state and use Enlist database and development staff to identify alias and tag the data elements in the master catalog

Tools Youll Need

Data Modeling tools (ER/Studio and MetaWizard) Repository to manage the metadata byproducts (ER/Studio)



Analysis Phase Evaluating ETL

Biggest Challenges Were Solving:

Finding which data source is feeding what other data sources Collecting Data Lineage metadata Making it accessible to the right team members

Convert the ETL to a form that allows manipulation ( p (such as XML) ) Importing the metadata into the data modeling tool Build, publish and control access to your master data repository Start gathering and applying metadata tags Tools necessary for this:
MetaWizard ER/Studio Data Architect (or the like)



Data Lineage and Transform Rules



Setting the Foundation for Governance

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Analysis Phase Identifying Synonyms

Biggest Challenges Were Solving:

Indentifying like data elements and candidates for consolidation Building Aliases Establishing the foundation for Data Governance

Evaluate data nomenclature using tool functions such as Merge and g g

Compare to identify the obvious overlaps

Compare descriptors from database staff Compare data use and consumption rules derived from tools such as DB

Tools necessary f this: for

ER/Studio Data Architect (or the like)



Performing Analysis With Compare Utility



Exporting to Excel for Input into Database



Candidates for Consolidation



Step 3 Building the Repository

Step 3Building Metadata Repository

Populating the Repository with the right metadata Establishing and Controlling Access to the metadata Performing metadata management

Primary Challengesy g
Defining who needs access to what metadata Establishing the rules of use

Suggestions Suggestions Implement change control and auditing tool Whats important should be obvious Understand the value of the metadata on profitability



Step 4 Implementing the repository

Step 4 - Implementing the repository

Mapping the metadata to the requisite business processes Leveraging the metadata to determine candidates for business process re-engineering

Primary Challenges Getting the p g processes down in modeled form Obtaining Middle Level Management and Senior Leadership buy in to changes identified by metadata

Suggestions Leverage a modeling tool that facilitates data to process mapping (integrated metadata) Focus on whats most important to the businesstry not to focus on EVERYTHING



Step 5 Establishing Data Governance

Step 5 Establishing Data Governance

All of the above steps lays the foundation for good data governance Get Senior Leadership to stipulate policy enforcing the rules youve derived Build a Plan and Standardize Iteratively (dont try to fix everything all at once)

Primary Challengesy g
Fundamental Opposition to Change Maintaining Momentum

Suggestions Suggestions Find a quick kill tackle the biggest organizational problem you can handle Focus on whats most important to the businessand what drives easily visible ROI




What We Covered:
Defined Master Data and Master Data Management The 5 Steps for Master Data Management: Discovery finding all of the data sources, who they are used by and how they are used Analysis identifying authoritative sources, discrepancies, and candidates for consolidation Design designing the metadata repository Implementationimplementing a metadata repository Establish data governance Demonstrated how to leverage specific technology to facilitate: Business Process and Data Modeling Data Governance and Discovery Metadata Repository Implementation Metadata Management



Questions and Answers

Tools Discussed:
Nessus ER/Studio Data Architect / Business Architect and ER/Studio Repository DBOptimizer Change Manager

Technologies Discussed:
Building the Data Catalog Capturing and Storing Metadata Metadata Analysis

Contact Info:

Ron Lewis, Ron.Lewis@cdotech.com



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