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Materialism rules young peoples life. Do you agree? Discuss.

Nowadays materialism rules young people life. I have come to agree that materialism rules young peoples life. Materialism has been defined as the theory or doctrine that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life (Heritage Dictionary, 3rd edition). According to Oxford Dictionary materialism defined as an act or the tendency to have keen interest in material possessions, physical comforts, than involvement in spiritual values. A person who believes that material possession is of more value to him/her is being referred to as materialism. They have many reasons why young people influence themselves into materialism. Mostly young people always like fashion world. They change their life to be very fashionable and stylish. Fashion is actually a synonym for style or glamour. It has been agreed on the fact that fashion is a way of personal expression, and according to this criteria, one can be fashionable when he/she fits in this expression mode, or unfashionable, which would be the opposite. In the field of human activities, fashion has manifestations in all fields, such as architecture, clothing, music, cosmetics, entertainment, and forms of speech or even politics. But in todays world we live in as have set some rules in what fashion and style are concerned too much. Many fashion trends have begun from the celebrities. The young people wanted to wear what their role model or famous stars are wearing. Role models and the people that the youth aspire to be these days are not the wise or experienced; talent, wisdom and experience have given way to glamour, glitz and sex appeal. One such group was the famous Lady Gaga a pop singer. She normally would wear the branded clothes only. This indirectly makes her fans to influence to these brands. In fact, the younger population has become so infatuated with celebrities that they have begun getting plastic surgery to try to look like their admire celebrities. A research have being done by MTV, I Want a Famous Face program in 2003 stated that two million young people had plastic surgery alone. Nobody ever said that children were easy to rise. They don't come with guidelines or instructions, and they certainly don't come with a pause button. What they do come with is a crucial set of physical and emotional needs that must be met. Failure and irresponsibility of the parents to meet these specific needs and care can have wide-ranging effects. Parent's have the responsibility from God who gave them life to train up their children in a godly manner. No excuse is able to remove that responsibility. But what are the todays materialistic parents are doing? It can be good for a parent to hire someone else to teach or monitor their children. But would that person will fulfil the curtsy and need of their child? This type of situation makes the child to be lonely and be more freedom. For instance, coming back home at late at night, going clubbing, smoking, be more stubborn and even choose not to listen.

This problem links and because the youth become lack of discipline, morals and understanding their religions background. If we hear in news paper, very offend we hear many problems like youth taking drugs, running from house, become a pros tutor, and so on. The parents thought money are everything. Throwing money and pampering too much to their child make these problems creates yet again another quick fix and so the child is conditioned to become self-centered and greedy. This accepted trend leads to a mentality of If I dont get what I want, Ill cause trouble. So in homes, there is a lack of respect for the parents who cant control them, and these same parents who admonish teachers who try and discipline the child. In the same vein, this also leads the child to be not saving the money for their future use. Furthermore, materialism also occurs because of friends influences. How friends have influences? They pick up each others habits and sayings, likes and dislikes, the way of the clothes wearied, the little sayings you have said, the way of attitudes and so on. Todays young people are being alerted what would be happen if they hang out with the wrong crow? It might be make a big impact to their life. When they dont have the care and love from their family they began to find someone who can make them happy and comfortable that are only friends. This how the had influenced. For example, try smoking, try alcoholic drinks, taking pills, drugs and extra. In directly, influence by friends also link to peer pressure. Do you know what is peer pressure? Peer pressure means influence into social life by others to an individual. This can be seen by their changes on his or her values, character, attitude and behaviour. This cause the teens being more concern into different community or groups and spending less time for their family and religion matter. For instance, the news of Black Metal which the youngster involved and say no god exit and spread wrong teaching in the society. Normally, the consumer would influence by the fake information about the products and services which make an invasive marketing. The teenager are the vulnerable to misleading advertising and dont begin to understand that the advertisement are not true. Maybe you have question are this cause an impact to teenager? Obviously the answer is yes. All the youngster wanted to have a good looking by image result in branded things. This type of marketings gave them a bring them a fake fulfilment with the products. This cause the consumer buys the product although it have charged with high limits or high interest rates. Other than that the social status also has ruled the young peoples life. Social status is the position or rank of a person or group within the society or by their own achievements. Status is being analysis by the wealth and personal income, education and ethnicity. But in todays materialistic world, status is the biggest problem among the communities. For instances, the persons with high social standings would be considered "popular" and being respected whereas poor people are being though low educator and not being respected equally.

If this the, how would Malaysia will be in next 20 years? I cant image it. Teenagers are our countries back bone to lead our country tomorrow. If this problem arises day to day, we would be having more effects to our society and country. In a more subtle course, materialism promotes the idolatry of possessions or material wealth. Possessions are believed to fill all human need and characterize quality of life. For a godless society, the philosophy of materialism may seem plausible. Besides that, in the future the youngsters may become greedier and acquisition of material goods likes lust, envy, false comfort and extra. The youngster also becomes no sense of right or wrong, and preoccupation to money. The teenager may also undermined any personal responsibility, for example their responsibility towards their parents. The teenager also might become more selfish, rude and highly materialistic, and dont have the religion basis to know which are good and bad and extra.

By this, all of us should take a serious action towards this problem. There a lot of solution to get rides this problem. First of all parents should understand that money cant buy you love. It also cant buy you happiness either. They parents should monitor them with love and care and guide them using religion or moral values. This will make them to differentiation either good or bad. Last but not least, Im sure that this is a topic that would ignite fierce debate and opinion from all sides. Finally, I want to conclude that although materialism like make our daily life to be comfort, dont forget there is harm behind of it. So, let all of us live in the world of a materialism-free life and discovering true happiness that come from the soul of a person.


Boston, Gabriella (2003). Designed to Fit In; Teen Fashion Defined by friends influences (The Washington Times, D01) retrieved on 17 March 2010 Pavitt, Jane. Brand. New. (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2000) retrived on 17 March 2010 Russel, Peter (2000). Waking Up in Time, Materialism- An Addictive Meme retrived on 19 March 2010 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Research. (2002-2003) retrived on 19 March 2010 Koehn, Daryl. (1999). "Business Ethics Is Not a Contradiction." San Antonio Business Journal 12(49) (January): 38, retrived on 19 March 2010 retrived on 20 March 2010 retrived on 21 March 2010 retrived on 21 March 2010





: NALANI A/P MURUGAN : 901022-10-6016 : SCSJ-0003570 : DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING : JUNE 2008 : MRS.LIM

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