Site Selection Criteria For Coal Power Plants

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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275

SBD/CFPP/SS-1947/11-0217 17th March 2011

Site Selection Form for Coal Fired Power Plant

Following are the requirements needed for the site selection of a proposed coal fired power plant.

1. Capacity:
Considered Capacity (MW)

2. Geographical Location:
Longitude & Latitude District/City Nearest Land Mark Distance from the nearest Land Mark (km)

3. Land Requirement:
Considering the case for 2000 MW Power Plant as reference, the land requirement for different divisions of power plant for a proposed capacity can be evaluated.
Area in ACRES (2000 MW)

S. No



Area in ACRES (Plant under consideration)


A. 1 2 3

Main Plant Area Power Block Stock Yard (Half a million Ton Storage) Cooling Towers, Pump Houses & Piping 50 150 50

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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275

S. No


Area in ACRES (2000 MW) 50 25 50 100 25 25 25


Area in ACRES (Plant under consideration)


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Water treatment plant Coal Conveyors Switch Yard Other BOP Facilities Space For FGD (only for PC Boilers) Road & Drainage in Plant Area Non - Plant Buildings Equipment Lay down & Open Space Sub Total

150 700 250 Should be 33% of total area For disposal of 1 Million tons fly ash up to the height of 10 m per year About 60% of total workers strength have to be provided with residential accommodation 89


Green Belt Development


Ash Pond



Staff & Officers Colony

Staff & Officers Quarters, Dormitories Schools & Hospitals, Banks & Community Center etc. Roads, Parks, Green Belt Sub Total Total Area in ACRES

2 3

10 50 149 1109

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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275

Calculation for Required Land:

For 100 MW -----100 Acres = 1 Acre / MW For 2000 MW----1109 Acres = 0.5 Acre / MW So the land for proposed site can be calculated as: Required Land (Acres)

S. No 1.

Condition If the proposed power plant capacity C is less than 2000 MW

Calculation L = {-0.000263 (C-100) + 1} x C L = 0.5 x C


If the proposed power plant capacity C is >=2000 MW

Now, Calculated Land = _____________ Acres Available Land = _____________ Acres Allotted weight to land = 25
S. No 1.

Overall value for land [L = 25 x P1] If available land = 80% of calculated land If available land = 60% to 80% of calculated land If available land < 60%



P1 = 1 P1 = 0.5 P1 =0

2. 3.

Total value for land: L = 25 x P1 = ________ 4. Water Requirement:

Water requirement is about 4 to 5 cubic meter or 0.04 cusecs to produce per MWh of electricity or 4-5 liters to produce per kWh of electricity. S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To produce per MWh Annual requirement for 90 % availability of water per MWh Water required to produced proposed Capacity C in MW Annual water requirement in cubic meter Available Water per year in cubic meter Water Required Quantity (liters) 4 to 5 m

H2Oa = 4 x 0.9 x 365 x24 H2Or = C x H2Oa / year H2Or = ________ m _______ m
3 3

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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275

S. No A.

Total value for Water [W = W1 + W2 + W3]

Availability of Water i. ii. iii. Available water < 90% of required water Available water < 80% of required water Available water < 60% of required water

Remarks [ W1 = 15 x P2 ] [ P2 = 1 ] [ P2 = 0.5 ] [ P2 = 0 ] [ W2 = 5 x P 3 ] [ P3 = 1 ] [ P3 = 0.5 ] [ P3 = 0.25 ] [ W3 = 5 x P 4 ] [ P4 = 1 ] [ P4 = 0 ]



Requirement of reservoir / dam / barrage for water intake i. ii. iii. Not required Reinforcement of old structure (s) required New Structure (s) required


Distance of the proposed site from water source i. ii. Less than 3 km Greater than 3 km


Available water source i. ii. iii. River Ocean Dam / Barrage / Reservoir Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Total value for water: W = W1 + W2 + W3 = ________ 5. Environmental Aspects:

S. No A.

Total value for environment [E = E1+E2+E3+E4+E5+E6+E7+E8]

The proposed site is at a distance beyond 25 km from the outer peripheries of metropolitan cities The proposed site is at a distance beyond 25 km from the outer peripheries of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and ecologically sensitive areas like tropical forests, biosphere reserves, national parks & sanctuaries important lakes and coastal areas rich in coral formations. The proposed site is at a distance beyond 10 km from the outer peripheries of places of archaeological, historical, cultural, tourist, religious importance and defense installations.

Remarks [ E1 = 2.25 x P5 ] True [ P5 = 1 ] False [ P5 = 0 ] [ E2= 2.25 x P6 ] True [ P6 = 1 ] False [ P6 = 0 ] [ E3= 2.25 x P7 ] True [ P7 = 1 ] False [ P7 = 0 ]




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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275


The proposed site does not fall in the approach funnel of the runway of the nearest airport. The proposed site does not utilize forest or prime agriculture land. The proposed site is at a distance beyond 5 km from the high tide line (HTL) (for coastal areas only).

[ E4 = 2.25 x P8 ] True [ P8 = 1 ] False [ P8 = 0 ] [ E5= 2.25 x P9 ] True [ P9 = 1 ] False [ P9 = 0 ] [ E6= 2.25 x P10 ] True [ P10 = 1 ] False [ P10 = 0 ] [ E7 = 2.25 x P11 ] True [ P11 = 1 ] False [ P11 = 0 ] [ E8= 2.25 x P12 ] True [ P12 = 1 ] False [ P12=0 ]




The proposed site is at least 500 m away from the highway (s).


The proposed site is at least 500 m away from the flood plain. Total value

Total value for Environment: E = E1 + E2 + E3 + E4 + E5 + E6 + E7 + E8 = _______ 6. Socio-Economic Environment:

S. No A.

Total value for socio-economic environment: [R = R1+ R2]

Requirement of rehabilitation & resettlement (R&R) i. ii. R&R Activities required R&R Activities not required

Remarks R1 = 5 x P13 [ P13 = 0 ] [ P13 = 1 ] Yes / No ------Yes / No


Existing dwelling, buildings Estimated population available Space available for relocation Development of civic amenities: The development of civic amenities is directly proportional to the size of power plant. E.g. the construction of hospitals, schools & roads. i. ii. Required Not Required


R2 = 5 x P14

[ P14 = 0 ] [ P14 = 1 ]

Total value for socio-economic environment: R = R1 + R2 = _______

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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275

7. Available Infrastructure for Coal Transportation:

S. No A. Road i. ii. iii. B. Highway Any other road No road

Total value for coal transportation [C=C1+C2+C3]

Remarks [ C1 = 4.0 x P15 ] [ P15 =1 ] [ P15 = 0.5 ] [ P15 = 0 ] [ C2 = 4.0 x P16 ] [ P16 = 1 ] [ P16 = 0 ] [ C3 = 4.0 x P17 ]


Railway network i. ii. Main line No railway line


Seaport i. ii. Within 200 km of the proposed site More than 200 km of the proposed site

[ P17 = 1 ] [ P17 = 0.5 ]

Total value for Coal Transportation: C = C1 + C2 + C3 = ____________ 8. Available Infrastructure for Transmission of Electricity:
S. No 1. Nearest interconnection point: Available 2. Transmission line: Available Distance in Km Capacity /Voltage Level Yes / No _____km ______ Yes / No Parameters Remarks

S. No 1.

Total value for available Transmission Line [ T ] If the distance of available transmission line is < 3 Km If the distance of available transmission line is >3 Km

[ T= 10 x P18 ] [ P18 = 1 ] [ P18 = 0.5 ]



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Karachi Electric Supply Company Ltd.

K.E.S.C House, 39-B, Sunset Boulevard, Phase-II, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi Tel: 32647012 Fax: 99205192 & 99206275

Total value for infrastructure available for Transmission of Electricity: T = _________ Conclusion:
S. No

Parameters Land Water Environment Socio economic environment Coal transportation Infrastructure for Transmission of Electricity Total value

Max. weight allotted 25 25 18 10 12 10 100

Value achieved

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

If total value obtained is < 75 then the proposed land is not considerable for power plant. Greater than 75% - Considerable Greater than 85% - Suitable Greater than 90% - Ideal Location

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