DCL YearTwo Training Overview

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Leadership Journey Year Two: Leading Others

The second year of Leadership Journey focuses on leading others putting authentic and personal leadership into action. We will begin by exploring the characteristics of highly effective work teams and understanding the importance of setting direction, strategic decision making, and continuous process improvement. We will continue to develop the competencies and skills learned in year one by working on real district-wide projects that are aligned with our organizational vision and long range goals. We will learn how to manage a project and facilitate a group. We will grow our skills to lead others through change and manage conflict by tackling difficult conversations promptly and confidently.

Year Two Learning Goals

1. Continue to assess and align personal leadership goals with DCLs mission, vision and values 2. Further develop and put into practice competencies from year one in everyday work activities and leadership projects. These include: Personal Productivity; Emotional Intelligence; Social Styles; Change Management; Systems Thinking; Problem Solving; Communication Skills (business writing; public speaking; personal communication/listening skills) 3. Complete two district projects, applying the basic concepts of project management 4. Understand the DCL budget process, purchasing policies, and monthly financial reports 5. Work collaboratively with project team members and project stakeholders 6. Facilitate team or group meetings in a variety of settings and situations 7. Utilize the Crucial Conversations model and key principles to overcome conflict and promote healthy dialogue while working on LJ projects

Curriculum Overview
Year Two will provide experiential learning opportunities through project work. We will be breaking the ten participants into teams. Each team will work on two district-level projects. The first project will be fairly simple; the second project will be more complex. We will again kick off the year with a retreat. Some months the entire group will meet for training, project updates, and presentations. Other months of the year will be open so project teams have time to meet.

January Retreat Day: Building, Leading, and Sustaining Effective Teams Year Two Curriculum Details Project One Assignment and orientation meeting with project sponsor

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February Project Management 101 Workshop March DCL Budget Basics Project One Progress Update April Project One Presentations Project Two Team Assignments (with brief description and intro of sponsors) May Project Two Orientation for individual teams with sponsors May Influencer: The Power To Change Anything Project Two Progress Update June Facilitating Groups Two day MSEC on-site class September Coaching Workshop Project Two Progress Update November Project Two Report/Presentation Session December Evaluation, Graduation Celebration, and Lunch

NOTE: Participants should also attend one of the Crucial Conversations workshops in 2012.

MAS 10/08/08

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