Diablo Keystone

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Introduction to Diablo


The REAL Diablo Release

Architecture Hypervisors Nova Swift/Storage(LunR) Glance Quantum / Melange Dashboard Keystone

Diablo Architecture
Token Based Auth

Glance Imaging Svc. Service Image LunR Block Storage EBS style block storage

API Server
OpenStack API EC2 /S3 API

Nova Compute Basic Scheduler

Dynamic Hypervisor Manager Power State Manager

Multi-Hypervisor Manager

Quantum Network Router

IP Manager

Dashboard - UI
User / Admin Interface

Swift Object Storage Proxy Server

Object Server Container Server





Diablo Nova Enhancements

Key Features:

Keystone Integration Better KVM/QEMU Integration Better Xen Integration Nova Block Volumes Dashboard Enabled Event Notification Distributed Scheduler System Usage Virtual Storage Arrays Boot with Volume Global Firewall Rules

Diablo Swift/Storage Enhancements

Key Features:

Keystone Integration Dashboard Enabled Improved client IP logging Auto-account creation Multi-cluster container sync Option for replication Ceph Sheepdog Gluster

Diablo- Glance
Use: IaaS virtual machine image repository for provisioning base level or configured VMs Key Features
Configured to use standard command line and configuration option processing, making use of pastedeploy configuration Registry database is under version control, with migration files allowing upgrade and downgrade of the registry database. Versatile combination of "disk format" and "container format" fields, allowing more than just EC2-style image formats to be stored in the registry New command line tool that allows user to interact with Image Service -- add and update images and image attributes, see public images, delete images, etc. Support for checksumming images added to the server to verify image integrity Extensive logging functionality to both the API and Registry servers, including the ability to configure logging separately from other options using Python's standard logging module configuration files A functional test suite that starts and stops actual Glance servers and executes commands against those servers from the new command line client as well as a curl client

Quantum / Melange

Physical Constraints 802.1Q QnQ / MLAG Security Constraints Layer 2 has no knowledge of identity rely on switch/port config

Integrated with Keystone Pluggable Recently added as Top Level Project Admin view / Customer View Concept of Role


Primary point of entry for every permissible openstack operation Pluggable Starting out as Auth-N and Auth-Z (token based)




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