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Algorithm for Blocking Artifact Detection & Reduction using adaptive filtering in Compressed Images
Department of ECE Beant College of Engineering & Technology Gurdaspur, India

Kawaldeep Singh (M.Tech Student)

Department of ECE Beant College of Engineering & Technology Gurdaspur, India

Parveen Kumar (Associate Professor)

Keywords- Block discrete cosine transform, blocking artifacts, JPEG, MSSIM, PSNR

Block DCT coding has been successfully used in image and video compression applications due to its energy compacting property and relative ease of implementation. After segmenting an image into blocks of size NxN, the blocks are independently DCT transformed, quantized, coded, and transmitted. One of the most noticeable degradation of the block transform coding is the blocking artifact. These artifacts appear as a regular pattern of visible block boundaries. Transform coding is the heart of several industry standards for image and video compression. In particular, the discrete cosine transform (DCT) is the basis for the JPEG image coding standard, the MPEG video coding standard, and the ITUTH. 261 and H.263 recommendations for real time visual communication. However BDCT has a major drawback which is usually called blocking artifacts. In order to reduce blocking artifact, measurement of blocking artifact is very necessary[1]. Several methods have been proposed to measure the blocking artifacts in compressed images. In [2], a model was obtained that gives the numerical value depending upon the visibility of the blocking artifacts in compressed images and thus requires original image for comparison with reconstructed image. In practice the original images will not be available. In [3] the blocky image is modelled as a non blocky image interfering with a pure blocky signal. Blocking artifacts measurement is accomplished

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Abstract Image coding or compression has played a significant role in the success of digital communications and multimedia. The use of Image coding pervades many aspects of our digital lifestyle, a lifestyle that has seen widespread demand for applications like third generation mobile telephony, portable music players, Internet-based video conferencing, digital television, etc. The reconstructed images from JPEG compression produce noticeable image degradation near the block boundaries, in particular for highly compressed images, because each block is transformed and quantized independently. we propose an adaptive approach which performs blockiness reduction in both the DCT and spatial domains to reduce the block-to-block discontinuities The proposed post- processing algorithm, which consists of three stages, reduces these blocking artifacts efficiently. A comparative study between the proposed algorithm and other post-processing algorithms based on various performance indices is made.

by estimating the power of blocky signal. The weakness of is to assume that the difference of the pixel value in block boundary is caused only by blocking artifacts. This assumption decreases computation complexity but the measured value does not confirm to truth for the two adjacent blocks with a gradual change in pixel value. The variation of pixel value across block boundary was modelled as a linear function. This method is not accurate especially for the adjacent blocks with a large change of pixel value across the block boundary[2-3] .In this paper we propose a blind but accurate measurement algorithm by taking into account that the change in pixel value across block boundary is large as compared to adjacent pixels as we more away across block boundary.

Over the past several years, many techniques have been applied to reduce the blocking artifacts in block DCT coded images. Two approaches are generally adopted. In the first approach, the reduction of blocking artifacts is carried out at the encoding side but the methods based on this approach do not conform to the existing standards such as JPEG and MPEG. In the second approach, the reconstructed image is post processed aimed at improving its visual quality without any modification in the encoding or decoding mechanisms, making it compatible with the aforesaid coding standards. Because of this advantage, most of the recently proposed algorithms follow the second approach. Post processing of the decoded image may be carried out in spatial domain or in frequency domain. A. Spatial Domain Techniques Spatial domain refers to image plane itself and approaches in this category are based on direct manipulation of pixels in an image. Reeve and Lim proposed a symmetric, two-dimensional 3 x 3 Gaussian spatial filtering method for the pixels along the block boundaries [4]. However, it causes blurring of the image due to its low pass nature. Nonlinear space variant filter which adapts to the varying shape of the local signal spectrum, and reduces only the locally out of band noise [5]. The algorithm employs a two dimensional (2-D)


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filter in the areas away from edges, and for near edges, one dimensional (1-D) filter aligned parallel to edge so as to minimize the blocking artifacts. Adaptive separable median filter (ASMF) was proposed in [6]. The proposed filter not only reduced the blocking artifacts, but also preserved the edges. In presented a region-based method for enhancement of images degraded by blocking effects [7]. In this method, the degraded image is segmented by a region growing algorithm, and each region is filtered using a low pass filter. It preserves the edges, as filtering is not applied to region boundaries. Lee et al. proposed a post-processing algorithm to reduce the blocking artifacts in JPEG compressed images after classifying them into edge area and monotone area according to the edge map, which is obtained after thresholding the gradient absolute image [8]. The signal adaptive filtering consists of a 1-D directional smoothing filtering for edge area and 2-D adaptive average filtering for monotone area. A corner outlier detection/replacement scheme is also given to remove the corner outlier. Chou et al. remove blockiness by performing a simple nonlinear smoothing of pixels [9]. They first form the maximum likelihood estimation of quantization noise to differentiate between artificial and actual edges. Many researches proposed iterative methods in these methods, initially closed convex constraint sets are defined which correspond to all of the available data on the original uncoded image. Iterative computations of alternating projections onto these convex sets recover the original image from the coded image. However, these methods usually have high computational complexity, and thus are difficult to adapt to real time image processing applications. Luo et al. proposed a two step approach for blocking artifacts reduction based on MAP [10]. First, a DC calibration is performed in a block by block fashion based on gradient continuity constraints over the block boundaries. Then, a modified Huber-Markov random field model is employed in order to differentiate the pixels on the block boundary from those inside the block. Finally a local optimization technique, iterative conditional mode (ICM) is applied to employ smoothing algorithms. Meier et al. proposed a method to remove blocking artifacts by first segmenting the degraded image into regions by an MRF segmentation algorithm, and then each region is enhanced separately using an MRF model [11] Coudoux et al. proposed a method based on a nonlinear, space variant filtering [12]. A visibility parameter is computed for each artifact using several characteristics of the human vision system (HVS). Then this information is used to steer the selection of an adaptive nonlinear, space variant smoothing operation at block boundaries. Averbuch et al. proposed a new algorithm based on using (WSSAP) for the elimination of blocking artifacts [13]. The weight adaptation grading scheme was introduced in order to prevent the occurrence of ghosting effect. The deblocking frames of variable sizes (DFOVS) scheme was proposed in order to achieve better deblocking in monotone areas. Ju et al. proposed a method based on POCS that offers a necessary and suitable way to adjust pixels intensity [14].In the proposed method three locally adaptive constraints are introduced to improve deblocking results .The

proposed method uses human visual system modeling and local properties of the pixels for adjusting pixels intensity. Park et al. [15] proposed the blocking artifact measurement in both pixel and DCT domain with higher accuracy. The proposed method measures the blocking artifacts by using the original pixel difference in block boundary without using the original image. Ratchakit et al. proposed a new objective image quality measurement called Mean Average Error with Spatial Frequency Measurement (MAESFM) [16].They found that the mean average error with SFM (MAESFM) is the suitable measurement that can be used to measure the quality of JPEG and JPEG 2000 compressed images. B. Frequency Domain Techniques . Wang et al. [17] utilized Walsh Transform to form a DC Image for obtaining the edge distribution in the original Image. An Adaptive filter and compensatory matrices are used to overcome the drawback of former algorithm. A new index to measure the blocking effects namely the mean squared difference of slope (MSDS) is introduced. It is shown that the expected value of the MSDS increase after quantizing the DCT coefficients. This approach removes the blocking effect by minimizing the MSDS, while imposing linear constraints corresponding to quantization bounds. Lakhani et al. also reduce blocking effects using MSDS [18]. Minami et al. gave a new approach for reducing the blocking effect in frequency domain [19]. Liu et al. proposed a DCT domain method for blind measurement of blocking artifacts, by modeling the artifacts as 2-D step functions in shifted blocks [20]. A fast DCT domain algorithm extracts all the parameters required to detect the presence of blocking artifacts, by using HVS properties. Artifacts are then reduced by using an adaptive method. Zeng proposed a simple DCT domain method for blocking artifact reduction by applying a zero masking to the DCT coefficients of some shifted image blocks [21]. However, the loss of edge information caused by the zeromasking scheme is noticeable. Luo and Ward gave a technique, which preserved the edge information [22]. Traintafyllidis et al. have proposed another method of minimizing MSDS, which involves diagonal neighboring pixels in addition to horizontal and vertical neighboring pixels This technique is based on reducing the blocking artifacts in the smooth regions of the image. The correlation between the intensity values of the boundary pixels of two neighboring blocks in the DCT domain is used to distinguish between smooth and non smooth regions [23]. The weakness of is to assume that the difference of the Pixel values in the block boundary is caused by only the blocking artifacts. Mikhael et al.[24] Proposed a novel multiple transform domain split vector quantization (VQ) technique for Image compression, By using the proposed technique, a lower data rates is achieved for the same PSNR [25]. This is accomplished at the expense of increased computational complexity at the encoder. The proposed method can control the compression ratio at certain critical regions of the image so that the target recognition performance can be preserved. Park et al. [26] proposed method that can measure the blocking artifact's in

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An attempt has been made in the present paper to further improve the approach presented in [27] by adding the concept of corner outlier detection and replacement algorithm. A corner outlier is visible at the corner point of the 8*8 block, where the corner point is either much larger or much smaller than the neighoubouring pixels. In the method proposed by [30] a 3*3 median filter is used in the intermediate mode. In this mode only the pixels near the block boundary are selected in the filtering window and there gray values are modified within the specified range around the gray values of the neighboring pixels. In the intermediate mode the corner pixel values are not selected in the filtering window and hence are not modified, which results in the pixel value that is either much larger or much smaller than the neighboring pixels in the corner point of the 8*8 DCT block in the JPEG decompressed image. In addition to that a blind but accurate measurement algorithm for blocking artifacts measurement is presented in this paper. A differentiation between actual edge and artificial discontinuity arising from blocking artifact is made with a view to preserve the actual edges in the image while reducing the artificial discontinuity. For the smooth regions the reduction of blocking artifact is carried out by modifying six DCT coefficients (three on either side of the block boundary). For the non-smooth regions the reduction of blocking artifact is carried out by modifying four DCT coefficients (two on either side of the block boundary) and for the intermediate regions the reduction of blocking artifact is carried out by modifying two DCT coefficients (one on either side of the block boundary)

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Where x, y =0 N-1. In (1), f(x, y) is constant in the vertical direction and anti-symmetric in the horizontal direction.

Thus the eight pixels values on the function f(x, y) can be obtained as


The above results suggest that in order to reduce the blocking effect between two horizontally adjacent (8 x8) blocks, Fb(u,v)

both Pixel & DCT domain with low computational complexity [27]. The proposed method can be used to improve the performance of existing algorithms reducing the blocking artifact. The proposed method measures true blocking artifacts using the original image and can be used to improve the performance of existing algorithm's reducing the blocking artifact. Irina et al. [28] presented a method of locating sharp, straight edges in parametric form using frequency-space representation of DCT-coded images. The proposed method shows significant improvement in accuracy over previous comparative methods. F. Pan et al. Jainxin wei et al. [29] proposed odd tile length low pass first (OT LPF) convention. The proposed OTLPF convention provides a simple method to significantly reduce coding artifacts at tile boundaries in wavelet-based image compression. The proposed method is very simple and involves no changes to wavelet transform. The method not only reduces tile boundary artifacts, but also reduces the bit rate needed for a given PSNR in the compressed image. [30] presented a novel un-referenced approach for measuring blocking artifacts in BDCT coding .The proposed algorithm uses the edge directional information of the image's and does not need the exact location of the block boundary and is thus invariant to the displacement, rotation and scaling of the images.

A. Proposed blocking artifact measurement system Blocking artifacts are introduced in the horizontal and vertical directions. Let us consider two adjacent blocks c1 and c2. Here we study the case of horizontally adjacent blocks. For the vertical adjacent blocks same principles apply. Let the right half of c1 and left half of c2 form a block denoted as block b. Block b is the 8x8 block which contains the boundary pixels, If any blocking artifacts occur between c1 and c2 the pixel value in b will be abruptly changed. c1 c2 b

Fig.1 Illustration of constituting the new shifted block b. I. Let the right half of c1 and left half of c2 form a block denoted as block b. Block b is the 8x8 block which contains the boundary pixels, If any blocking artifacts occur between c1 and c2 the pixel value in b will be abruptly changed. In this paper a novel DCT- domain method for blind measurement of blocking artifacts is proposed, by modeling the abrupt change in b. Assume that the change in pixel value across the block boundary is very large as compared to the variation in pixel value as we move away from block boundary. . Then the change in pixel value in block b can be modeled as a two dimensional function f(x,y) given by

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for v= 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and should be modified. These modifications should be carried so as to reduce the blockiness effect and at the same time preserve the original information of the image. This method basically suppresses the amplitudes of some of the odd numbered DCT coefficients. However altering the values of these coefficients without taking into consideration the information about the nature of the image in that neighborhood might result in artifacts. [18][19][20] This is specially the case for high bit rate applications. Thus the filtering should adapt to the local information content of the image. Before such filtering is performed, one has to ensure that the edge appearance (blockiness) between blocks A and B is not due to a genuine horizontal change in the grey levels of the pictures at that position. Thus the conditions that should be met before modifying the blockiness appearance of the relatively smooth regions are: 1) Block A has a similar horizontal frequency property as block B. 2) The boundary between block A and block B belongs to a relatively smooth region. To meet condition (1) above, the first row of the DCT matrix of block A and that of block B should be close in values. However as discussed in [9] and [10], the coefficients in the 3x 3 top left corner of the DCT coefficient matrix are good representatives of the block frequency property. This is because most of the image energy is compacted in these low frequencies. Thus, to save on the number of computations and to meet the first condition above, we only impose the following two constraints: |Fb1(0,0)- Fb2(0,0)|<T1 (4) | Fb1(0,1)- Fb2(0,0)|<T2 (5) To address condition (2) above we note that if there is a strong edge between block A and block B, this edge appears in block C. Thus, for condition (2) to be satisfied, we also have to make sure that block C is of low frequency content. The presence of texture or strong diagonal edges would result in relatively high values of the high order DCT coefficients. However, from our experiments we found that to save on the number of computation sit is enough to meet the following constraint:

relevant coefficients of C . The first row of the DCT coefficient matrix of block C is modified by the weighted average of blocks A, B, and C. The advantage of using weighted average of adjacent block coefficients to modify the AC coefficients of block C, instead of simply reducing the values of these coefficients, is that it is much more adaptive to image contents. In the very low bit rate encoding, the AC coefficients in blocks b1 and b2 have small values due to quantization. This is also true for stationary regions.

|F b (3,3)| <T3
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(6) where

Fig 2 : Various stages of Post-processing Algorithm to Detect and Remove artifacts (a) Original Peepers (512X512) (b) JPEG compression of Peepers(512X512) at different Q-Factor (c ) Postprocessed image after filtering

We can calculate the performance of above said algorithm by calculating the PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), MSE (Mean Square Error)& MSSIM(Mean Structural Similarities Index). As shown in Fig 2.

A. PSNR(Peak Signal To Noise ratio): PSNR is basically a logarithmic scale of the mean squared difference between two sets of values (pixel values, in this case). It is used as a general measure of image quality, but it does not specifically measure blocking artifacts. In observed literature, PSNR is used as a source-dependant artifact measure, requiring the original, uncompressed image to compare with. PSNR is defined as: PSNR = 20log10 (255/MSE) MSE = (Bi Ai)/n (7) (8)

Please note thatT1 ,T2, and T3 are all predetermined i.e. fixed thresholds. According to our simulations, we found that T1=350, T2=130 & T3=80 gave the best results. The selection of these thresholds are based on the observation of the blockiness and experiments. The choice of the thresholds are image and compression ratio dependent. [21][22][23] However, the selection of these values are not critical. The results are very close when the values are chosen within 10% range. For very low bit rates the above scheme results in more aggressive filtering than in the case of higher bit rates If the three constraints above are satisfied, we perform the blockiness reduction in the DCT domain by modifying the five

where i = 0 to n and n is the number of pixels in the image. It is easily seen that this blockiness measure is not actually aware of the artifacts it is measuring - it is simply a gauge of how different the corresponding (that is, the same position) pixel values are between two images. Because a blocky image is different from the original and a severely blocky image is more, so PSNR is an acceptable measure, and hence the primary measure used to compare the proposed method. However, two images with completely different levels of perceived blockiness may have almost identical PSNR values.

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B. MSSIM (Mean Structural Similarity): Structural similarity based image quality assessment method, which is motivated from the observation that natural image signals are highly structured means that the signal samples have strong dependencies amongst themselves, especially when they are spatially proximate. These dependencies carry important information about the structure of the objects in the visual scene. Therefore, a measurement of structural information change or structural similarity (or distortion) should provide a good approximation to perceived image quality [24-25].

All images are sized equal to 512x512 .The algorithm is applied using various performance indices (namely MSE, PSNR and MSSIM) at different Quality Factors. Along with these comparative studies are represented the results are shown in Fig: 4 & 5 with the help of MATLAB 7.5 [41] for pentagon image.

where i is the sample index and N is the number of signal samples (pixels).The system separates the task of similarity measurement into three comparisons, luminance, contrast and structure. The complete post-processing algorithm can be summed up in a way which depicts various stages namely JPEG compression, detection and removal of blocking artifacts and then filtering the output image using 2-D median filter which removes noises other than corner outlier. This is having window size of 3X3 which will improve PSNR, MSE and MSSIM. VI. RESULT & DISCUSSION

x = {| xi| y = {|yi| i = 1, 2, ..N} i = 1, 2..N}
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The system diagram of the SSIM image quality assessment system is shown in Figure 3. Suppose x and y are two nonnegative image signals, which have been aligned with each other (e.g., spatial patches extracted from each image). The purpose of the system is to provide a similarity measure between them. The similarity measure can serve as a quantitative measurement of the quality of one signal if we consider the other to have perfect quality. Here x and y can be either continuous signals with a finite support region, or discrete signals represented as

To check the validation of proposed algorithm four standard images have been selected namely Lena, House and Pentagon.

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Figure 3: MSSIM Assessment System

Figure 4: Relationship between PSNR and Quality Factor of Pentagon Image

The figure 7 shows the relationship between PSNR and Quality of Pentagon Image using Ward Method (blue) and Proposed Method (green).It is very clear from the plot that there is increase in PSNR value of Pentagon image with the use of proposed method over the Ward method. This increase represents improvement in the objective quality of the image

Figure 5: Relationships between MSSIM and Quality Factor of Pentagon Image

xzThe figure 4 shows the relationship between MSSIM and Quality Factor of Pentagon (512x512) Image using Ward Method and Proposed Algorithm. It is very clear from the graph that there is improvement in MSSIM value of Pentagon image with the use of proposed method over the Ward Method. This increase represents improvement in the

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objective quality of the image. The proposed algorithm is tested on various standard images (namely Lena, House and

Pentagon) as discussed in table 1.

Table 1: Performance of the proposed algorithms for various compressed images: Comparison of proposed Algorithm with other Algorithms on the basis of PSNR, MSE & MSSIM indices

Sr. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Image Name

Q- Factor 1 3

Ward Method PSNR 30.1953 29.5418 28.9816 28.4531 27.7119 28.6425 27.7559 27.1148 26.4865 25.7954 28.1701 26.6893 26.2431 25.7018 MSE 62.1657 72.2603 82.2089 92.8479 110.126 88.8845 109.0163 126.3579 146.0254 171.215 99.1001 MSSIM 0.9796 0.9713 0.9625 0.9533 0.9373 0.9719 0.9614 0.9495 0.9367 0.9248 0.9612 0.9447 0.9282 0.9112 0.8861 PSNR 30.4722 29.9774 29.4349 28.904 28.0172 28.7896 27.8082 27.276 26.7819 26.0148 28.2134 27.3842 26.8846 26.4349 25.8168

Proposed Algorithm MSE 58.326 65.3647 74.0611 83.6904 102.651 86.4085 107.7122 121.7532 136.4239 162.78 100.582 118.7567 133.2343 147.7698 170.3733 MSSIM 0.9855 0.977 0.9667 0.9558 0.9357 0.9736 0.9651 0.9538 0.9419 0.9259 0.9635 0.9532 0.938 0.9219 0.8956


5 7 10 1 3


5 7 10 1 3



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