Career Plan

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CAREER OBJECTIVE My goal is to complete high school with the necessary prerequisites for continuing my education. Then I want to complete a four year Bachelor of Education degree at the University of Saskatchewan so that I may teach English and Social Studies at the Senior One to Senior Four level. HIGH SCHOOL In order to be accepted to the University of Saskatchewan I must graduate with a minimum 28 credits. Of those 28, five must be Grade Twelve credits including two English credits and one Math. I must have a minimum grade of sixty five percent. CAREER CHOICE I want to be a secondary school teacher. According to Job Futures (, the duties include planning and delivering lessons to groups of students, provide feedback and progress reports and obtain help for students as required. Again, according to Job Futures, full-time earnings (1993) for a secondary educatior are: $59,000 (highest), $43,000 (average), $27,000 (lowest). While the unemployment rate is less than half of the national average, job prospects (according to 1993 predictions) for this field are getting worse. BUDGET University: University of Saskatchewan A. Cost per year (1993): 1. Tuition: $3384 + $117 (student fees) 2. Textbooks: $750 (approximate) 3. Food & Shelter: $3652 (Residence) 4. Entertainment: $1600 (8 months x $200) 5. Travel (home): $360 (2 trips via Greyhound) 6. Summer spending: $500 (4 months x $400) 7. Other: $500 (unexpected expenses) Total Cost Per Year: $12,000 Total Cost For Degree: $48,000 B. Projected sources of income per year: 1. Savings: $1000 2. Parental Assistance: $2000 3. Student Loans: $3500 4. Part Time Job: $1200 (16 cheques x $75 during school) 5. Full Time Job: $3000 (8 cheques x $375 during summer) 6. Scholarships/Awards: $0 (must have at least a 75% average) 7. Other Assistance: $0 Total Income Per Year $10,700 Total Income Per Degree $42.800 Total Deficit: Total Student Debt: $7,200 $14,000 (not including deficit!)

PROGRAM STRUCTURE My first and fourth years must include 30 credit hours each. The second and third years must incorporate 33 credit hours per year. In Year 1, I must take 24 credit hours of academic course work. In Year 2, I am only required to take 18 credit hours of academic classes, and 12 to 18 credit hours in Year 3. Each year of program studies must be completed before moving into the next year. Thus, the Year 1 courses are prerequisites for Year 2 classes. This is true for each consecutive year. A minimum 60% overall average must also be maintained to progress into the next year. The first semester of Year 4 is spent on the Extended Practicum. I must finish with a minimum of 30 credit hours in Teaching Area 1 and a minimum of 18 credit hours in Teaching Area 2. If my selection of courses is appropriate, I may be able to complete a three year Bachelor of Arts degree with a fifth year of study. Secondary Option Requirements Outline First Year (30 credit hours) EDCUR 102.3 EDFDT 101.3 ENG 110.6 6 credit hours in Teaching Area 1 (English) 6 credit hours in Teaching Area 2 (Social Studies) 6 credit hours in Academic Electives Second Year (33 credit hours) EDCUR 200.3, 279.3 EDFDT 335.3 EDPSY 258.3 3 credit hours in Education Electives 6 credit hours in Teaching Area 1 (English) 6 credit hours in Teaching Area 2 (Social Studies) 6 credit hours in senior Academic Electives Student Teaching Third Year (33 credit hours) EDEXC 390.3 3 credit hours in basic methodology in Teaching Area 1 (English) 3 credit hours in basic methodology in Teaching Area 2 (Social Studies) 6 credit hours in open (Academic or Education) electives 12 credit hours in Teaching Area 1 (English) 6 credit hours in Teaching Area 2 (Social Studies) Student Teaching Fourth Year (30 credit hours) Term 1 (12 credit hours) EX PR 400.10 ED PSY 432.2 Term 2 (18 credit hours) EDADM 425.3 EDFDT 435.3 EDPSY 415.3 3 credit hours in advanced methodology in Teaching Area 1 (English) 6 credit hours in Education electives

POTENTIAL EMPLOYER Researching a company (school division) I would like to work for the School District of Mysterylake No. 2355 (Thompson). Before I apply for or accept a job there, I must know whether or not it is a suitable place to work and live. Thus gathering information (research) is essential. Through my research I have learned that this school division employs approximately 200 teachers. Job security has been fairly stable, but as Inco (the citys largest employer) goes so to does the economy of Thompson and thus the schools. Recently, as teaching jobs have opened up in the south, more jobs have become available in this city due to teachers applying for and receiving jobs down there. The starting salary for a first year Class IV teacher (1997) is $35,370. There are 10 pay increments. As well, there is a travel allowance paid ($539) on the first Friday following the beginning of the school year. Other benefits include 20 sick days per year to a maximum accummulated total of 200. A percentage of the surplus days may be paid out upon retirement. You may use up to 15 of these sick days in a row for family health concerns. Each year you are allowed 2 paid personal days. Health (drugs, dental, vision) and life insurance premiums will be paid by the school division on behalf of the teacher. Teachers are provided an uninterrupted lunch period of 55 minutes (no lunch duty). As well, extracurricular participation is voluntary. There are several other benefits available to teachers in this division. Given this is a relatively stable place of employment and the contract is probably one of the best in Manitoba, this appears to be a good place to work. The city offers many conveniences such as a mall that includes Wal-Mart and Safeway. As well there is a Canadian Tire store, SAAN, McDonalds, A&W, Pizza Hut, all three North American car dealorships, two hockey arenas, an indoor swimming pool, and the list goes on. This city boasts a population of just under 15,000 people. The area also includes excellent outdoor activities. There is a small downhill ski hill, ample snowmobiling trails, and Paint Lake is great for camping, fishing, and living. For the most part, Thompson and the School District of Mystery Lake have just about everything a person could need. There are only two major drawbacks. One, you are a 7 hour drive from Winnipeg. Two, Inco can affect your employment and your housing. For some people, these concerns may be too much. For me, the money and the opportunities seem too attractive. This would probably be a good place to start a career!

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